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Older but still excellent:Temple Kol Ami by Will Bruder. He gave a lecture and explained that to get the randomness of the blocks he had to set up rules: the masons tended to regularize, even when they were supposed to be off-setting the blocks the offsetting would become predictable over time. So they strung a horizontal plumb line to mark a plane, and instructed the masons with the following rules: lift the block, butter it, place it - and if it lands with the leading face *anywhere* within 3/4" of either side of the string, it stays as placed. 

Mar 26, 19 5:45 pm  · 

that's cool - I was looking at some wendell burnette work also.

Mar 26, 19 6:23 pm  · 

Also, super strong FLW influence here but I love this other early work by Bruder - Cox Residence, using broken CMUs.

Mar 26, 19 5:50 pm  · 

I love the texture of those walls. Can't help but think about the pain it would be to dust them though.

Mar 27, 19 2:57 am  · 

I guess Will Bruder didn't like his clients very much, the Cock's Residence:

Mar 29, 19 4:30 pm  · 

Mar 29, 19 5:18 pm  · 

Also, this is dorky but I just noticed it and kinda love it: very near the Speedway someone painted a checkered flag on a screen wall/fence made of breeze blocks and the complexities/interference between the two patterns

is somehow very cool to me.

Mar 26, 19 6:03 pm  · 

exurbs are back. yield curve flipped. Gas prices poised to go up. Kinds of projects were are getting are very reminiscent of 2007 (more long-range stuff).  I think we’re heading toward recession. Big question is where are the cracks in the economy. Only market that seems to be in real trouble territory are auto loans. People who bought a giant SUV and moved out to the boonies are going to get screwed.

Mar 29, 19 9:07 am  · 

"People who bought a giant SUV and moved out to the boonies are going to get screwed."

Probably same/similar demographic to those most screwed by the last recession, no? Big cars (on sub-prime loan) likely correlate with big houses (on sub-prime loan). Luckily our office appears to have enough worked locked in that we should be able to ride out a dip if it appears.

And I always have that parachute to move back to the homeland if need be...

Mar 29, 19 9:39 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Can't imagine how those who leased a $40k & more SUV at 3-4% on 5+ year deals will feel...

Mar 29, 19 9:47 am  · 

Quite happy with my $2.50 subway rides ...

Mar 29, 19 9:56 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Lucky.... it's like 3.40 here. wait, with the exchange (insert calculating noises) that's the same thing. My subway (LRT) is coming tho...

Mar 29, 19 10:03 am  · 

I'm at work on a Saturday again. Tired.

Mar 30, 19 1:42 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

hopefully you're also mid-way through a bottle of wine.

Mar 30, 19 2:03 pm  · 

Hang in there, Donna...

Mar 30, 19 2:36 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I'm trying to organize an outing to a petting zoo tomorrow for some toddlers. You can come if you want.

Mar 30, 19 2:42 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I hope you are getting paid extremely well, enough to offset the booze and massage you will need afterwards at least.

Mar 30, 19 3:59 pm  · 

I'm working today, too, Donna, so don't feel alone. The wine was finished a while ago... now I'm down to shots of mouthwash =o\

Mar 30, 19 4:23 pm  · 

shit man, if I was close I'd stop by with at least a bottle of whiskey for you.

Mar 30, 19 6:43 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

TC on page 3?

that's unacceptable.

Apr 5, 19 9:25 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Spring bidding season. Everyone's churning out work.

Apr 5, 19 10:08 am  · 

Exactly. No time.

Apr 5, 19 12:03 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Permit submission made... eugh, busy here too. Looking at a quiet afternoon now.

Apr 5, 19 12:17 pm  · 

Our entire office seemed to accidentally get on "end of March" deadlines not realizing half of us and our consultants were gone for spring break. This week is slightly calmer.

Apr 5, 19 12:53 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

and boom, one more permit submission (although much smaller than the first) done.

Apr 5, 19 2:33 pm  · 

Is it true that Rick was banned from TC?

Apr 5, 19 1:57 pm  · 

I think that's right. Hence his attempt to start his own catch-all thread. Don't know if anything's changed since then.

Apr 5, 19 2:01 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Ricky lost TC posting privileges... apparently that's a power of the big green head.

Apr 5, 19 2:33 pm  · 

So, there's a limit on TC posts exceeding ten thousand words each?  Good to know.

Apr 5, 19 2:59 pm  · 

So TC is now a safe place, at least until the libertarians start posting here.

Apr 5, 19 3:01 pm  · 

Socialists gotta eat.

Apr 8, 19 12:43 pm  · 

I've lost count of how many weekends in a row I've worked... its really wearing on me.

In (kinda) good news though, the recruiters have started offering more $$$ so maybe we'll finally see some wage growth. I don't know about my current firm though, seems like they are just turning + burning project architects. Most stick around 2-4 years (1-2 projects) before moving on, which is pretty worrying for me.

Apr 7, 19 1:20 pm  · 

If they are getting away with it, don't expect anything to change.

Apr 8, 19 7:26 am  · 
Non Sequitur

I think I work at most 2 weekends per year...and typically, only the Saturday morning. Nothing is so important that it can't wait t'il Monday.

Apr 8, 19 9:14 am  · 

I sent out an email at 10pm one evening and the client called my boss concerned that the project didn’t have enough staff.

Apr 8, 19 11:35 am  · 

It was interesting with that client - they’d be on our case if we sent anything out on weekends or after 7pm. It look to them that our time management and organization skills were suspect.

Apr 8, 19 11:40 am  · 

axon, I have a client that is similar. If we send - what is in there opinion - too many people on site, they get concerned that we are "wasting resources." (Their words.) The point for us to send a lot of people (which is generally 5 max) is to gather a lot of information quickly with different teams doing different tasks.

Apr 8, 19 11:49 am  · 

what's the point of sending out an email at 10 pm? or submitting drawings on a weekend? it really is either a horrible time management approach or you honestly think people live in their offices. Only times I've worked weekends or nights were for competitions, agreed with management to be outside normal work hours.

Apr 8, 19 12:03 pm  · 

I frequently send out stuff around 2, 3 o'clock in the morning on a Sunday :|

Apr 8, 19 12:22 pm  · 
wurdan freo

I've been introducing myself as a recovering architect lately... no one gets the joke... (sigh) oh well... 

Apr 10, 19 5:36 pm  · 

We all get it here, of course.

Apr 12, 19 1:08 pm  · 

...just fell off the drawing board.

Apr 12, 19 4:22 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I dug our a roll of canary-yellow trace last night. Had a craving, could not help myself.

Apr 12, 19 6:34 pm  · 

mmmmmm... love that yellow. Anything sketched on it is just... better somehow.

Apr 12, 19 6:46 pm  · 

could I use this card in the US without being harassed by the AIA/NCARB polizei?

Apr 10, 19 5:40 pm  · 

As long as you're not using it to provide services, then I wouldn't worry about it.

Apr 10, 19 6:36 pm  · 

I’ve decided my drag name should be “bitch-Uthene 3000”.

Apr 12, 19 12:45 pm  · 

Three snaps in a state of (wr) grace, Uthene!

Apr 12, 19 1:11 pm  · 


Apr 12, 19 2:03 pm  · 
liberty bell

I am seriously feeling like I am at a breaking point this week. Last week was one of the worst weeks of my professional life (and heaven knows we’ve all had shitty weeks in this profession). This week I’m facing fallout from everything bad that happened last week, plus I have a meeting today with people who I’m going to have to restrain myself from strangling if they start their doublespeak self-serving vampire consultant talk that I’ve been hearing from them for the last six months.

 This is one of the big problems with architecture: when it’s really busy we are all excited to be working but so overwhelmed that it’s hard to work *well*. I feel like I’m failing all of my clients, but I also know that in this market it’s impossible to build something for $150 a square foot! So they get mad at me when I tell them the truth, then accuse me of not telling them the truth when I’ve been saying it all along. This profession is so hard sometimes.

Apr 15, 19 6:51 am  · 

So sorry to hear that. Shitty behavior is not confined to Paradise, it is endemic to society. This is especially difficult for ethical people who care about what they do. Fire the clients if you have to, the damage to you isn't worth it. Good luck and let us know how it turns out.

