
Should the Archinect forum be moderated?


Apurimac when you put in these obsessive and not very plesant mails or pictures to try make me a fool -- is it then joy you feel ?
Now belive me, that is not a "joy" who would be shared by so many people as you think, and your status you think you build up , well what would you think about a guy who obsessivly write hatefull mails or mails to harras another person --- what sorts of people do you think occupy themself with that kind of doing ?

Sep 26, 07 10:26 am  · 

"ike im wasting my time, you spend all day on this forum peddling your useless wares. Troll, be gone from mine sight!"

There ar a huge difference, having something on mind, compared the works of what you call Troll --- I have something on my mind and share a pallet of issues, from programming to Grafitti , light rojected graphics, inventions of various sorts , 3dh and CAD issues ; you complain and realy that's all you do.

Sep 26, 07 10:28 am  · 

When is the last time you shared a CAD advise and someone wrote you a mail saying thank's .

Sep 26, 07 10:30 am  · 

Do you realy think you get a happy life this way, by harassing some nice guy, when you could have just stayed away ?

Sep 26, 07 10:31 am  · 

the most pathetic thing about you per is you believe you're own shit.

You're so arrogant you've fooled yourself.

Sep 26, 07 10:35 am  · 
le bossman

apurimac, what does that make you?

Sep 26, 07 10:39 am  · 

no shit. knock it off and be done with it.

Sep 26, 07 11:10 am  · 

are you kidding me? Look I try to start a thread about graphics, i knew i was going to get a 3dh pic, it's inevetable with him. Yet after i asked him to stop once he belligerently claimed i was persecuting him. I told him to cut it out, I warned him. Now I'm getting as many laughs out of this guy as I can, because frankly, I'm sick and tired of his victim attitude. He didn't invent anything, he doesn't build anything with it, instead he spams our forums with his renders and when we ask him to elaborate he gets all pissy, claims he's above that as an "artist" and proceeds to act like a jackass.

Sep 26, 07 2:09 pm  · 

i think the best recourse is to just stop talking about it... ignore his incoherent posts, stop with the inflammatory comments and idiotic threads such as '3dh theme song' and 'is 3dh good for my sex life'

it makes us all look like prepubescent bullies

Sep 26, 07 2:20 pm  · 

and he isn't? For constantly shoving it down our throats? He got thousands of good opinions and insights in the original 3DH thread. Fine I'll stop goading him, but the next time i start a thread about CG, and there will be a next time, and he posts the same crappy stuff on there he'll get flamed even harder.

Sep 26, 07 2:27 pm  · 

Isn't it already middle of the road?

Sep 26, 07 2:39 pm  · 
le bossman

yes letdown, i agree, starting now.

Sep 26, 07 2:42 pm  · 
Post Nazi

Apurimac, You are acting like a little bitch.

Sep 26, 07 2:53 pm  · 

Apur, if you start a thread about CG stuff and Per flames it, email ARCHINECT and im sure they would moderate your thread to maintain its direction... or else give you the authority to do so... i dont think that would be a problem.

Sep 26, 07 2:57 pm  · 

ill keep that in mind lletdownl, but frankly, i was actually looking forward to see if per had anything new to offer from his work.

Sep 26, 07 3:00 pm  · 

I propose a filter be added that blocks any information that is not new under the sun.

Sep 26, 07 3:08 pm  · 

I think there should be a small staff of moderators (perhaps regulars who have been around a long time & proven their trustworthiness, and who volunteer for the responsibility) who have the privilege to remove offensive or too-personal comments when users ask for them to be removed. This would only be so Paul wouldn't have to handle all of that himself, as he is busy enough. I've had to request personal information about myself to be removed when others posted things without my permission, and always felt bad about bothering the Archinect staff because they are so busy. Other than that, I don't think a moderation policy should be instituted.

Sep 26, 07 8:16 pm  · 

I've never used a discussion forum that wasn't moderated (outside of archinect).

