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Merl Haggart is playing in town this evening...darn I'm going to miss it.  He is America!

Apr 19, 12 8:48 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Snook, I thought he was dead...

Apr 20, 12 9:51 am  · 

Nope he is alive and well and kickin!


Apr 21, 12 8:25 am  · 

I wanted to share a friend's graphic work. I am presently working on a project with him to present the work of local architects in line with the 50th anniversary of Jamaica's independence.


Apr 23, 12 12:16 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Free Adobe Illustrator?  Sweet!

Apr 23, 12 8:18 am  · 

Bump.  TC was getting too close for comfort to the bottom of the page

Nice photo Donna, where did you find it?  That's a very cool poster David.  It's hard to believe that Jamaican Independence happened only 50 years ago.

Life is going well.  I'm enjoying the clients I am currently working with, though the project will be wrapping up soon.  The days are getting longer and warmer which means cycling on a regular basis is just around the corner, though I have a feeling I'll be doing a lot less now that BF/future husband is in the picture.  Funny how that happens. 

Okay... back to my fixture plan.

Apr 25, 12 8:47 am  · 

yupper....come on people.... life is also interesting here....ordered alot of windows and skylights for a project know the floor to ceiling kind, in and existing structure....I'm hoping the contractor can work  wonders with existing conditions....I might post some pic of this project it it works out.  

Last night  I had one of those wake up resolve a structural problem....I dreamed  thru all the conflicts and you know I came up with an elegant solution. I wanted to get out of bed in the middle of the night but I knew I would wake up Mrs. B and that is not a good thing cause she has a problem sleeping. So I said to myself  hold onto that thought, con't let is waking first thing in the morning {6:00 am)...walking the dog. pondering the midnight thoughts.. ...After breakfast sitting down and  putting it on  computer..(paper)....damn it saves alot of money and it is Architecture....damm  I had a good feeling! These kind of moments can only be bettered by a big fat check....and that has happened we be feeling good.


Apr 25, 12 9:59 pm  · 

tc was only 3 away from falling off the first page again... we are in the midst of final reviews here... my thesis students went on saturday and tuesday and did well... sat on a first year review at penn yesterday... we're also winding down the search for a new department chair at penn... hopefully there will be big news soon...

Apr 26, 12 11:15 am  · 

yeah I've been in the middle of a big deadline--2nd round of a big, fun competition. First month back in the architecture world, and already I'm working on a great high profile project. This was the right decision, but it sure takes a lot of work.

Apr 26, 12 11:30 am  · 

and that reminds me, you'll see "rationalist" back a lot more than my real name. Suddenly now that my real name is linked to a firm that people care about and posts job listings around these parts, I feel the need to be careful what I say under my real name. I LOVE the new feature that lets me choose which each post gets listed under without logging out/in.

Apr 26, 12 11:32 am  · 

i am also busy with deadlines, some due soon, others overdue. hi all!

Apr 26, 12 11:35 am  · 

spending my days in the grant writing lane and fighting the red tape to get my LAF research fellowship approved - why does it take 8 signatures and 6 to 8 weeks to get approved for just a $6720 grant????

Phillip - any hints on who the finalists are?

Apr 26, 12 4:50 pm  · 

Super busy here.  As in, still drafting past 2am several nights a week.  The semester just ended, though, so after final review on Thursday I'll have more of my schedule back!

Also, I now have an iPhone.  I feel guilty, but it's honestly very helpful in keeping me efficient.

Apr 27, 12 2:10 pm  · 

way busy here too.  but in a good way. 

school is just starting and already getting interesting.  sejima is very generous and students are working hard, so i have high hopes.  we have a small project on site now too that might end up being quite cool if we can manage it.  either way it is so nice to be building after too many months stuck in the office.

i i-resisted the i-phone for ages too donna, but it turns out to be super useful little machine.  not sure how i got things done without it.

Apr 28, 12 3:27 am  · 

way to busy to do more then but TC off of the second page!!! wtf - where are all the tc'ers this monday?

