Justin Owens

Justin Owens

Burbank, CA, US


The Main Square of Lu Village

One of China’s seven historical villages is Lu Village, located up in the yellow mountain. This area remains an old cultural settle- ment that has survived since the Ding Dynasty. Many of the cultural ways of living are still used by locals today. This village used to be self-sustaining, by using locally planted foods, locally dried plants and rice, the use of clean river water for washing and local jobs. Today that way of life has diminished to where young adults are moving away to larger cities seeking better lifestyles. The people left behind in this little town are the elderly and the very young. Tourism is now the main source of revenue. Lu Village is historical but doesn’t offer much to its visitors. The main square was intended to be a space for large gathering and activities but lacks the necessities for human clustering and therefore interaction. After living and observing the liveliness of Hong Won Village, a most successful and famous village, different human activities were recorded and analyzed. We were looking for specific elements that made humans occupy different types of spaces. Hong Won Village was the case study that informed this project through the analysis of different components that would create specific activities and then implemented them into Lu Village’s main square.

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Status: School Project
Location: Lu Village in the Yellow Mountains, China
Additional Credits: Thurman Grant, Professor, Woodbury University