On the one hand the idea of self moderation is quite enlightening and if nothing is ever deleted you get this interesting record where you can see what an ass someone is (or isn’t), but if those kinds of posts get to where it’s discouraging people from using the forum for it’s indented purpose the freedom may not be worth it.

For those fearing censorship that's not usually the purpose of it (it's a slippery slope of course). I’m not a big fan of censorship myself, but I don’t get the impression archinect is suggesting language filters and deleting our posts if we dissent. Dissent is important and we need to be able to have discussions.

Just last night we had some dude spamming multiple treads with commercial solicitations for a product that had little (at best) to do with the topic at hand. That is clearly not the purpose of the forums.

Maybe it would be helpful if Archinect clarified the kind of moderation they are suggesting.

Administrators often move topics to the appropriate category if they are mistakenly posted in the wrong one. And most forums have somewhat open ended rules left to the discretion of the moderators regarding flaming, perpetuating arguments, personal attacks, impersonating other people, falsely representing yourself, and making secondary usernames for the purpose of arguing or attacking other members. I think these are reasonable expectations…

Some of these are things that have been a problem in the past and actually led to having registration.

So YES I’m for moderation.

As far as banning Vado one forum I use has a running poll “Who should we ban this month.” Who ever wins doesn’t get to post for a month. It’s obviously meant to be light hearted, but it’s kind of fun.

Apparently I’m in the minority on this, and that’s fine. Maybe I shouldn’t worry about some of the posts so much.

Sep 27, 07 1:03 am  · 

psycho-mullet this fora is not just some usenet list, it is about architecture and arts, strange you don't mention that, as it is important ;
History for one showed some concrete head Nazi with also their oppinion about this architecture and arts thing , you see.

-- I guess you are somehow related to architecture or art are you ?
What I mean is , ------ If you are a bicycle mechanic and some stupid baker suddenly thought he would tell you how to fix a leak , or a plumber and some silli police suddenly wanted to teach you what tubes is about; do you get me ? What are your relation to architecture anyway , there is no clue in what you write you see, and it would be nice to know that you atleast know what you are talking about. I realy did spend the years at the architect acadamy and had my profesional projects though that be to much to explain, --- but your background for making your statements , that would be nice to know.

Sep 27, 07 3:37 am  · 

Esp. when you back up moderation.

Sep 27, 07 3:40 am  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

I agree with nambypambics and psycho-mullet.

Sep 27, 07 5:03 am  · 

Dare I dignify that with a response… this will be my last everyone I promise…


[sarcastic response]
The jig is up. You got me. I’m a Nazi. I’m the spawn of Hitler and I’ve come to oppress architecture buffs in their silli discussion forums. My plan is to support the institution of moderators and then systematically remove the moderators’ power while increasing my standing in the forums, get my self appointed Chancellor of Archinect. Once my seizure of power is complete I will begin my reign of terror and oppression. You will be the first one sent to the cad-camps.

Oh and you’re so right: How could a stupid baker know anything?
[/sarcastic response]

The question is “Should Archinect have moderators?”

Where in there do I need to include my resume and position on architecture? Where does anyone else in this tread do that? Why should I? And why is no one else a Nazi for suggesting it? And then minutes after this post you go and “back up moderation” in the 3DH Contest thread? So you’re a Nazi too? I guess we should stick together.

You’re calling me out to throw down my credentials, but your credentials are:

- you went to an architecture school.
- “and had my profesional projects though that be to much to explain”

If there so numerous you can’t even explain it, then just give us one. If you’ll actually post you’re work experience and Photographs of built work (of buildings….) no 3Dh “graphics” that you’ve been involved in I’ll do the same, I’ve got nothing to hide. In fact if you did a search you might be able to find that info on archinect.

I'm going to go find a thread in which I have something relevant to contribute now.

Sep 27, 07 5:34 am  · 

Where did I say you are a nazi ?
I pointed to the fact that personal attacks, stupid old usenet clowns only looking for a chance to destroy a nice guy out in the real life, shuld rather be moderated than progressive newthinking.

