
What are common interview questions that employers ask architects and what qualities do they look for?

Just curious. I need to know how to do well in an interview outside of the obvious strong portfolio/resume, dressing well, etc.

Jul 19, 12 1:48 pm

i think what's more important are what questions you have for the interviewer.  interviews go both ways (and they should be questions based on your research about the firm - otherwise you'll look like you're lazy).


though - couple questions you should be prepared for are salary requirements and "biggest weakness/strength."  those trip people up.


what firms look for?  depends - but for where I work, aside from the requisite technical/software/graphic/design skills and experience, we want someone who behaves professionally (you'd be surprised), is capable of taking initiative (i.e. won't wait around for someone to tell them what to do), is highly organized and on-top of things, and can both listen and offer opinions in a respectful way.

Jul 19, 12 2:20 pm  · 

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