Inspiral Architecture and Design Studios

Inspiral Architecture and Design Studios

Badung, ID


The Retreat Centre

This retreat centre incorporates primarily a yoga studio, restaurant area, deluxe accommodation and light accommodation and is set facing a stunning array of rice paddy fields. With its facilities providing a holistic framework, the building itself strives to do the same in terms of its environmental impact. Therefore sustainably sourced materials such bamboo, recycled timber, coconut wood and rammed earth feature prominently. Electrical features use low power and waste heat is used to heat water.  Waste water is recycled and general consumption is kept to a minimum.

The building’s design highlights the earth focused elements and brings a mixture of vibrant forms denominating different areas of the site. This gives a unique sense of place to each part and creates interest due the unexpected features that emerge. Transversely, this uniqueness creates a sense of wholeness on the site with their matching materiality supplementing this

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Status: Built
Location: Bali