
A Great Adventure


do they have foreskin merkins? You know, some piece of latex that you could put over your circumscised weiner so that you look un-circumsiced?

Jan 11, 08 2:16 pm  · 

^ i suppose some superglue and chicken skin would work just fine

Jan 11, 08 2:17 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

John, I had read an article about the movie, but that one was better. Can I ask you some personal questoins, or your wife rather?

She did it 'natural' right? Did she tear?

Jan 11, 08 2:22 pm  · 

tastes like chicken...

Jan 11, 08 2:26 pm  · 
I want to hear from someone with first-ahem-hand experience with turtlenecks to confirm that it makes for better sex. That's the rumor.

on the contrary... I'm really hoping that crewnecks turn out to be more fun than turtlenecks.

Jan 11, 08 2:38 pm  · 
John Cline

You can ask all you want, SH. Yes she did give natural birth and no she did not tear. She did need a couple "superficial" stitches after everything was said and done but no episiotomy.

Jan 11, 08 2:51 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, then wish me luck. My doc said there'd be no slicing if i requested not to, but that sometimes you can tear upwards, and that sounded terrible. I think I'm going to stand my ground and request no cutting.

Jan 11, 08 2:56 pm  · 
John Cline

There are perineum stretches you can do to reduce the risk of an episiotomy. We did them religiously beforehand because of wife's fear of tearing.

Just a few quick questions I'll throw out. What sorts of preparation/research have you done or found for pain management? How is the hospital, doctor, nurses and husband going to support and help you with your pain management? These were some of the biggest questions that came up during our research. It's incredibly important to have people around you that not only support you and your decisions but know how to help make them happen. Having a grumpy nurse who just wants to give you an epidural because she's tired of waiting (or hearing you moan from pain) is the last thing you want when you're 5 cm dilated, contracting and trying to deliver naturally.

I really think it's wonderful that you are considering natural child birth. I want you succeed and I feel the best way you can be successful is to arm yourself with as much information and knowledge as possible! If you want to talk to the Mrs. I absolutely set that up.

Jan 11, 08 3:44 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'll have to weigh in here to say that even with a "traditional" hospital birth I had an experience that was the complete opposite of Ricki Lake's, and, in case her report or article sound scary to any of you pregnant ladies, keep in mind she needs to make it sensational worst-case scenarios to make it sell.

I know there are terrible doctors and nurses out there who are more concerned with their convenience than with your birth experience. My advice would be to ask yourself how you feel about your doctor NOW, long before you are about to see him/her in the delivery room. Is s/he pushy or patient? Does s/he respond helpfully and fully to your questions (which they have heard thousands of times before, just never from YOU), or brush them off with a "Don't worry your little head about that" attitude? If it's the latter, find a new doctor. Or at least get yourself a doula who will act as your advocate, but then ask yourself the same questions about the doula!

My doctor was a dream and I would have trusted her with absolutely any decision. She NEVER told me what she was/we were going to do, she always asked. Even as we started discussing the possibility of a C-section, it was never an order, it was a suggestion, and even after I said yes to it, when the next contraction came she asked do you want to go ahead and keep pushing now, keep giving it a try?

The other side of this really is the nurses. Pennsylvania Hospital is renowned for having exceptionally helpful and caring nurses. I was there for almost six days, interacting with probably 8 different nurses over that time, and only one of them even remotely approached being pushy or grumpy.

The perineum stretches are a great idea, especially if you can get your mate involved in helping!

Jan 11, 08 4:26 pm  · 

where do we find info on those stretches? Is this going to get as graphic as yesterday's conversation?

Jan 11, 08 4:32 pm  · 
liberty bell

Much more graphic and much less interesting, tk.

Go ahead and google it, there is a lot of info out there. Any of the pregnancy sites like Parent's Place would have it.

Jan 11, 08 4:39 pm  · 

picture please

Jan 11, 08 4:53 pm  · 
John Cline

That's some great stuff, lb. I really believe you have to make the experience what YOU want it to be.

