This week in the world of architecture…
The family suffers a death in the family. Randall Stout’s Contemporary Arts Center is currently under construction in Ronoake, VA. Also, the fate of Jan Kaplicky’s design for the National Library in Prague is still under debate due to its questionable handling of book storage.
Hmmm, Rem Koolhaas and Heerim Architects must have been drinking from the same fountain. Anyone else notice the similarities of the Luna Death Star Hotel in Baku, Azerbaijan and the Waterfront City in Dubai? Luke, I am your father.
Residents of St Petersburg, Russia roar “Don’t take away our World Heritage Status” as RMJM’s as plans for the Okhta Tower continue to move forward.
Oh and who can forget the McMansions that were burned down in Woodinville, WA? It started a great debate between Pixlewhore, le bossman, and others on what exactly IS the difference between terrorism and violence.
The forums were a flurry of activity...
Rfuller announces to Archinectors that he’s sellin’ out and wonders if anyone wants to buy.
Others question whether or not it is better to be famous or to be respected.
Farwest1 asks if anyone has a solution to his contractor’s concern over an interesting door jamb, while many people blame their parents for their horrible childhoods. (I’m guessing these people are white.) Funny to see just how many parents had issues with the Smurfs. Who knew those little blue guys were so controversial?
Lastly I’m guessing the Labor Department’s report might have spurred this discussion, but I really couldn’t say for sure.
nice! thank you tuna.
yah tunamelt, very sardonic
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