
If you could go back...

Mark Anthony

If you could go back in time and tell yourself as a student anything, what would it be? I tend to ask professionals this questions during firm visits and I tend to get different responses.

May 1, 07 1:29 am

"Dude, you have no fucking clue what your getting into."

May 1, 07 1:31 am  · 

Take something that isn't an architecture class and isn't a general education class! Oh, and don't take that one job. You know the one.

May 1, 07 2:01 am  · 

to think twice before choosing your Archinect screen name...

May 1, 07 2:01 am  · 

to get an mfa in painting for my undergrad and get a march after...
not unhappy with how college went, but would just like to have had
some art in there as well.

that and i would let myself know that you can late drop courses that
you think you might fail.

that and maybe sleep more so that your memory is better later on.

May 1, 07 3:14 am  · 

manage your time wisely!!!

May 1, 07 4:44 am  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

Get more picture books out of the library. Take responsibility for your own learning.

May 1, 07 5:09 am  · 

have fun! in school i set up way too many "real-life" parameters for my projects. i realize now that school was the one place you could design a space without worrying about a budget, that annoying client or those restrictive codes and by-laws.

May 1, 07 10:26 am  · 
work for idle hands

i wouldn't recommend going back and telling yourself anything. it could result in cataclysmic changes to your life that could result in you not even being able to go back in the first place and then you'll get stuck in this neverending loop of events that cannot resolve itself. definitely don't touch anything if you do go back.

May 1, 07 11:06 am  · 

Go for the JD first, then get the M.Arch as a side hobby ;)

May 1, 07 11:34 am  · 

hi tumbles

May 1, 07 12:04 pm  · 

I'd tell myself:
1. Travel abroad when the opportunity presents itself. In the future years will go by in which you'll have very little vacation time and in which any time you do have will be claimed by family pressures and minor crises of various sorts.
2. Do not waste ANY academic credits on software courses.
3. Find the time to do more non-architecure-related things in your free time. In the future some of your first clients are friends you met in a ballroom dance class that you were dragged to by a significant other. Imagine who you might have met if you'd spent a little less time in studio...

May 1, 07 12:14 pm  · 
Living in Gin

1. Pick a school that's a good fit and that will be a challenge, rather than what seems like simply the path of least resistance.

2. Get serious about improving your study habits, and get help for your depression. They will come back to haunt you in a major way.


May 1, 07 12:19 pm  · 
Living in Gin


3. Don't work for any firm that keeps a copy of Architectural Digest on the table in their reception lobby.

May 1, 07 12:20 pm  · 

Take that year off after 2nd year, even though it would have meant not sticking with my class. Or actually, I'm not sure about that one, as being with my class was a huge help to my education (was with some talented kids).

This is a tough one.

I waver between thinking "switch to arts/humanities degree, enjoy college, and do arch. in grad school!" and then thinking, no no no, I did it the right way, I love the freedom my B.Arch gives me to pursue whatever the hell I want in grad school, if I go at all...

So I guess I'll settle on this:

Sleep. No matter how much it seems like you need to work on something, you really, honestly, don't. Your professor will give you the same grade no matter what. Sleep sleep sleep, as much as you need to. You will be much, much happier, and much, much less bitchy.

I would have told the High School me to take a complete year off prior to entering college, and go work far away from home. Or study something else for the first year of college, either one. Architecture studies are completely wasted on 17 year old freshmen.

May 1, 07 1:47 pm  · 

Apply for as many scholarships as possible. There's money to be found, you just have to uncover it. A lot of it goes unclaimed.

May 1, 07 2:05 pm  · 

I'd say travel abroad without holding onto the mentality that it's your excuse to get absolutely shithoused every night. But I still got good sketches!

May 1, 07 4:54 pm  · 
Ledoux's Eye

This is a very interesting discussion. Some very good opinions have already been offerred. I would only add that if I had it to do over again, I would probably avoid working during my school years. I found a job with a design/build firm that started out to just be a summer job between school years. The firm liked me, though, and begged me to work part-time once the school year started again. This is a tough call because I got extremely valuable practical experience at that job that has served me well my entire career, but my studio work really suffered after I got exposed to the real world. Follow the advice of others, above, but also make your studio experience count. The only other thing I can offer is that learning and practicing good time management is the MOST important skill you can learn. Terrible habits are formed in architecture school that will haunt you the rest of your working life. Don't kid yourself that you work better at 3:00 in the morning. A rare all-nighter is not a problem, but a habit of all-nighters, or extremely late-night work will drag you down in school and in life.