Apr 15, 19 9:03 am  · 
Non Sequitur

I think your first problem was working with vampires. Hopefully they turn not to be the weak teenage angst and sprinkles-filled type. Those are boring. Now, this kind would make far more interesting meetings as long as he does not bring along his friend Tom:

Brad Pitt in Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994)

Apr 15, 19 9:12 am  · 

This is a respond to Liberty bell but kind of a new topic as well. Liberty, the key thing you said was that you are frustrated because you want to do your job “well” which means you actually care, which is rare. Just keep fighting the good fight and it will be noticed. Was feeling the same tho last week and almost had a breakdown, what I found interesting was that since I care and do a good job I found myself taken off of a job I had set up well and was in a position to just cruise for a bit and put on a job that another employee was just sliding on and it was all messed up. He was put on mine and gets to keep cruising but on my labor. I’m buried again finding mistakes everywhere to the point I cancelled my day off today. Seen this happen with lots of the B rated employees, they slide so they get less/easier work, since I’m a producer I get more, is the answer actually to be a shitty employee? 

Apr 15, 19 9:45 am  · 

Ugh, archi-dude, that reminds me so much of what one of my best professors and mentors told me: Don't get good at what you don't like doing because inevitably you'll end up doing more of it. I have lots more to say on this topic but pressed for time....

Apr 15, 19 9:57 am  · 

Yup, been there. You just end up being Executive Vice President of Cleaning up Other People's Shit. It can, I suppose, make you a little more indispensable but it's a shitty way to run an office.

Apr 15, 19 12:04 pm  · 

A colleague once related a story to me about his first job. A senior staffer pulled him aside and told him that "If you don't want to spend your career being a CAD operator, you need to really FUCK IT UP. I don't mean do a bad job or make a mistake; you really need to FUCK SHIT UP."

Apr 15, 19 12:15 pm  · 
Non Sequitur


Apr 15, 19 12:16 pm  · 
atelier nobody

It took me over 20 years to finally find a firm that doesn't run like that. My favorite was always when they only gave me about a week to try unfucking the project before it went out to bid, then I got to do the CA on the only-partially-unfucked project. Good times.

Apr 15, 19 1:40 pm  · 

And we wonder why this profession is weak and undercompensated.

Apr 15, 19 3:38 pm  · 

This was one of the underlying reasons for my blog post, "Want to be an Architect?; Don't Learn Revit" ... ... though I didn't really focus on it. At the time, I could quickly see myself as getting really good at Revit and constantly being the one to clean up other's mistakes. Now I never use Revit, and I'm really good at other things ... but I still need to clean up others' mistakes there. So yeah, don't be good at anything is the lesson to learn from this.

Apr 15, 19 4:04 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I figured out how to suck at stuff when I had to answer the phone. Drop a few important calls and you don't have to do it anymore.

Apr 15, 19 5:35 pm  · 
atelier nobody

An important debate critical to the future of architectural practice...


Apr 15, 19 3:13 pm  · 

I'll second that.

Apr 15, 19 3:15 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

fourth and fifth that

Apr 15, 19 3:59 pm  · 
atelier nobody

Another absolutely critical issue...

Apr 15, 19 3:38 pm  · 

I've never seen a different flair pen tip

Apr 15, 19 8:19 pm  · 

Sharpie rules. Let 'em know your mean business. 

Apr 17, 19 8:37 am  · 
Non Sequitur

No fountain pen? weak study.

Apr 17, 19 8:57 am  · 

Fountain pens are biased against lefties. I despise them.

Apr 17, 19 2:09 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

^just write with your right hand. Problem solved.

Apr 17, 19 2:20 pm  · 
atelier nobody

Fountain pen in my pocket at all times, but I've never gotten the knack of sketching with it.

I suppose I could also do a comparison between traditional tech. pens (love 'em, but disposables are convenient), Copic SP (seemed like a good idea, but not thrilled). Microns (used 'em for years, but quality is slipping badly), and other disposable fineliners (haven't found one to replace Microns yet).

Apr 17, 19 2:57 pm  · 
liberty bell

Well, for better or worse, it happened: I hit my breaking point. Got up and walked out of a meeting today where I was being lied to, right to my face,  by someone trying to make themselves look better. The nice thing about hitting my age is I don’t need to put up with bullshit anymore. So maybe I’ll lose my job, but I’ll figure out something else. 

I won’t be used as a pinball between other parties that won’t speak honestly to one another.

Apr 15, 19 4:41 pm  · 

good for you! I'm sure given your reputation in your locale that you could walk into any number of architecture, builder, or development firms and have a job same day.

Apr 15, 19 4:53 pm  · 

I can't give you a five high enough.

Apr 15, 19 7:03 pm  · 

Don't call yourself 'liberty ball' if you don't want to be used as a bonus pinball piece gah! On a more serious note, I noticed in the last few years that accomplished women in architecture that I admire on a professional level very much, have been getting a total garbage treatment from both contractors and owners. Maybe we hit a peak construction again. There is too much work and not enough qualified parties to take it on. GCs taking on major work have barely any experience with related work. "uhh what's a submittal?" And they have shit attitude to go with it. They will take it out on women (easy target) and even mock them for being wasteful and out of touch for daring to maintain certain procedural requirements. Also, lots of inexperienced owners/developers looking to cut all corners because they don't understand the scope really well. Industry needs a purge. Come on Trumplet, bring on a recession! You can do it in 99 tweets.

Apr 15, 19 7:37 pm  · 

congratulations! it's feels good to stand up for yourself. projects with such toxic relationships rarely are worth participating in.

Apr 15, 19 7:44 pm  · 

Zero tolerance policy for bullshit. Next time don't walk out, call them on it then and there. Set an example. The trick is to not lose your cool. Take a deep breath or two, stay calm, and set it straight.

Apr 15, 19 9:41 pm  · 

Congrats for standing up for yourself, but should've called them out before walking out!

Apr 16, 19 8:56 am  · 

I've noticed an uptick in needing to write emails including standards from ASTM as called for in the specs just to get people to do their jobs. I had a Sherwin Williams rep doing some paint adhesion tests just the other day. Paint peeled right off, the whole thing, and he stood their telling the contractor, owner, and myself that it didn't constitute a failure. I sat through his talk, and then asked who's SW rep is he... oh, the painters? ok, when can we get a real rep in here. He and the painter weren't too pleased when I conducted the rest of the meeting like they weren't even in the room.

Apr 17, 19 3:45 pm  · 

Question to the crowd -

Ive received numerous recruiter messages in the past, almost all through LinkedIn, less often via email.

Today I received my first direct physical mail sent to my office, found it on my desk from the office manager. It was subtle, but not subtle enough (clear recruiter branding across the back of the envelope). This seems unbelievably inappropriate - is that just me who thinks this?

I get that there is a market for it, and people are employed for the job of recruiter. But I am very confident that no recruiter can reasonably make a sufficient competing offer to my current position, and the last thing I would want is a boss getting the wrong impression by seeing that.

Im a bit peeved about it to be honest.

Apr 15, 19 6:23 pm  · 

I occasionally get calls on my desk phone. It definitely pisses me off, but not as much as when I ask how much they are offering and they quote me a number below my current salary.

Apr 15, 19 7:38 pm  · 

" This seems unbelievably inappropriate - is that just me who thinks this?"

So, the office manager knows recruiters are after you, use it to your advantage ;-)

Apr 16, 19 8:53 am  · 

I wont deny that its not a bad thing for the idea to be out there, but certainly not what i'd want to be an overt thing.

Apr 16, 19 9:40 am  · 

I got a call at my desk from a recruiter just a week or so ago. I was extremely terse with him; he said "I can imagine this is a bad time for you to discuss your options." Then why did you call me at work? This is after he had already sent me 2 messages via linkedin and an email. Give it a rest! I work in a specific specialty so of course 99% of the jobs that recruiters contact me about are completely unrelated to what I do, making it doubly frustrating. Do others get this too?

Apr 16, 19 9:56 am  · 
Non Sequitur

I've gotten a few calls to my extension. One time the recruiter called me, then following my terse rejection (and, from what I remember some sort of snarky "does this ever work" comment), the same recruiter called the other arch sitting next to me.

