
Should the Archinect forum be moderated?


Vado is still winning with 56%. Its been nice knowing you buddy. Godspeed.

Sep 24, 07 8:36 am  · 

Yes, I'm tired of the transgressors and interlopers.
Cull baby, cull!!!

Sep 24, 07 10:38 am  · 

As a fairly new newbie, I enjoy coming here to learn. I lurk, I learn (decide for myself) who to pay attention to (SW, lb, lletdownl, vado, mdler, tumbles, techno, WK, jafidler, 765, garwondlerweed, et al.--each for different reasons) and I learn how to filter through the nonsense (self-promo, 3DH, spam...), and occassionally I will find that I may have something to add by way of posting. But for the most part I come here to expose myself to the ever-shifting torrent of thought and discussion that happens here--some of it on point and some of it total BS. For me, as a student, it is all relevant.

(for some reason I had read the final choice as "Archinect should be run by Vado")

Sep 24, 07 12:12 pm  · 

for those of you who feel that Archinect has digressed, start posting relevant stuff...otherwise, f off

Sep 24, 07 12:17 pm  · 

mdler I agrea, --- but what are relevant stuff then from your point of view ; not what it is not, but what is.

Sep 24, 07 12:22 pm  · 

For those of you who didn't get the joke, the ban Vado Retro option was meant as a joke, a way of seeing how serious the responses were going to be. We're not actually planning on banning Vado.

Thanks for all the response thus far. We listen to you guys and plan the site accordingly.

Sep 24, 07 12:24 pm  · 

That sound very strange , you guy's realise that there are acturly a democratic vote against a single guy and you say that is a joke ; hope you realise for the future, how easy it is to get it to look as a fora want to ban a person , how cheap you can buy it, and what little meaning it has......

I mean this serious I newer vote to ban anyone, but it seem even a nice guy very easy can get the "oppinion" against him. I mean the numbers are huge.

Sep 24, 07 12:30 pm  · 


people should post architectural related topics if they want to discuss architecture. I get the feeling that many people expect to come to the site and have everything laid out before them.

I think, if anything, archinect should edit the 'where should I go to school threads'

hi tumbles

Sep 24, 07 12:32 pm  · 

and P.s.
Blip I am positive sure you don't have a clue about what 3dh is, as for so many others who "feel" it is socialy correct to follow the social rules ,there tell me in short words blib, what is 3dh ; if you can't , I take that as a pointer to why you dismiss it ; as others say they don't like it, others who openly agrea they don't understand it.

Sep 24, 07 12:35 pm  · 

----- mdler again I agrea, or these shuld have a seperate fora.

Sep 24, 07 12:36 pm  · 

hi blip!

If there was one change I could make to this site, it would be to add a "PerCorell" translation button.

Just kidding. hi Per!

Sep 24, 07 1:14 pm  · 

if you can understand victor borge and meryl streep in Out of Africa you should have no problem with per

Sep 24, 07 1:18 pm  · 
brian buchalski

what? i'm the only person to vote to keep this thread? so we're not going to ban people but we'll ban our own threads in some sort of twisted guilt trip?

Sep 24, 07 1:40 pm  · 

If a'll are serious about voting on this subject, then let's stick with the top three selections; we shouldn't be targeting individuals at their expense.

Sep 24, 07 2:08 pm  · 

The problem here is anyone can sign up and log-in and post. There should be a year long archinect certification process. Upon successful completion, one's morals will be examined, for example, how many hours have you volunteered for your community. Finally, one will be asked to join the AIA. When all these milestones have been reached and "Archinecturally Approved", an embossed and gold seal certificate and Archinect key to the staff restroom will be awarded. No moderators will be needed because all Archinectors will be "Perfect Men".
Please all stand in a circle and hold hands as we sing...

Sep 24, 07 2:55 pm  · 
Sep 24, 07 3:08 pm  · 

"That" is the next president of the AIA.

