
2009 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


Entasis79, you going to the open house next week? maybe i'll see ya there.

Mar 30, 09 10:13 pm  · 

Is anyone else hopelessly debating going to a school they can't afford vs. one they can?

Mar 30, 09 11:06 pm  · 

d33s5-- yes I am!!

Also m.arch II acceptances are out for sci-arc; I for mine today.

Mar 30, 09 11:20 pm  · 

for = got

Mar 30, 09 11:21 pm  · 

wait listed at sci-arc today.... via email

rejected from UW :(

Mar 30, 09 11:29 pm  · 


I will be at the open house! Yes, maybe we can meet up.

How many choice are you deciding between??

Mar 30, 09 11:33 pm  · 

Anyone have on mind Texas A&M?
I don't have any friends at A&M, So wanna hear about the M.arch Program.
...regarding to the Emplyoment, Curriculum and living cost, etc...

Mar 30, 09 11:52 pm  · 


After reading these forums:

I'm thinking the one I can afford is looking like the answer.

Mar 31, 09 1:07 am  · 

Entasis79, definitely will see you at open house. I'm down to RISD and SCI-arc at the moment (also got into SAIC, but didn't give me that much in aid). If i get the president scholar award from RISD, i'm definitely going (it'll pretty much take care of tuition along with the other aid they initially offered). if not, and i get a generous scholarship from SCI-arc (although pretty unlikely), i'll consider there. but i'll also heavily consider reapplying for next year and work on strengthening my portfolio, and apply to a wider net of schools with hopes of hitting a full ride somewhere. it would be the longer route, but hopefully worth it in the long run.

Mar 31, 09 2:59 am  · 

got accepted to sci-arc too, and the AADRL

Mar 31, 09 6:38 am  · 

got accepted to sci-arc too, and the AADRL

Mar 31, 09 6:39 am  · 

in at sci-arc

the LIST:
UT Austin - IN
UMich - IN (tiny scholarship)
SCI-Arc - IN
MIT - out
GSD (AP) - out
Yale - out

what the hell have I dont to myself! Such different options...

Mar 31, 09 12:00 pm  · 

rejected from UW-seattle here as well ... via email

i kind a expect it though ... not hurting me much. just wondering if they'd still send out a hard copy of the rejection letter?

Mar 31, 09 12:23 pm  · 

still debating between UC and UIC. Have to decide by Monday. anyone going to the UIC open house?

Mar 31, 09 12:31 pm  · 

archprospect: I sure hope your deadline to decide is for UC instead of UIC - they're still trying to make a decision on my app! When is the open house?

Mar 31, 09 12:41 pm  · 

any one going to UCLA MArch II or AADLR? I am deciding between these 2 and like to hear opinions from others that are choosing bewtween these schools

Mar 31, 09 12:51 pm  · 

any one going to UCLA MArch II or AADLR? I am deciding between these 2 and like to hear opinions from others that are choosing between these schools

Mar 31, 09 12:52 pm  · 

puckman27, yes UC wants to know by April 6th while UIC doesn't need a decision until April 15th.

Mar 31, 09 1:32 pm  · 

sci-arc called yesterday with full-ride.

was sent details today, and seems as though i must maintain a 3.75.

safe to say this is a gimmick?

did a lot of you guys get this?

Mar 31, 09 2:00 pm  · 

wow -- i certainly didn't. 3.75 is pretty nasty. what if you dont?

Mar 31, 09 2:43 pm  · 

_juut, was that for march 1 or 2?

Mar 31, 09 3:01 pm  · 


I am going to the UIC open house. I'm really excited about this. I'm thinking I will be heading to Chicago this fall! yay!

Mar 31, 09 3:09 pm  · 

Ok, so I got into SCI-ARC!

Congrats to all the other admits.

Now the decision, SCI-ARC or Kansas. They couldn't be more different in every respect. Any thoughts from the peanut gallery?

Mar 31, 09 3:42 pm  · 

whichever is quicker and cheaper!