Apr 16, 19 10:13 am  · 

Yeah I get tons of these lately. They're annoying, but in the past they've also been a very reliable harbinger of the state of the economy (the calls stopped roughly 8 months before each of the last two recessions was widely labeled as such.) I really don't think you need to worry about it looking bad to your employer - surely your employer knows how recruiters operate. I can say from experience that the same ones calling you are most likely also trying to recruit your employer.

Apr 16, 19 10:23 am  · 

Fortunately I dont really think theres any substantial/real risk to me here, I work for a good company. Im more venting at the sheer brashness of a recruiter who would do that. I already have a pretty bad opinion of recruiters generally, so when the messages elevate from spam-at-best to conspicuous or ostentatious, I have to wonder where the line of decency ends.

Apr 16, 19 11:20 am  · 

The average subtlety of recruiters, lacking though it is, seems to me to have actually improved in these last 2 decades, because at least some of them have adopted email and social media. The phone calls at work used to be much worse. I recall in my first jobs in the 90s that the recruiters would all try calling all of us at lunchtime when they thought the regular office managers might be out of the office and it would ring straight to our desks, or hoping they'd get the fill-in phone answering person who wasn't as adept at detecting them before they put them through to us.  While it would be really inappropriate for another firm to call you on your work phone or send postcards blatantly trying to lure you away from your current job, third-party recruiters don't follow the same etiquette rules - they've always operated as if it's just a given that they'll be conspicuous.

Apr 16, 19 11:38 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

How bad does a firm have to be to rely on recruiters to find employees? The whole practice is terrible. One of the recruiters I hear from was on a reality TV show that I used to watch.... not exactly someone I would want to do "talent seeking". I think the practice should be dropped.

Apr 16, 19 12:06 pm  · 

i once gave a flippant salary requirement to a cold call recruiter which was well above what i made. he followed up and that actually led to a different job with a pretty good raise a few months later. we have kept in touch and he actually knows quite a bit of information about the local market and happenings at the major firms. sometimes it's worth talking to recruiters even if you have no plans to leave. plans change and good recruiters can be a good resource on the market.

Apr 16, 19 11:29 pm  · 

Tintt, I agree. Recruiters have a place for other industries that focus on getting bums in seats, where personality is less important. But architecture requires a more holistic understanding of how the individual will integrate into the firm if either party wants any success, so in that respect I dont think recruiters really have much of a role to play. Ive interviewed at firms where I walked out knowing that even if an offer was coming, it was not somewhere I could join. And I'm certain interviews that I thought went really well never had an offer coming because of similar thoughts on the employers part.

Apr 17, 19 9:09 am  · 

I've wondered sometimes if you could flip the recruiter model and instead of employers hiring recruiters, we (employees) should be hiring agents to go out and find the best fit for us. But then I remember that we don't make squat and who would be able to afford an agent when some can't even afford their student loan payment.

Apr 17, 19 2:09 pm  · 

Recruiters charge 25% of the agreed upon salary as their cut. That's steep considering how little they do. Remind me of Real Estate Agents.

Apr 17, 19 4:34 pm  · 

^ ^ This comes from the employers side though, not the employee's side, if i'm not mistaken? (making it additional cost to the employer, not a cut from the worker's check)

Apr 17, 19 5:05 pm  · 

thatsthat, I am in a similar position as you, working in a specific industry with only a handful of local firms working in it. It’s even worse when they actually discuss the potential job as it is apparent they are just spamming people. My most recent was about how I’m a great fit leading large healthcare projects. I guess because I’ve been to the doctor I’m now highly qualified to design hospitals.

Apr 18, 19 6:39 am  · 

The only difference between this practice and health insurance is that that we are not required by law to pay recruiters to handle all employment issues. But that too will be "fixed" in time.

Apr 18, 19 8:14 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I got a solicitation for a heathcare architect position with promises of a large salary and profit-sharing. I do have some experience in healthcare but not much. Makes you wonder what they are doing. I did talk to another recruiter and told her what I was thinking for and she said that's nice but that doesn't exist (part-time).

Apr 18, 19 8:32 am  · 

You guys are overthinking this. Recruiters exist in order to poach people. The best candidate for the position is already happily employed elsewhere and not even looking at job boards. People who are actively looking are second tier just based on risk profile alone. People who are unemployed and looking are like 6th tier.

Apr 18, 19 10:31 am  · 

Rusty!, I get the idea of poaching but I would think that part of being top tier talent is more realistically understanding one’s experience and expertise.

Apr 18, 19 10:57 am  · 

I’m going to start a firm that is maybe a couple architects, a bunch of marketing people, and at least 20 lawyers.

Apr 16, 19 7:09 pm  · 

I will make the lawyers do CA.

Apr 16, 19 7:11 pm  · 

maximize overhead as a goal? i was reading somewhere phil knight only hired accountants and lawyers  when he started nike as he felt no one else had quantifiable skills. obviously after a few years they hit their limits with that and got some designers.

Apr 16, 19 11:21 pm  · 

the Lawyers would know revit.

Apr 17, 19 7:18 am  · 

Didn't the secretary design the swoosh? Neville Brody made Just Do It.

Apr 20, 19 10:23 pm  · 

Happy Weekend TC! I've been getting over an illness and stuck in bed. I found this video series on YouTube a while back but revisited today and thought I'd share in case anyone else is interested. Two guys are building a wooden boat from scratch having never built a boat like it before. Cringe worthy in some aspects, but overall a fascinating look at woodworking, and a different construction process than we might be used to in traditional architecture. They've been at it for ~3 years so there is plenty of content if you're also stuck in bed looking for something to binge watch. 

Acorn to Arabella Channel:

Intro Video:

Apr 20, 19 4:34 pm  · 

Sorry to hear you've been ill. Heal fast -

Apr 20, 19 8:07 pm  · 

enjoy the time off. Some times I think my best days are when I get to stay home in bed :)

Apr 20, 19 9:40 pm  · 

Husband has been ill the last few days and I'm emotionally exhausted anyway so we've spent most of this weekend bingeing the Better Call Saul season we never watched. It's heaven.

Apr 21, 19 8:02 am  · 

My level of stress can be measured using the Pop Tart index: the number of Pop Tarts I consume in a week is relational to my level of  "well-fuck-everything-anyway" anxiety.

We bought a jumbo box this weekend.

Apr 23, 19 10:16 am  · 

Now you made me want Pop Tarts. I don't think I've had one in 10 years - I kind of assumed they were extinct by now, like Boo-Berry, or those assortments of tiny boxes of cereal, where everybody wanted the Cocoa Puffs, and nobody would eat the Sugar Smacks with the frog in the hat and blue sneakers.

Apr 23, 19 12:21 pm  · 

Toasted or raw?

Apr 23, 19 12:22 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

sugar smacks are awesome!

Apr 23, 19 1:10 pm  · 

Sneaky I prefer toasted and even put butter on them which is ludicrously indulgent but when I'm working I just eat them raw. And I also love Sugar Smacks but didn't as a kid!

Apr 23, 19 1:23 pm  · 

I like it. They make excellent trail food, too.

Apr 23, 19 1:59 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I ended a nearly 20 year abstinence from poptarts about a month ago. Jumbo pack blueberry.

Apr 23, 19 3:56 pm  · 

Unfrosted blueberry are a pain in the ass to find. Not really sure why. Unfrosted strawberry is everywhere. Brown Sugar Cinnamon is where the action is.

Apr 23, 19 4:25 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

no love for frosted raspberry?

Apr 23, 19 4:52 pm  · 

i love frosted raspberry. they were in my studio kit right along with the nice staedtler pens

Apr 24, 19 1:32 am  · 


Apr 24, 19 8:52 am  · 
Non Sequitur


Apr 24, 19 9:04 am  · 

Putting any item into a toaster that has a frosted exterior just seems like a terrible idea. I dont understand how it doesn't just burst into flames...

Apr 24, 19 9:16 am  · 

Oh, Non, that gif is perfect and throws me back to the fun old days on Archinect!

Apr 24, 19 9:59 am  · 

bench, it's the added flame retardant.

Apr 24, 19 10:30 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Donna, it's not yet been 4hrs so I'm not calling the doctor... but considering it.

Apr 24, 19 10:36 am  · 

OTOH, the Avengers Endgame purple carpet looks are gorgeous! I'm going this weekend and will see it in IMAX!!!

