Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates (KPF)

Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates (KPF)

New York, NY

Credit Raimund Koch.
Credit Raimund Koch.
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27 Wooster Street

27 Wooster Street presents a sensitive contemporary counterpoint to the 19th century cast iron architecture of its SoHo District setting, articulated through the vocabulary of its massing, architectural detailing and materials.

Located below Broome Street and west of Broadway in close proximity to the renowned Drawing Center, 27 Wooster Street is a carefully-proportioned, nine-story residential condominium building that lives in harmony with one of New York’s most historic districts.

The ground floor is set on a plinth of granite and steel, containing the residential lobby, two commercial units and a private 10-car parking garage. The massing of the corner site responds to historic, “book-end” structures by introducing reveals and vertical stone planes. This subtle separation provides the relief between neighboring 19th century cast iron façades and the contemporary expression of glass, metal and stone of the new building.

A vertical expression of continuous, operable glazed window units defines the architectural envelope. Bands of perforated metal panels, grey granites, glass railings and subtle color variations are blended with aluminum and glass vision lights.

At the top of the building, a two-story duplex penthouse sets back from the perimeter walls, allowing a stone terrace to fully wrap the glazed, pavilion-like structure and its private swimming pool.

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Status: Built
Location: New York, NY, US
Firm Role: Architect
Additional Credits: Client: The Stawski Group
Interior Designer: Thomas Juul-Hansen

Credit Raimund Koch.
Credit Raimund Koch.
Credit Raimund Koch.
Credit Raimund Koch.
Credit Raimund Koch.
Credit Raimund Koch.