
AIA convention 2010


I'm planning to attend the AIA convention this june.
Is anyone else attending? Seeking hotel room share in Miami area with an interested party.

Apr 20, 10 10:50 am


s-y-c-o-p-h-a-n-t-i-c charlatans and opportunistic, superficial scoundrels.

No thanks. I'll not join and keep my soul thank you very much.

Apr 20, 10 3:50 pm  · 

AIA is a useless and meaningless institution. Why would any good sounded brain would go to this brainwashed institution.

No thanks, I will keep my unemployment check for food instead.

Apr 20, 10 3:55 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

P.S. PaulRevere is listed an Associate AIA member and has his LEED AP certification.

Apr 20, 10 4:07 pm  · 

Sorry, randy1, but you've come to the wrong place if you're looking for well-mannered, helpful responses. It's sad, but true. But enjoy the convention, and Miami.

Bright side: You can regale colleagues in Miami about the idiot assholes you ran across while innocently trying to find a convention roommate.

Apr 20, 10 6:38 pm  · 

Perhaps others who are more well mannered and think are in the right place can give you a thumbs up and A+ about the aia convention. They are completely devoted and dedicated to the the great institution of the AIA.

And who knows maybe have a wonderful pretentious smart conversation about the convention, with a big smile, wear your wonderful black tux and talk about how well the AIA has helped the current condition of architects. They have done an excellent job .

Cheers up and don't let those assholes who are speaking the truth and their mind about the aia stopped you from finding a good AIA citizen that can be your roommate.

take care

Dr. Loco77

Apr 20, 10 7:56 pm  · 

i don't really need to justify my post, but, after reading these comments above - let me be clear:

in my career i've worked for several architectural firms prior to doing it solo - one of those firms was morris lapidus, assoc. - its been a long time since i've been to miami & see the renovated fontainebleau.

now, the state ed. department requires us to have and get those dreaded continuing ed credits - the convention is a good place to pile uP on CEU's while spending a fortune. you LEED AP assholes haven't been recognized by the state ed (thank goodness) and why the AIA hasn't lobbied for clarity from the state ed departments regarding LEED AP status via USGBC and not through the state education department is the question you can ask yourself. hasn't your schooling given you the same information that qualifies you for LEED status without going through some cottage industry that lines the pockets of some carpetbaggers (USGBC).

i thought there would be some agreeable professionals on this post with spirit, knowledge, and an inkling of comradeship. but, i guess not. by the sound of the read above i see some very uPtight, insecure, fearful, and un-willing people whose purpose is to be critical rather than professional. remember kids its far too easy to be critical than to be complementary.

Apr 21, 10 7:18 am  · 

There are good people here on Archinect, randy1. But they've been outnumbered lately by the kinds of people who, for example, respond to an innocent request with uneducated rants (see above).

It used to be different on here, and much better. Anyway, enjoy the AIA convention.

Apr 21, 10 9:31 am  · 

Well, the AIA is what you make it. Agree that they could use some younger blood, but there are several things keeping that from happening. #1, many firms will not pay full freight for cost of dues. Younger architects typically can't afford $500+/year. (BTW, for the sake of the argument lets just assume the dues are priced appropriately.) #2, many younger architects are simply unemployed right now. Hard to ask them to pay dues when living off unemployment. Also easy for them to be apathetic about an organization that seemingly is doing little to get them back to gainful employment. #3, the AIA does very little to reach out to the younger people in the profession, i.e. under age 40. The AIA does not mentor the "young" architect in the profession at all.

All that said, have always wanted to go to the national convention and since I always enjoy Miami it seems like this year would be a perfect fit. Unfortunately I'm still reeling from pay cuts and other sacrifices thanks to the economy. Guess there's always next year.

Apr 21, 10 10:39 am  · 

Dropped my AIA membership and sadly my monthly drink coaster, Architectural Record. This year I'm dropping my Legacy Leed status as it expires or disappears or whatever it does if I dont pony up for CEU's.

The way I see it now, as fast approach 40, is that your on your own. The AIA, NRA or KKK arent going to do a dam thing to help you get that roof repair / 2nd floor addition / dental clinic, and in 4 years of marketing my LEED AP status I've never had a client who even thought about going for certification and I doubt beyond Institutional or Fortune 1000 corporations, none will.

What is it you guys expect from the AIA? They publish research, do a little lobbying, keep their eyes open for possible laws that may affect Architects and produce a good framework for legal documents to build from. Really - what more do you want them to do? Wipe your asses? If you dont like them or feel they are necessary don't join.

Apr 21, 10 11:18 am  · 

aquapura said, "#3, the AIA does very little to reach out to the younger people in the profession, i.e. under age 40. The AIA does not mentor the "young" architect in the profession at all."


How about having to endure being called an "intern" for the last 12 YEARS of serving faithfully within the profession prior to licensure.

Or how about the fact that now that I am registered in 2 states and NCARB Certified I am still a mere "young architect" per the AIA dictates.

I have brothers who have successful careers such as lawyers and such. My father and one of my grandfathers are both practicing Medical Doctors. My other grandfather is a CPA and the CFO for a major fortune 500 company. I have never in all my 33 years of experiencing high powered professions come across such a disparaging, discouraging experience liek what it is for the younger set to try and be taken seriously by the older set in a profession like architecture. It would be nice to not be taken for granted and sleighted and put down 100% of the time by the INSECURE and FEARFUL and as territorial-as-a-junkard-dog older set.

randy1 said, "i thought there would be some agreeable professionals on this post with spirit, knowledge, and an inkling of comradeship. but, i guess not. by the sound of the read above i see some very uPtight, insecure, fearful, and un-willing people whose purpose is to be critical rather than professional.

