
2009 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


Hey fraggle,

Doesn't UofT offer an advanced standing position to 2.5 years if you are coming from an undergraduate program related to architecture?

Mar 27, 09 7:09 pm  · 

anyone else gonna be putting down a deposit or two without being 100% certain!? fun stuff huh! i guess thats the price i'm gonna pay for not visiting the schools ahead of time. fair enough i guess

this is the first year my EFC will be super low but for grad students it doesn't mean shit. i hope you find a way to make GSAPP work. try to bring living costs down i guess. people have been mentioning on here that GSAPP gives out more generous scholarships after the first year.

Mar 27, 09 7:12 pm  · 


I thought they would but that wasn't mentioned in my acceptance letter and so I did a little archinect research and read how they don't give ap but I really should just email the program and find out for sure.

Mar 27, 09 7:12 pm  · 

@ Fraggle did you apply and get accepted to the WAAC program in Alexandria? I am still waiting to hear from them, but they did mention another wave of acceptances. Also do you know how large the program in Alexandria typically is?

Mar 27, 09 7:20 pm  · 

I just got a letter in the mail from HARVARD (GSD). They said, NO!!!

So, I guess I will be attending Columbia University (GSAPP). And all the money that's going to pay for it is going to come from loans. Oh, well... New York City here I come.

And to all of those on a waitlist at UW (Seattle) and UBC, a spot is about to open up just for you (since I won't be going there, obviously).

Also, for the people that didn't get accepted by any school... Last year I applied to 7 schools and was rejected by all of them, but this year I was accepted by 3. So just be patient, and if you really want it then keep on trying and don't give up.

Good luck everyone!!!

Mar 27, 09 7:57 pm  · 

hey jimmyarch, well, that's not a bad 2nd choice and thanks for your encouragement to anyone who may be going through the same situation as yours last year. but if you were to elaborate, what did you different this year?

Mar 27, 09 8:01 pm  · 

@ Cvett - I got accepted into the WAAC program. They called me early Thursday morning to let me know. My friend is in her first year Masters there now and she said there were 15 new graduate students last year. Hope this helps!

Mar 27, 09 8:27 pm  · 

Well, just found out I'm waitlisted at UBC. Hm. May consider waiting, but GSAPP is looking pretty good

So far...

UW - In
UO - Out (??? How'd that happen, i'm from Oregon!?! damn...)
Berkeley - Out
IIT - In
MIT - Out
Rice - Still waiting

B.Arch European history, 3.4
GRE's: hmmm, not telling...
Portfolio: well...good enough i guess
Recs: good, i'm a people person

Mar 27, 09 9:15 pm  · 

well, my tally so far

Wash U - accepted
GSD - rejected
UT Austin - apparently not eligible. i emailed them about it, but whatever.
ASU - ???

i'm happy with it, though, because wash u was my first choice. unfortunately, i won't be able to get to the open house. i visited the school in early december last year, so i know enough about the program. it would be good to get in contact with people who plan on going there.

Mar 27, 09 9:16 pm  · 

hey guys, i know some schools are 3 yrs., 3.5 yrs......but do all m.arch programs require 97 credits like mine? i just realized our degree is actually 7 credits more than a ph.d degree for instance let's say ph.d in mathematics. this makes it all the more intense and exciting!

Mar 27, 09 11:30 pm  · 


After getting numerous rejections for Fall 2008, I spent the last year doing the following in order to reapply:

-I ended up taking a Summer Architecture course at my local university. This gave me more material to place in my portfolio, but most importantly material that was more refined. [I have a B.Art so this class gave me some architectural work to place in the portfolio.]

-Because of the course which I took, I also got a recommendation letter from the teacher. When I first applied I did not have any recommenders which were in the Architectural field.

-I spent the summer studying to retake the GRE. I ended up getting a higher score this time around.

-I volunteered at an Architectural Foundation, since I couldn't get a job as an intern.

One of the things I did with my portfolio was to make it simpler. The first one was too busy and repetitive with the amount of images I had. I tried to show my thought process (which is what every school wants to see) and how my first idea led to the final one. I stepped away from my portfolio for a month and came back to it. It helped me see it with somewhat fresh eyes, and I ended up changing quite a bit of it. I also had the teacher of the class look at it as well. After completing it, I realized that I didn't put enough sketches in. If I had I think I would have been accepted to another school or two.

It helped looking at this website, especially last years for 2008 thread. There's a lot of good ideas in here, and a lot of information that can help.

Mar 27, 09 11:35 pm  · 

someone from finance (on the sell side) told me once "persistence breaks down resistance" and with this + tenacity paid off for you. great job and congrats :)

Mar 27, 09 11:41 pm  · 

Final Tally for M. Arch 3yr Applications

GSAPP: In + $$
Yale: In + $
GSD: Out by Mail
MIT: Out by E-Mail

GRE: 790Q, 640V, 5.5W

Non-Arch Background

Mar 28, 09 10:08 am  · 

Hey newport, get this. GSD requires 140 units for M.Arch1. 7 semesters at 20 units each. I am probably going to attend but am freaked by the work load.

