
doomed: green professional w/o green diet?


kurt what you say means nothing is is probably more true about yourself is some puzzling way you are not sharing.

Jul 30, 08 3:53 pm  · 

Do i dislike my mother for giving me an alternative raising? absolutely not i am very greatful
She being somebody you may never have the pleasure to meet at her ideal weight looks 30 and is almost 60, has more energy and is one of the most amazing green builders, chefs, gardeners ever. But hey maybe you will get the opportunity to go to one of her sustainable naturalism workshops and make some 0 impact structures and live in the primitive for a few weeks, who knows.

Jul 30, 08 3:56 pm  · 

I don't doubt that my comments mean nothing to you, Anti.

Jul 30, 08 4:21 pm  · 

Your mom sounds like hippy.
You sound like your blindly following her lead, rather then openly questioning your choices, Or engaging others in conversation.

Jul 30, 08 4:25 pm  · 

name calling? she is actually a Congolese do you have problem with people different than you?

Jul 30, 08 4:30 pm  · 

kind of lame sir-smokes-alot

Jul 30, 08 4:40 pm  · 

Yea, its lame, i admit it.

Its kind of lame that he has to bring up his mom in the first place. If your going to start spouting lame comments about how great and green your momma is expect some lame responses. no one gives a shit about your mom, or your eating habits

I'm Sick of this kids shit

"do you have problem with people different than you"

How can you have a conversation that is based on your wholly preaching of green eating and then ask anyone this?

all people are never going to live in the primitive, just like all people will never eat vegan.

go kill yourself, its the most sustainable thing you can do for the planet.

Jul 30, 08 4:53 pm  · 

ageism too

raw foods. not vegan, it's beyond vegan witch is beyond vegetarian to witch there are many kinds of

death threats?

somebody else brought parents into the fray.

I will defend my mother I am proud of her.

did i tell you to do anything or what to do?

Jul 30, 08 5:04 pm  · 

Congratulations Anti, you are the new Per.

Jul 30, 08 5:25 pm  · 

no way Per could/can write stuff nobody could read and pages of it..

An-tis-thenes aka ProThesis

with him people just couldn't understand with me i think it is more clear and the feeling is more likely unfounded contempt

Jul 30, 08 5:30 pm  · 

I like tofu as TOFU, but hate it as 'mock duck' et al. give me a veggie burger that tastes like veggies and has chunks I can identify not fake meat.

be authentic and tastes will change.

Jul 30, 08 6:01 pm  · 

Ya i feel the same way but other people get a kick out of it.
there is a few raw food potlucks around the city(s) and you would be surprised at the amount of varying extreme tastes, at a point you become overwhelmed.

as this veg house it is mostly Seitan (wheat gluten based) you'd have to see it to believe it.

Jul 30, 08 6:30 pm  · 

Just unchecking the box this time so I stop getting emails about this post.

Jul 30, 08 6:37 pm  · 

A fellow raw food promoter.

Aug 2, 08 2:26 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

Antisthenes : "sustainable naturalism workshops"

i thought naturalism was an aesthetic school of thought very prominent in the 19th century French lit, as exemplified by Zola and , arguably to a lesser extent, Balzac ... or do you mean the mother's group led by your mother builds sustainable structures/harvest fallen fruits in the nude? Word!

Aug 3, 08 3:12 am  · 

Local Idiot To Post Comment On Internet
August 6, 2008 | Issue 44•32

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HAZEL PARK, MI—In a statement made to reporters earlier this afternoon, local idiot Brandon Mylenek, 26, announced that at approximately 2:30 a.m. tonight, he plans to post an idiotic comment beneath a video on an Internet website.

Enlarge Image
Mylenek, a moron, prepares to publicly address the "dumbest shiz [he's] evr seen!!!1!"
"Later this evening, I intend to watch the video in question, click the 'reply' link above the box reserved for user comments, and draft a response, being careful to put as little thought into it as possible, while making sure to use all capital letters and incorrect punctuation," Mylenek said. "Although I do not yet know exactly what my comment will entail, I can say with a great degree of certainty that it will be incredibly stupid."

Mylenek, who rarely in his life has been capable of formulating an idea or opinion worth the amount of oxygen required to express it, went on to guarantee that the text of his comment would be misspelled to the point of incomprehension, that it would defy the laws of both logic and grammar, and that it would allege that several elements of the video are homosexual in nature.

"The result will be an astonishing combination of ignorance, offensiveness, and sheer idiocy," Mylenek said.

According to the idiot, he will become incensed at the quality and sentiment of the comments already posted below the video—which will include such replies as "not great, nice try tho," "FIRSTIES!!!" and "wtf?? lol so random." At this point, Mylenek said, he will feel a deep, unwavering desire to offer a dissenting opinion, which he has hinted will include the words "gay" and "reatrd" [sic].