A couple of stories:

We went to the big fancy hospital here when researching birthing options. During the presentation one of the nurses commented "We don't give brownie points for enduring pain." It was pretty much a given prior to going that we weren't going there for the birth but that comment pretty much sealed the deal.

Also, the Mrs. had an OB visit during pregnancy and met with a doctor she hadn't seen before. He was commenting on how her iron was a little low. Mrs asked if she should be worried. His response, "I'll let you know when you can get worried." I mean how condescending can someone be? Sheesh. She hated the experience and for a week dwelled on a "what if" scenario should she go into labor and that Dr. be on call. It kept her up for nights on end. Though she loved 3 of the 5 doctors at that practice, she very soon after called and had her paper work transferred to a midwife practice. (at 36 weeks)

Jan 11, 08 5:09 pm  · 
John Cline

ya go mdler. enjoy.

Jan 11, 08 5:12 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

John, to answer your questions, I read some books, but thats really it. Of the books I've read, there is the 'purple' "Your Pregnancy week by week" which I hate, a Day to Day pregnancy Journal, though its not much of a journal, but has interesting facts on how other cultures approach birth, the 'Girlfriends Guide' and 'From the Hips." Other than that, its been a few discovery health shows, some National Geographic shows, and well, that seems to be it. Husband and I couldn't work any sort of classes around his work schedule, so there is none of that. I figure, its gonna happen if I really know how to or not, so maybe its something you can't really be underprepaired for. Lets hope thats that case anyway. Plus, I have noticed that I seem to do the breathing thing instinctively when that pain under my ribs starts, so maybe that will be ok too.

I have asked my doctor about positions, and his only request was that when the baby did start to come out, I lay on my back just in case there were problems they'd be easier for him to deal with. I asked him about the episiotomy, and he actually said that they weren't done routinely anymore, and that he takes a wait and see approach. If he thinks he needs to cut, he will, unless I request that he not. Husband asked if we should write it on the inside of my thigh.

During my hospital tour, I asked if they would place the baby on me after birth, or what, and, unless I misunderstood, they said that they would leave the baby with us as long as we wanted before he is measured/weighed/washed/ect. I think I'm going to request that of my doctor as well, just in case.

I know the 'birth plan' is silly since theres no way of knowing what will happen, and this really isn't something you can or should control. But I do have ways I would like it to go. I would like to do this 'naturally' because I don't want to be confined to a bed, I want to be able to walk around, bend over, do whatever is needed to relieve some of the discomfort, and to move it along. Also, its said the epidural can prolong labour, and I don't want that. I would like to tear, unless tearing is up, or hopefully not tear at all. I would like the baby, and a towel or something to be placed on me after birth, and to breastfeed/attemp to breast feed as soon as possible. I want to shower afterwards, before anybody else sees me.

I figure most of those are easily accomodated; whether I will be able to do them is another story. So I am trying to keep my mind open.

Jan 11, 08 5:21 pm  · 

John Cline,

Thanks. I just google imaged 'labiaplasty'

Jan 11, 08 5:38 pm  · 
John Cline

A birth plan is actually a great exercise to do with your hubby. Once complete it can be given to your doctor/nurses. It allows for good communication/discussions of standard procedures and protocol. It's also a good way of writing everything down before hand so you don't forget anything during labor and after delivery. I'll be happy to share ours with you if you want to see one.

Jan 11, 08 5:41 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

John, I sent you an email.

Jan 12, 08 5:42 pm  · 

you don't really have to remember much during labor and delivery. the people there help every step of the way. relax.

Jan 12, 08 9:22 pm  · 
liberty bell

Some random weekend thoughts for our expecting parents.

Daddytypes has the absolute funniest birth announcement idea I've ever seen. We didn't bother with birth announcements, just an email.

