
3dh gerative design w/ Grasshopper

Sep 25, 08 12:10 pm
won and done williams

from a to zinc.

god, i miss the price is right.

Sep 25, 08 12:23 pm  · 

If a strtucture is only to act as a shell this would prove what can be formed with just some sheet material cut wirth the most simple N.C. controlled manufactoring. But when the same system are tested on a more complex model, such as a building structure with floors and walls, onlt then 3dh prove it's true muchle, delivering foundations for floors, walls stairs . In just one sort of material .
There are a world in difference when 3dh suddenly cover more than just a surface, like here nomatter how fancy that display, nomatter how "3D" curved and formed that will be it is still rather 2,5 D than 3D , 3dh's potential first show, when both floors and walls intergrate , when rooms become hollow spaces within a lattrice tunneling all directions ; just wait, it will come.
Thank you.

Sep 25, 08 12:43 pm  · 
Sep 25, 08 12:48 pm  · 
Sep 25, 08 12:56 pm  · 
some person
Sep 25, 08 7:41 pm  · 

If there's honeycomb, where are the bees ?

I want honey on my red waffles !

Sep 25, 08 8:04 pm  · 

As a person with english as second language, it is easy to draw a cheap joke on that person's behave - And there allway's been charecters here, who give a damn about bright new idears and only want to use them to play funny -- we seen that attitude from the start, the same jokes only the same two or tree "understand" . And by trigger they every time 3dh is mentioned pop up with more class bully offendings. what a bore. - there was not much of an answer here either, not much more than repeated old jokes , where atleast 3dh suggest a relevant new way to put building parts together , but true you has to understand structural thinking and be able to come further, than your first imeage to realise it -- there again the trick of the class bully ---- you tap out some nonsense that is not an answer or a contribution to the discussion and you do so , as soon some real discussion about the issue come, the same old trolls once again shout "-Guy's let's harras our favourite victim, "everyone join it's fun" , even those who has not a clue and esp those that othervise could learn , this is about throwing mud and make fool of a guy, the sort of architecture everyone can maneage.

Sep 26, 08 7:11 am  · 

"If there's honeycomb, where are the bees ?

I want honey on my red waffles !"

What is this if it is not another try to make a fool of a nice guy -- stop it SDR I also has a famiuly, What make you the judge over what you can not understand , and what give you the right to in public to harras me, my work and by making a fool of me, rob the bread from my mouth.
Shame on you-- and I mean it, what give you the right to persuie me to harras me and my work ?
Is it my paintings, what is the reson just that you are bored and has been for all the years you tried to bring me down ?

Sep 26, 08 7:16 am  · 

I asked so many times --- tell me a better way, show me a way to project in 3D with the computer all young people todsy can use, and point me in the direction of a different lattrice, that the same computer can generate and a simple N.C. cutter can maneage the manufactoring of .... before you start throwing mud again.
Tell me about just one way to go from 3D projected to N.C. manufactored , tell me please all those harasment must has become a bore for you to ; how funny can it be to continue year after year throwing dirt or trying to make a fool of another guy ? And do that without even understanding what he talk about, -- why don't you find another victim in another brance instead and leave me and my family alone --- with all the harassing and mudthrowing it is easy to forget, that there are plenty who find 3dh increadible, but every time I get the chance to explain how simple it work some first year student become your follower and take over the harasment --- Please I don't has followers ancious to kick down on some strange danish guy "who think he is something" ; you has but please stop this , it is only becaurse you feel more for harassing than for visionary new technikes, and can not contribuate -- has not been able after all these years to contribuate, with something just near 3dh.

Sep 26, 08 7:39 am  · 

Architecture is changing - using tools that are used to create video games and movies - I know I used to do that before - 100 years ago, architecture went through the modernist revolution, and now it's the tecnnological revolution - using new media tools the best place to see emerging ideas in architecture is Flickr or U- tube. It s time to face facts - but the students are doing the forward thinking now.

Sep 26, 08 12:38 pm  · 

Yay for 3DH!

Sep 26, 08 1:04 pm  · 

per-corell you are arguing with nobody... this is about a nice image posted made with Grasshopper using generative modeling.

your words are not even comprehensible.

