Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates (KPF)

Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates (KPF)

New York, NY

Credit Plompmozes.
Credit Plompmozes.

Huamu Lot 10 Commercial

Huamu Lot 10 will create a sustainable mixed-use urban environment that welcomes tenants and visitors to experience nature and art in an active setting, demonstrating a new form of participatory urbanism.

The project is defined by three office towers and a future museum carefully situated around a central grand plaza. Landscaped with lush greenery, subtle water features, and meandering walkways, the plaza is activated by surrounding cultural programming and is designed to accommodate large-scale artwork.

Each of the three towers is efficiently planned and rationally massed to make a strong statement and respond to a variety of future contexts. The glass curtain wall facades allow for panoramic views and bring plentiful natural light to the buildings’ interiors, while strong horizontal elements emphasize their rigidity. Subtle cantilevers at uniform heights create a visually connected Sky Gallery, a dramatic and iconic gesture high above the surrounding neighborhood. At night, these cantilevered elements are illuminated to become grand lighting features, marking Huamu Lot 10 from afar. Stepped gardens located on building roofs and terraces provide building occupants with verdant outdoor gathering space an offer sweeping views of the city.

Sustainability is a key component of Huamu Lot 10’s design. Each façade is outfitted with shading strategies to reduce solar heat gain while still allowing daylight to permeate the interiors. Storm water collection on the roofs capture rainwater for landscape irrigation and tower cooling, while vegetation provides insulation and reduces the urban heat island effect. The development’s integrated public transit connections also encourage more sustainable forms of transportation.

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Status: Built
Location: Shanghai, CN
Firm Role: Architect
Additional Credits: Client: Poly Real Estate Group, Shanghai Pudong Properties Group
Local Architect / Structure and Mechanic Engineer: Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd
Façade Consultant: RFR
Landscape: Aspect Studios
Lighting: OVI