Design Concept : ‘Modernism’ = architectural aesthetics + green technologies •design a modern beauty-two bedroom residence in harmony with nature, inspiring balance of body, soul and mind. •apply efficient green building technologies to make the house self -sufficient in energy and water and meet living building challenge requirements
Consider the geological location •the building will maximise southern exposure by elongating on an north and south axis, •all major interior spaces are south facing to receive natural lighting and reduce heating needs. To respect the original architect Eleanor Raymond’s concept: ‘open up the building so to see the greens and be surrounded by the greens’ •Situate the building in a true garden scenario by providing a reflecting pool / fish pond at the north and east side of the building and wrapping important activity spaces around an interior garden. The water is not only a spiritual feature but also helps to reduce temperature swings on site. •Provide panoramic views of the exterior and interior gardens •Inspired by the Japanese hot spring, an exterior in-ground spa next to the reflecting pool presents a soothing spiritual experience of being part of the nature.
Building skin that harnesses energy •Direct gain water wall --a row of operable water panel wall (4” thick) placed along a contiguous south facing solar glazing wall with a roof overhang on the south side to capture and store solar thermal energy for space and hot water heating while transmitting natural daylight. The solar glazing wall has high solar transmission and good insulation. The water wall tempers both the heat and light from the sun by removing the wide temperature fluctuations, and by reducing the glare from the solar glazing, minimizing heating and cooling needs. •The building roof is made of photovoltaic solar panels integrated in a metal rain screen system to generate clean power from sun. The solar panels are mostly placed on the southwest direction. The electricity will be sufficient for radiant heating and cooling and all electronic devices. When the occupants are away, it also backfeeds the grid. •The garage roof will have special solar hot water panels which preheats water that goes to the tubing of radiant heat floor and other domestic hot water use. One panel can hold at least 40gal water.
Natural Ventilation •Both the water wall and solar glazing can be open during the summer, and so do the interior garden glazing. •Interior garden roof skylights can be open in the summer time to remove heat by chimney effect to minimize the cooling needs
Water Conservation •The roof no longer sheds water but collects water for irrigation and other non-potable water usage such as toilet flushing. A bio cistern tank system contains water tanks at the end of lines to collect water from roof with cement catch basin to catch dirt, and biofilter system to appropriately filter water depends on usage. The reflecting pool also collect and store water. •Use ` water from shower/vanity to water the plants use Biodegradable cleaner to clean water without hurting the plants or earth and energy;
Status: Competition Entry
Location: New York, NY, US