
2008 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


just talked to Kathleen at Rice. Apparently, they mailed out the last letters yesterday

Apr 1, 08 5:35 pm  · 

hey aey, im going to the ucla open house. need any questions answered?

Apr 1, 08 6:32 pm  · 

Urgent!!! Does anyone know where I can take Physics online?

Apr 1, 08 10:46 pm  · 


Let me check in NMSU online classes....

Apr 1, 08 10:55 pm  · 

Thank you......

Apr 1, 08 10:58 pm  · 

There is not online classes for summer 08. But I am pretty sure you will be able to find out some university with this option... I suggest you to take a look in Phoenix University

Good luck.

Apr 1, 08 11:00 pm  · 

there was mention of berkeley's classes before i think. although there was something about an exam you had to physically sit (no pun intended)

Apr 1, 08 11:16 pm  · 

i have to take calculus and physics, don't know if i want to take an online course. are you guys looking into junior colleges?

Apr 1, 08 11:18 pm  · 

i am taking the online concepts of physics at berkeley extension.

Apr 1, 08 11:27 pm  · 

where do you take the tests for that?

Apr 1, 08 11:28 pm  · 

@yyz: as per 10, any embassy or large university should be able to provide a proctor.

Apr 1, 08 11:32 pm  · 

ahh thats it. thanks mm

Apr 1, 08 11:52 pm  · 

make sure you don't also have to take the physics lab. definately can't that take online.

Apr 2, 08 12:14 am  · 

hey afr. I was away during last 12 days... what is your balance by the moment?

Apr 2, 08 12:26 am  · 

I'm going to University of Michigan, the only school that accepted me although I'm still waiting to hear from Virginia Tech. I start this summer.

Apr 2, 08 12:29 am  · 

I am going to Syracuse,... however if I hear from SCI-Arc I would go there.

No news from Pratt & Parsons... I guess I am out of them

Apr 2, 08 12:32 am  · 

I should wait a year preparing another portfolio. I did in the last 3 months pieces to fill another portfolio ...

I thought in spend in Cuernavaca (Mexico) next year just preparing a great portfolio ... I will see ...

Apr 2, 08 12:37 am  · 

that's up to you, but Syracuse is not a bad school. I got in there and RISD last year, but I thought I would give myself another year to "grow" and re-apply to in-state schools. I'm still going out-of-state, but I think I will be very happy at UMich.

Apr 2, 08 12:39 am  · 

Well I am not saying that Syracuse is a bad school actually under my opinion has the greatest program in Architecture. And I love the option of spend one or two semesters in London or Florence.

The only thing I am afraid is the weather, I don't know if I am ready to support this cold ... the rest is perfect!

Apr 2, 08 12:44 am  · 

You know if you're worried about the weather you can go inside right?

Apr 2, 08 1:34 am  · 

cornell's program is relatively new. its always had a grad program, but it was only recently approved and recognized. has anyone heard from cornell for the MArch II program?

Apr 2, 08 2:25 am  · 
Say No to Student Loans

anyone going to Michigan- congrats!

Apr 2, 08 2:58 am  · 

I only found out bout this website last night!

And now, you guys are my soulmates. Coming from a totally opposite side of the world, I didn't have anyone going through the same frustrations.

And for the record I applied only to SCI Arc (in the states). Shelby and I have been corresponding by email, she's seemed thoughtful, when I told her about my heart problems caused by the waiting of the results.

This is the stats she gave me, 45 places out of the 225 applicants for SCI Arc March. II 2008.

I applied to the Architectural Association (late intake, double the application fee) in London as well, but the results will be only known much later.

Apr 2, 08 3:14 am  · 

As someone mentioned somewhere earlier, results for SCI Arc will only be out next Tuesday or Wednesday. Hold on tight all you sci-chies.

Apr 2, 08 3:18 am  · 

cornell / berkeley / upenn

I'm really having a hard time deciding a school.......

Apr 2, 08 4:26 am  · 

Confections... what about MArch I? Did she tell you something?

Apr 2, 08 10:37 am  · 

where oh where could my GT email acceptance be?!?!?!