Apr 30, 12 3:11 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm looking for a new car....  I start a new job on Monday, and well, my 1983 BMW barely goes faster than 45 mph, and is ca-razy loud, it's just not made for a 45 minute commute.  It makes me a bit sad.

Apr 30, 12 4:22 pm  · 

sarah what's the new job? Congrats!

Apr 30, 12 4:48 pm  · 

New job?!? Sarah I'm all atwitter for you!!  I hope it's one you're excited about!!

I need to vent: I was in a meeting a few months ago at which a public regulation was being discussed.  This is a regulation around which exists a lot of misinformation and confusion.  When I heard that the issue was to be discussed at the meeting, I went to the proper officials and asked exactly what the existing policy and enforcement rules are, as I wanted to have factual info to bring to the meeting and to shut down all the rumor that had been flying about it.

I just heard today that the people who raised the issue originally felt I had blindsided them with a bunch of "research" at the meeting, was thus trying to prevent them from being heard, and tamped down any further discussion on the issue, all because I came to the meeting with the facts of the current situation at hand.

I've never heard of being afraid of facts! Guess next time I should arrive at the meeting unprepared and just nod my head at whatever is told to me!  Sheesh.

Apr 30, 12 5:41 pm  · 

You're a snob, Donna. You and your self-educatin'.

Apr 30, 12 5:54 pm  · 

Yes, proudly a snob.  On some issues.

Apr 30, 12 5:55 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm not sure how I feel about the it.  The job isn't something I ever saw myself doing (sales assistant) bit it sort of fell in my lap, and I felt it would be wrong to say no.  My new boss is incredibly nice, but the pay is low, and since I haven't worked in 4 years, I'm conflicted.  Abram is sad to leave his friends at his current preschool, and start at a new one, he's upset that he won't be home with me anymore, and I'm not sure where my place is anymore.  

I figure the job came my way for a reason, but I'm having a hard time seeing past all that I'm giving up.  Funny thing is, I never wanted to be a stay-at-home mom.  Maybe it's just the change that I'm reeling from...

Apr 30, 12 6:16 pm  · 

s- congrats and good luck! just remind Abram every day as you drop him off that you'll pick him up at X time and go have dinner (or what ever). oh yeah, that he'll make lots of new friends too.


Apr 30, 12 10:27 pm  · 

I sympathize with your ambivalence, Sarah.  Not easy decisions to make, and they awaken some strange and surprising feelings, don't they.

I'm about to quit my own job, a non-arch one that I took to ride out the recession without having to send resumes to firms that were receiving 300 a week unsolicited, in favor of no job at all, a.k.a. officially launching out on my own.  Very scary.


I find that even quitting a job I don't particularly enjoy, that has nothing whatsoever to do with what I want to do in my life, is difficult.  I envy the person who can walk in and comfortably say "Unfortunately I'm going to need to submit my resignation from this position".

Apr 30, 12 11:38 pm  · 

isn't it supposed to be "take this job and shove it"?

funny/sad story, donna. 

don't know why, but reminds me of that dinosaur lived with humans museum.  fkucing education making you think reality was more important than everyone's intuition and all that.


May 1, 12 2:09 am  · 

Exaectly, Will. Except this group was even left of ME (and I'm pretty damn far to the left), so it goes to show something about there not being a monopoly on willingness to slant and misinform, I guess.

May 1, 12 7:16 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, now I want to know what the issue was, Donna...

May 1, 12 7:46 am  · 

"I just heard today that the people who raised the issue originally felt I had blindsided them with a bunch of "research" at the meeting, was thus trying to prevent them from being heard, and tamped down any further discussion on the issue, all because I came to the meeting with the facts of the current situation at hand." I think they wanted you to come to them first. sounds more like a power/control thing than anything else. you have to be very careful with these types of people.

May 1, 12 8:07 am  · 

could be about power indeed, but still...complaining about the fact-checker is petty by any standard, no? hope you enjoy the new gig sarah !