Apr 23, 19 10:17 am  · 

I occasionally go running with a group of ultramarathoners. They claim that pop tarts are good mid race fuel. That and mashed potatoes.

Architecture does feel like a marathon sometimes. 

Apr 23, 19 1:45 pm  · 

Not an ultra runner (yet) but I'll testify that they are indeed good running fuel. Poptarts and Nutrigrain bars are my go to.

Apr 23, 19 2:19 pm  · 

Personally a fan of the peanut/date bars from Trader Joes for long workouts (cycling). They don't melt in your pocket!

Apr 23, 19 3:15 pm  · 

I’m definitely not an ultra runner - I typically don’t even do long enough runs to require fueling during the run. But I do like pop tarts. Especially the cinnamon brown sugar.

Apr 23, 19 3:51 pm  · 

how do you carry, then serve and eat, the mashed potatoes while runn ing?

Apr 24, 19 12:23 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

They make special camelbacks designed for mashed potatoes. Or they should.

Apr 24, 19 10:43 am  · 

For ultras there are aid stations that have all kinds of food. put mashed potatoes into reusable toddler food pouches and carry it on your trail running vest. Some people like to make mashed potato burritos.

Apr 24, 19 8:06 pm  · 

responding to the sincere and interesting post on the challenges of a black architecture student. i don't really want my comment to distract from the poster's purpose so i'm posting here.

it's disappointing a school that seems specifically targeted towards racial minorities from low income families doesn't do better helping them fit in. it's also outrageous that such a school would put them $130,000 in debt as they start their career.

i feel like he and probably others in his situation are being exploited.

btw i admire the attitude of the poster i'm referring to. i think he will find the professional world more accommodating to him than school has been. he writes more thoughtfully than most architects of any age, and he clearly has an excellent work ethic and positive attitude. a good firm will recognize the value of those qualities and appreciate the challenges he's dealt with.

Apr 24, 19 12:12 pm  · 

Think I missed this, what is the thread ?

Apr 24, 19 2:29 pm  · 

Is this the thread you're referring to?

Apr 24, 19 4:09 pm  · 


Apr 24, 19 7:09 pm  · 

bump and mini rant; I hate fire suppression "specialists"

Apr 25, 19 1:23 pm  · 

I just call them Firefighters.

Apr 25, 19 1:56 pm  · 

is there such a thing? Usually we do FP as design-build.

Apr 25, 19 1:58 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

you mean the sprinkler guys? On larger projects where we have important public spaces, I demand to review the sprinkler shop drawings and will very clearly indicate where I need heads located. Nothing worse than having nice finished ceiling and bulkheads then some wanker puts in a few off-center heads.

Apr 25, 19 2:03 pm  · 

sure, "design-build", but do they really design anything? they can't read plans to start with, and make a unbelievable fuss over a couple of soffits, "how are you going to frame this?" " is this 11 3/4" below the ceiling or 12 1/8?"

Apr 25, 19 2:04 pm  · 

No they don't, but I find it easier to review shop drawing (making changes and corrections) and make on-the-fly changes in "design-build" projects than traditional type of sub relationships.

Apr 25, 19 2:29 pm  · 

Sprinklers. Ugh.

Apr 26, 19 3:06 pm  · 

I hate people dying in unnecessary and easily prevented fires...

Apr 27, 19 1:07 am  · 

totally agree, then when a code official reviews, and points to a deficiency, or code issue in their design, the FP folks decide not to send it on to the architect. Ooops. Turns out they don't know the code like they thought, and cost the projects $50k, plus they don't get held accountable.

Apr 28, 19 3:24 pm  · 

I like how reviewing the location of heads relative to architectural elements means you are more intelligent than the specialists engineering a fire suppression system.

Apr 28, 19 8:25 pm  · 

a chimp with autocad can do the work better than a supression "engineer".

Apr 28, 19 8:31 pm  · 

Really? You can size mains and branches correctly, know required heights and spreads for different ceiling systems coupled with occupancies? I’d say that’s a lot harder than doing a layout with the correct egress and ADA bathrooms which is essentially the limits of architectural responsibilities in DB. Of course more and architects are deferring Accessibility code to specialists now as well.

Apr 28, 19 8:40 pm  · 

how does location of heads relate to what you just wrote? i'll tell you after my last experience, the next time a fire suppression specialist decides they know more about what the code official is stating in the review than i do, i make sure they pay the full cost of the fix. after digging into nfpa 13 and 13r, i'm abundantly more educated on fixture locations, and architecture. as for sizing, give me a week or two, and i'll figure that out too. oh, and by the by, i do all my ada, code analysis, and figure out how to make assemblies work, after fire suppression engineers fuck it up.

Apr 28, 19 8:55 pm  · 

I was poking fun at NS’s comment. But I see he isn’t the only all knowing architect here.

Apr 28, 19 9:23 pm  · 

poke fun at NS for reviewing the shops? The architect should review the shops and where they don't meet design intent (because the sprinkler people don't care about design intent, that's not their job), the architect makes them fix it.

Apr 28, 19 9:36 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Hey, so those 15 email notifications we'rent all for nothing then.

Archi, I've more than once had to step in and save the day for my FP engineers. I'm the one who needs to know where everybody else is putting their shit in addition to my own. I can't expect the FP guys & galls to know the what is a full-height wall vs a ceiling feature vs an atrium vs etc. Same thing with main runs and risers. If you can't think these things through, the FP will just do what's easiest for them, at best. Not "all knowing arch" stuff at all.

Apr 28, 19 10:11 pm  · 

^this. they don't know a fucking thing about architecture, and don't ask a god damned thing.

Apr 28, 19 10:34 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

^indeed. I have a small renovation job where the client insists on that all bidders use the same FP company because only redacted does not fuck up every time the FP needs to be touched.

Apr 29, 19 9:37 am  · 

Design a post and beam ceiling. Design a coffered ceiling. Now don't research the sprinkler obstruction rules. Don't worry, the sprinklers are design build. Now enjoy unemployment when your boss sees the result. Therefore: Sprinklers. Ugh.

Apr 29, 19 12:50 pm  · 

update: this guys are good, received the first draft , and they drew on top of my lighting plan! easy redlines.

hey Pete, have all your bosses such a thin skin? unemployed because of a couple of sprinkler heads? that's a bit harsh....

May 9, 19 5:51 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

maybe my math is broken here, but we’ve had 2 1000-year floods in my region in the last 3 years. Maybe we need to come up with a new term. My vote is either “a fuktonne of water” or “stormy-mc-storm face”. 

Apr 30, 19 7:37 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Errata, that should be floody mc flood face.

Apr 30, 19 7:38 am  · 

You should be okay for the next 2000 years or so, lucky you!

Apr 30, 19 8:11 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Is that how it works? Maybe I should buy some property on the river bank then. Looks like people will be desperate to sell next week.

Apr 30, 19 8:17 am  · 

Thousand day floods, not thousand year.

Apr 30, 19 9:12 am  · 
atelier nobody

Meh. I'm in Southern California, where we're a century or two overdue for a 10,000 year earthquake.

Apr 30, 19 9:33 pm  · 

it's unbelievable how much nicer this forum is by just ignoring 2 or 3 overanxious users  

May 1, 19 4:49 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

it’s pouring rain outside and I’m about to go replace some bad wiring in my exposed outdoor light. No reason why I’m doing now besides, we’ll, I just remembered it needed doing. Stay tuned tomorrow to see if I make it out ok!  

May 1, 19 8:27 pm  · 
liberty bell

Stay alive, please, Non Seq.

Every single thing in my life (except my husband and son) sucks right now. I’m so angry. And tired. 

Architecture is a marathon. Or better: it’s like that Steven King story The Long Walk. Did anyone ever read that story? Harrowing.

May 1, 19 9:59 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I'm fine. Turns out the light housing is leaking and rain water pooled inside the light socket. So nice corrosion on the bulb bottom tho. I should probably go shut the power to it... oh well. I'm starting to get a decent project pile now and they all look like early summer deadlines. Going to be a busy may-june but right now, lots of frustration as we wait for all pieces to fall together.

May 1, 19 10:38 pm  · 

Long walk is a great story. Hope your current slog ends differently.

