happy easter to my chriistian friends. we must respect to others' beliefs as long as they don't impose some trash sorting rules on us, on top of the sanitary dept., and please take it with sense of humor coming from a 1% sufi 99% rock n roll like me.
let's pick on the news;
to iPhone users; chicken or the egg?
that double double libeskind; how clean are you pal?
watch this trend; here and here.
things are improving on the road!
less than 100 days to zaragoza.
let's get naked, or evereybody must get stoned.
open to all.
RIP of the week.
what's your position on this?
women hijacked!
lighten up, isn't archinect great when in need of help?
ie; like this mystery solved!
also, thank you DaveF. see what i mean.
when in archinect, be generous to other members. that's what the place is all about...
and, let me know if there are any problems...
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