Pregnant ladies: One minor thing, but it is true: after you give birth, none of your clothes will fit, not your pre-pregnancy clothing, not your maternity clothing. Bring some sweatpants or drawstring yoag-type pants to the hospital to go home in, AND big comfy shoes - if you get an IV your feet will swell up like hams! The first six-weeks post-partum were the most challenging clothing experience of my life, nothing fit, everything looked like crap. But it will pass.

sweetpotatoes, I've been wondering all weekend how you are doing. Hope things are good.

Jan 14, 08 10:30 am  · 
John Cline
birth plan

The Mrs. also says there are a ton online.

This past weekend, I was finally able to capture Rowan's elusive smile.

Jan 14, 08 11:11 am  · 
liberty bell

She looks exactly like you, John!!

Jan 14, 08 1:01 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

She's going to be quite the Ham, John, and not in the fat sort of way as LB's Ankle/foot comment, but in the 'smiling and sticking her tongue out at the camera' sort of way.

And Potatoes, I've been wondering about you too.

We just picked up birth announcments on Saturday. They were from target, simple, clean, and no assembly required! Most of the announcements out there require you to tie two pieces of paper together with a ribbon/bow. EFF THAT! Who has the time to assemble announcments! These have one page that slides into a pouch, that i can then slide a photo into, and sstick it in the envelope and on its way! Maybe i will get those addressed soon. We bought 50, so hopefully its enough.

We also bought a yoga ball. It is very comfortable for my hips, but theres no back support, so my back hurts. But i still like it.

We're hoping to meet with the pediatrician on friday. Wish us luck!

Jan 14, 08 1:37 pm  · 

john- she's too cute. thanks for the smile, it made my day!

Jan 14, 08 2:07 pm  · 
John Cline

Thank you guys. I hope I am not already turning into one of those crazy parents. I just can't get enough... those smiles and sounds just kill me every time.

Sarah, I hope the ball works out for you. The wifey hated it at first and at the end but somewhere in there it was a huge relief on her body.

When I was in Venice many years ago, I bought this colorful wheel, spinny thing from a street vendor. It's made up of about a dozen plastic color streamers that hang on a piece of fishing line (or thread). It was actually in the give away box because I just never used it. Well in thinking about mobiles and how fascinated babies are by them, I thought maybe Rowan would go for it. So I put it together tonight and strung it up over her Pack n' Play. Man she loved it. I'll try and post a pic or two when I can.

smallpotatoes, calling smallpotatoes. how goes it?

Jan 14, 08 11:34 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Husband was suppose to make a mobile for our room, but he's been busy with work stuff. At least the room is almost 100% complete! I just have to finish priming my canvas, and then do the painting, and hang some decorative items. I will post pictures as soon as its complete, I promise.

I'm excited about the painting, 4'x6', largest I've ever done, and even though it shouldn't, the Kilz I'm using to prime it with smells great. I can't figure out what it is, but chemical smells like that, exhaust fumes, ect, all smell so amazing right now, I want to eat/drink them. I KNOW this isn't a good thing, so you won't find me sucking on a gas pump at the local 7/11, but I'm curious as to what it could be my body wants. I'm suppose to crave food, and instead I'm craving carcinogens. The Kooh-i-nor markers I used to do a sketch of the painting, smelled so good I wished the thumbnail was bigger than 4"x6". Any ideas of why I'm so attracted?

Not to worry, though. I've been priming outside, and will be using standard latex wall paint for the canvas and not oils or anything.

Oh, and I've noticed that the kid is affected by gravitti. Guess I should have assumed that, but figured the whole suspended in water thing would somehow suspend gravitti. But now he falls to whatever side is down. And, he's getting really big. his head is where it should be, but then he somehow curves up the right side; he's a flexible guy, and quite the sqirmer. I think he's getting restless.

Jan 15, 08 8:57 am  · 

what's the painting of?