Sep 24, 07 3:15 pm  · 

Great Success!

Sep 24, 07 3:19 pm  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

Wouldn't deleting this thread constitute moderation?

Sep 24, 07 4:05 pm  · 

per I want to hear about your 3dH

Sep 24, 07 4:36 pm  · 

(((((( here)))))) ((((((?)))))))

Sep 24, 07 4:45 pm  · 

why would we want to get rid of VADO??? hes not nearly as annoying as Per!

Sep 24, 07 6:25 pm  · 

ooo. the thread itself questions whether it should be deleted. it's become a meta-thread.

am i really here? have i been deleted? are you reading this?

Sep 24, 07 6:34 pm  · 

LOL steven!

mdler, don't goad him.

Sep 24, 07 8:00 pm  · 

I don't think there are any reson to comment Apurimac ; again he spit on some nice guy who's only crime is to promote a mew building method, again Apurimac do this becaurse it is funny to destroy a nice guy, --- personal attacks and dirty campains that started on Usenet by Jeanneret who later began posting dirty lacturly sexual obsessive private letters to Per Corell --- I like show some then judge the honesty of these old usenet clowns that continued on Designcomunity and then here in this fora, from Jeanneret's original agenda from usenet "to destroy this silli guy" .

Cencur allready exist here, we all know that, then who is it it harm --- honesty in arts, free expression in arts, or is arts cencured here or just when some nice guy try defend himself is that cencured, -- if so please realise how Jeanneret on usenet crowded together a small group of usenet trolls to openly harm a nice guy ; this is what you want to allow ?

Sep 25, 07 10:52 am  · 

I have a working theori that this scum belong to the last Usenet wars, a dungon tale with multible fake personalities that in the late 90' finaly ecchoed their sad existances out of the damp seats to realise none of them had a life.

The remains ,acturly those who lost became those who survived shaltered by a few unlucky web fora's that unaware contained fresh pray for those out-driven scum, who made the air so thick of pervert self reflecting, that everyone had to leave.

This site and first Designcommunity recived -- and I must ask you to exchouse it followed me -- but thru a sad pervert with Le. Corbu. as favourite architectural hero , who openly in an usenet fora declared that he "would hount and harras this silli Per Corell to the ends of his day's" (crazy you know as this Le. Corb was an artist not a pervert) , but anyway he first took a new nickname "Jeanerret" in the Designcommunity fora.
-- Later that Fora simply had to cencur out his posts that came after each of my posts, not becaurse of me but they simply was so pervert as this guy's slowly collected followers ; we been dealing with a couple today this date on this fora, some of the skums know exactly what to talk about to bleed in anywhere, even it will be you bleading for it.

Now My mailbox are still stuffed with the most dirty personal private mails from this leftover, who in the wars, ended up realising, that none of the ones he licked up to would even reply his slimy documents ; often tree lines with the most smelly fishy stank, anyway. --- I can name and point to the discussions, but "sadly" the vorse of it acturly been cencured out.

Read the treads and you reconise so many clues about these retired devil, those who havn't yet died in a grusom wish of dreams of how to harras yet another hippie like Per Corell ,has my most natural wishes on their way, --- acturly I thought you knew the scums, atleast a tread like this, is to open your eyes to it.

Sep 25, 07 3:22 pm  · 

Just you know, these scums became so revolted by exercising the web in campains , thruout the 90' that they would without you knowing it, pulverise a fora as this, if it wasn't for their natural hunger for pray.

----- Do you realise the picture now ; why was a nice guy with an actural good idear treaded like this , realy if you took this out into the light your dizziness would ecape you and you could see what these old usenet warriers need most ; to be able to reach out and realy harm someone, at best nice and skilled guy one with the tallent they failed. --- many of the two or tree who allway's , -- to kneel their probelly now, selfdead Master -- who allway's in this act "answer" one of my mails , with more and more clown or personal attack mails , allway's with an evil mind about either robbing an earned credit one that was even happily shared ; but this fact make them even more furious at the moment.