Mar 31, 09 3:53 pm  · 


i was not offered any money from sci-arc yet. that sure is a stressful order at 3.75, but i think its sooo rare for them to give a full ride, they want to make sure it goes to a top performer. congrats either way.

for those of you who might be interested. i asked about the acceptance rates for m.arch 1 this year and they said they had 253 applicants for 45 spots, but they accepted 90. so, 35% acceptance, but 17% attend.

looks like price is a big factor every year.

Mar 31, 09 4:06 pm  · 

Final count =

RISD = in

UW = in

UCLA = in

SCI-Arc = wait list

GSD = out

It was going to be between UCLA and SCI-Arc but now RISD comes into play.

Mar 31, 09 5:05 pm  · 

d33s5: not so much about cost (though probably should be...) but i'm more freaked out about the difference between more expensive private schools being more theoretical (but better known) vs. state schools which are more practical (GENERALIZING here). I mean, what's better for actually helping you become an architect? You can argue it both ways..some of the best architects have come out of state schools/even little schooling (FLW). Crazy, huh? You think it'd be so easy to just say, yup, going to go with that Ivy...but not so simple. But then again, I tend to over analyze

Mar 31, 09 5:18 pm  · 

Since everyone is doing it, my final tally...

SCI-Arc (M.ArchII) - IN (Full Ride)
UCLA (M.ArchI)- IN (no financial aid info?)
GSD - IN ($ bleh)

Trying to decide between SCI-Arc and UCLA now...15 days left :/

Mar 31, 09 5:30 pm  · 

hm....jhk11, yeah that's a great point and def. something so many people wonder before the big decision.

for me, that's actually why i have only applied to my state univ's program this yr and so thank gosh i got in. i saw no point in incurring so much debt (especially while my hubby's in med. school right now so you can just imagine his debt + private arch. school loan combined=well, you do the math). though his only had to borrow 50% but still.....

i guess it really depends on what you want to get out of school and what you want to focus after graduating. not sure how old you are but as a 32 yr old female, planning on having a baby at the tale end of my last semester....just doesn't give me much time unfortunately. but i'm still going for it but w/that said, i want to get my license and be a practicing architect asap, be ready to take on personal clients asap - ahhhh. i'm running out of time! therefore, my priority was to learn the practical side w/some balance w/the theoretical (i'm broad stroking here too a bit) first. after my hubby becomes a doctor and when we can afford the tuition, i plan to further advance my studies in a theoretical school, research based....i will have no limit in school choices. so for me, i'm looking at my arch. journey in a very looooong term.

so i just think prioritizing is so important, w/out falling into the lure of things.....and really think hard about what you want to be doing upon graduating. if you're sure you'll be going into the academia or want to work for starchitects, for sure you shouldn't waste any time w/state school imho. though if you're talented, no school will hold you back, i am a firm believer in that. so just really prioritize and face the realities of your life in details. good luck! oops, sorry this post was so long~~~

me no talk long time u know ;)

Mar 31, 09 5:41 pm  · 


Mar 31, 09 5:43 pm  · 

oh newport, your posts always make me smile! i love that you've already scheduled the baby for the tail end of your last semester. ;)

Mar 31, 09 6:03 pm  · 

hey missmeer, thanks! now i have to dig deeeeeep into my closet and pull out a cape to turn into a superwoman to pull this all off w/the future baby + 3 shihs tzus! females rock!

Mar 31, 09 6:21 pm  · 

I'm kind of leaning towards a newport-style but decent school now, Ivy later if needed.

That said, my "state" school (read: Canadian) still has a strong theoretical bent...but for me the choice is not so much about theory vs. practicality so much as it is having flexibility in where I can work. I like to move around (I get bored about every three years, even in cities I love...PS Montreal, I miss you baby). I fear that if I go to school in Canada that I'm condemned to living in Toronto forever.