Sep 26, 08 2:47 pm  · 

mirror says what?

Sep 26, 08 4:27 pm  · 

You guys have made my Friday afternoon (or maybe it's the homemade wine my colleague brought in... wheeee)

Sep 26, 08 4:54 pm  · 

ahahahahahahaha awesome. i love 3dh. per--, please say some more about 3dh.

Sep 26, 08 6:38 pm  · 

blackharp can you translate for us?

Sep 26, 08 7:27 pm  · 

Oh no... not more 3dh.... I thought this was over...

Sep 26, 08 10:36 pm  · 

blackharp the mst important thing about 3dh, is that it is still the only method that allow you, to work with a solid modeler , point out the finished design, and get the intire structure full scale, and ready to manufactor from just one material and the most simple N.C. controlled manufactoring. That mean cheap and as everything is digital controlled it also mean fast and reliable,
But 3dh replace a lot of gadgeds and technikes. It put things together in a new way , it do not restrict form to what options there are to put materials togetner --- but after years of promoting it, I also know a bit more about how designers emagine the build works, how skin deep today's architecture want to realise a building structure ; how so many of the buildings we think realy are something, carry a very limited display of the structures most important issue, it's basic structure.
Think about how much skin deep architecture we are presented -- structures that only by display act cutting edge. But under the surface they are most of all a skeletton for curtain walls, their act restricted by that fact that today a house are an internal structure to support a ready made curtain wall -- that's where architecture is today, 3dh could change that and make it profit by a digital aproach in manufactoring and projecting and forming.

Sep 27, 08 7:13 am  · 

Sorry forgot a hint to what I do these day's, so 3dh still must mean something for me ---painting is still an interesting thing ;

Sep 27, 08 7:17 am  · 

For more than 10 years I promoted that new buillding method that could change all that, the sad thing has been that I to late reconised, that the web is nothing but evil clowns and jeloux wannabe, so when you go to a group, -- presenting a new idea even NASA back up, -- then the reply are "This guy think he is someone".
We need a complete revolution in how we realise the build works, we need a new manufactoring, we need to use the computer --- use them so the young people who know them better will profit with jobs and a new architecture. In fact Architecture as such need to be ponished for useless stararchitect projects . Architecture as such, need a transfusion with real visions so to fight the skin deep understanding displayed in so many of today's spetakular projects --- architecture is not about spetacular gadgeds and expensive materials, it is about our survival --- We need an architecture that create a paragime shift, and install the old day's exelent skills, houses at a third the cost and by computergenerated structure, four times the strength, build in just one material ofering a new world of inspiration, made with sheet material, so we can develob new green materials over night, as long as they are by sheets, they will work with 3dh or 3D Honeycomb as the method is called.

Sep 27, 08 7:43 am  · 

but will each project be different? sounds like you want to prefab and pop out cookie cutter designs that are cheap. sounds like a mcdonalds campaign?

Sep 27, 08 5:37 pm  · 

To the guy with a hammer, every problem is a nail waiting to be hit. To the guy with a whole toolbox, each problem can be approached with the appropriate tool.

One-size-fits-all protagonists will always appear as if they were narrow-minded zealots -- even if they really aren't. It's a shame, really. And no, Per, I haven't done anything to your family -- really. Take a deep breath. Calm down. Do a painting -- I bet that feels really good. The art shown above is quite pretty. Looks like Putin -- and, who ?

Sep 27, 08 5:57 pm  · 

"but will each project be different? sounds like you want to prefab and pop out cookie cutter designs that are cheap. sounds like a mcdonalds campaign?"

Not at all --- 3dh is as flexible more flexible than any other method. Think about my arguments, it build the strongest basiic structure but in a new way -- and that new way make a lot of the materials we othervise use, and a lot of the expensive gadgeds we develobed unnesery, why use dusins of different materials and expensive special fittings, when this new framework replace it all and much cheaper.