Now these sad existances are better than you would think, --- they master a group like this by years of competance in dull usenet caves, you can allway's reconise them when you suddenly realise that in fact this or that "person" realy newer say anything, or allway's copy and paste or lick up to someone who is glorified as master Devil. No Im'e not joking, Im'e opening your eyes, and I know this cold sound silli, but then think about what you experienced.

Sep 25, 07 3:34 pm  · 

Just realise what they made you do today.

Sep 25, 07 3:36 pm  · 

that's a great story Per.

Sep 25, 07 3:43 pm  · 

i sense some sarcasm.

Sep 25, 07 3:50 pm  · 

It could have been a story, -- if just those Usenet wars had been over just a little before, they would have dried out and the static eletricity had replaced the little thought left in what was once their brains true ; but if you dobt my story, there are search mashines, and you can go to Usenet in the architecture and Cad and boatbuilding groups ; for some reson corners of battlefields of the Usenet wars back then, after they moved to Designcommunity and later here, it became strangely quiet in those groups dealing with handyman issues , old american politics and architecture that is not in the hands of DON . Go search the trails and you will find I am right, -- that beside the fact that one of the ugliest round I count 69 year of age today, made you cencur by master pointer, my tries to defend myself once again ; think about it, who you protect. And vorse just a tread as this originaly, was the holy dreams of the Usenet wars ; someone suggest to cencor the group, an old Cirkus trick, maby you are to young to know but then, we have Google, and emagine you made same wrong thing again, cencur the one who has an honest reson, a guy with a brilliant idear with a crowd of bloodthirsty Usenet nolives hounting him "for fun".

Sep 25, 07 3:54 pm  · 

Maybe if I could understand your way of speaking would I read your long tiresome posts.

Sep 25, 07 4:00 pm  · 

Listen those Evil old men , forst can't see how it can work , then it is not invented, then when someone uses it and prove it's usability the issue are not that it don't work -- even one of them haven't yet realised that, but the grin is about what any designer shuld protect , the right for credits, and here you get stum, and can't even stand up for artists rights for credits.
Also after complaining it don't work and at the same time they don't understand it so I must once again "explain it ( got tired of "explaining it 10 times to SDR ) , then the "joke" that it will rain thru, who DON exersited 1992 is again revisited ; open your eyes before they target those.

Sep 25, 07 4:01 pm  · 

Per, if you keep getting harassed, maybe your doing something wrong.

Oh, and i did warn you didn't I? I've actually been soft of you so far.

Sep 25, 07 4:06 pm  · 

naw, stones, not sarcastic.

Per, i do think it's an interesting story, and perhaps more relevant here than most people would realize on cursory reflection.

that being said though, my views are decidedly in the minority on this one.

Sep 25, 07 4:11 pm  · 

What Apurimac just said has to be translated from Usenet slang , it translate ; " Ouch".

Sep 25, 07 4:22 pm  · 


Sep 25, 07 4:25 pm  · 

i think it's a stroke of genius the way Per spells 'silli' - something we mere romans wd never think of

Sep 26, 07 2:42 am  · 

would moderation include deleting spam self promotion?

if so then perhaps?

Sep 26, 07 4:14 am  · 

Listen --- I hope I made it clear how a group of tiresom old usenet clowns followed me from usenet, to designcommunity to here.

Their agenda set up by Jeanneret on usenet "to destroy this silli Per Corell and his silli 3d-h" --- well the words you can find searching usenet, and the two tree usenet evil clowns are easily reconised all tree places, sometimes they changed their names, but their writing are easy to reconise.