May 1, 12 8:57 am  · 

Manta, even when you're happy about it, it's not comfortable. I've known people who recently quit their jobs after finding a new one, only to be told by the new one, "oh, we'd rather you start a week later because that contract hasn't come through," which reminded me how tenuous switching jobs can be even when you think it's a sure thing. Good luck with your new venture!

May 1, 12 11:00 am  · 

@will - doesn't matter if people are petty - it's politics - everyone's got their agenda, and if you don't act collegially, no matter how stupid or childish the other person is being, they're going to feel slighted and could potentially make your life miserable.  Unless Donna is gearing up for battle, it's best to mend this bridge (unless it's a sole individual fringe nutjob, then don't bother) .  Maybe the social/political structure in Japan is different, but the political process here in the states, especially places with an engaged citizenry, is pretty messy and you're always dealing with powerful "intuitive" (i.e. irrational) people.

this is like one of the first lessons if you work in a large office with layers of management: don't go over your immediate boss's head - even if they are an incompetent moron.

for Donna:  Stop making sense.

May 1, 12 2:00 pm  · 

are you telling gramma how to suck eggs, toasteroven?

no different here than there, but ain't nothing wrong with complaining ;-) 

actually, i kinda like the way rachel maddow deals with hostility, be invariably polite but don't worry about telling the truth to avoid offending.  otherwise the pattern is re-inforced.  come to think of it that is sorta how the republican fear machine works isn't it?  even the people in the republican party are afraid to speak truth to power now.

May 1, 12 9:06 pm  · 

gosh I've been super busy. We had final presentations last week - both the students and the lecturers were burnt out at the end of it all. Grading starts in two weeks so I have time to breathe. 

And got the glowing reviews for a project I've been working near non-stop for the last 3 weeks. Felt worth it.... but now I'm just tired. 

SH congrats on the job... low money sometimes is better than no money. 

Donna don't be afraid to tell them to f* off

May 1, 12 9:11 pm  · 

Hey David! this is always good advice "low money sometimes is better than no money. " also Manta good luck. I am not sure doing what exactly but would like to think I might someday start a "business" or at least take risk of becoming own boss.

May 1, 12 9:41 pm  · 

manta I'm excited for you, but it's a low-key excitement, because my sense is "Of course manta is going it along and of course manta will succeed."  Because you are exactly the kind of person with the determination to do it.

Had a cocktail party here to night showing a new proposal of husband's to some people who can make it happen.  Which sounds heavy but in fact was a lovely, fun, relaxed evening.  And the hor d'oeuvres I made were excellent.

May 1, 12 9:49 pm  · 

Thanks guys!  I am nervous, but feeling extremely lucky that I will have the luxury (and it IS a luxury, and I recognize that) of being able to take a break from working for others to do this.  At the same time I am awed by how much there is to do, and how much of it (aka, 100%!) depends on me.  Fun, but scary!  Donna I'm sure I will be leaning on you somehow.  And perhaps it is finally time to make that much-threatened trip down to Indy to treat you to lunch.  I am extremely grateful to my fiance who will be making this possible.  We'll be squeezing ourselves into a tiny apartment and an even tinier budget but he is willing to deal with all of this so that I can give it a shot.  Cross my fingers!!!  We may be eating a lot of beans but maybe someday all that stomach discomfort will have been worth it!

May 1, 12 11:38 pm  · 

Now's the time to purchase the camera, printer/scanner, laptop, awesome marker set, etc that you always wanted! You can write them off and this may be the last time you'll ever be able to afford them! (I'm still using the ones I bought for my fledgling "business" in 2003.)

Kidding, mostly. I actually learned that - if I had truly committed to it - being on my own and by myself could have been a positive and lucrative arrangement. It just wasn't for me. Couldn't deal with the staff insubordination and the business manager would never send out invoicing. 

Congrats to you, manta, for giving it a go!


May 2, 12 7:19 am  · 

@will - I think I've gone off the deep end lately - getting cranky and telling everyone what to do.  I need a break.

May 2, 12 9:20 am  · 

me too!

