
Thread Central


oh man, Acfa's analogy at the bottom is excellent, as well!

May 9, 06 10:19 pm  · 

vado- I guess that means I can't bump my old thread about what graphic design school I should go to, huh? Maybe I should, just to be a dick.

May 9, 06 10:27 pm  · 

who was the person who got sun tanned and designed houses (or something like that)? didn't she almost got wasted with a shiny x-acto blade by a stranger in malibu beach?

May 9, 06 10:42 pm  · 

Holy crap, vado is on fire! There are some fantastic old threads popping up on the front page. Good goal too. I wish I could remember some old ones.....

May 9, 06 10:43 pm  · 

Son of a Bitch

[]This[/url] has to be purposefully antagonistic.

May 10, 06 12:12 am  · 



May 10, 06 12:13 am  · 

I dont like it
so u like it

she/he/it is not worthy of a fucken haiku.

May 10, 06 12:14 am  · 

man, i must be dumb, I didn't even realise that's what their name meant.

sounds a bit like: 'you like that? gonna squirt some?'

which would imply that they are being purposefully antagonistic...

May 10, 06 12:23 am  · 
May 10, 06 12:29 am  · 

Initially, and partially due to my 1900x1220 screen resolution, I thought it was soulkite, which is reasonably poetic.

I think I remember him/her/it saying that he/she/it was Scottish. I thought Scottish people were cannier than that...

May 10, 06 12:29 am  · 

Our vibrations were getting nasty --
but why? Was there no communication
in this car? Had we deteriorated
to the level of dumb beasts?

May 10, 06 12:30 am  · 

i'm with you upside down. i just as stoopid.

May 10, 06 12:39 am  · 
sporadic supernova

Shit !! I was shocked when I opened dthe site and saw "Hi all you fancy graphic lovers" ...

oh well ... got wind of vado's plan ... good one ..

I've come up with a new plan to tackle soulikeit !! and have fun at the same time...

he he .. just saw "dear abra " too ... :)

May 10, 06 1:04 am  · 

I miss 'Dear Abra', perhaps I should ask him how to beat this

May 10, 06 1:42 am  · 
A Center for Ants?

i'm beginning to feel like soulikeit is very much like per. except for slightly better english and without the absurd 3dh dogma (other than just posting for posting's sake).


do you remember the good ol' "fight per-rorism" campaign after the crazy graphics as thread titles incident?

May 10, 06 2:26 am  · 

the most annoying thing with the soulikeit threads is that when i see one, i know that it is going the annoy the hell out of me and a total waste of time looking at it - but then i still do! - aaaaaaaaaaaargh!

imagine having to deal with him/her as a student? time for some tough crits, but somehow i dont think it would make any difference.

May 10, 06 2:37 am  · 
A Center for Ants?


beat the computer!! cool site though not a powerful chess engine...

May 10, 06 2:45 am  · 
sporadic supernova

Today's soulikeit contributions ( so far atleast ...) here and here

not bad actually .. an improvment

May 10, 06 8:32 am  · 

re: soulikeit
sorry to be a hater, but



is s/he off his/her meds? who DOES that?!?!

May 10, 06 8:45 am  · 

Okay, just to change the topic, Pixelwhore and I went to a fashion show last Friday that Mass Art (Mass. College of Art) put on. It was the senior show for the fashion students. It was pretty interesting; some lines were pretty conceptual and almost all of them were very well crafted. (One was outstanding in both respects). Pixel has some pictures of it up on his flickr account, I'll leave him to post the link if he wants.

Also, Steven, I WON THE POT on saturday! Made $70 off Barbaro! Also had my first mint julep, my first derby pie (which I made), and thereafter spent most of the evening in bed with an intense stomachache. That pie is RICH. It was a fun Derby, though. I have to say, betting makes a horse race much more interesting to watch--all 90 seconds of it. :)

May 10, 06 9:12 am  · 

congratulations and re: betting > absolutely right.

May 10, 06 9:21 am  · 

Damn it my internet connection has been down at home, it's like a drug, I couldn't get my fix so I went to bed cranky. Anyway I missed a lot of hilarity.

On a side note, I know Scottish people, and they aren't as crazy as soulikeit....perhaps she's from the Falkland Islands or something.....

Anyone else notice tgv11 and parallel38's bid to keep the
Yale blows thread going by themselves? Strange.