Jan 15, 08 9:12 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I guess I should've scanned in the sketch, but its basically a dumbed down view from the drivers seat of an old-school race car - think single person, open cockpit 1940s racer. So what you will see in the painting is the stearing wheel in the lower left, the gauges (no numbers or details, just tick marks and needles) behind the steering wheel, a switch-panel to the right. Above, the arc of the dash, then the arc of the windsheild with a wiperblade laying idle in the center. Through the windshield, and above, the track curves to the right, green grass on the left, red and white bumper stripes on the right. Sky above.

Simple, but it will get the point across. And, hopefully, unless we all get too attached, I will reprime it when Abram is big enough and he can paint what he wants.

I will definately include it in the photos once its all finished. I'm running out of time!

Jan 15, 08 9:18 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Last night I had a minor breakdown. I realized that there is just soo much to do, and not enough time left. I started making lists, yes, I'm a list maker, and we did manage to cross some things off. The kids room is finished, minus a lamp and the painting, so thats good, and the bag(s) is packed minus our clothes, the babies clothes, and things that will have to wait until the end. Hopefully the laundry detergent will arrive today and I can wash the kids clothes and blankets; I think I will feel better after that. I'm also a bit stressed because we don't have stuff to take care of the kid yet. We have two diapers, no wipes, no soaps, lotions, creams, goops, whatevers that I feel like we're suppose to have. Maybe I'm just nervous because I feel so unprepaired. I wish I could skip the next 2 months.

Jan 16, 08 10:13 am  · 

Sarah it will all be fine! Our son was five weeks early...we weren't prepared at all but it worked out. You'll get a bunch of stuff from your hospital stay too...goops, diapers, and whatnot.

Take a deep breath, try to get a bunch of rest.

Jan 16, 08 10:18 am  · 

sarah- that's what the hubby is for while you're sleeping at the hospital... relax, since he's a professional race car driver, so he'll be able to finish the errands in half the time it would take you!

Jan 16, 08 10:57 am  · 
John Cline

Everything will be just fine, Sarah. Do the few things you have on your lists and then relax. Enjoy enjoy this time with your hubby.

Jan 16, 08 11:19 am  · 
liberty bell

jones is right - you'll bring a bunch of stuff home from the hospital.

Also tk is right - and when you're in the hospital you'll have a better sense of what "things" you need to send hubby out to get anyway. For example, we didn't give Angus a bath until at LEAST two weeks after the hospital - so don't stress about soap, you don't need it right away, and plain water is fine for a newborn's delicate skin anyway. Diapers you will want, but you can get them from any corner store and will know what size to get only after Abram comes - Angus was 9 pounds 7 and only fit into the "newborn" size for about three days. I'm glad we didn't stock up at Costco on tiny diapers! Even some baby wipes can give a newborn a butt rash, so plain water on a soft towel is fine, even better, to use as a wipe at first.

Remember you do not need to be sucked into buying every specialty baby item that is advertised to you! Babies only need you, breast milk, and warmth at first.

You can change diapers on a towel on the floor. Go ahead and take the receiving blanket home from the hospital with you - everyone I know did - along with the little stocking cap. Hopefully your breast will be the only food/food utensil he will need for the first few weeks.

You'll learn what you need as you go along. You'll be fine.

I'm guessing smallpotatoes has had an event that has kept her offline - I hope everything went well. Sending good energy to you.

Jan 16, 08 1:56 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So today we meet with the pediatrician... any ideas of what I should ask? It stills seems strange to meet with one without a kid in tow.

Jan 18, 08 9:08 am  · 

is it a guy or gal doc? ask if they like race cars, puppy dogs and lollypops.

seriously, ask them about mercury free immunizations, their philosophy of when to medicate sick kids, what they recommend for soothing sick kiddos and any other concern you may have.

Jan 18, 08 9:39 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I think thats the issue. I'm not sure what I should be concerned about.