May 2, 12 10:41 am  · 

"Staff insubordination", ha! Yep, Steven, I see that currently my entire staff is wasting their time posting on Archinect.  What the hell, staff?!  Can you get some freakin' billable work done for a change?!?   :-)


Manta you are welcome here any time.  Lots to show you.

May 2, 12 1:33 pm  · 

I want to hear stories of staff insubordination if you have any.  Not so much archinect reading/posting, as I already understand that one, but stuff I may not have thought of.  As staff myself you know, I'm always looking for new ideas.

May 2, 12 2:35 pm  · 

curt, a friend of mine from grad school changed the drawings BACK to the way she thought the design should be the night before they were due and sent them off to be printed.  She didn't get fired, and I believe the design was changed yet again at the cost of the architecture firm, but she stood her ground for the printing, at least.

May 2, 12 8:51 pm  · 

anybody want to hear some cool Turkish Disco Folk  ?

May 2, 12 8:52 pm  · 

@toasteroven, no worries, i was totally tongue-in-cheek anyway.  actually quite shitty at sucking eggs.


insubordination at office is always a problem!  my biz partner never does what i tell him and everyone else is way too respectful.

have fun with new direction manta!  it is not easy but possibly a lot more rewarding.  huge learning curve for the first few years unless you were running the office in former job.  in my case am super lucky to have partner who is very good at the business side of things, but even so there is so much to learn.  once we hired staff the whole learning process started again too (and still goes on).  i have a ridiculous amount of respect for anyone who can run an architecture practice.  nothing easy about it, big or small.

May 2, 12 9:29 pm  · 

OMG there is not enough bourbon in the world to make these people shut up.  Thank goodness my Archinect friends here don't know who the hell I'm talking about and that's OK because I just need to VENT!!!

Hey snook, have you ever made a new single hung wood window using counterweights and pulleys?  I'm working on one and dreaming that some grizzled old carpenter will be able to finesse it beyond where my internet research and skills will go!

May 2, 12 11:38 pm  · 

Donna I've had new wood windows made, to use the existing pulleys & counterweights in the weight pockets... we used this amazing carpenter who made new windows to match the existing, with the historic (extremely) narrow-profiled mullions and all.  Just rigged them up to run on the existing pulleys.  Actually I think we replaced the pulleys actually, because by this point they were mix n' match, if I recall correctly.  I *think* we just replaced them all with new chains.  Hmm, can't remember perfectly.  


Anyway I think your hardest part would be sourcing the counterweights.  Best bet would probably be architectural salvage... not sure you'd be able to find someone that would make those new, nowadays.  

May 3, 12 12:45 am  · 

make sure your clients are prepared for how much of a heat sink the weight pockets will be... well unless you're doing exterior rigid insulation, of course.  In that case no problem.  Oh MAN I miss building!!!!

May 3, 12 12:47 am  · 

i've worked with a guy here in louisville that does that kind of work, donna. and not even so very old and grizzled! i don't think it's a pipe dream: i'd bet indy has these guys, too!

had a great day at the track yesterday. DERBY TIME!

May 3, 12 6:49 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Donna, funny you're looking for windows.  I'm going to be selling high-end wooden and ultra modern steel ones.  Well, at least I'll be assisting a guy who sells them. If it's something I can help with, shoot me an email.

I'm a bit more excited today about my new job.  Son is doing great in his new school, and I got some new clothes.  It's amazing how good new outfits can make you feel.

May 3, 12 7:47 am  · 

Yay for new clothing!

Phelps is a company that has window parts online and forms to help you calculate how much wight you need and how far a vertical run it needs.  This window is huge, but I think it's going to work.  At least, when I calc'd it at 2am this morning it worked!

May 3, 12 1:05 pm  · 

When DIYing a counterweight hung window, it's critical to properly select the weights. Realistically you have two options: window always open, or window always closed. For later you can always use a brick to prop it open a bit.

Congrats Sarah on the new gig! You are probably not going to be selling steel windows, but in case you are, make sure you put a bird on it.

May 3, 12 1:28 pm  · 

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