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Easy to say for a New Yorker. I don't live in New York City. It's interior looks are not going to personally familiar to me.

You're the king of Google, aren't you?  It's easily searchable, and has been posted on this forum previously.

BTW- I love seeing Cassidy from CBI staring back at me when I visit the forum...

Jul 12, 16 1:14 pm  · 
Great painting Josh!
Jul 12, 16 1:15 pm  · 

Oh forfuckssake Richard. That's a wildly famous photograph of a wildly famous building by a wildly famous architecture firm that was subject of a wildly aggressive controversy when it was proposed to be demolished two years ago by another wildly famous architecture firm. 

There's no excuse for calling yourself a professional and not recognizing an icon of the discipline. You clearly just troll the threads looking for fights to start and then posting usually (wildly) incorrect information about any topic you want no matter how tangential it is to the topic at hand.

I'm taking Threesleeve's pledge. No more talking to you.

Jul 12, 16 1:18 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I like the work Josh. What's the size of the piece?

Jul 12, 16 1:21 pm  · 

FFS, Rick!!! Even if you weren't familiar with building and the interior from numerous sources ... even a reverse google image search provides you with all you would need to know about the building. That's less than a second by dragging and dropping. 

Jul 12, 16 1:53 pm  · 

Oh forfuckssake Richard!

...Archinect's new slogan?

Jul 12, 16 1:58 pm  · 

N_S and no_form, thanks. The piece is 12" x 16". I was able to use my tabletop easel this time around (previous painting was 30" x 30").

For those that don't know (and Balkins) - the subject of the painting is Eero Saarinen's North Christian Church in Columbus, IN situated within Dan Kiley's wonderful landscape (and parking lot design - he arranged parking much like church pews and heavily landscaped it). A friend of mine wants to buy it, so I guess I can call myself a working artist? Not bad for a hobby.

Jul 12, 16 2:07 pm  · 

Josh, the parking lot at that building is likely the best-planned parking lot I've ever experienced. So good.

Jul 12, 16 2:41 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Nice Josh but I'll admit, I was hoping you'd say something like 40" tall. 8-)

I prefer the larger to too large canvases myself, but then again, my paintbrushes/knives are usually no smaller than my fist.

Jul 12, 16 2:51 pm  · 

I'm definitely not adverse to working with large canvases, but my apartment may be (although I do have a spare bedroom I can turn into a studio for large canvases).

I'm finding I like doing different sizes of canvases and trying to change things up. I actually surprised myself with how the architectural landscape (this one) turned out and may do another Columbus building soon, but zooming in on the details.

Thought about maybe doing a pop art kind of take on Venturi's Fire Station 4.

Jla-x, I use Liquitex Heavy Body Acrylic. 

Jul 12, 16 3:31 pm  · 


FFS, Rick!!! Even if you weren't familiar with building and the interior from numerous sources ... even a reverse google image search provides you with all you would need to know about the building. That's less than a second by dragging and dropping.


Why would I or anyone else go through that effort if they aren't really interested or carrying about identifying the building. 

Jul 12, 16 3:49 pm  · 

^ It's a pretty damn popular building and the subject of much discussion on these boards. I don't hold it against you thou, given your normal level of ignorance and all. Donna also mentioned what it was 3 posts above.

Um, it was you (Non Sequitur) who mentioned it 3 posts above (prior) to the quoted post.

Jul 12, 16 3:53 pm  · 

I recognize Eero Saarinen's work Josh.

Jul 12, 16 3:54 pm  · 

can't wait to see the TWBTA presidential library design.  shame about the folk art museum.  i know anyone with any interest or education in architecture since 2001 has heard about the museum.  they are a great team.    

Jul 12, 16 4:01 pm  · 

Oh forfuckssake Richard. That's a wildly famous photograph of a wildly famous building by a wildly famous architecture firm that was subject of a wildly aggressive controversy when it was proposed to be demolished two years ago by another wildly famous architecture firm. 

There's no excuse for calling yourself a professional and not recognizing an icon of the discipline. You clearly just troll the threads looking for fights to start and then posting usually (wildly) incorrect information about any topic you want no matter how tangential it is to the topic at hand.

I'm taking Threesleeve's pledge. No more talking to you.

I said, I wasn't familiar with it's interior. I'm more familiar with its EXTERIOR and exterior entrance not so much its interior.

