"New York-based Robert A.M. Stern Architects was chosen out of three finalists by a committee, and the decision was finalized after Stern met last week with Bush at his Crawford ranch..." Houston Chronicle
Or, as the Austin American Statesman titles their article, Good enough for Mickey Mouse, good enough for Bush
perfect fit
no one saw that coming...
the obvious choice...
oooh, all the more reason yale... well, ya know...
Wow. Sometimes everything works out.
Ah, it will be glorious! I couldn't imagine a better person to do it!
garbage architect for garbage legacy.
so is stern a log cabin republican? maybe the new library will be one too...sorry, i meant lieberry
Liebrary - very funny not without. Funny because its true.
gee, big decision...will it be shaped like a cowboy hat, or a cross?
really glad i didn't go to yale. was stern ever considered a good architect?
just make sure he doesn't get arrested in a bathroom.
I am surprised he choosed an architect...
Probably shaped in some masonic tatter, for the 'illuminated' one from the 'top room' who understand such things.
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