
what value does art have in the world?

My tattoo used to say TABOO, but I got it changed to say TAUTOLOGY.

get the point now?

Jun 26, 06 11:27 am  · 
vado retro

art exists to be appropriated into the mainstream of advertising and marketing.

Jun 26, 06 11:29 am  · 

"And you thought getting a tattoo was pointless."

Jun 26, 06 11:29 am  · 

And here I thought that the mainstream of advertising and marketing existed to be appropriated into art!

Who knew?!?

Jun 26, 06 11:38 am  · 

"art exists to be appropriated into the mainstream of advertising and marketing."

Only a buisness man would say that is the reason why art exists.

I agree art CAN be used in this way, but do you really think this is why it exists? Are you a buisness major or something?

Jun 26, 06 11:54 am  · 

Gimme, gimme all your idols!

Jun 26, 06 12:13 pm  · 
vado retro

art exists to be appropriated by advertising and marketing, although consumer merchandise, advertising and marketing exist to appropriated by art. high and low culture on a collision course. an example from home...

Jun 26, 06 12:43 pm  · 

The subject of artists as revealed by the Light of the Standard:

The Department of Standardization, Subdepartment Architecturalized Standards is pleased to have hierachically stationed the fields that are of and subordinate to the Grande Field of Architecturalized Standardization.
As many of you already know, the foundation of the Standardizers’ Standard identity is set in stone during the formative years of her/his university study. This department, as of this day, has standardized a hierarchical structure and code to cull and standardize righteous Architecturalized Standardizers from the Non-Compliant in the subordinate fields of the Standard that rightfully pay tribute to the Architecturalized Standard.
Of course this department’s standard devised hierarchy of Standardized Architecturalized Standardization of Universities may be viewed at Standard AIA Form 9809123-29032.983908..9,34A, not to be confused with Standard AIA Form 9809123-29032.983908.9,34A. Harvard University occupies the Standard at the number 1 position while Yale University resides at the perennial number 2 position. All other universities are inconsequential and Non-Compliant.
Those students interested in pursuing a grande career in the field of Architecturalized Standardization will complete a three year process of high mental identification and rightful self selection. After passing through the Standard Crucible, those students that are Non-Compliant will be relegated, those students with the self selected Light of Compliance will of course achieve true righteousness set forth by the Standard of Standards.
Please study this newly exalted Standard with your utmost duly selected self referentation.

Architecturalized Standardizers will receive a Doctorate in Architecturalized Standardization after an additional 2 years of study. They need no further study beyond this point.

Engineers will receive a terminal Bachelor degree after an additional 3 years of study for a total of 6 years of study. After all, engineers are Architects who failed art and design. Engineers, in their incomplete view of standardization, require stable information- numbers. These students who fail engineering become accountants.

Interior designers will receive an Associates degree after an additional year of study for a total of 4 years of study. After all, interior designers are Architects who failed math and structures. Interior designers in their incomplete view of standardization, are relegated to the design areas of color and texture, as they should be. These students who fail interior design become artists.

Artists will receive an Associates degree with no further study. After all, artists are Architects who failed math and structures and interior designers who could not design. Artists in their wholly incomplete view of standardization are relegated to shapes, form, and applied color, as they should be. These students who fail art usually find employment at Kinkos.

Landscape architects are not in the realm of Architecturalized Standardization.

This department, in all it’s standardized wisdom ordained by our forestandard bearers, works on the worlds behave to hierarchically standardize all non-compliant fields that are of and subordinate to the Grande Field of Architecturalized Standardization as revealed by and for the Light Of The Standard Of Standards!!!!

Jun 26, 06 4:26 pm  · 

boy, talk about tautologies.

Jun 26, 06 4:48 pm  · 

where is nancy manguy when I need him/her?!

Jun 26, 06 4:52 pm  · 
vado retro

i believe maholgy nagy did that cf.

Jun 26, 06 4:53 pm  · 

There has been some good conversation here but no one has spoke to my question #2 (except one of Rita's visages who brought up Teeny). Have you ever, personally walked into a museum/gallery and been so moved by a work that it changed your outlook on anything? Have you been emotionally overwhelmed to the point of tears?

Stephen: one of the pages you linked up contained a subject that I plan on reenacting in the near future. Thanks.

Jun 26, 06 4:57 pm  · 

anti, do tell about the forthcoming reenactment.

I can't say that any work of art instantaneously changed my outlook on anything. For me it's a more a prolonged exposure process that manifests change.