Mar 28, 09 1:00 pm  · 

It is finally over for me now!!!!


I am going to RISD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Final info for history:

RISD with $


BFA Industrial Design from RIT, 3.6 GPA
GRE: 590q/570v/4.5a
Recs from several Boston area architects, GSD grads, MIT grads, Yale Grad.

I am pretty happy with how it turned out. RISD was my second choice after MIT. I would be very interested to hear from anyone else heading to RISD in the fall!

Mar 28, 09 1:15 pm  · 


I am in there with you. 20 unit semesters are like hiking at high altitude.

Plus, if it wasn't so intense, why would you pay(notpay) $40k for it?

You going to the open house?

Mar 28, 09 1:18 pm  · 


Yep I'll be there. I agree--if grad school is gonna be a challenge, why not go for the ultimate challenge? Then again, I dont think any of these schools are gonna be a cake walk for anyone. Anyhow, until I got to Open Houses, nothing is definitive.

Mar 28, 09 4:27 pm  · 

has anyone had any luck calling schools they're waitlisted at to see what position they are, if any? And is there any possibility of coming off that waitlist (in a good way)?

Mar 29, 09 3:05 am  · 

Right now I am deciding between GSAPP, UT Austin, and Berkeley and would appreciate any information to help me make this decision. I am presently a senior in college and an Art History/Studio art major. Other than a summer at Career Discovery I have no real architecture experience. I was able to attend the open house at UT Austin and will be able to go to GSAPP's . I am interested in programs which emphasize design and experimental/ conceptual approaches to design. I am a very hands on person and love to build things. I will need a lot of help with the digital aspect of architecture. Any thoughts about these schools to help me decide would be greatly appreciated

Mar 29, 09 5:53 pm  · 

landshark, i'm on penn's marchI waitlist and did call them last week. i was told that they do rank waitlist applicants and we can call them next or the following to ask what our standing is.
where are you waitlisted?

Mar 29, 09 6:00 pm  · 

Asked before, but anyone going to go to Berkeley's open house a week from Monday on April 6th?

Anyone know of good places to stay in the East Bay?

Mar 29, 09 6:59 pm  · 

kaywris, I'm waitlisted at GSD and YSOA (March I). I guess I'll call them tomorrow and see.

Mar 29, 09 9:11 pm  · 

apologies for my reticence over the past week or so, went down to kyushu and kyoto to meet up with my parents for a little sightseeing :-)

anyhoo, here's my update:

gsapp - accepted (no $, eek!)
mit - nope :-(
penn - accepted (w/half-ride scholly!!!!)
berkeley - waitlisted
uf - accepted (w/ $ and in-state tuition)
gsd - still nothing... (expecting a small envelope any day now... might call soon)

also, did anyone receive a package from columbia yet? i've been waiting for the paper version since the initial email, but nothing yet...

Mar 29, 09 10:27 pm  · 

Was wondering what happened to you, looks like you've got some great alternatives outside of Boston. I didn't have any luck w/MIT either, also hotly anticipating my rejection envelope.

Mar 29, 09 10:30 pm  · 

landshark, if you call those schools re: waitlisting, it'd be great if you could let us know what they say!

Mar 29, 09 10:31 pm  · 

jimmyarch -

Well you should join the facebook group

since you'll be going to gsapp.

Mar 29, 09 11:25 pm  · 


I already joined. I'm the one with the Nacho Libre picture.

Mar 29, 09 11:55 pm  · 

So I asked about the waitlist, YSOA said that they don't give that information away, and GSD said " The at this time the waitlist is not ranked. We will only rank the waitlist if we need to utilize the list."


Mar 30, 09 11:39 am  · 


haha sweet. we should have likek signs that read "archinects"

Mar 30, 09 11:52 am  · 

gsd: in ($$$)
columbia: in (waitlisted for aid)
penn: in ($$$)
cornell: in ($$)
yale: out
texas: in (?)
berkeley: in (?)
tennessee: in ($0, heh, ok)

gsapp's aid waitlist makes a pretty simple case for gsd, but has anyone heard aid info from texas or berkeley?

also, is there a facebook group yet for incoming gsd? still wondering what the turnout will be for the oma reception.

Mar 30, 09 12:14 pm  · 

The final count:

Columbia: In ($$$)
UMichigan: In ($$$)
RISD: In ($)
Pratt: Waitlist
Yale: Nope
GSD: Nay
MIT: No way Jose
Princeton: Only rejected once

I'll probalby see some of you at the GSAPP open house in a couple days.

