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Archtober–New York City's Architecture and Design Month–is starting next week! The anticipated festival from Oct. 1-31, 2013 continues to grow with an amazing variety of exhibitions, conferences, films, tours, and other activities to celebrate the importance of architecture and design... View full entry
Archtober–New York City's Architecture and Design Month–is fast approaching. The anticipated festival from Oct. 1-31, 2013 continues to grow with an amazing variety of exhibitions, conferences, films, tours, and other activities to celebrate the importance of architecture and design... View full entry
Archinect's Architecture School Lecture Guide for Fall 2013 Here on Archinect we recently launched "Get Lectured", where we'll feature a school's lecture series--along with their snazzy posters--for the current season. Check back regularly to stay up-to-date and mark your calendars for any... View full entry
Archtober–New York City's Architecture and Design Month–is fast approaching. The anticipated festival from Oct. 1-31, 2013 continues to grow with an amazing variety of exhibitions, conferences, films, tours, and other activities to celebrate the importance of architecture and design... View full entry
"Are festivals and biennales dynamic catalysts to discuss and celebrate the city and architectural culture?" asks the Architecture Foundation, which is putting on the event as part of London's own month-long festival of architecture. "Or are they calculated devices of tourism and industrial promotion?" —
This past Monday the anti-establishment infiltrated Yale School of Architecture in a dashing gold scarf. Seducing the audience with a breathless stream of “Frenglish,” whose charm derived from the speaker’s sheer enthusiasm for his subject, François Roche rose to a god-like status typically only afforded movie stars. And if there were a god in whose likeness he is modeled, it would have to be Janus, the forward-backward-looking deity of beginnings and transitions. —
Related: R&Sie(n) (cancellation letter) View full entry
Below are the 11 most visited Events during 2011, powered by our sister site Bustler. For a full list of all of our top 11 lists for 2011, click here. 1. Design Speed Dating: CALL FOR PORTFOLIOS 2. Teaching Architecture: 3 Positions Made in Switzerland 3. Compostela Architecture Summer Program... View full entry