
your favorite quote


"If you feel your value lies only in being merely decorative, I fear that someday you might find yourself believing that's all you really are. Time erodes all such beauty, but what it cannot diminish is the wonderful workings of your mind." Said by Marmee in Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

May 11, 07 12:53 pm  · 

'It looked a lot bigger on Archinect'

May 11, 07 1:06 pm  · 


el aleph has been sitting on my bedside table for a while now. i keep meaning to pick it up, but it's in spanish, and i read much slower in spanish than when i read in english.

May 11, 07 1:21 pm  · 

Non Illegitimi Carborundum - "Don't let the bastards get you down"

May 11, 07 3:43 pm  · 

There is no easy way from the earth to the stars. Seneca

There is no great genius wthout some touch of madness. Seneca

May 11, 07 5:28 pm  · 
then read it in english
May 11, 07 10:33 pm  · 
vado retro

I am NOT drinking any FUCKING Merlot.

May 12, 07 8:54 pm  · 

"Those who are not willing to die for it should remove the word "freedom" from their vocabulary."

-Malcom X

"You need emotional content."

-Bruce Lee

The latter applies particularly well at crits.

May 12, 07 9:11 pm  · 

"it's not what you do, but how you do it"

b. Du Bois

May 12, 07 10:48 pm  · 

[ basically all my best quotes come from terry pratchett....sometimes he is very serious but he has the good taste to cover it with humour ;-) ]

You did something because it had always been done, and the explanation was "but we've always done it this way." A million dead people can't have been wrong, can they?

-- (Terry Pratchett, The Fifth Elephant)

There are, it has been said, two types of people in the world. There are those who, when presented with a glass that is exactly half full, say: this glass is half full. And then there are those who say: this glass is half empty. The world belongs, however, to those who can look at the glass and say: What's up with this glass? Excuse me? Excuse me? This is my glass? I don't think so. My glass was full! And it was a bigger glass!

-- (Terry Pratchett, The Truth)

Look, that's why there's rules, understand? So that you think before you break 'em.

-- (Terry Pratchett, Thief of Time)

May 13, 07 8:50 am  · 

"And right now I didn't need the work badly enough to let some fathead from back east use me for a horse-holder, some executive character in a paneled office on the eighty-fifth floor, with a row of pushbuttons and an intercom and a secretary in a Hattie Carnegie Career Girl's Special and a pair of those big beautiful promising eyes. This was the kind of operator who would tell you to be there at nine sharp and if you weren't sitting quietly with a pleased smile on your pan when he floated in two hours later on a double Gibson, he would have a paroxysm of outraged executive ability which would necessitate five weeks at Acapulco before he got back the hop on his high hard one."

-Raymond Chandler, THE LONG GOODBYE

May 13, 07 2:11 pm  · 

"When can I go into the supermarket and buy what I need with my good looks? "


May 13, 07 9:24 pm  · 

"The Japanese people will be better off when they eat American beef. It's good beef, it's healthy beef," said Bush.


Solomon: Do you love me?
Cassiday: Yes.
Solomon: Do you think I'm attractive?
Cassiday: No. You look fine just the way you are.

May 14, 07 12:01 am  · 

...Vado has been spotted drinking Alicante Bouchet...:)

Now on to quotes; Richard Bach rules:

" Your only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to yourself. Being true to anyone else or anything else is . . . impossible."

" Your friends will know you better in the first minute you meet than your acquaintances will know you in a thousand years"

"Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they're yours"
"You teach best what you most need to learn."

"Every person, all the events of your life are there because you have drawn them there. What you choose to do with them is up to you."

"You have the freedom to be yourself, your true self, here and now, and nothing can stand in your way."

"Argue for your limitations and they're yours."

"There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in its hands. You seek problems because you need their gifts."

"In order to live free and happily you must sacrifice boredom. It is not always an easy sacrifice."

"Live never to be ashamed if anything you do or say is published around the world - even if what is published is not true."

May 14, 07 1:17 am  · 

"there is fate, but it can only take you so far, because once you're there it's up to you to make it happen"

May 14, 07 9:42 am  · 

"you only have one chance at life, but if you work it right, once is all you need"

May 14, 07 11:53 am  · 
Ms Beary

All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind.
- Aristotle

May 14, 07 1:34 pm  · 

"i do not avoid women, Mandrake. but i do deny them my essence."
-general ripper, [dr. strangelove]

May 14, 07 1:37 pm  · 

"do... or do not. there is no try."


May 14, 07 1:39 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Arrogance and self-awareness rarely go hand in hand.
-don't know who said it

May 14, 07 1:40 pm  · 

mfrench!!! that is awesome! i love that movie.

"gentlemen, you can't fight in here! this is the war room!"

May 14, 07 1:42 pm  · 

hehe thank Cris, it's important that we maintain our precious bodily fluids.

just remember the crossword puzzle...

POE/Purity of Essence/Peace On Earth!

May 14, 07 1:48 pm  · 

"why can't you see that a life in arts and a life in mimickry - it's the same thing." - Dan Bejar

"every revolution needs a leader who is willing to crack nuts, and every revolution needs a leader who can caress lemons. No ever said that had to be one man." - Dan Bejar

"when I said the truth will set you free, I lied" - Dan Bejar

May 14, 07 2:13 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible. I think it's in my basement... let me go upstairs and check.
M. C. Escher

A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.
Emo Philips

The man who has no imagination has no wings.
Muhammad Ali

It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.
Henry David Thoreau

Architects are pretty much high-class whores. We can turn down projects the way they can turn down some clients, but we've both got to say yes to someone if we want to stay in business.
Philip Johnson

May 14, 07 3:38 pm  · 

Ah gotta love Chuck Palahniuk.