GRE: 600v 710q 4.5w
GPA: 3.3 @ UCincinnati B.S.Arch


Mar 30, 09 12:58 pm  · 

The final count:

Columbia: In ($$$)
UMichigan: In ($$$)
RISD: In ($)
Pratt: Waitlist
Yale: Nope
GSD: Nay
MIT: No way Jose
Princeton: Only rejected once

I'll probalby see some of you at the GSAPP open house in a couple days.

GRE: 600v 710q 4.5w
GPA: 3.3 @ UCincinnati B.S.Arch '07


Mar 30, 09 12:58 pm  · 

dang, sorry 'bout that

Mar 30, 09 1:00 pm  · 

final tally:

sci-arc: in (full)
gsd: in ($$$)
columbia: in (waitlisted for aid)
penn: in ($$$)
cornell: in ($$)
yale: out
texas: in (?)
berkeley: in (?)
tennessee: in ($0, heh, ok)

Mar 30, 09 1:24 pm  · 


When did you hear from Sci-Arc??

I'm sure everyone else is waiting on pins and needles for word from them as well.

Mar 30, 09 1:34 pm  · 

Hey I'm another Archinect lurker just coming out of the woodwork... Everyone here has been so generous in sharing their information, that i felt compelled to share mine as well. I just heard from my last school and my final results are as follows:

GSAPP (no $)
UPENN (no$)
Berkeley ($$$)
Rice ($$)

Yale -

My stats:

- I graduated last May with a BS in Architecture from ASU.
- GRE: crappy 1200 something...
- GPA: 3.3
(i'll post my portfolio when i get back from NYC)

I think I'm defiantly leaning towards Columbia i just need to figure out how I'm going to pay for everything... hopefully I'll see some of you guys at the GSAPP open house on wed.


Mar 30, 09 1:46 pm  · 

_juut, haven't heard aid info from texas yet, but from what i gather from various sources is that 1st year non-loan aid is minimal, but much more is available through applying in the subsequent years. that and eligibility for in-state tuition (about 11k) is a strong possibility. with those combined, I forsee leaving school with little to no debt.

Mar 30, 09 1:55 pm  · 

_juut, haven't heard aid info from texas yet, but from what i gather from various sources is that 1st year non-loan aid is minimal, but much more is available through applying in the subsequent years. that and eligibility for in-state tuition (about 11k) is a strong possibility. with those combined, I forsee leaving school with little to no debt.

Mar 30, 09 1:55 pm  · 

yay - sci-arc email just in.'d you find out about funding for sci-arc? nothing in my email...

Mar 30, 09 1:57 pm  · 


Mar 30, 09 2:00 pm  · 

final tally :

cornell - in
uf - in
michigan - in ($$)
tulane - in ($$)
clemson - in ($$$)
uic - in
yale - out
penn - out

graduated last may w/ from university of florida
610/490/5 gre
3.36 gpa

i can't believe its finally over! i haven't made any decisions yet, headed to cornell's open house this week and clemson's next week.. maybe see some of you there!

Mar 30, 09 2:23 pm  · 

Does anyone have any info. on when UW seattle will be sending out letters? i called two weeks ago, and they said they would be going out at the end of the week. my friend called last friday, and they said letters will be going out today (monday 03.30) Whats their deal?? This hurry up and wait/ misinformation is leaving me w/ a negative impression of the program, and that sucks because i am very interested in the school.

Mar 30, 09 2:37 pm  · 

sciarc--in, i wonder if that's a good excuse to visit LA! what's the weather like at moment....

Mar 30, 09 2:46 pm  · 

j'aime - Really great time to visit, if you can actually say that about LA. Weather is in amazing form. Let me know if you have any questions about the school/city/etc.

Mar 30, 09 2:54 pm  · 

i just got into sci-arc m.arch 1!!! so happy!

now i wait for cal poly

Mar 30, 09 2:57 pm  · 

did noone else get the SCI-Arc e-mail yet? I would have thought this form would be blowing up by now.

i heard after a friend got in as well, so i know the e-mails are being sent. good luck to those of you who waited with me!

Mar 30, 09 3:57 pm  · 

I'm patiently waiting for an email for SCI-arc, we'll see. I applied for M.Arch II.

Mar 30, 09 4:06 pm  · 

got the email from SCI-arc m.arch i as well... i'm in. no word on scholarships, though.

then i also got an email from RISD saying i was nominated for President Scholar award. now i patiently await their decision. any other risd acceptees in on this?

Mar 30, 09 6:28 pm  · 

any M.arch II's receive an email from Sci-Arc or was it just the M.Arch I's today?

Mar 30, 09 7:08 pm  · 

Mikan, I will be at Risd next fall.

Congrats on the scholarship!!! Very nice!

Mar 30, 09 8:18 pm  · 

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