PS. RESIST the urge to post! Resist!

May 10, 06 9:32 am  · 

soulikeit and the responses to her posts made my day. good job team ;)

May 10, 06 9:41 am  · 
sporadic supernova

yeah .. i did notice that about the yale thread ... resisted as instructed !! :D

May 10, 06 9:44 am  · 

I think it is because tgv didn't find any love in the UPenn thread. He got me on a cranky day. only 5 more weeks of this roadtrip to go... uugh.

May 10, 06 9:52 am  · 

ps. can't we promote WonderK to an editor? or would that feed her addiction?

May 10, 06 9:56 am  · 

heheheheh....perhaps "Field Correspondant"...although i guess that could be one and the same for archinect...

May 10, 06 10:01 am  · 

*one and the same = editor / field correspondant...

May 10, 06 10:02 am  · 
sporadic supernova

Cameron ... was that the thread on Dubai ?? .. where this guy turned on you for some talk you had given in some school regarding "real" artchitects or not ?

the thread which eventually got deleted ? ...

that was tgv?? ... funny ...

May 10, 06 10:06 am  · 

Sweet! I'll be a field correspondant! Especially if it means I get to wear a safari vest with lots of pockets.


Cameron is correct however, this move could be unhealthy. Although my rationale is, I'm already here so I might as well be productive. I am a big fan of disseminating information. For instance, more UC stuff.

Did anyone see liberty bell's pictures of the animal paws in the new Rec center at UC? On a sill 25' above the ground?! I still cannot figure out what the hell that could have been.

May 10, 06 10:23 am  · 

I think it was someone else...

every couple of months there is a random post in a thread that goes as follows?

them. Hey, are you doing X? (random unrelated topic)
me. Sure, we are doing X? Are you interested in helping?
them. no, your a dick.
me. um, ok thanks. why don't you email me directly instead of using this thread.
them. no.

TTKs - total thread killers.

anyway I think anyone over 100 entries should get the FC title.

May 10, 06 10:24 am  · 


May 10, 06 10:44 am  · 

cameron, that post of his/hers made no sense. it was absolutely idiotic.

btw, i was down in louisiana last week giving a lecture on the current work that my studio has been doing. a friend of mine took me by to show me his 5th yr students design/build project. the project was to design a 3br home for a single mother and her three children. the family had been living in a one room structure. the home was 95% complete and was absolutely breath taking and inspiring. what those kids did on their own and for that family was touching.

my guess is that tgv just does not support architecture that truly helps people on every level.

May 10, 06 10:46 am  · 

Vado was sweet and bumped my old thread, even though it was graphic design related. I'm mildly suprised that soulikeit hasn't invaded it, but she's stayed away. I found out last night that SCAD publishes their requirements for academic fellowships online, and I would get 3-5k just for my GRE score! So I'm feeling like this grad school thing might prove affordable after all. So I'm applying to five schools, at least one of which I'm damn sure I can get in to, and not letting myself get overly attached to one, but just go to the one which turns out most feasible financially.

Oh, and I found this fun site yesterday- {url=]I work with fools![/url]

May 10, 06 10:48 am  · 

rationalist, vado is sweet and you will do amazing things with your new studies. i think soulikeit does not go there because, uh, education is above her head. be grateful rationalist. be grateful.

May 10, 06 10:58 am  · 

Then soulikeit will make field correspondent in a week or so.

May 10, 06 11:04 am  · 

Oana is resaca

May 10, 06 11:06 am  · 

FC doesn't just mean Field Correspondent....

May 10, 06 11:12 am  · 

for my purposes, I will assume you mean "Freaking Cool".

For soulikeit, make your own assumptions.

I like Mad Libs.

May 10, 06 11:33 am  · 

This is the post I was going to add to the Yale Blows thread but I don't wanna bump it:

Yes, you caught us, Yale is a New Urbanist school. We admit it. Yes, we all accept payoffs from the administration to act like there's nothing at all wrong with the school when really the ceiling's falling in, a piece hit me on the head while I was sitting at my desk just yesterday. Yes, you're right, pmic is not really a prospective student, he's a stealth marketer that we've just added to the full time staff. He goes around to all of the forums and sneaks in little positive references to Yale.