Jan 18, 08 9:40 am  · 
John Cline

Immunization schedule, or what are the initial schedule of visits? recommendations on where to/not to take baby (no malls/public enclosed spaces for first 3 months for ours). uhhh. other schedules. things to look out for, ie symptoms. what to do in case of emergencies? i'm not sure what the wifey prepared for this meeting because I was not there...

Jan 18, 08 10:40 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, the pediatricians visit went well. She doesn't like to give the kid drugs unless absolutly neccesary - which we like, and she said I could prolong the vaccine schedule if I wanted. Oh, and none of their vaccines contain mercury, though I dont think any but the flu one does now anyway.

The OB visit went fine as well. I asked him lots of labour questions; he probably felt like he was in school again. I also gained 2 lbs in two weeks, all baby, right, and am still on track for the 22 of February. They took more blood, and did the strep test - that was fun.

All in all I feel pretty good about my progress. He still doesn't know whats causing me such emense pain under my ribs, but figures it will go away after delivery. He also said that antacids would help the heartburn I've been having. I didn't think they would, so I hadn't had any; maybe now I can get to sleep easier.

Well, The laundry soap finally arrived, so its off to wash baby stuff - another thing to mark off the list. Oh, and the pump arrived. Yeah, thats not going to be any fun. Husband and I put it together, and then before sanitizing it, tested it out just using the manual attaachment..... OUCH!!!! That sucker hurts! He didn't believe me, so he tested it out too. Yep, it hurts. Guys are funny how they have to test everything out for themselves. "Don't touch that its hot" "OUCH thats HOT!!" "Well, duh, I just said so.." Silly boys.

Jan 18, 08 6:15 pm  · 

OMG- we now are getting baby ads on the banner for this thread. PAUL MAKE IT STOP!!!!!

of course we have to test things. men have different nerve thresholds then women, so just cause they say it hurts them, doesn't mean it will hurt us and vice versa...

guess I'll have to test the pump too when it arrives.

my babe had a check up today, the acorn seems healthy. next month is the gestational diabetes test - I may go just to hold her hand with all the needle pricks.

in 7 weeks we start our birthing class - should be.... um, interesting to say the least.

So no news on the tatter tot... hope she and kiddo are not in the fryolator.

Jan 18, 08 10:06 pm  · 
liberty bell

Sarh, I had heartburn and ate Tums by the handful the last couple months - my doc and every other doc I talked to said they can't hurt you, go ahead and eat 20 a day. The calcium in them is good for you anyway

Breasts pumps are's a ridiculous thing and feels really wierd to hook yourself up to this machine - but once you get the hang of it wil be just like brushing your teeth. I'll try to keep this clean and just say that nipple sensitivity changes once you start breastfeeding - so what hurts now/at first will likely be fine later. But I have to ask: did your husband check it on his OWN nipple? That is such a funny image!!

Jan 19, 08 9:17 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yes, yes he did, and yes it was a funny image. Too bad we didn't capture that one for the baby book.

Jan 19, 08 12:29 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

With less than a month to go, we finally took the photos. We were lazy and only took 5 or so, but out of those, one was great, and will be hanging on the wall in the living room. Figured if I could be that public with it, might as well share with y'all. And I did get Husband's permission before uploading and posting. Man, who knew my hands got so pudgy....

Jan 19, 08 1:32 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh my god. That is such a beautiful picture!!! I'm so happy you took that - what a keepsake. I'm sad to say I have nothing similar as my husband was so squeamish about the whole pregnancy thing that he didn't want to touch my belly, let alone lovingly cuddle it like your man is doing! It's wonderful, thank you for sharing it with us.

Wow. Pregnancy is amazing. I still fell awe knowing what our bodies can do.

Jan 19, 08 5:37 pm  · 
vado retro

that is a great pic. i m gonna hire a pregnant woman and get a picture like that taken. maybe they do that at glamour shots? anyway very touching. speaking of touching, i just watched "shoot em up" didnt realize it was going to be a film about saving a baby! lots of scenes and predicaments about the antihero finding a lactating prostitute to feed the newborn etc. quite a wild ride!

