Li Ren

Li Ren

Dubai, UAE


Noor Capital Gardens

Noor Capital Garden is an expansive, visionary master plan project spanning 21 square kilometers in Egypt, and my role as the project architect has been pivotal in leading the effort towards a sustainable, inclusive, and socially equitable design. With a forward-looking vision for a more environmentally responsible future, this project is conceived with a "Green-Smart" ethos, embracing state-of-the-art design techniques and cutting-edge global technologies to create an integrated city that not only mirrors the aspirations of 2021 and beyond but also exemplifies a commitment to sustainable, inclusive, and socially equitable design.

At the heart of this monumental undertaking lie three fundamental concepts: innovation, eco-friendliness, and the establishment of a 15-minute community. One particularly transformative aspect is the "Walk Appeal," a feature I've championed as the project architect. This element encourages residents to walk longer distances by providing alluring and convenient destinations, ensuring that pedestrian access to public facilities is both attractive and readily available. This approach not only champions socioeconomic equity by facilitating access to essential services for those without cars but also promotes human-powered transportation, ultimately enhancing residents' health and well-being.

Noor Capital Garden represents a significant leap in the realm of urban planning and development, made possible through strategic collaborations with leading international companies and specialized offices in the field of smart city development. This project is poised to redefine the real estate and urban development landscape in Egypt, ushering in a new era characterized by sustainability, technological advancement, and the creation of truly inclusive and socially equitable communities, with my role as the project lead at the forefront of this transformative vision.

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Status: Under Construction
Location: Cairo, EG
My Role: Project Architect
Additional Credits: Developer: Talaat Moustafa Group
Architect: Perkins Eastman
Landscape: SWA