I heard so much ranting about this building, that is unbelievable. The BBC interviewing the locals, radio talk shows goingon and on about it and even websites, the funniest here >> http://www.geocities.com/londondestruction/vauxhall.html
It seems that the access and traffic issues that the station solves within its own grounds are now worse in the surrounding areas. I havent seen it in person though.
I also imagine that the massive sky jump like canopy must be too much for the typical resistance towards change of this city.
hey, lets not forget that the brits put all the $$ into the jubelie line extension. and its great!
i commend their boldness and awareness that good design [if you like what it looks like or not] is worth the effort !! it is site specific, cant just be stamped out and repeated over and over......
i live in the most 'architectural city' in the world as the tourist brocures bragg and we have gone through and have just spent $$ billions on rebuilding schools, fire stations, libraries, policy stations and various public transit lines with one word 'PROTOTYPE' = mediocre architects stamping out 'valued engineered' crap; none of worth is writting home for and all deserve some nasty corner in the suburbs.
lets hope with the re-building of the uk schools and hospitals they continue the committment to great design!!
go labour.....beat tories!!! even if you did side with W on the war thing.
Apr 11, 05 2:05 pm ·
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"to make London's public transport system among the finest in the world"
like a fancy bus stop will suffice...
looks like a car crash involving big american motorhomes.
yeah, what the hell is that thing?
I heard so much ranting about this building, that is unbelievable. The BBC interviewing the locals, radio talk shows goingon and on about it and even websites, the funniest here >>
It seems that the access and traffic issues that the station solves within its own grounds are now worse in the surrounding areas. I havent seen it in person though.
I also imagine that the massive sky jump like canopy must be too much for the typical resistance towards change of this city.
There is another review in the Riba Journal registration required.
And some more photos here >>
hey, lets not forget that the brits put all the $$ into the jubelie line extension. and its great!
i commend their boldness and awareness that good design [if you like what it looks like or not] is worth the effort !! it is site specific, cant just be stamped out and repeated over and over......
i live in the most 'architectural city' in the world as the tourist brocures bragg and we have gone through and have just spent $$ billions on rebuilding schools, fire stations, libraries, policy stations and various public transit lines with one word 'PROTOTYPE' = mediocre architects stamping out 'valued engineered' crap; none of worth is writting home for and all deserve some nasty corner in the suburbs.
lets hope with the re-building of the uk schools and hospitals they continue the committment to great design!!
go labour.....beat tories!!! even if you did side with W on the war thing.
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