Try read your own sarcastic mail again, then answer me what is acturly wrong with this ;

What made me ask you what relevance you have to architecture , was when you for some wierd reson said you in england allready know "baskets" --- that made me sure you don't even know the 3dh method, that you rather follow the class bully and try collect cheap points by hitting the class's prygle knabe ; isnt' that what you are doing and with what reson -- to prove what, that you are better throwing dirt in the direction of some nice guy who just shared a good idear ?

And yes the nazi's would love to hount the ones with revolusionary new idears, but beside telling me what is acturly wrong with this ;

Then Please tell me where moderation had it's place in arts, except from keeping hate away from the few newthinking individuals who dare show some gutts --- what you show is not that, think about it, everything you said, is personal attacks nothing more, not one relevant thought about new methods only licking up to the class bully.

----- So now instead of harassing someone who contribuate with newthinking and visions , please explain what is wrong with the possibility to build houses at a third the cost so much more fitted for a long life and with the promise of new building compoments in a hundred years, please don't start another long mail with personal attacks such things are easy -- tell me instead why you think we shuld stay with the expensive old fasion designs instead of creating the new jobs and the cheap new houses , what is wrong with new jobs and a new brilliant architecture, except a few old usenet fanatics see this as a splendid oppotunity to catch you in a hate campain that you will feel bad about when you realise what you are in fact doing, start with answering me without jumping on someone as a mugger, just becaurse some old usenet clown allowed you that.

Again please answer ;

Sep 27, 07 6:03 am  · 

Per, your system, in its current state, has been discussed ad nauseum in its very own thread. You have to understand, people get very tired of the 3DH rants.

In answer to your question, which again has been said by people all across the internet, is your system is not cost effective and is over-engineered. CnC machines for the most part do not exist on the scale required to cut building sections on that scale, and then how would you transport these sections to site? Not to mention hundreds of labor hours devoted to making those connections between members.

But that's been said before, in this forum and in others.

This is not a personal attack, just understand many of us get tired of you constantly raving about it. Either take it somewhere or please stop harassing us with it.

I am not a usenet troll, i am not a Nazi.

Sep 27, 07 7:57 am  · 

"In answer to your question, which again has been said by people all across the internet, is your system is not cost effective and is over-engineered. CnC machines for the most part do not exist on the scale required to cut building sections on that scale, and then how would you transport these sections to site? Not to mention hundreds of labor hours devoted to making those connections between members."

How is steel plate allready cut in shipyards, how do you callibrate a N.C, cutter, how do you assemble smaller pieces into one --- ALL these "problems" you think there are , is allready solved many times , only problem it seem --- is that you think shipyards and steel mills are not allready using N.C. cutters ; well they are, so now we shuld be over that discussion , now for the next ;

"But that's been said before, in this forum and in others."

Yes by two or tree old men who know very little --- so they say themself.
But others have an different oppinion , others think this basic concept solve so many problems and is so much a revolution in structural thinking, now you proberly don't think so but, the read on ;

"This is not a personal attack, just understand many of us get tired of you constantly raving about it. Either take it somewhere or please stop harassing us with it."

That's not true and you know it -- 90 or more pct. of these mails are nothing but personal attacks and you gladly join them , even it seem you don't even know the basics ;

"in answer to your question, which again has been said by people all across the internet, is your system is not cost effective and is over-engineered. "

No it is not it is engineered as you decide, and it is not expensive, but you don't even know how cheap N.C, cutting is, you don't know that N.C. cutting are allready so cheap that even square washers with round holes, are today N.C. cut ----

"CnC machines for the most part do not exist on the scale required to cut building sections on that scale, "

First of all they do , but what argument is that anyway ; Such N.C, cutters are so cheap to manufactor today that this shuld be no hinder , to produce the building compoments that allready are so huge that from your oppinion they shuld not exist, they do allready, and sorry to say but this make your judgement even more questionable ;

"and then how would you transport these sections to site? Not to mention hundreds of labor hours devoted to making those connections between members."

