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aiming for it to be an active community hub and an engine for new ideas about art and design and the many interests of Herbert Bayer. Not, then, just another white cube museum honoring another dead white man...a destination for local school groups as well as global scholars working in modern and contemporary art and design — The Aspen Times
Andrew Travers goes inside the 8,000-square-foot museum, designed by Jeffrey Berkus Architects and Rowland + Broughton, chats with the executive director about the guiding vision, and reviews its year-long opening exhibition, ‘Herbert Bayer: An Introduction.’ View full entry
Hippie modernism focused not on rigorous form but rather on a kind of socially inspired bricolage. Hippie modernism has been not only misunderstood but also underestimated. Buckminster Fuller’s concept of a ‘design science revolution’ inspired the hippie bricoleurs to shoulder their generation’s emerging notion of environmental stewardship. — PLACES JOURNAL
Greg Castillo pens a great article about one of the most overlooked and often dismissed role of hippies in what we have today greedily claimed by the millenials and known as "environmental movement."“Hippie Modernism” is published in coordination with the Walker Art Center... View full entry