Until the older, established set figures out how to be LESS UP TIGHT, less INSECURE, FEARFUL, and UN-WILLING to truly shepherd the younger generation I have ABSOLUTELY NO qualms about saying, blow it out your A$$---> the AIA has stripped us bare of everything, money, time, and even the right to self respect. 95% of us have NOTHING to gain from the AIA and everything to keep losing. Most of those with 10 years of experience or so and a license know this...its just that most have become so shell-shocked and deprived of self respect over the years at the maltreatment at the hands of AIA members who feed on the profession's young that its just taking awhile for most of us to realize that it is okay to shout from the rooftops: F YOU AIA!!! I'M MAD AS HELL AND I AM NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!

Oh and Unicorn, you are not even an Architect apparently nor do you appear to posess the means or the will to undertake the enterprise, if I read one of your posts recently correctly and remember correctly.

Time for Unicorn to get a life other than tailgating every post I make trying to slander. You are like those icky little lampreys or whatever they are that attach themselves to big bad a$$ great white sharks and eat the scraps. --->or a more like a tick I guess. Get lost, at least wait til May, that is the start of tick season!

Apr 21, 10 5:32 pm  · 

Also, Unicorn, everybody that knows me (and gets theri information from sources other than patchy searches on Google) knows that I loathe the AIA like no other and I wouldn't be caught dead with any affiliation with the AIA whatsoever at this point, unless they clean up their act I will never, ever, in a million billion years join. Though they have repeatedly asked me to join them.

Additionally, if you actually were to know anything reliable about me I feel the same way (if not more so) about the USGBC and LEED.

The AIA is a Ponzi scheme and the USGBC is snake oil (that does little more than make the sick sicker if not kill them) being sold by used car salesmen.

Apr 21, 10 5:36 pm  · 

Make that LEED is the snake oil and the USGBC are the used car salesman peddling it.

Apr 21, 10 5:38 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Okay then. I'm calling your boss right now.

Apr 21, 10 5:51 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

And your wife, too.

Apr 21, 10 5:53 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

I'm sure if the information I have is actually inaccurate then the person I will be calling would only be annoyed that I am wasting his time.

Apr 21, 10 6:01 pm  · 

LEED, NCARB, USGBC, IDP, NAAB, are all tied to the AIA. Follow the trail and you will be surprised where you will end up.

Apr 21, 10 7:01 pm  · 

I thought I was my own boss as I am self employed until I realized my wife is definitely in charge of everything. She just lets me maintain a veneer of authroity and decision making capability to keep me guessing.

And, yes Unicorn, I would be afraid of my wife, except she is more dedicated to the principles I espouse and the convictions I hold than I am. You might say she is the source, actually. SHe is one awesome chick.

Its a free country still, call whoever you will. When you reach my boss, I'll pretend to be someone else, mmm kay? Then I will pretend that I care about pc agendas and alinsky tactics and *oh how scared and threatened and intimidated am I* I'll be sure and tell my wife to pretend like she cares a whole lot, too.

*oh NO! Its the PC police! I am so shaking in my boots and just don't know how I will ever sleep in peace tonight!* NOT.

Commie punk. Grow a pair.

Apr 21, 10 8:42 pm  · 

if enough necters go, i might consider driving down...

Apr 21, 10 8:51 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

I only live an hour and 30 minutes from Miami. I thought about going and sneaking around.

Apr 21, 10 8:58 pm  · 

wow....PR some common ground - RE: LEED/USGBC - perhaps we could start/build something around that:

AIA is what it is for those who choose to participate & contribute. i guess that i'm a dinosaur in the profession - at least i'm not a parasite - who has had the opportunity to give while i was a "young" architect. and, what i have learned is that: what you get equals (at least) to as much as you give into ANY organization you choose to participate in/with - ANY. i was told the profession is an "old man's profession" by my (elder) instructors way back when. boy, don't i only wish i was a " young" architect again - better eyesight, no more neck/back pain, oh and yes more energy so i can work longer hours!

AIA is what it is to the beholder - you don't like - don't join- keep it simple stupid (K.I.S.S.);-)...!

to be soooooo..... entirely opposed- me thinks - negates any forward progress toward discovering any solution or common ground to what seems to be a common rant amongst the "younger" architects herein - eh?

personally, i use the AIA for what i need it for, it can and does satisfy what i expect i can get from it - i like to keep it simple......K.I.S.S.;-)....

if you feel you are not being heard or understood by the "elder" architects - i am sorry that by asking for some simple accommodation assistance has brought out such an emotional response.

unfortunately - my attendance at the convention will not bring about any revision to: who/what/why/how/when AIA will change and truly lead y'all "younger" architects to the promised land of architecture - really. i don't expect AIA to do that for me - its in-place services do just fine - i would only think the "younger" architect would NOW have the energy to fight for what they believe to be right.

all's i'm looking forward to is getting what i'm going there for........CEU's and a little vacation time in the sun.

Apr 22, 10 6:58 am  · 

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