And blackharp -- you proberly can emagine the trouble one guy will have, happily sharing a brand and bright new building method on the net -- not all welcome changes for a number of resons. But more and more "borrow" a small piece of 3dh here or there, in their designs, as it also looks fancy. Sad though as 3dh's real potential only show when the intire structure depend upon it.

Everyone here know I am a skilled boatsbuilder who at some point started to translate the boatsbuilding technikes, into new design tools. Sometimes totaly jettison the old methods but allway's putting something better in stead, --- You can find my designs on the web , but would be surprised about the "borrowing" there to. But a few boat designs lost, what do that mean compared a method based on every sound crafts skills and logic computing --- a method the world has not seen before, a method made with and for the computer, not just to create the measures for a cross lamella roof, but to proviide the structure, the basics of all build. And 100 pct. by digital where today's methods still lack the efficiency and is more the old methods polished than a paragime shift.

Jelsin know what you think --- guess this has been the first political graffiti on that fence for years ; what is strange about it though, is that writtin in russian cyrilic's , no one asked what the text say.
Guess today the messeage with graffiti ( legal graffiti as what I make ) has become for the eye rather than for the mind. People love my paintings now, and both of you ; shuldn't that be a gurantee that when this guy both paint exelent portraits and fine boats plus advanced design computer programs -- that then his 3dh most proberly is what he say it is ?

Sep 28, 08 7:10 am  · 

SDR you know exactly what I mean -- please remember some time ago, when suddenly a contest was suggested. A contest that could have profited the intire site as back then, a lot of the regular in fact started to understand the method, and realised the savings plus the need for exiting new methods that acturly worked.
Remember what happened ? --- What happened was that the useal crowd didn't want a fair competition, didn't wanted 3dh to be accepted . As you know the critics of that, has allway's been those who "do not understand it" , those who rather speculate about what I think, than look at the issue, rather want and allway's succed to play the class bully game. 3dh drowned in that, disapeared in bad often dirty jokes, and meanwhile the idea was "borrowed" by schools and by stararchitects, while a crowd here, had a great laugh. --- That was at the same time someone got me banned ; an "argument" of a tyran.

Sep 28, 08 7:25 am  · 

But --- with all this software, all these algorithms we on the screen can display the most increadible.
But what about the other halve of it -- the production ; how many of these algorithms deliver a production method ontop ? What is the use for fantasy worlds when what we need is an entrance for using today's computers and today's Solid modelers to project real buildings.

That is 3dh's great advanteage -- as 3dh suggest exactly how to manufactor the structures generated with this simple aproach. Please think about that -- we need cheap strong houses, and when some guy present an intire concept with increadible options, you guy's can only use that to make a fool of the guy ! Why is that ?

Isn't there plenty need for a framework to develob new green materials and make profit from the standard computer is everywhere in the world, beside the simple CAD programs that run on any P.C. Don't we need new houses in those cheap sheet materials anywhere in the world ?

Sep 28, 08 7:45 am  · 

Rather than waiting for students to detail your fabulous new structural concept, how about showing us how it's to be detailed and built. In all the time we've been hearing about this, never once has the genius artist taken the trouble to provide so much as a napkin-sketch of the joinery -- the nuts and bolts of where the material begins and ends. As far as I know I'm the only one to even scratch the surface with a tiny drawing of a possible joint detail. From the suffering and misunderstood artist/architect/innovator we get extremely garbled attempts at verbal descriptions of such details, apparently intended to keep the secrets hidden rather than enlighten all us ignorant and dishonest dummies.

I'm stopping now. I've had way more than enough of the nonsense. Draw it, or go away -- please.

Sep 28, 08 9:54 pm  · 


Sep 28, 08 10:34 pm  · 

A lot of people with a creative drive, do it in that way that there come a periode with a lot of results , one thing develb into another and soon you can hardly find place in you workshop. With architecture it looks like things happen suddenly and has a huge impac untill things again happen with some unique building. For me in those periodes I simply work day and night, store the results as I can best -- and a lot of it can't be stored only the final results, not the method or what happen as for me , this is allway's new land, issues I myself has to uncover --- I mean what architecture textbook help you to develob new building methods. What textbooks tell you what then, with all those questions that come when things suddenly can change radicaly. And am I to blame for finding out new ?