It's been a long time now, but I have cried at movies. If I recall correctly, the last time was 23 years ago while watching a movie in an IMAX theater for the first time. It was in Huntsville, AL, and I've already written here how those 10 days in Huntsville changed my life.

anti, are you looking for some sort of gauge whereby one can measure the success of art or something? I mean, art can do something for me without it being life changing. Otherwise, you're really just asking leading questions.

Jun 26, 06 5:25 pm  · 

I guess I am looking to measure the success of art in the face of artist rhetoric and bombast (is the enormous amount of effort and resources worth the output?).....I realize its kind of niave....

Jun 26, 06 6:49 pm  · 

anti, you just asked a very good question:
is the enormous amount of effort and resources worth the output?

Rhetoric is cheap and uses very little resources, so I'd say let there be all the rhetoric that any artist wants. But, when it comes to enormous effort and resources, I too often wonder if the resultant art is worth it.

Personally, as an artist I am very "conservative" and/or frugal in that I pretty much try to only use what I have. And, indeed, my artistic goal at this point is to use up what I have. Plus, the whole virtual thing that I'm interested in is very much done in an effort to use "virtually" no resources at all.

Did you know I've done some artworks entitled Bombastic Piece?

Jun 26, 06 7:28 pm  · 

Hi Anti,

IMHO I should think that the first question we need to answer is: what do we want to include concerning the interpretation of the ART ?

now thats something humungously complicated before we move to the next part..i.e what does it do for you or how does it change society !

Since to recognise its impact on society and people , we need to interpret it singularly and collectively, which is a rather painful exercise./ and thus I suggest that we leave it to the interpretation section

Jun 27, 06 3:29 pm  · 

Art is the communication and teacher of standards that the world requires for complete and total compliance. Standardization of color, form, proportion, object relationship, and picture frames have been established by meticulously and rightfully measuring and quantifying standards by our illustrious fore standard bearers who so many years ago brought forth through this department new Standard of Art Standards, conceived in Compliance and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created to be Standardized by Standard Art.
Now we have engaged in a great art standardization, testing whether that standard, or any standard so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We have met in great joint conferences of that standardization. We have come to dedicate a portion of our self selected code, as a final standardization for those who here gave many late night hours in conference and codification that the Standardization of Art might standardize the world standardly. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this code. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled in great joint conference here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will by our selective right so note and long remember what we say here, for it can never forget what the Standardizers of Art did here. It is for us the living Art Standardizers, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work of complete world art standardization which they who joint conferenced here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored joint conferences we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of late night codification -- that we here highly resolve that these rightfully self selected conferencees shall not have lost sleep in vain -- that this department, under the Standard of Art, shall have a new birth of compliance -- and that standard of the standardizers, by the standardizers, for the standardizers, shall not be without compliance in the world of Standardized Art .
In the Spirit of this new Art Standard, please offer your complete self righteous conferencing standards to you area AIA president, by your self selection as chair, that the standardization of art may be fully and architecturally standardized in this our standard world at large, by revelation of the Light Standard.

Jun 28, 06 1:04 pm  · 

"I'm painting, I'm painting again.
I'm painting, I'm painting again.
I'm cleaning, I'm cleaning again.
I'm cleaning, I'm cleaning my brain."

Jul 4, 06 4:43 am  · 
vado retro

you dont have to prove that you are creative. oh wait you just didnt.

Jul 5, 06 4:56 pm  · 
work for idle hands

i think oscar wilde said 'art is useless' before serra did.

Jul 7, 06 1:19 pm  · 

apparently, 135 million if you're gustav klimt.

Jul 7, 06 2:38 pm  · 

art is for kids. fewer caries in the teeth. more caries in the brain

Jul 10, 06 2:35 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

paintball art

Jul 28, 06 3:56 am  · 

I don't think art changes life, its even that art is opted by people who believe such, as their lives were changing anyway. Art as the effect, not the cause.

I believe art brings out what is already there, what is latent.

Art is like a drug, a narcotic, you only trip on what is inside you.

It does not 'change' one or the world in the proper sense of the word.
It only draws out [edu-cate]; it only heightens; it only intensifies.

So I don't see it as life-changing, but life-enhancing. And in that, its value.

Aug 13, 06 6:46 pm  · 

Sothi, thanks for that. I have ended up at a similar conclusion.

Aug 14, 06 12:22 pm  · 
vado retro

read proust's essay on chardin and get back to me.

Aug 14, 06 12:40 pm  · 

vado: Ill hit Barnes and Noble this week.
(unless you have a digital copy?...)

Aug 14, 06 6:22 pm  · 

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