May 2, 19 2:52 am  · 

Gaaaaah cost estimators are the worst. Quick - what are your cost estimator pet peeves? I bet i'm dealing with every one of them right now.

My (least) favorite when I propose a VE item, "Oh, switching from solid surface to laminate isn't really going to save you any money."

Me, "Okay guys, so I assume it doesn't add money to go to marble?"

May 2, 19 7:04 pm  · 

There is a trick to this. Have both SS and PLAM in project, and when they say making it all PLAM is not going to save you any money, then you propose all of it to be SS. I wish I was kidding.

May 2, 19 7:23 pm  · 

In the last restaurant I did, the client said granite table tops were too expensive. I sourced them for less than crappy laminate tops with banded aluminum edging.

May 3, 19 12:19 am  · 

Rusty!'s trick may work during estimating, but then when the GMP comes back millions over budget and the contractor starts a VE list ... suddenly there is a lot of money to be saved by making them all PLAM. It's all talk until the sub has actually signed and that's when it gets real. BTW, this is why IPD is such a mess.

May 3, 19 12:01 pm  · 
atelier nobody

I had a project like that where the GMP came in more than 50% over the 50% CD estimate - I was very, very happy the estimate had been done by the contractor, not by me. (FWIW, the owner accepted the higher cost without batting an eye, then went back to their donors. I really miss working with the Catholic Church before the sex abuse scandals started...)

May 3, 19 2:23 pm  · 

I'm sorry you all have to deal with budgets.

May 3, 19 2:38 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Before the scandals starter? sex-abuse in the church is as old as the church itself.

May 3, 19 2:45 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

For one repeat client, I typically always spec stainless-steel handrails for everything knowing that it'll be VE. It's low-hanging fruit and makes us look like we're able to make concessions. Fine, we can use painted steel pipe in the exit stairs but we'll keep SST in the lobbies. Everyone is happy.

May 3, 19 2:46 pm  · 
atelier nobody

NS, fair enough - before they started having to pay out all the settlements, when they were still made of money. Want a new 200-bed skilled nursing facility? No problem, here's a check.

May 3, 19 2:53 pm  · 

"the GMP came in more than 50% over the 50% CD estimate" ...makes sense. That's 100%

May 3, 19 3:38 pm  · 

Tduds, thank you!

May 14, 19 11:10 am  · 

Non Sequitur, help me understand the rationale of designing a project with the intent to inflate the project cost and be over budget so that you can make concessions later to get the budget back in line. Is it such a novel idea to design to a budget the first time? That way the client doesn't think you are just wasting their money with unnecessary costs and you aren't wasting everyone's time and fee with VE meetings. 

I'm only halfway being facetious here. I also fully acknowledge I have very little experience with cost estimating. I do get that it is very common to have a couple of things in mind that you can VE if needed to bring costs down ... but at the same time, why can't we be more accurate with our estimates and stick closer to the client's budget? Is that simply too naive of me?

May 3, 19 3:11 pm  · 

It’s also in the AIA docs to do this. Redesign would then be free. There was an article a while back that the biggest frustration people had with architects is that they don’t watch costs. The quote something along the lines of “they design you something you fall in love with but can’t actually accomplish, and you end up having to redesign to something sub par with builder inputs that come off as just standard. So if you end up with a standard design designed by a builder many people wonder why you hired an architect at all.

May 3, 19 3:19 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

EI, as I stated above, this is for one particular repeat client. They do their own budget and under the table negotiation with the trades. We have almost 20y history with this client (I personally have 8 active projects with them atm) so it's a bit of an inside joke.  We don't typically have budgets with our commercial project in the this case but otherwise, we don't do these games.

edit, I was also being halfway facetious.  We're normally very budget conscious.

May 3, 19 3:56 pm  · 

I get it, I'm only "calling you out" because you offered the example that triggered the question today. Sounds like it's not a big deal in your case. 

However, for a lot of the architects I've worked with over the years, this is a common theme ... put in some extra fluff knowing full well that you won't get it because you'll have to cut it later to hit the budget. There are two terrible assumptions in this mentality: 1) that you always have to cut something, and 2) that the amount of stuff you have to cut is equal to the extra fluff you stuck in there. First, why would you need to cut anything if you came in at or under budget? Second, if you're over budget, you're going to have to cut the amount of stuff that gets you back to your budget ... this doesn't necessarily match the amount of extra fluff you designed into the project. Finally, if the amount of fluff equals the amount you have to cut to get you to the budget, why include the fluff in the first place!? Just don't put it in, and you won't have to go through the effort. 

archi_dude, if you can find a link to that article, I'd be interested in reading it.

May 3, 19 4:17 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I get that EI. The one place I consistently see things deliberately added, for the sake of being removed later, is with the int des department. Oh, you have 3 proposal board but one is tots bad or over-priced, or boring as fuck, etc... just to make the decision to the others "easier".

May 3, 19 4:34 pm  · 

I would kill for that from the int designers. At least then they are looking for the client to make a decision, they are just guiding the client to the one they wanted from the start. Not ideal, but I don't see it so much as them failing to do their job. 

The designers I'm used to working with (for example) carry two tiles in the documents ... the one they really want, and the alternate because they can't be bothered to figure out if one fits in the budget and they are hoping the second will be cheaper. Then they want to list about a dozen alternates for the contractor to bid to help figure out which finishes they can get. The only difference in these alternates is an f-ing color.

May 3, 19 5:06 pm  · 

the costs you get from a contractor aren't all that hard. it's not like they spend a day looking over your drawing set and actually know what the building is going to cost. VE isn't just getting the owner or architect to make concessions, it gets the contractor to make concessions as well, and having something extra in the project is a way to have a conversation about how you're really going to get to a working number (that will still be low, because the contractor relies on change orders to keep themselves above water.)

May 3, 19 7:27 pm  · 

Oddly, I notice almost the opposite. Architects assuming the client would not want to spend that much on something. It crops up in litigation often enough to stand out. An example might be stainless handrails on the exterior or precast treads… The architect knows it’ll perform better than painted steel or concrete pan, but goes ahead and details the cheaper product/installation without ever really consulting their client. I see architects cutting costs more using cheap, subpar design choices regularly under the misguided notion they can mind-read how the client would judge value.

May 8, 19 3:45 pm  · 

Did the Sawtooth Detail homework kid get scared off? Looks like the thread was deleted.

May 8, 19 2:28 pm  · 

also. bump.

May 8, 19 2:28 pm  · 

Yeah. I mentioned that I've seen my students post their homework here before, and that might have scared them off. Or maybe it was the other 7 people also pointing out the student's lameness.

May 8, 19 2:55 pm  · 

Just once I'd like a wayward undergrad to actually contribute to this forum, rather than milking us for free advice and leaving forever after 3 posts.

May 8, 19 3:52 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

That's a big ask there T. Start small with the wishes.

May 8, 19 4:14 pm  · 

I don't even so much mind the all take and no give thing as much as that so many of the students come here without even having given their assignments a start. If they were asking targeted questions about tough aspects of something they were clearly trying to work through, then I'd feel like helping. When they title their posts "HELP" and then just state the assignment, that just makes me disgusted at their helplessness, and their wasting time and tuition on something they're not working at and are just having others do their work. What happens when they graduate and get to an architecture firm and get assigned some sections? Are they gonna post it here and hope someone does it for them before the deadline ("HELP!  I have WORK to do and I don't know how to do it because I never did any of my own homework in architecture school!"? AARGH!

May 8, 19 4:15 pm  · 

Generally I post my redlines on Reddit and they take it from there. Hasn't failed me yet and I've been unemployed for YEARS.

May 8, 19 4:30 pm  · 
atelier nobody

Bloopox, sadly I find the same is true of many (thankfully not all) of the recent graduates in my office. I'm supposed to be mentoring them, but some don't seem to understand that mentoring != just giving them the answers, and give me quizzical looks when I tell them things like "try chapter __ of the Code."

May 8, 19 4:38 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Atelier, same here... The typical question is not about how to do thing, but more along the lines of "where can I find an example to copy". For one particular junior staff... I swear, every-time a code question comes up I talk it over and I stop myself and ask why have they not walked the 12 feet to the bookcase and looked it up? I can see you have 14 open tabs in google chrome asking various CAD and detail questions... I guess all our jobs are safe for a while.