Jan 19, 08 10:25 pm  · 

now I need to convince the missus to pose!

sarah- your photog did a nice job with the lighting.

Jan 20, 08 11:10 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Thsnks, we did it ourselves. I set up the camera, Husband focused me in the frame, we set the timer, and then after, Husband adjusted things in photoshop - you know, just to smooth our the skin and adjust the ballance. Hey, if celebrities can be airbrushed to perfection, I can at least be smoothed, right?

Jan 20, 08 2:13 pm  · 
vado retro

well in that case maybe i can get my dome photoshopped in there? and treekiller maybe you can do that as well.

Jan 20, 08 2:24 pm  · 

Surfacing back to Archinect!

(warning: long post ahead)


Sawyer was born at 12:39 am on the 14th. 6lbs 12 oz and 19 inches long. I know that posting my story will identify me to some near-by archinectors, but this thread has been so valuable to me (thanks Sarah H) that I wanted to bring ya'll up to date.

I woke up at 3 am on the 13th to realize that the big day had arrived: my water broke. I did not know that your water could break yet not have any heavy contractions. Labor & Delivery said come on in anyway. For the next 11 hours we walked, lunged, and bounced on the yoga ball trying to get active labor started (not fun as you can't eat and the suspense is a killer). My doctor started me on pitocin at hour 12 to get things going, and I knew that my hopes of a natural birth were getting slim. A few hours later I was having heavy, intense contractions and it got to the point where there was no break in between to rest and breathe, and the dr was concerned about stress on the baby. We had to proceed and so I asked for the epidural as I realized there was no way I could endure the pain for several more hours as it was.

Epidurals are great, I highly recommend them. I was able to be coherent and in touch with what was happening (sensing pressure, not pain) and my labor fears went away. After the pushing, they laid him on my chest and my husband and I were...I think euphoric is the only word I could use. Laughing, crying, in total amazement of the person that had just been delivered to us. He's perfect and we were so relieved to be on the other side of this great adventure. It was a 22 hour labor but with each day the memory of the stress, fear and pain gets fuzzier and is replaced with thoughts of my son. This has to be nature's way of ensuring the survival of our species.

We went home on the 15th, and by the 18th Sawyer had his first pediatric visit, where we learned he had dropped a bit too much weight and was getting pretty jaundiced. I had some trouble feeding him (I could go into a pretty lengthy discussion about learning to breast feed but will abstain). I was freaking out on Friday as we struggled to feed, but some time that night we made a breakthrough together. He's up four ounces and I hope that by tomorrow we can stop doing the light therapy. Sawyer has to be laid on a special fiber-optic light pad as much of the day & night as possible, but we can tell it's working.

We're up much of the night together, but it's true what people have said about how you just adapt and do what you need to do. We eat, change diapers, sleep, and do it all over again on 2-3 hour cycles. did I mention that he's perfect? He has my mouth and eyes and my husband's nose and hair. His skin is really soft and when he curls up on my chest I melt.

Sarah I think your picture is beautiful. I may work up the courage to post some of our maternity pics to share as well as one of Sawyer himself. I will return when I figure out how to do that...

I apologize for the hiatus but all is well here in the tater home. I'd be happy to share more of the birth story if anyone has questions, but I think my computer time is up.


Jan 20, 08 6:56 pm  · 
vado retro

congrats welcome to the world sawyersmallpotato!

Jan 20, 08 6:59 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm crying! Thank you for posting this smallpotatoes and welcome back and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!

Your post brings back exactly those euphoric memories. Much love and happiness to you guys and Sawyer during these amazing first few weeks! Glad he's putting on the weight and getting fleshy-colored - I'm sure he will continue to progress, next thing you know you'll be buying him shoes and rocketship underwear and then next thing you know he'll go to goes so fast, enjoy every second of it! Yay!

Jan 20, 08 7:13 pm  · 

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