This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.

All the ways you wish you could be, that's me. I look like you wanna look, I fuck like you wanna fuck, I am smart, capable, and most importantly, I am free in all the ways that you are not.

It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.

You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.

Listen up, maggots. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

And then, something happened. I let go. Lost in oblivion. Dark and silent and complete. I found freedom. Losing all hope was freedom.

May 15, 07 11:52 am  · 

"the moment you are born, you start to die"

May 15, 07 12:07 pm  · 

well it's not a favorite quote, just one i've heard along the lines of those last few. but it's funny .... ish...

life is a sexually transmitted disease from which we only recover by dying.

May 15, 07 12:15 pm  · 

i love this one i found on cnnmoney...

The Luck Factor: "They are skilled at creating and noticing chance opportunities, make lucky decisions by listening to their intuition, create self-fulfilling prophecies via positive expectations, and adopt a resilient attitude that transforms bad luck into good."

especially the part about creating chance opportunities.

May 18, 07 1:11 pm  · 

“Moderation in all things, including moderation” - Buddha

May 20, 07 3:45 pm  · 
if you can't understand the problem, change your scale of perception

- David Cuthbert

May 20, 07 3:46 pm  · 

"Get in my belly I'm Hungry"

Fat Bastard- From Austin powers

May 20, 07 11:13 pm  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

"These pretzels are making me hungry."

(Kramer, George, Elaine and Jerry)

May 21, 07 12:28 am  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)


"These pretzels are making me thirsty."

(Kramer, George, Elaine and Jerry)

May 21, 07 12:28 am  · 

" I would rather have German division in front of me than French one behind me"

General George S. Patton

May 21, 07 2:58 pm  · 
Tony Snow

I have a feeling most of the Allied dead in WW2 would have disagreed with Patton.

May 21, 07 11:35 pm  · 

"Eighty percent of success is showing up."

"I ran into Isosceles. He had a great idea for a new triangle!"

-Woody Allen

"You have to systematically create confusion, it sets creativity free. Everything that is contradictory creates life."

-Salvidor Dali

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."

"The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking."

-Albert Einstein

May 22, 07 12:21 am  · 

Some of my favorite Noam Chomsky quotes

"All over the place, from the popular culture to the propaganda system, there is constant pressure to make people feel that they are helpless, that the only role they can have is to ratify decisions and to consume"

"Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the U.S. media. "

"To some degree it matters who's in office, but it matters more how much pressure they're under from the public."

"You never need an argument against the use of violence, you need an argument for it."

"If we choose, we can live in a world of comforting illusion.

"If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all."

May 22, 07 12:36 am  · 

"the most utterly lost of all days is that on which you have not laughed" -chinese fortune cookie from lunch

May 22, 07 2:39 pm  · 

my Starbucks *gasp* spiritual lesson of the day....

The Way I See It #250

In reality hell is not such an intention of God as it is an invention of man. God is love and people are precious. Authentic truth is not so much taught or learned as it is remembered. Somewhere in your pre-incarnate consciousness you were loved absolutely because you were. Loved absolutely, and in reality, you still are! Remember who you are!

-- Bishop Carlton Pearson
Author, speaker, spiritual leader and recording artist.

*tear* I'm precious...

May 22, 07 4:04 pm  · 

"I am a little school girl named Alice"

Charles Manson

May 26, 07 10:01 am  · 

"two days may be enough to start to get acclimatised. the day you find out that the statue of ludwig spankerfel di nominatore (the celebrated brewer) is only three minutes from your hotel (at the end of prince adalbert street) whereas you've been taking a good half hour to get there, you start to take possession of the town. that doesn't mean you start to inhabit it."

georges perec

May 28, 07 10:58 am  · 

mans greatest weakness is not himself, it is the woman

Jun 6, 07 12:54 pm  · 

"a witty quote proves nothing"

i've always kind of been the spikey sort : p

Jun 6, 07 1:30 pm  · 

"success is moving from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm"


...pretty much sums up my approach to life!

Jun 8, 07 11:10 am  · 


"I do sidework drafting for $50-60/hr if I'm going to hide it and not claim income. Plus, as Chili said, any expenses like prints, etc".

"I also always present it as:"

"Client: What is your rate?"

"Me: $60/hr which is very reasonable."

"Client: Yes, it is!"

"Not sure if it is very reasonable, or if they would know how reasonable it is, but people seem to like to agree."

Jun 8, 07 1:00 pm  · 

when you're lost in paper space, noone can hear you scream

Jun 13, 07 9:54 am  · 

just read this one by TS Eliot

'only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go'

Jun 22, 07 2:36 am  · 

quote my brother heard on his first day as a plumber...

"Plumbing's an easy profession, just remember these three things:
water goes up, shit goes down, paycheck's on Friday."

Jun 24, 07 1:00 pm  · 

What happens when shit goes up?... on a Sunday?

Jun 24, 07 1:24 pm  · 

time for a vacation...or maybe early retirement

Jun 24, 07 1:58 pm  · 

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