Apr 2, 08 10:39 am  · 

Riedell101, wait a day or two and you will have a letter. I haven't gotten an e-mail yet either, but I am not exactly worried. My friend got an e-mail from GT, but I think that is only because he knows the admissions coordinator. Hang in there a few more days and you will know for sure.

Apr 2, 08 10:56 am  · 

thanks ryhane! i'm trying to remain calm, but it's just not working.... i need a drink!

Apr 2, 08 11:24 am  · 

My friend at work got an acceptance email from Ga tech on Monday night. MArch II fyi

Apr 2, 08 11:48 am  · 

meh...Waitlisted at Parsons

Apr 2, 08 11:50 am  · 

thanks powercopy, are you going to UMich?

Apr 2, 08 11:56 am  · 

fraggle, do you know if their online status has been updated as well?

Apr 2, 08 11:57 am  · 

YbTH: I don't know about SCI Arc March I. but it should be the same..

Apr 2, 08 12:07 pm  · 

humm i dont, i'll ask at lunch

Apr 2, 08 12:08 pm  · 

Riedell - my online status is not updated but i got an email about open house next week. both emails from randall moody.

Apr 2, 08 12:17 pm  · 

good to know, thanks! that's rules out one thing i've been checking! haha!

Apr 2, 08 12:18 pm  · 

my boss just shared with me that he got a thank you letter for writing my recommendation for sci-arc --- is this weird? Did anyone else know if their recommender's got one? Are they just really nice at sci-arc? He says he's never gotten one for writing a letter before....

"thanks, we'll definitely give her all of our new endowment $$?"

"thanks for the warning"?

... i am so grasping at straws

Apr 2, 08 12:25 pm  · 

Riedell - dont sweat the online status. they didnt post my test scores until february and i sent them in october.

Apr 2, 08 12:30 pm  · 
Say No to Student Loans

yea, i enrolled last year, now i'm a 2g2. just curious who decided to come, or if anyone was still deciding- were you at the open house?

Apr 2, 08 12:33 pm  · 

Looks like I'm going to be a Bruin.
Who else is going to UCLA?

Apr 2, 08 1:47 pm  · 

wittyusername: If you have the chance, would you mind asking at UCLA's open house what their setup is for studying abroad? I havent been able to figure that out.

..and if you forget, no worries whatsoever. Thanks.

Apr 2, 08 2:05 pm  · 

TKO - when is gt's open house?

Apr 2, 08 2:17 pm  · 

No problem aey, I am wondering about that myself. I heard that they have a program in Barcelona, and other opportunities to travel to Europe and Japan but this is all from posts on this thread, so no info directly from anyone involved in the program.

Underground: It looks like we have a pretty good contingent of Bruins around here. As far as I know, FF33, moca, aey, and myself are all potential Bruins.

Apr 2, 08 2:17 pm  · 

is anyone going to VTech, or considering it? ive looked through the old posts, and find myself in the same 'is it worth it?' conflict as the others...

program sounds great, but ive been to blacksburg. i like bustle.

Apr 2, 08 2:28 pm  · 

Fri, April 11th 2p-6p

Apr 2, 08 2:28 pm  · 

mr. bren, i'm considering going to vt. well, i'm on their waitlist, so i guess they're considering me. i'm definitely a city girl, but i had a great time when i visited Blacksburg. that might have something to do with knowing people there. my cousin goes there. we had a great time! but it was just for a weekend, i don't know how it would play out for the next 2 years..... but i was very happy with the program and the professors i spoke with....

i'm hoping to just get in to gt and be done with it though!

tko - thanks! of course it's on friday afternoon. even if they do let me in, i won't be able to attend, but i was there for undergrad and have a lot of friends who have been or are currently there for grad school. so i don't really have any questions, just would have been nice to attend it.

Apr 2, 08 2:34 pm  · 
Andrew Teng

Got into Toronto today with a small fellowship. now I'm 2 for 8 with just Sci-Arc left. not stellar but I'm still really happy

Apr 2, 08 4:19 pm  · 

Waitlisted by V.Tech today

Apr 2, 08 4:55 pm  · 

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