You havn't read a word of what I explained in those treads you complain -- transport ? isn't huge building compoments allready transported, and don't you understand that 3dh by nature limit the size of the building compoments, You put things together to make bigger things don't you know that, in so many treads I made drawings to show how you make a huge frame out of smaller pieces without making the frame weaker -- don't you think the issues you point to is allready solved in other situations ?

You obviously havn't read the answers I made so many times, wonder if you even looked at more than one graphic --- but vorse of all, all the "problems" you point to is allready solved , what you in fact blame the method is that it is different and you don't understand it, beside it seem there are so much silli personal attacks and poisoning the treads, that you havn't found my answers. You point to impossible tasks and do not answer what is wrong with this ;

Instead of continuing these silli claims answer me, what is wrong with that, and is that "impossible" in any way as a basic structure for a nice cheap building ? Please answer a direct question.

I am not a usenet troll, i am not a Nazi.

Sep 27, 07 8:30 am  · 

good grief.

Sep 27, 07 8:43 am  · 

"I am not a usenet troll, i am not a Nazi."

Suit yourself , no problem by me that you don't want to follow evil old men , knowing nothing and agreaing to know nothing, about what they use to crowd together willing sheeps, who don't reconise the agenda.

But I would allway's ask myself what the agenda behind such dirty personal attacks are ; is it to trap guy's like you to become so involved in acturly harming a real guy, that you couldn't escape their trap ?

From what you write it seem you allready reconised the dirt and the constant poison of each of my treads, what you blame is in fact not me, but you seem poisoned by these old men --- remember some of them are round 70 year old ---but think about it this way ; these old men want your life to be their war against a nice guy who's only crime had been to share a brilliant idear, one that uses the computer in the most exiting new way. They want you to waste your life harassing me, now what do you gain from that , who is the next prygleknabe they will attack and, is it realy worth the while, to spend your life harming a nice guy fillingup your existance with hate ?

Please answer me an´d so you don't "forget" like all the old saur men allway's forgot, tell me what is wrong with bright new idears, new jobs, cheap houses and this ;

Sep 27, 07 8:43 am  · 

there is no negotiation with you, no discussion. How do you make the connections at the site then per? And yes, prefabricated buidings are moved on trucks and boats all the time, but it can be massively expensive if they are oversized, and even illegal.

But you knew that already, we've told you a hundred times. You can build ships in shipyards and steel mills located next to them, you can't build houses in them. Why? Because houses don't move by themselves to their final site by sea. But again, you knew that, we've told you that a hundred times.

But there is no negatiation with you about this, none at all. Not all inventions are the lightbulb, especially when they have been done in the real world already.

Sep 27, 07 8:50 am  · 

First -- why will you not answer what is "wrong" here, I try again again again ;

-------- you see that couns answer a few of your questions.

"there is no negotiation with you, no discussion. How do you make the connections at the site then per? "

Well how is it made allready, ?

"And yes, prefabricated buidings are moved on trucks and boats all the time, but it can be massively expensive if they are oversized, and even illegal."

I newer talked about moving on trucks as as you say this is allready how things are done, but why don't you read when I say that so many times I pointed to how you put smaller things together to form bigger things --- and wouldn't you think a NC cutter can number a building part , do you know so little about CAD that you can't even emagine how this is automated allready" , beside now you want things so limitaded that you can't even emagine how on site, building compoments can be cut and assembled.

"But you knew that already, we've told you a hundred times. You can build ships in shipyards and steel mills located next to them, you can't build houses in them. Why? Because houses don't move by themselves to their final site by sea. But again, you knew that, we've told you that a hundred times."

Please read what you just wrote, now anyone who read that know why you can not tell me what is wrong with this;

And why you havn't answered .

But there is no negatiation with you about this, none at all. Not all inventions are the lightbulb, especially when they have been done in the real world already.

Sep 27, 07 9:03 am  · 

It seem very difficult for you to even conform to normal discussion rules ; when an argument are proven with sound arguments, you don't start throwing dirt just becaurse you was wrong.

Sep 27, 07 9:08 am  · 

per you should follow your own advice.

Sep 27, 07 10:08 am  · 

And where was I proven wrong ?

