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Two new resource guides have been made available to help students and educators explore careers in architecture. “Your Guide to a Career in Architecture” is designed for high school students interested in joining the architectural community, while “Your Guide to Helping Students Consider a... View full entry
School/House was designed in response to COVID-19 as schools across the globe are struggling to meet the spatial demands of social distancing. According to the School/House website, SOM's architects and engineers worked closely together to create an alternative to existing modular classrooms on... View full entry
With school shootings becoming a point of concern for many across the country, K-12 design methodologies are beginning to address the issue as well. Fruitport High School in Fruitport, Michigan, for example, is undergoing a $48 million renovation project aimed at incorporating some of these... View full entry
Architecture shapes our environment. But studying architecture shapes how we see, understand and interpret the world. A building, a neighborhood, a city — each is the result of particular priorities, circumstances and choices.It’s a startling realization, especially for young people, but also... View full entry