"It is my moral obligation to alert the Internet community to the fact that this video is totally gay, and furthermore, that the individual who made it is a fag," Mylenek said.

Pressed for further details regarding his intended post, Mylenek, who will comment under the Internet pseudonym "xblingdaddy2005x," revealed that there is a strong possibility he will inadvertently post the comment twice.

"After clicking the 'submit' button, I will immediately refresh the page so that I can view my own comment. I will then notice that my comment has not appeared because the server has not yet processed my request, become angry and confused, and re-post the same comment with unintentional variations on the original wording and misspellings, creating two slightly different yet equally moronic comments," he said. "It is my hope that this will illustrate both my childlike level of impatience and my inability to replicate a simple string of letters and symbols 30 seconds after having composed it."

Mylenek confirmed rumors that he will be momentarily sidetracked by another inane task while drafting his comment. The distraction is scheduled to come at 2:25 a.m. in the form of a "related video" link featuring a man being sodomized by a horse, which Mylenek will re-watch seven times and laugh obnoxiously at with his friend and fellow idiot, Steve Blanchette, 28.

"Once this minor diversion is complete, I will finish posting my comment, then sit there like the worthless human being I am and wait for other commenters to respond," he added. "Because, as I mentioned before, I have nothing better to do with my life."

Mylenek said he fully expects that his comment will spawn a series of replies from other idiots around the world, who will either agree with his stance, disagree with his stance, or call Mylenek himself a "d0uche" and post an irrelevant link to a separate video that they will claim to be "way funnier." According to Mylenek, this is all part of the plan.

"We are blessed to be living in an age when we have a global communications network in which idiots, assholes, and total and complete wastes of fucking human life alike can come together to give instant feedback in an unfettered and unmonitored online environment," Mylenek said. "What better way to take advantage of this incredible technology than to log onto the Internet and insult a complete stranger?"

According to media critic Judy Turner, this type of behavior is not uncommon among idiots.

"Brandon's comments in particular contain a degree of unoriginality and stupidity that you only see in the most muttonheaded and imbecilic Internet commenters," Turner said. "In fact, I've seen him use at least a dozen variations of the word 'gay.' Suffice it to say, Brandon Mylenek is a truly stupid, stupid idiot."

Mylenek concluded his press conference with a solemn vow to uphold the awful, unintelligible, anger-inducing quality of his past Internet comments.

"I promise everyone that this post will be exactly what you have come to expect from an idiot like myself," he said, "and that I will check my comment regularly so that I can call everyone who says it's stupid a fag."

Aug 6, 08 1:10 pm  · 

By the way Anti... last time I checked humans had canines and a gut designed to metabolize protien.

To force an organism (you) to perform in a manner in which it was not designed simply isn't sustainable... therefor you must be evil.

Aug 6, 08 1:13 pm  · 

quite the opposite

the best proteins, complex, are found in vegetable sources

humans are the only creature that has to cook it's meat before it is even eddible, also letting it rot for weeks to let the enzymes eat on it to make it even close to digestible witch it in the end is still a overdose of simple protein, chk your stool.

look up primitivism we have lived millions of years with no meat. the highest minds in math and science have been veg. nough said. the evidence is on the side of the peaceful who don't murder and are not environmental racist.

Aug 6, 08 2:37 pm  · 

i hear there is a sushi place that has some high quality sushi made with steak
it doesnt get cooked

Aug 6, 08 2:41 pm  · 

the thing i abstain from is external source of harmful cholesterol when not eating animal products. and the think i aim for is to eat as much Living foods as possible, fresh, unpasteurized, spouting, fermenting, and dyhydrated

try going on a sushi only diet... intestine and stomach cancer heart disease and more would await you. where as i with never having consumed meat as more than fine to have avoided unnecessary toxins.

Aug 6, 08 2:47 pm  · 


Aug 6, 08 2:48 pm  · 

no one suggested going on a sushi only diet

no one should go on any "X only" diet

that is never good for you no matter what it is

Aug 6, 08 3:07 pm  · 

I like my steak "blue" never had any trouble digesting it.

Balanced diet is the key... kind of like my attitude toward the world

Aug 6, 08 3:39 pm  · 

Anti, you know why you're wrong on this one:
meat ≠ murder. Murder is done to fellow humans, not non-human animals. Look up anthropomorphism.

Cows, rabbits, chicken, deer and other food has become extraordinarily genetically successful when many other animal lines have not. If in trade for its flesh at the end of its life for protection and food during its time on earth is its cost, by the very fact that they are domesticated when many other species are not only shows you that they, at the species level, have made a choice - to be food. That's not murder, and that's not speciest (we're not different races, we're different species.) behavior. Its called symbiosis.

Aug 7, 08 10:21 am  · 

there is no balance with something outside of your spices' natural diet.

human and animal slavery the dread comparison.

meat is murder. and allot of torture and co modification and manipulation of wild animals out of their own natural state.

it truely is sickening that you would even try and defend it.

there is not a 'need to be food' there is a need for food shared by all life.

symbiosis no exploitation yes.