May 8, 19 4:50 pm  · 

My office doesn't currently have anyone who started with less than 5 years of experience or at younger than 32. I guess I'm losing patience and turning into a curmudgeon, but my current philosophy is let somebody else's younger, more energetic and idealistic firm weed out or rehabilitate the ones who can't walk to the bookcase and crack open a code book, or can't draw a section of an existing building with completely exposed structure, from photos that clearly show the entire section. Hmmph.

May 8, 19 5:09 pm  · 

Ah, the mystery of the deleted thread explained, sort of. 

What I find so funny is that the same kids claiming utter helplessness with the simplest academic task could find three different after-hours parties in Kuala Lumpur in under 45 seconds on their phone.

May 8, 19 7:52 pm  · 

citizen, yeah, but these same young people also went to Fyre Festival, and bought into that lamo asswhipe.

May 8, 19 8:11 pm  · 

Fast food, instant service, just add water, no waiting necessary. And a complete meltdown if not. If this is the present, just imagine the future.

May 8, 19 8:11 pm  · 

these questions worry me less then the generic "hi, i want to be an architect. should i go to GSD or AA, and how much money will I make in 5 years?" those ones who don't have any clue how to run their lives must have a tough time.

May 8, 19 8:19 pm  · 

Lest the dog-pile get too deep, I should add that I teach youngsters regularly, and there are many really awesome kids out there: smart, hard-working, sincere, diligent people. Unfortunately, the small sample we typically get here are often... not. (Sawtooth guy seemed to show some promise.)

May 9, 19 3:03 pm  · 

You're seeing the end results of the K-12 educational establishment's approach. Everything is group decision making and collaborative problem solving. Thinking on one's own is regarded as selfish or arrogant or elitist or, god forbid, less than fully "inclusive" (whatever the hell that means, anyway). It's really not the fault of this generation. It's how they've been socialized.

May 10, 19 10:45 am  · 

Who is the K-12 educational establishment? If there is any problem with the K-12 educational system it is one where a parent can come in and demand a grade change just because their precious son or daughter should get an exception. Even in those cases where the administrators back up the teacher's decision ... usually the parents starts applying local political pressure to the point that the easiest way out is to just to figure out a way to get the kid the grade their parent wants for them, and let the next teacher worry about it. Before I blame the kids, I look at the parents.

May 10, 19 11:14 am  · 

I think what geezer is trying to say is ... that it's his generation's fault?

May 10, 19 12:08 pm  · 

Wow, geezer, you're old! ;-)

May 10, 19 3:58 pm  · 

Yup, we boomers really fucked things up. In the name of kindness, we tried to pretend that you can have a functioning modern economy and society where nobody's feelings ever get hurt. Standards got eliminated and everybody got a participation ribbon. Some kids with severe mental deficiencies or behavioral problems got mainstreamed, because we wanted to pretend that everyone is the same. No dummies or smart kids. Group projects meant that the smart kids came up with the answers and the dumb/lazy ones in the group got credit too, because how can you give different grades for a group project? They get into the workforce and expect it to function the way school did. Why wouldn't they? Nobody told them life didn't quite work that way. Now we have the AOC's of the world with schemes for three hots and a cot for everyone who works or not, including those who don't work because they are "unwilling".

May 10, 19 5:32 pm  · 

I agree with geezer to a degree. Standardization in the US education system has implicitly put forward an expectation that students will be taught for the test. So by the time they get to an undergraduate design program it has been engrained in them that an "A" is something you deserve for doing what you are expected to do (playing it safe is excellence or we are making you into labor)- which is really a "C". In some programs it's gotten to the point that stude nt look at the work that was completed a semester or year prior and look for the high grades, knowing that's an "A" project, so I can copy it. You should see the expressions on their faces when you tell them the site and prompt are differ from last year (but the concepts are the same). It's difficult to unlearn so much of what they are taught in so many instances and it has to happen very early in the process- like starting day 1.

May 10, 19 5:32 pm  · 

Whooooooa. K-12 if anything, has become much more regressive. The existing administrative apparatus is incapable of dealing with the totalitarian attitudes of parents. Secondary effects are lack of support for teaching as an institution, which makes it nearly impossible to deal with teaching, and mentoring students in an effective manner. So, what is the end result? Students are more inclined to be "classified" rather than having a empathetic methodology employed. Black students are more likely to be escalated as "problems". Parents are incapable of providing any real parenting - thanks capitalism - and are more likely to force their children into special needs options.

May 10, 19 6:48 pm  · 

Whooooooa. K-12 if anything, has become much more regressive. The existing administrative apparatus is incapable of dealing with the totalitarian attitudes of parents. Secondary effects are lack of support for teaching as an institution, which makes it nearly impossible to deal with teaching, and mentoring students in an effective manner. So, what is the end result? Students are more inclined to be "classified" rather than having a empathetic methodology employed. Black students are more likely to be escalated as "problems". Parents are incapable of providing any real parenting - thanks capitalism - and are more likely to force their children into special needs options.

May 10, 19 6:48 pm  · 

I don't think I'm in disagreement with geezer's post, I largely agree to a certain extent, but wanted to clarify that I don't think there is some coordinated group of educators trying to teach mediocrity and giving out the same grades to all just because the students showed up. External pressures (parents, politics) have a bigger effect than they should in K-12 educational policies.

May 10, 19 7:02 pm  · 

I’m curious how capitalism has made parents incapable of parenting.

May 10, 19 8:35 pm  · 

Really? Let's see, most parents are stressed the fuck out; increasing debt, over-worked, more competition for face-time, oxy-contin, increased youth suicide rates, fewer real connections.....= short list.

May 10, 19 8:43 pm  · 

As unfortunate as that is that some people do not have control over themselves at least they aren’t starving like the overall population in
your alternatives Venezuela?

May 10, 19 8:51 pm  · 

Please with that Venezuela claptrap, it's not cute, it's fucking demeaning, and lacks any kind of intellectual rigor. Kleptocratic Capitalism is the fucking other side of the coin of Authoritarian Marxism.

May 10, 19 9:00 pm  · 

Oh no I agree that capitalism needs to be regulated and reigned in from what we let it become but we have the processes in place to do that. Just curious why switching to a state run economy would be any better than the current system. Instead of having a system where companies are private with a government to make framework laws to keep them from becoming too evil, we’d have a scenario where those companies are the government.

May 10, 19 9:05 pm  · 

I'm not calling for an outright state run economy, but if we don't create a significantly different, regulated capitalism, needs to occur, or else state run is what the proletariat will get.

May 10, 19 9:18 pm  · 

Here here.

May 10, 19 9:23 pm  · 

God dam auto correct and beer, *hear hear.

May 10, 19 9:24 pm  · 
liberty bell

Beer beer.

May 11, 19 9:59 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Beer works 100% of the time. Btw, big beer festival for me tonight.

May 11, 19 1:47 pm  · 

Happy Mother's Day.

I posted this pic of my boy 13 years ago (page 3 of TC, I think):

Here he is now, in his school play:

Yesterday I had the serious conversation that most parents of teens in this country have to have: I told him if a shooter shows up at his high school, I want him to run and hide. I don't want him to be a hero, to sacrifice himself like Kendrick Castillo did. I want him, more than anything, to always come home safe to me, and if that means running away then that's what he should do, because I love him more than can be described.

This country is sick. We're sick, and greedy, and I'm hopeless about our future, almost. My amazing kid, and his amazing, diverse, earth-caring, non-judgmental, embracing of difference friends give me a glimmer.

Happy Mother's Day.

May 12, 19 2:33 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Happy mother’s day indeed. Mine is about to turn 3 at the end of this month so fingers are crossed that’s not a bridge I need to cross in the near future. Side note, that nirvana In Utero shirt in the 2nd pic is fitting, no?

May 13, 19 8:03 am  · 

Happy mother's day. Also, cute Bull Terrier! (... and kid, I suppose :) )

May 13, 19 8:45 am  · 
Whoa Donna he got tall!!

Happy Mother’s Day :-) I spent mine trying not to murder my partner. Yay!
May 13, 19 12:37 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I spent Mother's day driving across three states and hitting a deer in the last one. People are all ok. Deer and car are not. 

May 13, 19 1:06 pm  · 

glad you're safe at least. Probably needed a new car an yway.