The amounts of filth and their mastery manipulation, their constant interfering into each and every tread about 3dh making each of these into a campain "to destroy Per Corell" has succeded to the degree that they manipulated it so, that the guy harmed is further cencured when he point to the facts and uncover this lazy crowd of old evil clowns -- that is mastery manipulation, but these guy's or well some are near the age of 70, shuld be easy to uncover if you understand 3dh and read ten times how they again and again ask the same questions , to make fool of this silli guy, read and understand.

Also the best issue is cencur --- think about it, a fora about art, and then one of these troll up a discussion about cencur, something that would be uncoverd instantly back at the usenet wars, but here the constant poison learn you to become a nazi, learn you to hate the guy who share an idear.

Sep 26, 07 7:12 am  · 

Learn you how to rob intelectural property , learn you to become a criminal ; all to ensure that Per Corell will not get the credits for sharing a bright idear.

Now who would profit from that ?

Sep 26, 07 7:15 am  · 

I demand an ignore button in the new Archinect 2.0... I'm sick and tired of reading 3d-H bullshit and absurd non-sense stuff about Usenet, thieves or whatever, in EVERY thread of this forum... this is getting ridiculous

Sep 26, 07 7:49 am  · 

Per, you are the provider of much laughs. Your conspiracy theories are brilliant. I don't even know what usenet is, i just think you're a major online jackass who deserves a righteous flaming for your shameless self-promotion of total bullshit on this site.

Your pathetic, so much so its funny, I think I'll step up the flaming to actual flames now in hopes you will provide us with more laughs. Seeing how you're the biggest joke to hit the internets since Hal Turner.

Sep 26, 07 7:53 am  · 

Let's give him what he wants, let's make him a martyr of the net!

The interbutts martyrs Per Corell.

Sep 26, 07 7:55 am  · 
Sep 26, 07 7:57 am  · 

Thank you for proving my point, you now agreaed to every word I explained about your hate campain and infiltrating any post about 3dh --- you see you also had the choice to stay away , thank you for uncovering yourself, your post remind me about Jenerettes posts, before he started to mail dirty private mails,

Sep 26, 07 8:05 am  · 

Per, we're not proving anything, in fact, most of us -even those who have been here since this forum started- have no clue of what your problems are (and its obvious you have some kind of problem.. remember that obsessions can easily lead to pathologies) nor what the hell is usenet, who the fuck is Jenerettes or why do you keep insisting in selling us your construction methods when you have already done it a million times and been responded extensively -and somewhat quite serioulsy- in that 1000+ posts about fancy graphics

I'm not asking to ban you -since some people still enjoy your rantings, though for me "you're no fun anymore"- all I'm asking for is an ignore button so I can read threads about whatever without having to see them flooded with 3dh or Romans or other absurdities from that very personal, strange mental universe of yours

so calm down, take a drink, go cycling in some nice Copenhagen park, breathe some fresh air and try not to fuck up every goddamn thread of this forum... thank you very much.

Sep 26, 07 8:35 am  · 

Per, your powers of observation suprise even me! I am indeed Augustus, and I have traveled through time to hate on you for wanting me to build the pantheon in your infernal 3DH!

Sep 26, 07 10:01 am  · 

Apurimac I pity that you have nothing but your obsessive mails on your mind --- think about it ; you realy has no visions, nothing good to share, , and as "occupation as such it is not a healthy occupation to do what you waste your time with.
There are no arogant or hidden agenda in any of my words, you see I have plenty of projects ,many people who enjoy my works, my arguments and example are doing things in real, where --- well you don't need to answer but think about how you waste your time, and with acturly what.
It could be obvious to ask you what you think you gain, how others like Jeanneret acturly ended up, very sick by beliving he was in some wierd kind of "right" to fight the iimage of me in his mind, so even I know it is difficult for you to belive, I pity that you waste your time with such filth.

Sep 26, 07 10:16 am  · 

like im wasting my time, you spend all day on this forum peddling your useless wares. Troll, be gone from mine sight!

Sep 26, 07 10:23 am  · 

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