There are a lot of buildings that I seen photos of but don't necessarily remember what they look like because that information is not necessary for professional work. It's one thing to be familiar what the building you are working on or worked on looks like but not necessarily every building. 

I recognize the Portland Building designed by Michael Graves but it doesn't mean I know exactly or familiar with it's interior if I was to look at an interior photo of it but show me an exterior, I would recognize it. 

I haven't been inside the Portland Building so I don't have that personal experience to draw on for recognition.

Jul 12, 16 4:11 pm  · 

Lord Corbusier give me the strength to bite my tongue.

Jul 12, 16 4:16 pm  · 

can't wait to see the TWBTA presidential library design.  shame about the folk art museum.  i know anyone with any interest or education in architecture since 2001 has heard about the museum.  they are a great team.   

Sure, I heard of it. It is just that I don't really have a deep interest in parametric architecture. Parametric architecture tends to not really excite me that much. 

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying parametric architecture is bad. I design by drawing not by computer programming scripts.

Jul 12, 16 4:21 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Ricardo, when is the last time you've strolled the great streets of NYC?

Josh, that's my choice of paint too. I have quite the small fortune invested when considering all the 3 or higher series tubes I have.

Jul 12, 16 4:24 pm  · 

pardon the cut/paste archinect.  but a direct quote on process at TWBTA

"In our current practice, the construction drawings are produced on 30” x 42” mylar sheets using pencil and ink."  

"We draw using pencil and ink, on mylar and on vellum. When we make changes, they occur with effort and a fair amount of tedious scrubbing with erasers, erasing shields, and spit."

not one mention of scripting or parametrics.  

Jul 12, 16 4:29 pm  · 


I haven't strolled NYC. I have seen exterior photos of the building but that doesn't mean I seen or otherwise familiar with its interior. 

I don't go to NYC. 

Jul 12, 16 4:30 pm  · 

From a certain perspective, all architecture is 'parametric'

Such a misunderstood + misapplied term.

Jul 12, 16 4:31 pm  · 


I wasn't talking about TWBTA. 

I'm pretty sure that intern is probably doing all the parametric work while the principles takes a pencil/pen and paper and a french curve and scribble away.

Jul 12, 16 4:33 pm  · 

You really have no clue what the hell you are talking about.

Alright, I'm done. I'm taking the no responding to Balkins oath.

I'm starting to get up there with the higher series of Liquitex as well. I've bought a lot of paint in the last month or so, and plenty of brushes. I may try a larger painting (larger than the 30x30) soon.

Jul 12, 16 4:33 pm  · 

tduds and 3sleeve, i too want to take the vow.  it's really as challenging as trying to go to the gym every week.  stay strong.  i broke down today though.

Jul 12, 16 4:33 pm  · 
1) TWBTA are not a 'parametric' firm (whatever that even means anymore), and may even be the antithesis of one

2) NS doesn't live in nyc

3) you know nothing, Rick Snow
Jul 12, 16 4:34 pm  · 

ricardito, I didn't know the building in the picture, but I don't have a compulsive urge to show my ignorance to the world either.

Jul 12, 16 4:40 pm  · 

Why would I or anyone else go through that effort if they aren't really interested [sic] or carrying [sic] about identifying the building. [sic] 

How hot is it in Astoria today? I think your memory is suffering again Rick. You were the one asking if this was residential ... doesn't that imply you were interested in or carrying about identifying the building? Maybe not. Maybe you feigned interest just to spout off some irrelevant copy paste. As for effort, did you miss the part about it taking less than a second? You took longer writing your post. At this point it is obvious you are only interested in trolling these forums. You're only interested in seeing your words on the page and the effect they cause. 

Big Green Head, what does it take to get Rick banned from the forums? 

  1. He has threatened physical harm on forum users. 
  2. Numerous users have called for Rick to be banned. 
  3. Plenty more have just decided to ignore him, but that proves difficult where Rick dominates any thread he touches. Without the entire forum ignoring him, there will always be someone to respond to him and feed his narcissism
  4. Miles has already left per his threat and hasn't posted since March (while I've had my issues with Miles, at least he was able of reasoning when there was a disagreement ... the same cannot be said for Rick). Miles offered a lot more to the forums than Rick ever did. 
  5. Even Donna, the epitome of inclusion and understanding in the forum, seems to have had her fill of Rick. 
  6. The last two posts I made for my blog have been dominated by Rick. I haven't posted in a while, not for lack of content, but mainly for not wanting the discussion to get pulled into Rick's black hole.

