
Shooting + Murder at VIRGINIA TECH

Starland Vocal Band

Damn....the web site is now saying that 7 more people have been shot....

Is now a good time to talk about revising our gun laws?

Apr 16, 07 11:16 am  · 
not without

dont you ever talk about gun laws! its people with guns who kill people, not guns with people who kill people, ok? and there's a 230 year old contemporary document that makes that perfectly clear.

Apr 16, 07 11:27 am  · 

Right, because that's working out so well for us.

Apr 16, 07 11:34 am  · 

I'm not by any means pro gun but at this point there aren't enough details about the type of gun used or the circumstances surrounding the shooting to know if it even could have been prevented by stricter gun laws. Saying otherwise is just a knee-jerk.

Apr 16, 07 11:41 am  · 

Are there any Hokies among us? If so, please pop in to let us all know you're ok.

Apr 16, 07 11:44 am  · 

totally agree Not Without. we should talk about getting rid of people with guns, not the guns. the guns are only doing their job. it's not their fault they're supposed to kill animals and humans.

Apr 16, 07 11:45 am  · 

yes, it is a total tragedy. what is funny is that i was just on their website last night because i was accepted for grad school there, and i was clicking the "Will Not Attend" button to decline their offer... while doing so i saw all these bulletins about bomb threats over the weekend...
and now this...

Apr 16, 07 11:50 am  · 

i guess it's not funny- just an ironic coincidence. but nothing in life is a coincidence...

Apr 16, 07 11:50 am  · 
not without

"there aren't enough details about the type of gun used or the circumstances surrounding the shooting to know if it even could have been prevented by stricter gun laws"

i bet this was the type of gun that shoots bullets!

"will removing the instruments of murder inherently change the individuals who would commit murder?"

the difference between being immersed in a society that thinks it funzies to use gunzies to settle scores and a society that doesnt would have a direct effect upon how violence is manifested and treated. and if your really fuckin crazy and want to kill, wouldnt it be super to feel kinda like you had a fighting chance against someone who didnt have the advantage of a speeding bullet? but we should wait a little longer and not judge the poor ol' gun...poor gun! never did anything wrong!

Apr 16, 07 11:52 am  · 

One person was killed and several were wounded in two shootings on the Virginia Tech university campus in Blacksburg on Monday, The Associated Press and the university reported.

The AP reported that one person was killed and one wounded in a shooting at a dormitory. Another shooting at Norris Hall, an engineering building, resulted in multiple casualties, the university reported.

There were seven or eight total casualties in the two incidents, AP reported.

Apr 16, 07 11:53 am  · 


Apr 16, 07 12:34 pm  · 

WTF is right. god damn I'm not so excited about going to school anymore

Apr 16, 07 12:53 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Makes me glad I'm going to school in NYC, where it's nice and safe.

Apr 16, 07 12:54 pm  · 

How is this possible?!

Apr 16, 07 12:59 pm  · 

The attacks mark the worst school shooting incident since 1999 when Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris killed 12 students and a teacher before killing themselves at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado.

that is effin nuts

Apr 16, 07 12:59 pm  · 

Jesus, that's terrible.

As far as the anti-gun argument goes, in the 90's about 500,000 rwandans lost their lives, mostly to machetes. People are fucking disgusting and they'll use whatever tool they can find to kill each other.

Apr 16, 07 1:04 pm  · 

exactly apurimac--- for instance car bombs, airplanes, etc, etc, etc

Apr 16, 07 1:05 pm  · 
won and done williams

that 230 year old document does not at all make things perfectly clear. here's how the second amendment is worded:

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

the fact that there is a comma there instead of a period makes a big difference. while the constitution is the basis of the u.s. democracy, i have a hard time understanding how a document so completely detached from our current situation should so thoroughly regulate our laws. how relevant is a "well regulated militia" anymore? isn't that the basis of the law?

rwanda had nothing to do with american gun laws.

Apr 16, 07 1:11 pm  · 

anyone watching CNN? Its been forever since i had it on.

I forgot how horrible it was.