May 1, 07 5:28 pm  · 

i wish i'd learnt to draw better...much better than i can now

May 1, 07 6:43 pm  · 

(by draw, i mean sketch)

May 1, 07 6:43 pm  · 

i should have asked that beautiful brown haired, big eyed canadian girl that i met in barcelona if she wanted to go out and get some sangria

May 1, 07 6:49 pm  · 

hmmm nope - I don't mean to be the bastard on this one. But I'd do nothing different, its been one helluva ride that I perhaps would want to do again but it makes me the box of nails you see now.

viva la loca

May 1, 07 6:52 pm  · 

that the professors arent your enemies

May 1, 07 7:01 pm  · 
Mark Anthony

my name is actually is Mark Anthony... haha (I go by Tony) but it's my legal name.

It's 5 am and I have a crit thursday at 6. I have to finish my model and do my drawings... But I'm taking some advice and takinga few hours to sleep.

May 2, 07 4:59 am  · 

i would have dumped my boyfriend in 1st year rather than 3rd.

i would have gone to sri lanka for my thesis.

May 2, 07 8:19 am  · 

Two words: Chemical Engineering

May 2, 07 9:06 am  · 
Master Architect

get while you can...

May 2, 07 10:14 am  · 

I also would have asked more girls out.

I hate finding out that someone had a crush on me way after the fact that I didn't have the balls to ask them out when the times were right.

I would have also not wasted two undergrad years in a hopelessly misconceived relationship that was destined for failure. I swear, we hated eachother for the final year of our "relationship."

Oh and for future architecture students, don't get too caught up in the whole "I'm too much of a busy architecture student to have a life and date someone."

May 2, 07 11:02 am  · 


I see your motives...

May 2, 07 1:55 pm  · 

im going to second the "taking a year off after 2nd year". I did just that and it was the BEST thing that ever happened to me. Not only did i remain friends with the people that were in my original class, but i became friends with a whole new class as well. My mentality towards studio life and my whole sense of design matured too and there was a significant difference in my projects/designs when compared from before to after and for that I am completely grateful.

May 2, 07 3:23 pm  · 

i broke up with one arch student and started dating another (more talented).

i felt like such a f.l.wright

May 2, 07 3:39 pm  · 

don't date people in architecture school

May 2, 07 4:00 pm  · 

dont date people FROM architecture school

May 2, 07 4:25 pm  · 

thats a bunch of fooey.

May 2, 07 4:31 pm  · 
Mark Anthony

To go along with what tumble said, an interior design friend of mine (who I'm sort of involved with) just had her crit today and last night she came down to the studio and brought me some tea and kept me some company while I worked and even helped cut a few pieces for my model. It was amazing, if you're able to have something like that, there's nothing else like it.

May 2, 07 8:58 pm  · 

mark brings up a good point, that there are definitely times in school when having someone in this field can be a blessing, though i never experienced this first-hand. during final thesis jury and the months leading up to it, it helps to have someone who can really understand what the hell it is you're going through, and someone who knows why you've suddenly become unbearable to be around. i definitely didn't make life easier for either of us! (it worked out but it was a bumpy ride)

plus the extra pair of skilled hands helps!

May 3, 07 9:03 am  · 

i knew 3dmax and he knew formz... it was a match made in heaven :)
made it through school + been together 3 years now :)

May 3, 07 9:06 am  · 

Get that degree in real estate development along with the arch degree. At least learn more about real estate.

Developers are not the enemy, contrary to what folks might have you believe. They are the ones that make things happen, on their own. Learning to make things happen is how the business world moves. Architecture doesn't get built without somone paying for it.

I'll second the art thing. While completely impractical, I really wish I had learned to paint while in school. I've got a few huge blank walls that I would really like to paint something for, just no time anymore (and the idea of turning my garage into a studio doesn't seem that appealing).

May 4, 07 6:58 pm  · 






May 5, 07 2:54 pm  · 

in life:

- trust your instincts more often than not.
- don't get the husky, you live in an apartment, and it wont be fair to her
- hang out more with your non arch friends, they miss you

in architecture:

- join the italy program the summer between 2nd and 3rd year
- join the montreal program the summer between 3rd and 4th year
- do way more research and cross referencing
- be more critical about how you use your time
- don't feel so rushed to get into the real world

May 5, 07 8:41 pm  · 

My advice to myself would be:

Be in the present.

dont give up any travelling oppotunities

use your professors advice wisely

May 5, 07 8:49 pm  · 

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