I don't think so and I don't think I stand on trial here --- but Yahoo groups was what I used day and night just to get rid of all those design test benches -- all those varying designs to show if 3dh could also do this or that, they are all on the web ubder Yahoo Groups, and anyone who want to see what volumes one has to try, to see if a new building method can also happen this or that, is welcome to visit all those groups on yahoo groups, most of them are open groups.

You see , when one form is possible, that often make you wonder if some other form can also be generated with this. and figur out the limitations is easy --- or they was easy as I realised that if it could be drawn 3D, then it is also possible. But instead of forgetting about the tests I made 3D with this method, a huge load of the designs used in that process, are acturaly avaible as renderings of the resulting lattrices and in some of the groups, you can also see, how I worked thru an idea, to see what side effects that now would prove.

Please remember this was uncovered land, no one had been there before, often it was like magic to see how smooth something asking complicated and expensve solutions, are solved that easy and with a brand new form language , and yes they are not the common kind of architect drawings, as so many of the problems you solve the tradisional way, has a much simpler solution with 3dh, and offcaurse you can not judge a new things , from the unnessery demands where this new thing , work so much better and solved those problems by idea.

But remember that I am not an architect, I am a designer and the structures to develob that method, is exactly that. They are not to be sen as building designs, but test benches to prove what a new method can do, -- and they will be images not words, as the creativity with a new method will not result in words but in designs, in suggestions and brand new way's to solve old problems, you just has to look closer to those images in the foto's folders in those Yahoo 3dh groups, like this one ;

Or this ;

But please don't put restrictions on innovation, do not say "we want something new, but as we want to understand it instantly, it has to be like the old we understand" -- that way nothing new will come, so before you visit those groups -- guess there are all in all 12-14 of them as I am very productive, when I am productive -- then open your mind and ask yourself, if this is not the solution to so many problems, -- you will not be alone with that meaning.

Sep 29, 08 7:20 am  · 

Image from the "3dh-Open" yahoo grop, why do any of those images need words to explain them ?


Sep 29, 08 7:47 am  · 



Sep 29, 08 12:58 pm  · 

Per your graffiti is awesome!

Sep 29, 08 1:23 pm  · 

Thank you, but mow you see it, you will also realise, that everything would be so much more efficient, with houses at a third the cost sparking a revolution in architecture, by the fact you can build four times as strong, and take advantage of digital cutting and 3D projecting.
I use the graffiti as a template for paintings amd paintings, as template for street art graffiti. 3dh is a few years down my works, today I hind the same pleasure, in a portrait, than as before in a recursive piece of Lisp. Still architecture must be about the houses, it can not be just words, but has to be the actural structure !

Sep 29, 08 2:22 pm  · 

do they make Zero VOC spray paint?

Sep 29, 08 2:45 pm  · 

I can not tell you, I only use black and silver with my portraits and only look for size and quality ,as in fact these graffiti aerosol realy are top quality paint.
With the smaller pieces I also minimise, here it is only black and the background color by the sheet used ;

Again, -- if you think tge quality of the crafts and the crafts of the paintings are good, what shuld possible be wrong with 3dh, 3dh will work perfect with any 3D program.

Sep 30, 08 11:35 am  · 

why isn't that portrait in 3dh? and are you not concerned for your health with the toxins in spray paint?

Can paint fumes cause permanent brain damage?

Sep 30, 08 12:30 pm  · 

A lot of graffiti painters don't use protective means , -- a mask with carbon filter cost what 3-4 spray cans cost, still maybe one of five uses one. And yes the fumes will dameage but a lot of other fumes do that to.
-- I allways use a mask.

Guess this answer your first question.

Sep 30, 08 1:22 pm  · 


Sep 30, 08 1:31 pm  · 

hahahahaha, mean this Per is hilarious, i really wonder what he does outside archinect when he's not scanning every digital fabrication post to illustrate the world with his wisdom.... but is fun to see we have someone always with all the answers to all the questions, makes me feel relief ;)

good job Per keep it going, life would be so boring without ur nonsense!