Apr 16, 07 1:11 pm  · 

i dont think apurimac is referring to american gun laws, i could be wrong but he is referring to the human race from all nations + countries and what human nature does

Apr 16, 07 1:12 pm  · 

No, but it has everything to do with what lengths people will go to be assholes ja.

Frankly, i support the second amendment.

Apr 16, 07 1:13 pm  · 

oh yeah, us humans have been great at devising means for killing each other off.

i don't think getting rid of guns will stop people from destroying one another, but i must say, guns do make it much easier to kill.

i like chris rock's solution to gun control. keep the guns, but bullets will cost $5,000 each!

Apr 16, 07 1:24 pm  · 

yeah, i think that idea is brilliant, and im being serious

Apr 16, 07 1:27 pm  · 

hokie here... one of the shootings was in the building next to our arch building ... this is pretty fucked up for sure!

It's RUMORED to have been pre-planned as two shootings have occured on opposite sides of campus. One of those sides has been let off of lockdown as that gunman was killed. The other side of campus is still on lockdown until authorities figure out what the hell is going on. As of now, I've heard 22 dead and 28 wounded...

Apr 16, 07 1:27 pm  · 

jesus cow, i think our hearts are def. with you

Apr 16, 07 1:32 pm  · 

yes, cowgill- we are thinking/praying for all of you

Apr 16, 07 1:32 pm  · 

anyone see the pic they have up on cnn of the cops carrying out some guy? is that the gunman? is he dead? that is pretty disturbing if he is...

Apr 16, 07 1:36 pm  · 
vado retro

i am surprised these things don't occur more often on college campuses. i dont know if the shooter is a student but look at the stresses that college students are under. also, college campuses tend to attract criminal and wack jobs. its a tragedy.

send in the well regulated militia!!!

Apr 16, 07 1:37 pm  · 

I support the second admendment, so long as there is a threshhold of responsibility for gun use. That threshhold used to be being able to load a musket, now those things are a bit easier to use.

And I am for registering guns/database tracking. Something on the order of 90% of guns (at least in inner city chicago) are bought legally by straw dealers who then sell them to lower level criminals. Being able to track where they come from won't stop all of it, but if it can stop the stupid, small time crooks from arming themselves, that will really help to cut down on the "collateral damage" caused by idiots with Saturday Night Specials. There are plenty of reasonable, measured solutions that can save lives out there. I'd be a lot more willing to listen to the NRA if they didn't have nut-jobs like Wayne "FBI agents are jack-booted thugs" LaPierre running the thing. I don't think anyone needs to be worried that registering guns is one step away from seizing guns - we aren't Britian and never will be. I think we wrote something down to that effect 200 some odd years ago.

Apr 16, 07 1:39 pm  · 

Looks like there are 15 open Engineering spots...

Apr 16, 07 1:39 pm  · 

cadalyst, you're disgusting.

and here's a clip of chris rock's gun control bit.

Apr 16, 07 1:43 pm  · 

it was in good fun, i do not agree with or condone gun violence. i do, however, agree with the right to bear arms.

according to love news, the campus buildings are "totally" open, you only need a key card to enter after 9pm.

I think they need to re-think their campus security from chief of police, all the way down the ladder.

and chris rock bigger and blacker is currently in my dvd player.

Apr 16, 07 1:45 pm  · 

shit, now ABC is reporting 29 people dead!

Apr 16, 07 1:48 pm  · 

well, sorry for calling you disgusting! (just a first reaction to your joke)

don't get me wrong, i also think a joke is a joke and that nothing is sacred, but it's just that it happened only hours ago!

and yes, bigger and blacker is awesome.

Apr 16, 07 1:49 pm  · 

helicopters (life flight) were grounded due to high winds, which decreased chances of survival in the "golden hour"

Apr 16, 07 1:50 pm  · 

That's unsual tradedy in that place.
VT is a very safe place.
I am very sorry and worried about people there.