You caught us, he was "seen typing at YSOA". tgv11 has discovered the truth by getting in touch with his vast network of contacts. Not even Smokety's desperate, last ditch attempt to write "a series of internal Yale emails" about parallel38 and the Yale Blows thread can stop us all from getting kicked off archinect and failing our NAAB accreditation.

The game is up, we admit everything. We blow.

Now will you two jackasses go find someplace else to to hang out and talk to yourselves? Your one word bumps for your thread are a lot less funny than your paranoid rantings from the thread's earlier phase. Or, better yet, grow a brain and add to the conversation on some of the other threads: ask abra for some advice on how to get some friends, post a funny picture on jpeg du jour, you guys are pretty good at ranting, you could make some real contributions to this thread! Lighten up, quit playing yourselves, and branch out a little, before everyone else at Harvard and the AA excommunicates you two for making them look bad.



May 10, 06 11:46 am  · 

New Urbanism Forever!


May 10, 06 11:49 am  · 

e- yeah, I've been thinking that. She's got to be one of those flighty people who gets super-attached to an idea for a few weeks and then lets it go when she has to actually do something to further it. So I'm quite confident that I won't end up in classes with her. = )

Lets try this link againI work with fools!

May 10, 06 11:51 am  · 

sometimes the volume and rapidity of ones output is enough to inspire awe. soulikeit already has 190 comments, about 12.7 per day. at this rate he'll (i think it's a dude) will pass e (currently at 2581 posts at 3.6 per day) in about 263 days (8.5 months from now).

May 10, 06 1:09 pm  · 

yeah, but his post:comment ratio is terrible...kid's gotta lay off the sugar.

May 10, 06 1:31 pm  · 

i.e. anyone who's posted 27 times and has less than 200 comments should perhaps filter themselves a bit...but i'm probably stating the obvious

May 10, 06 1:35 pm  · 


Sorry things haven't worked out for you, but you don't have to take it out on other people. Pmic made the error of a lifetime ;-)

May 10, 06 1:46 pm  · 

I'm happy with my nice 10:1 ratio.

ps. great news advance copies of our book just arrived in the US (it's been a 3 month wait.)

May 10, 06 1:46 pm  · 

sevensixfive, well done, sir! And I applaud your self-restraint. Nicely put.

May 10, 06 1:51 pm  · 

btw Cameron...very professional response to tvg11...tough not to take the bait on cowardly cheap shots like that, but obviously you have experience.

May 10, 06 1:52 pm  · 
liberty bell

I shouldn't waste my time posting this and adding to the current archinect hysteria but I'm going to anyway. I'm trying to keep it a bit vague intentionally - remember that story recently about the email fight between lawyers in Boston?

The PersonInQuestion emailed me asking for input regarding the architecture program at a place I mentioned in another archinect thread. The person's email to me consisted of the subject line "Know anything about Barchitecture at U of State?" and the body of the text said in its entirety: "title speaks for itself"

My response via email was this:
OK here is what your email should have said:

Hi, my name is Xxxx Xxxx and I saw on Archinect that you know someone in City, State. I am a senior in high school and very interested in pursuing architecture as a career. I live in State and want to stay close to home/I live in StateAcrossCountry and want to go far from home for school, so I'm looking for information about the Bachelor of Architecture program at University of State.

I know it is difficult to take time out of your day as a busy professional to respond to someone anonymously via email, but I would really appreciate any input you can give me.

Thank you for your time,

Xxxx Xxxx

You see, PersonInQuestion, right now I have no idea what kind of info you are looking for, and though I love to help young/aspiring architects (although for all I know you are a 60 year old woman looking to get her first ever degree), I'm not so inclined to respond when you're not willing put some work into your request. Frankly I found your initial request to be fairly obnoxious.

This email took me all of six minutes to compose, so it's not like I'm asking for much. Let me know what kind of info you want beyond what you could find on the UofState website, and I might be inclined to help, although I will offer straight up that my knowledge of the school is limited, though my knowledge of City is pretty broad.


liberty bell


broccolijet your comments are right on: I see a generation of people too spoiled by easy access to information to do any research themselves. (Although maybe people said that about my generation, too, 20 years ago when I was 18.) It seems obvious to me that one would approach a professional as much like a professional as possible - not this casual chatty text message way.

Also: Cameron I laughed out loud at your email conversation above. And myriam I would love to hear your laugh someday!

May 10, 06 1:52 pm  · 

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