Gustavo Bonet

Gustavo Bonet

New York, NY, US


Work Samples: Joint GSAPP & RIWAQ Historic Preservation Studio

Fall 2011/ Columbia University: Joint GSAPP & RIWAQ Historic Preservation Studio focusing on the ground conditions in the West Bank. The studio traveled into the West Bank for two weeks arriving the day of the famous UN 194 Political Campaign. While there we were able to travel to several "Throne Villages" to examine the deteriorating traditional Ottoman urban fabric. The project focused on the current waste conditions within the West Bank including the implementation of several MSW, Municipal Solid Waste, treatment facilities throughout occupied Palestine that would allow for recycling and proper trash disposal for the communities living within the West Bank. Grasshopper Parametric design tools were used to develop the architectural form of the processing facilities.

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Status: School Project
Location: West Bank, Palestine
Additional Credits: RIWAQ/ Professor: Craig Konyk