I'm starting to learn a bit of Revit but I am also interested in learning Archicad. I guess these are the two big programs for BIM. It seems like there are more firms using Revit but that does not necessarily mean it is better. I guess I am just looking to hear of any more advanced users thoughts on each of these programs.
I find more residential focused firms use archicad and bigger firms use revit. they are super similar programs so as long as you know one you won't have a problem learning the other.
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Archicad VS Revit
I'm starting to learn a bit of Revit but I am also interested in learning Archicad. I guess these are the two big programs for BIM. It seems like there are more firms using Revit but that does not necessarily mean it is better. I guess I am just looking to hear of any more advanced users thoughts on each of these programs.
it depends; do you want a job?
It's not a bad idea to learn to use both of them. You could start with Revit.
I find more residential focused firms use archicad and bigger firms use revit. they are super similar programs so as long as you know one you won't have a problem learning the other.
Seems like Revit is more prevalent with large and more established firms. Haven't seen ArchiCad as much.
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