Sep 30, 08 3:47 pm  · 

ha ha ha, yeah, you gotta love per.

don't let the romans keep you down!

Sep 30, 08 3:56 pm  · 

You see my spelling do not influence on the unique entrance to a problem, that my suggestions allway's been. spelling has nothing to do with it in fact ; the more irelavant the spelling become the more important are the vision. --- Even today, 20 years after , people see my boat designs and the methods develobed around them, -- realise how unique even today, If I shuld spell my way around the problems I solved just in that realm, I had to invent a new language.

Sep 30, 08 4:03 pm  · 

Btw -- Please try ask yourself, how smart it would be with a method that cover so much. I don't ask you to reply negative or grasp the oppotunity to try make a dool out of someone ; you profit very little by that. Please try answer --- you see this 3dh realy do solve a lot of problems, and when you realise that this mean with a standard computer and a standard 3D program ,one can generate the basic structure for a cheap and safe house, then please think about it like this, that you can allway's find some other victim, and then meanwhile try understand that even you think it is a laugh, and even you would love to punish me for being one of those fancy hippies that in your mind "think he is something" , then first of all I do not conform to your image and architecture has to change, it is not social skills that will make the wonderfull new idears.
But I guess that if anything is to be learned , it is for someone with a visionary idea, newer to go to the web and share it.

Sep 30, 08 4:26 pm  · 

do you have anything new to talk about other than 3dh, per?

Sep 30, 08 6:26 pm  · 

Guess it is faiir I also deal a lot with painting, still I find that scene as dependant on social issues as things like develobing unique new building methods are, --- and realy I find it strange, that arears where the quality and ballast , the results outside a virtural world -- that be paper or screen -- today count less than the real thing. Paimting portraits is something I started to enjoy and as useal I am so efficient, that finding the cancas and paint, is a bigger problem than finding a motive.
And I agrea it has been years ago I build onto the 2dh concept -- but the reson for that, is that no one answered my challance -- the one I repeat here, to suggest a better way and a more efficient way than 3dh.
--- No one has come up with one yet, and I find that sad. Sad becaurse architecture disapoint , is able to build spetacular structures but is not capable to realy profit from the way computers work ; only very little and the little there has been,basicly mimici the way things allway's was done . No real paragimeshifts in how to use the computer, and very little will to build those cheap strong houses, if they will be build different and vhallancing "the way we know is the best".
You found a way not to answer my questions, by avoiding them and pick on my spelling -- I find that sad, as I know that many others are happy for some inspiration by the cost of just a bit tolerance.

Title af the above "Putin know what you think"

Oct 1, 08 8:49 am  · 

Sorry forgot to point to an answer by directing to one of my galleries -- you know these are paintings, real paintings those you make with a brush or a spray can, -- not digital images.

Also please don't forget how many 3dh alike structures has turned up since I started publishing -- it is just sad that when I start pointing to manufactoring and direct link produvrion, to issues more relevant to future architecture than theori , then I get as rude an answer, as if I was an englishman trying to find a toilet in Paris ; yes I do find it arogant to avoid a discussion by picking on spellingm see no one here realy want me to change that.

Oct 1, 08 9:03 am  · 

I just has an english speaking read thru my answers here -- he did not have any problems understanding what I say ; so what are your game, I simply don't understand if you only pick on the splling, to avoide my arguments.

Oct 1, 08 10:26 am  · 

Per know what you think! Hey Per, what does your cool painting collection have to do with 3dh , again. I am confused.

Oct 1, 08 10:40 am  · 

or grasshopper

nobody is arguing except you

Oct 1, 08 11:54 am  · 

I am just confused . So I am not arguing --- the paintings is just to loosen up the discussions, I think it can be good sometimes to see something beautifull some tradisional arts ,when discussing today's architecture.

Oct 1, 08 1:13 pm  · 

I can see a direct relationship between 3dh and the paintings.

Oct 1, 08 1:17 pm  · 

is PER real?? or is a CYBORG programmed to bore human race with his ongoing-self-proclaimed-redemption-to-architecture?? (whatever that him of course!)

Oct 1, 08 1:35 pm  · 

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