Mar 31, 09 6:32 pm  · 

d33s5: no way are you condemned to living in toronto forever...from what I've heard Canadian architecture schools rock and have a good reputation outside of canada...I've heard something about "Canadian Ivy's"...but I think, at least with UBC and prob others, there's a pretty good international presence of graduates outside of Canada

and newport, you make great school will hold you back, more or less

Mar 31, 09 6:44 pm  · 

What is everyone doing that got accepted to Sci-arch, but is undecided about where they are attending? All the other schools want to know by april 15ish, and Sci-Arch's open house isn't until the 24th? I would really like to go to the open house before I make my decision!

Mar 31, 09 8:37 pm  · 

i got my package from cranbrook.... but its at my parents i should get it in 2 days....

hopefully i'll get some funding....if not, might have to sell the 77 vette at wholesale

Mar 31, 09 8:44 pm  · 

After all is said and done:

Finishing up in Arch/Geography at UCLA with 3.8 and 1470/6.0.

Cal - Rejected
GSD - Rejected
MIT - Accepted w/ 28k
UBC - Accepted w/ 10k
UCLA - Accepted w/ 10k

Cal - Waitlisted
GSD - Accepted w/ 15k
MIT - Rejected
UBC - Accepted w/ 10k
UCLA - Accepted w/ 0k

And I'm going with MIT. Hopefully I can get into the dual-degree program after I'm already into the architecture program for a year. Is anyone else here going to MIT? Send me a note!

Congrats to everyone!

Mar 31, 09 9:27 pm  · 


do UCLA.

Mar 31, 09 11:06 pm  · 


I'm in the same boat - what are ur thoughts on Sci-Arc. Where else have you been excepted?? Are you M.arch1 or 2?

Mar 31, 09 11:30 pm  · 


I'm in the same boat - what are ur thoughts on Sci-Arc. Where else have you been excepted?? Are you M.arch1 or 2?

Mar 31, 09 11:30 pm  · 

what are some of the criticisms of GSD?

Mar 31, 09 11:43 pm  · 

archprospect: are you going to the uc open house?

Apr 1, 09 12:06 am  · 


I am leaning towards going to UCLA. And I am M.Arch 1 in both programs.

I have no thoughts on Sci Arch really, because I have never visited. What about you?

Apr 1, 09 12:17 am  · 

Since I know the administration here at Kent State is almost always behind...

In a fit of impatience I checked my online application status and what do you know....I GOT IN!!!!

Still haven't gotten "official" notification but I'm assuming the letter is in the mail. Kind of circumvented the system and as a result everyone else in studio that applied checked their statuses as i started a mini revolution due to us finally finding out NOW instead of 3 weeks ago, but it is what it is, GRAD SCHOOL HERE I COME!!!


Kent State University: IN (dont know about money)

ok its not really a list...but whatever i felt left out, portfolio can be found at link

Apr 1, 09 12:20 am  · 

oh and physical photos are here link

this way you understand what the cover ended up looking like

Apr 1, 09 12:24 am  · 

abc91686: congrats on kent! i'm still waiting to hear from them (website still says "applied and complete" for admissions status)

Apr 1, 09 9:51 am  · 

abc: Congrats! Thanks again for all your info and help :-)

Puckman27: I'm still waiting on Kent State as well (and University of Kentucky)... hopefully we'll hear from Kent by the end of this week! I can't take this wait any longerrrrrr...

Current Status:
UVA: out
UT Austin: out
Kent State: ?
Kentucky: ?

Apr 1, 09 11:23 am  · 


Never been either. I have my reservations about the program due to various negative feedback I have heard. Also, I felt like my undergrad was fairly conceptual and did not flourish.

After 5 years of technical experience though, I feel like I might be ready to take on some headier things. Its hard to know until you get there I suppose.

Has anyone looking at this post attended, transfered out of or into, or had any direct experience with SCI-arc?

Congrats by the way for getting into UCLA as well. I understand it is a strong program. Good luck!

Apr 1, 09 2:18 pm  · 

jipster - visited UC earlier this year so I am going to the UIC open house since i haven't been there yet. same weekend.

Apr 1, 09 2:27 pm  · 

Is anyone else on here waiting for a reply from Cal Poly-Pomona?

Apr 1, 09 3:08 pm  · 

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