What does it take? Does someone need to start a petition or something?

Jul 12, 16 4:41 pm  · 


Jul 12, 16 4:47 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Ricky, you should get out more. NYC is a fantastic place even for non architecture folks like yourself. 

Jul 12, 16 5:04 pm  · 


Ricky, you should get out more. NYC is a fantastic place.....

I'm sure NYC is a fantastic place to visit for a lot of its architecture.

I also haven't taken vacations to places, ever.

Jul 12, 16 5:15 pm  · 

EI I second your motion.

Jul 12, 16 5:17 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

"I also haven't taken vacations to places, ever."

Ricky, can't say I'm surprised. You do realise there is a world outside your parent's house right? Perhaps some traveling will alleviate some of your blatant ignorance.

Jul 12, 16 5:20 pm  · 

Wow.  Just wow.

Ok 3-sleeve. I'm in.  I pledge not to interact with he-who-shall-not-be-acknowledged anymore. 

Jul 12, 16 5:24 pm  · 

No vacations ever. 

Now I'm just sad.

Jul 12, 16 5:25 pm  · 

ya Fucken is not a Walmart...

Jul 12, 16 5:42 pm  · 

Ahe just forken forget about it....poor bugger has never been  to the Big Apple..

Jul 12, 16 5:48 pm  · 

Wheel speed sensors in my 01 Grand Am just went out. They are integrated with the wheel hubs, so that means a $700 repair. I'm going to start threatening my car with replacement.

I would have liked that $700 for Norway and Iceland. #adulthood #kangaroos4life

Jul 12, 16 6:09 pm  · 

I'll throw my name in on taking Threesleeve's pledge. I've done it before, but it's tough when it doesn't make any difference because others respond. Maybe with a critical mass it will be different.

Threesleeve should start a thread just for the sake of documenting those taking the pledge. Perhaps seeing all those who've taken it up all in one place would help. Not to mention it would be pretty nice just to drop a link to the thread whenever it looks like others are feeding the troll*.






*Should that be capitalized as a proper noun ... The Troll?

Jul 12, 16 7:17 pm  · 
Non Sequitur
Balkins is no troll since real one know they are trolling. Although he Does camp out in his parents basement so maybe that's his bridge?
Jul 12, 16 7:33 pm  · 
I pledge allegiance
To Archinect
And to the community for which it stands
Ignore Balkins
Above all
With whiskey and gin for all.
Jul 12, 16 8:28 pm  · 


Jul 12, 16 8:36 pm  · 
Non Sequitur
Kangaroos for life.
Jul 12, 16 9:02 pm  · 
N_S, have you sold a painting before? I'm trying to figure out what to charge. Have an idea but want to get your experience with pricing.
Jul 12, 16 9:28 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I have, but the context was as a fundraiser for my wedding. I sold over 20 pieces and made enough for a week in San Francisco! Prices is difficult. I know some figure out cost per square inch but I think that's gallery pricing. I normally figure it cost of paint & canvas x3 but I'm more likely to give them away as gifts than charge my friends/family for them.  I can see myself reconsidering this if ever I was to have to sell to strangers thou. 

Jul 12, 16 10:07 pm  · 
Thanks. I was thinking a materials + labor based fee. I wasn't even expecting to sell anything from a hobby until my friend mentioned she wanted to buy it last night.
Jul 12, 16 10:39 pm  · 
vado retro

TWBTPSA--Tod Williams Billie Tsien Patrik Schumacher Architects. You know, for the parametrics.

Jul 12, 16 11:10 pm  · 

Richard Balkins is bae.

Jul 13, 16 3:54 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Morning TC!

Anyone else wake-up to an (personal) inbox filled with spam messages from a Geet Kulkarni located in Mumbai? I saw this dude spam a bunch of threads earlier today but now that I have his personal gmail contact, I may just sign him up for a few hundred spam lists just to say thanks for his bullshit "mind-power" counselling scam.

Jul 13, 16 9:14 am  · 

hmmm.  i did not NS, but if i were you, i would check for hidden pokemon in your room.

Jul 13, 16 9:23 am  · 

Got to love this picture, sad that "progress" has now fully (inevitable) erased yet another modernist achievement in the Four Season's Restaurant.

Jul 13, 16 9:26 am  · 

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