May 13, 19 9:17 pm  · 

Deer are so stupid they are as likely to jump in the direction of danger as away from it. Kind of like architects.

May 14, 19 10:35 am  · 

A deer jumped from a high bank to my hood, bounced and fell into a ditch where he broke his neck. It's like 400 pound chickens, stupid.

May 14, 19 11:05 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

JLC, wow! geezer, pretty much...

May 14, 19 11:42 am  · 

If you want to collide with a deer, cancel your collision coverage. Don't ask me how I know.

May 14, 19 11:45 am  · 

Can't tell you how many are around right now eating that sweet grass 6 inches from the edge of pavement, mix that with the elk migration and the rockfall season, lovely!

May 14, 19 11:48 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Good to hear no-one is injured, but hopefully no brews were lost as well. 

I recall very well that time in undergrad (4th year, circa 2006) when I would routinely drive home around 4 to 5am a few times per week. I fell asleep at the wheel for a second or so and woke up with a deer in the middle of the road a few feet from my bumper. (for those asking, I was driving a stylish 1990 Mercury sedan... crucial part of the story I am sure). I managed to stop since it was a residential area and was not speeding but that shook me up. 

I stopped doing those drives after that.

May 15, 19 10:25 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I drove while asleep once. Eastern Arizona on a curvy mountain road at 2 am. I'm lucky I woke up. I take it much more seriously now and always travel with coffee.

May 16, 19 10:12 am  · 

I was a little bored, so I went into the blogs page, sorted by most recent comment, and started flagging all the spam posts. It was like moving a piece of furniture to find all the dust bunnies that have been hiding under there. Sorry, not sorry, to whoever has to go through and clean that up now. 

May 14, 19 11:39 am  · 

I interact with this guy way too frequently:

May 14, 19 6:51 pm  · 

I’m sure he’ll be a Certified Professional Building Designer in no time.

May 14, 19 9:08 pm  · 

Well done, Steeplechase.

May 15, 19 9:05 am  · 

That piece is fantastic. Imagine what a great client he'd be! Lots of inherent 'knowledge' and no discernible 'income.'

May 17, 19 2:04 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Markers and trace (not yellow unfortunately) are out.  I'm designing something.  Odd right? Nothing special, but it's a break from months of CM stuff.

May 15, 19 10:19 am  · 
liberty bell

Me today, and every day in the foreseeable future:

May 16, 19 9:29 am  · 
Non Sequitur

is that top workplace appropriate tho?


May 16, 19 9:31 am  · 

As a menopausal woman, Non, I'm basically wearing a sleeveless (or cap sleeve) shirt under a cardigan or blazer every damn day, and taking on/off the top layer half a dozen times during the workday. Menopause is pretty awful. Add to that the abortion bullshit and how busy everyone is at work (as well as some really time-consuming challenges at my non-profit) and I'm on the verge of losing it at any given second.

May 16, 19 10:01 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Donna... that little /s at the end of my comment indicates sarcasm. I read the news, plenty of people on my side are also pissed (we even had our annual ignorance rally last Thursday).

May 16, 19 10:04 am  · 

I saw the /s Non, but I'm also just stating facts. TC is one of few places I go ahead and say what I want, even if I'm posting as me. B/c fuck everything right now.

May 16, 19 10:23 am  · 
Non Sequitur

I understand and respect that. Just tossing in something for shits & giggles because frustration is rising on one of my projects.

May 16, 19 10:52 am  · 
Non Sequitur

^Alabama nonsense. we get the news too...

May 16, 19 11:53 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Very little validity in what is currently proposed Jla, very little. Just a very badly masked religious trampling of established rights. Generic statements like the one you just made create the illusion that there is a debate to be had at all.

May 16, 19 12:34 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Jla, see my point above about the illusion of debate. It is religious bullshit hidden as fake science. I won't keep beating this dead horse (and spam Donna's inbox). It's not hard to see why the rest of the educated and scientific world laugh at this nonsense. Stop now before you make an even greater fool of yourself.

May 16, 19 12:55 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I don't listen to religious backed arguments,either bad or good. Fuck those illusions and the idiots who stand behind them. All I know is that my son would not be alive had it not been for all the healthcare advances on the women's side of things following their decision to move beyond silly pro-life arguments.

May 16, 19 1:06 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I'm not singed onto any package. Makes for very frustrating non-sequitur (hey-oh) leaps when my friends try to talk politics with me.

May 16, 19 1:13 pm  · 

In a democracy the majority opinion writes the legislation...


It’s also not a political issue.

Also False

May 16, 19 1:40 pm  · 

Maybe instead of arguing every fucking point from some absurd level of philosophical remove, you could take ten minutes to learn a little history. As usual, our points are so out of touch with reality that - while perhaps rhetorically useful - you mostly come off as a know-nothing know-it-all.

May 16, 19 1:44 pm  · 

Nevertheless, independent of all philosophical / pseudo-scientific pontificating about when "life" begins, the simple reality on the ground is that restricting safe, legal access to abortion 1) does nothing to reduce the rates of abortion and 2) increases the rates of women dying from unsafe abortions and other related issues.

You can ignore everything else, because this is the true fact: This law will kill women.

May 16, 19 1:46 pm  · 

"...*your* points..." Not "our points." Damn typo, can't edit.

May 16, 19 1:59 pm  · 

Again it has nothing to do with my or anyone's regard for whatever life or non-life and everything to do with the simple reality that abortion bans don't stop abortion but do kill women. The law fails at it's stated purpose, and this result is well-known enough that any legislative support for abortion bans are, in my conclusion, obviously about something else.

You're arguing the wrong point and you're arguing it poorly. You're wrong twice.

May 16, 19 2:01 pm  · 

jla-x: "Actually most scientists agree that human life begins during cell division." Citation, please. Although it doesn't matter. If a fetus is a person, fine. Hello, little human: I didn't give you permission to reside in my body, so you're out. That's my right as the owner of *my* body.

May 16, 19 2:02 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Hi Donna, sorry for the spam.

Jla, nice strawman position.  Must be nice to boil everything to simple little boxes while ignoring the real points.

May 16, 19 2:03 pm  · 

also, jla-x, really: pregnancy is a women's health issue. Abortion is part of the healthcare that addresses women's health issues. How can you say it's wrong to frame abortion as a women's health issue when *that is literally what it is*? Women with ectopic pregnancies die. Women with gestational diabetes die. Women with ruptured placentas die. If you think those women *should* die, because of some "god's plan" or whatever, then you're the one making it a religious debate. Which it is not.

May 16, 19 2:07 pm  · 

It's baffling to me that, as the token libertarian, you're not fervently pro-choice. Of course this is just more evidence that you're arguing from a Devil's Advocate position because you have no skin in the game and would rather criticize (incorrectly, I might add) the rhetoric of people you actually agree with because... well I dunno maybe you're just an asshole?

May 16, 19 2:08 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

^what ever the Canadian law says, because we're better than y'all. How that was determined tho, I don't know and honestly don't care... and for what it's worth, I'd totally eat a dolphin steak. (see previous comment about non-sequitur points).

May 16, 19 2:13 pm  · 

At any point up to and including labor. 

Because that's a healthcare decision made between a woman and her doctor(s), often for extremely personal and complex reasons that heavily weigh concerns about the welfare and/or survival of both the mother and the fetus.

But that's just my opinion. American law has long decided that third trimester abortions are, in some cases, not allowed. I don't really know enough to say why, but I assume there's a compromise involved there that works for most people.

May 16, 19 2:13 pm  · 

I 100% agree with tduds. At any point in their life a person should be allowed to make their own decisions about their body. Unless someone is mentally unfit and under conservatorship because of it.

May 16, 19 2:21 pm  · 

"philosophical remove is what we need in our society." 

 Nah. Historical, political, civic and scientific literacy is what we need in our society. The choice to argue from a remove without immersing yourself in the facts on the ground is simply evidence that the decision, whichever way it goes, will not affect you personally.

May 16, 19 2:23 pm  · 

jla, now you answer this: If laws banning abortion do nothing to lower the incidence of abortion, and if the religious right was not opposed to Roe v. Wade until well after the decision (see my links above), what other motivations could there be for their incessant harping on this issue for the past 35 years?

May 16, 19 2:28 pm  · 

Oh look who's appealing to emotions now.