That Apurimac would not answer what was wrong in my link ?

Sep 27, 07 10:12 am  · 

This site needs to form a new position: "The Fidel Castro Chair".

Any person who veers off topic or more importantly does not meet any of the site standards will be introduced to the "iron fist" of Fidel. The interloper will receive, courtesy Fidel, many computer viruses and all e-mail and internet sites will be read and made public to all Archinect users. The Castro Illuminati will also be involved.
I promise you, this site will be back on track and in control- meeting all current and future standards with this new system of forced standardization. May we all come to live by the motto "Total and Complete Standardization".

May the Pan Standardization be ours.

Sep 27, 07 10:13 am  · 

Per, i'm not gonna argue with you because you can't be reasoned with. That doesn't mean your right. Check bitchy central for all future correspondence from me on the subject of you.

Sep 27, 07 10:17 am  · 


what is 'right' with that picture you've posted about fifteen times
now? and three times in the same post (it's not called mail
by the way).

how could all of those connections be:
1. structurally stable
2. cost effective (compared to normal construction it just seems
silli (really spelled silly)) i don't understand how this is better
than joists spaced 16" o.c.

just because you say it's cheaper and such doesn't make it true.

and this isn't personal...i don't know why i bother talking to you,
but i actually care that you understand that there are portions of
'your' system that just don't work in the real world.

you're not an architect right? you asked someones credentials're an artist/boat builder correct?

Sep 27, 07 10:23 am  · 

guys, just stop, ignore him. He cannot be reasoned with.

Oh and cf, there are indeed forums with systems like that. 4chan (not safe for work) is notorious for hacking users the majority of the forum is in heated disagreement with. Its actually kind of democratic if you think about it but very cruel. Its also completely unmoderated on one board and literally everything you can imagine gets posted there, including prolific amounts of porn.

Sep 27, 07 10:30 am  · 

Yes I am among the very few who been allowed to the danish states workshops 3 times , -- I usealy don't brag about what I did or what people I been with, or in this case "who" I would be , to be honored these oppotunities.
What is "funny" about all this is that you proberly don't know what this mean, I know artists who would give their right arm for just one allowance , so yes I am an artist. You wouldn't happen to know what that is ?

Sep 27, 07 10:34 am  · 

------- And sorry , but this is so funny in a way, you would newer know what criteria you has to meet, to be allowed just once.

Sep 27, 07 10:40 am  · 

per, if you wanna flame, we can do it in bitch central.

If you've been in a workshop and made stuff, why don't you post images of that? I've wanted to see what your constructs would look like mocked up.

Sep 27, 07 10:46 am  · 

I guess you would, but for what reson , I realy don't think you would "undrestand" it.

Sep 27, 07 10:51 am  · 

you'd be amazed per. Remeber i actually defened you on designcommunity, and i think all the rest of us would like to see you put your money where your mouth is. Unless you're lying about actually being in a workshop and building something.

Sep 27, 07 10:54 am  · 

Then it is settled, Per will have the new Fidel Castro Chair.

Sep 27, 07 11:01 am  · 

Would you realy think I care ,bside those workshops is not just "workshops" . The word "workshop" tend a bit to american.

Sep 27, 07 11:03 am  · 

sorry I wasn't answering you cf.

Sep 27, 07 11:03 am  · 

fine you're a liar then. Put your money where your mouth is, and I'll never talk a harsh word about you again. Show me built work.

Sep 27, 07 11:06 am  · 

Why -- is there any thing in what you written that indicate I shuld serve you in any way, you can't even answer.

Sep 27, 07 11:17 am  · 

Where's Augusto Pinochet and Fidel Castro when you need them.
We need order and that only comes with culling and an iron fist.

Sep 27, 07 11:18 am  · 

ok per, if not for me than everybody else.

Or you're a liar. Which you are.

Sep 27, 07 12:11 pm  · 

Cmon per, show me the money! Show me you're revolution! Show all of us your revolution in built form!

Sep 27, 07 12:19 pm  · 

El Mano

Sep 27, 07 12:25 pm  · 

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