FDA says eat 85% fresh fruits and veg.

Aug 7, 08 4:26 pm  · 

i saw someone with a t-shirt on the train today
"meat is murder"
"tasty tasty murder"

i found it amusing

and seriously, people have been eating animals for as long as they have been able to hunt and catch them
lets not call people who eat meat or eggs or anything non-vegetarian "sickening"

just out of curiosity though
my convictions on this particular subject are not very strong
for someone who's convictions are very strong with anti-meat/ meat is murder, etc.
do you not be friends with someone who eats meat?
or do you explain your feelings, then if they dont agree, you just let it go

i've always felt that if someone i knew or was friends with did something i was against, i would let them know my feelings once, then just accept their decision to make their own choices in life and not really hold it against them

of course this is only with things i would consider not too terrible
if someone i knew was a criminal or something, i wouldnt be ok with them living their life that way
of course then i probably wouldnt have been friends with them in the first place

i'm just saying that if i was a vegetarian, i would still be able to have friends who were not vegetarians

the strong feelings i hear on this thread makes me feel that not everyone would feel that way

Aug 8, 08 5:06 pm  · 

it's important to laugh because it gives you a shot of dopamine to deal with the uncomfortable feelings we encounter

there is a long history to man before fire.

I have lots of friends who do any any many things and many do recognize my healthy lifestyle and say they wish they could do more for them selfs but that is a personal choice for them to make.
I think the world is doomed because of the industrial revolution done in self destructive ways and we have no control to really make the fundamental changes to reverse that trend currently. but that is another topic ;)

as far as roommates or lovers i don't think i would be ok with it though.
that being said vegetarian women who do it for self health, fitness and in a balanced way are rare and hot items.

Aug 8, 08 5:56 pm  · 

Odd, you said that eating meat is murder and that participating in the carnivorous food chain is to be involved in slavery - two high and serious crimes. Why would you hang out with anyone who eats meat or even just works in a restaurant that serves meat if you truly believe what you wrote and that meat eaters are vicious, hardened, evil criminals?

Anti, you've completely confused animals and humans. Because you know what you want as a human does not mean you know what a cow wants - because you're not a cow. Until you stop this anthropomorphic line of reasoning I will never think of you as anything but a hopelessly naive holier-than-thou-type.

This isn't a defense, its telling you what you don't want to hear. In the real world, the natural world, creatures at the top of the food chain eat living things (plants AND creatures) lower on the food chain - and the only way to keep from being eaten is to get yourself onto the top of the food chain.

Good luck with the vegetarian ladies though.

Aug 8, 08 6:23 pm  · 

because all life shares the same needs intrinsically and to deny another is to deny yourself in a way.
because those restaurants make vegan options available, with of the astronomical rise in its practice based on the raised levels of consciousness in every aspect of our lives in this current day and age from buildings and beyond.

I didn't call anybody any names, I merely raise the issue.
humans are animals too

humans have no natural predator and we are not a predator our selfs naturally even though some of us do force it at times.

the old Darwinian way of thinking is archaic at this point based on all the new information in biology and evolutionary science

in fact there is a great Dawkins 3 part series on channel 4 now.

Aug 8, 08 6:38 pm  · 

[link=]The Genius of Charles Darwin, with Dawkins – Pt 1/3[/link]

Aug 8, 08 6:39 pm  · 
Aug 9, 08 3:15 am  · 
dead men don't do aerobics
Aug 9, 08 3:31 am  · 


while the Bundys were only Vegetarian for one episode, in real-life, Christina Applegate has been a Vegetarian since age 15

Aug 9, 08 9:13 pm  · 
Ms Beary

I didn't read all of this, but doesn't Anti reside in Phoenix? I know I think of Phoenix when I think "sustainable"! :)

Aug 10, 08 12:44 pm  · 

Didn't Kingsolver (author of Animal, Vegetable, Miracle) move away from phoenix and to a much more sustainable lifestyle, on a farm in Pennsylvania, where they ate meat?

The answer to that rhetorical question is yes.

Aug 11, 08 10:34 am  · 

We are among the Walking Dead....Lets go the the Unhealthy Food Store...

Aug 11, 08 1:08 pm  · 

Good luck with Anti, Crowbert.

I asked him/her to post a few things, including his/her sustainable golf course clubhouse proposal and his/her green developer buildings on other threads. My thinking, of course, was that we might all learn from his/her hard-line green expertise.

As it turns out, it's quite easy to inflate oneself with a lot of hot gas.

Now if you'll excuse me, Crowbert, I'm off for lunch and a quick nine with Sean Connery. Says he needs a few acting pointers from me, plus he has some kind of girlfriend trouble (again) that he wants my take on...

Aug 11, 08 1:10 pm  · 

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