I guess, a "tool" could make fools to think they are "brave" and have "power" to judge other people.
In that sense, a gun is the most dangerous tool when that is in fools' hand.
In my personal experiece(I am from South Korea and had 3-years military expericence.), it seems very dangerous un-trained people are having guns.
Even in the military, bullets are not provided to most soldiers in ordinary time because, even to well trained soliders, unexpected gun accident could be happened anytime.

Moreover, in a sense, a handgun is more dangerous than a rifle because a handgun is very imprecise.
Although you think your handgun can save your family's life from criminals, the gunpoint is too imprecise to point just on the criminals.
Thus, that could kill any one you don't intend to.

I thinks, no gun is best for safe.
The slogan, "protection from gun with gun", is the illusion that they can control guns, but in my experience that's impossible.

Apr 16, 07 1:52 pm  · 

i'm in favor of arming bears.

it puts mental back into environmental.

is the campus there really that open? i remember partying there with a friend from the LA program back in the early nineties...but i don't recall the campus secirty details.

when i was at rutgers we had key cards that were req'd 24/7/365. if you really wanted to get in to a building though, you could just wait until the door opens and act naturally as you walk in. but new brunswick is generally a way tougher town than blacksburg...

most people won't say shit, you know? even when there's something suspicious going on. people usually don't want to get involved.

Apr 16, 07 1:58 pm  · 

let's not turn this into a battle of gun laws, no one's going to's irrelevant, the fact of the matter is it is a law TODAY and lots of people died TODAY, fucking awful.

Apr 16, 07 2:00 pm  · 

i have to say the images on cnn are pretty awful right now...
i cant imagine having a debate about gun laws at this very moment.

Apr 16, 07 2:04 pm  · 

Bush has already come out and said that he believes that people should still have the right to bear arms...unless you are gay, of course

Apr 16, 07 2:07 pm  · 

If you're going to talk about it, you should at least be able to handle the images.

Apr 16, 07 2:08 pm  · 

and in that case you should be shot

Apr 16, 07 2:08 pm  · 

i think it's ok to say they're disturbing. unless you are entirely desensitized

Apr 16, 07 2:09 pm  · 

This is a terrible, terrible, thing, but in my experience, the gate cards wouldn't serve to stop a tragedy such as this, which seems to have been pre-meditated. Everytime I've encountered them, even on campuses of schools I was not attending, someone would let me in if I just stood outside.

Apr 16, 07 2:12 pm  · 


Happens in Baghdad tenfold, every damn day, just as senseless, just as tragic. Remember that.

Apr 16, 07 2:12 pm  · 

I should be shot?

Apr 16, 07 2:13 pm  · 

no, mdler wrote about bush's idea of the right to bear arms "unless you're gay of course" and in bush's opinion, those people should be shot.

Apr 16, 07 2:15 pm  · 

And please note, Canada has more guns per capita than America, but without the killings.

I'm pro gun control - a total gun ban, in fact - here, and in Canada, and everywhere. But obviously you have a cultural problem here, not a gun one.

Apr 16, 07 2:19 pm  · 

"The president believes that there is a right for people to bear arms, but that all laws must be followed," Perino said. Perino, not Bush, was quoted saying it, I don't know if he told Perino this right after he heard the news, doubt it. Hopefully Perino was responding to a reporter's question. If not, bringing up was surely in bad taste.

Not that I'm defending Bush (dumbass) just clarifying the facts.

Apr 16, 07 2:25 pm  · 

First, my deepest sympathy to anyone involved in this tragedy.

Secongly, as a UK citizen, I find it mind boggling that the US is yet to do anything to it's gun laws. I know there are a lot of people reluctant to repeal the 2nd ammendment - not least because of the difficulty in actually putting it into practice, but guys... this is the 19th school shooting in 10 years in the US. it's time to change. the 2nd ammendment is, after all, an ammendment. Why can it not be changed again? It was put into place when a gun took about 30s to reload between single shots and when a bear attack was fairly feasible. I it's an outdated law that should not exist today. But then again, there's a lot of money/taxes in guns, so I doubt those in control will ever have the bravery to change a thing.


Apr 16, 07 2:26 pm  · 

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