May 16, 19 2:31 pm  · 






My one and only reasoning for opposing the law. All my other comments have been (apparently failed) attempts to point out the bad faith justification of the pro-life movement. From here on I'm only responding to comments that address this very simple reasoning.

May 16, 19 2:33 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

who knew that by mid 2019, the centre of intellectual discussion would emerge from a few dozen white christian men in the cesspool of Alabama. Why don't they arm the fetuses in utero so they can defend themselves? No need to change anything if you allow them their 2A. AMIRIGHT?

May 16, 19 2:36 pm  · 

Bad faith justification is the only kind of justification the pro-forced-birthers have, tduds. Don't call them pro-life; they don't care about humans post-birth. The *only* thing they care about is forcing pregnant women to have no choice but to give birth.

May 16, 19 2:37 pm  · 

Really saying the quiet part loud on this one:

 "Chambliss, responding to the IVF argument from Smitherman, cites a part of the bill that says it applies to a pregnant woman. "The egg in the lab doesn’t apply. It’s not in a woman. She’s not pregnant."


May 16, 19 2:52 pm  · 

So, now, from a point of PHilOsOpHicAl ReMovE, why is an embryo in a woman's womb deserving of rights, but a genetically identical embryo in a lab not?

May 16, 19 2:55 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

jla, remember like 50 replies earlier when I recommended you stop or else risk making yourself look even bad? Perhaps you should have listened. No one is buying your points and debating you on this would be giving yours (and all other who share such misinformed views) a false sense that they are worthy of debate.

May 16, 19 3:20 pm  · 

"It’s funny that I haven’t even stated my personal opinion, just rhetorical arguments, and everyone is automatically positioning me to avoid the hard questions I posed."

May 16, 19 3:23 pm  · 

Also I called you out on this specifically, way up there:

May 16, 19 3:25 pm  · 

"If your answer is no, then you need to justify why they don’t, and define at what stage personhood is granted." 

I did, and you called it sickening. Funny how fast your high-minded stoicism collapses when it risks undermining your case.

May 16, 19 3:27 pm  · 

FWIW I'm not trying to change your mind. I just think it would be irresponsible to let your inane ramblings go unchallenged, lest someone stumble upon them and think, for lack of counterpoint, they're reasonable statements.

May 16, 19 3:33 pm  · 

I did. "Because that's a healthcare decision made between a woman and her doctor(s), often for extremely personal and complex reasons that heavily weigh concerns about the welfare and/or survival of both the mother and the fetus. 

 But that's just my opinion. American law has long decided that third trimester abortions are, in some cases, not allowed. I don't really know enough to say why, but I assume there's a compromise involved there that works for most people."

May 16, 19 3:35 pm  · 

Yes, jla-x, if you want to say a fetus is a person and has personhood, fine. That means my right - as a person - is to prevent any other person who is impinging on my rights from doing so by whatever means necessary. If a fetus, or a blastocyt, or a baby, is occupying my body against my express permission then I get to evict it. Period. Abortion protects my right to my property.

May 16, 19 3:37 pm  · 

Maybe you can shoot the fetus? It's "tresspassing" on your "property" jla, please advise.

May 16, 19 3:39 pm  · 

We still haven't addressed the PAINFULLY OBVIOUS fact that this law, regardless of anyone's opinion on fetal personhood, will not stop abortions from happening. It will simply result in women taking higher risks to obtain them, which will lead to more women dying. 

If you value life, you need to acknowledge that abortion bans result in a higher loss of life. Full stop.

May 16, 19 3:40 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Tduds, I've already made the claim that fetuses deserve to have their 2a respected and should be armed in utero.

May 16, 19 3:44 pm  · 

Yes I'm refusing to let the debate get away from the starting point. jla rants have a tendency to wander into whichever rhetorical arena he feels he has the upper hand, and I'm not going to entertain it.

May 16, 19 3:44 pm  · 

I'd ask the mom.

May 16, 19 3:59 pm  · 

She'd probably say something like "I find your hypothetical scenarios overly specific and suspiciously slanted to favor one side of the non-hypothetical outcome." or "Take my baby" idk

May 16, 19 4:00 pm  · 
Non Sequitur


May 16, 19 4:22 pm  · 

"It’s funny that I haven’t even stated my personal opinion, just rhetorical arguments, and everyone is automatically positioning me to avoid the hard questions I posed." 

Never forget.

May 16, 19 4:30 pm  · 
liberty bell

jla-x, do you live in the real world? I do, and I had to have this actual conversation with my OB when I was pregnant: if I’m in distress during delivery I want you to save me, not the baby. My reasons are my own, but they have to do with responsibilities I have to care for *people who already exist in my life* who would be in dire straits if I die. Many women would choose to have the baby saved, many wouldn’t. The point is it’s MY right to protect MY life. I
f you think I’m a monster because of it I really can’t emphasize how much I don’t give a fuck.

May 16, 19 4:47 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

^which is why no one cares about your opinion or want your sympathy.

May 16, 19 5:08 pm  · 

"If a person is pregnant for 8 months and decides to abort a fully developed baby for non medical reasons..." 

Please provide evidence of this occurring in significant numbers.

May 16, 19 5:19 pm  · 

Propaganda shapes opinion. Please provide evidence of this occurring in significant numbers. Please provide evidence of a prevalence of behavior that necessitates legislation which will prevent it (Ignoring for a moment the fact that *this* legislation will not prevent it so I can counter your implausible hypothetical for a moment)

May 16, 19 5:30 pm  · 

“The baby is born,” he declared. “The mother meets with the doctor. They take care of the baby. They wrap the baby beautifully. And then the doctor and the mother determine whether or not they will execute the baby.”

 ...This, for example, is an outright lie, repeated by the president, that no doubt shaped a few opinions.

An opinion based on a false information is an incorrect opinion.

May 16, 19 5:32 pm  · 

This is so good I have to repeat it: "Please provide evidence of a prevalence of behavior that necessitates legislation which will prevent it (Ignoring for a moment the fact that *this* legislation will not prevent it so I can counter your implausible hypothetical for a moment)"

May 16, 19 5:37 pm  · 

Please provide evidence that late-term, non-medical abortions occur in similar numbers to incidents of bestiality.

May 16, 19 5:40 pm  · 

And, I mean I can't stop: Outside of medical emergencies, which are common because pregnancy is a dangerous health situation, the reasons someone *might* feel compelled to abort very late in a pregnancy come about *because abortion is stigmatized as baby murder*. If women needing abortions weren't demonized by the right wing evangelicals (solely as a way to get votes, know some history it's purely about politics) then they would access them when the fetus is still smaller than the period at the end of this sentence. But we make it SO hard, and make women SO scared, that many can't even face it until it's too late. Kermit Gosnell wouldn't have existed *if we didn't demonize abortion*.

May 16, 19 5:41 pm  · 

That's a very fair point, Donna.

May 16, 19 5:42 pm  · 
liberty bell

Abortion Murder Queens would be an excellent roller derby team name.

May 16, 19 5:49 pm  · 

I'm not even going to dignify that with a response.

May 16, 19 5:55 pm  · 

Please provide evidence that late-term, non-medical abortions occur in significant numbers.

May 16, 19 5:56 pm  · 

In 2019, 342 people have been shot and killed by police in the US. 15 were unarmed. That's about 3 per month. Which, to me, seems non-trivial.

See how easy it is to just answer the question?

May 16, 19 6:03 pm  · 

Please provide evidence that late-term, non-medical abortions occur in significant numbers. & just for kicks, please provide evidence that laws banning abortion reduce the incidence of late-term non-medical abortions (or any abortions, for that matter).

May 16, 19 6:06 pm  · 

You can either answer the question or stop replying. If you keep dancing around the actual issue I'm going to keep coming at you with the same question. I got all year.

May 16, 19 6:07 pm  · 

Unfortunate lack of data on the "non-medical" numbers, though.

This, however, is salient: 

Kimport, a medical sociologist at UCSF whose research focuses on gender, sexuality and social movements, followed up on the research in 2018 with 28 new interviews of women who got later abortions. She said about half were lacking critical health information about their fetus earlier in their pregnancy. Kimport described in an interview how one woman was told by her doctors that something in her 20-week scan looked suspicious but it wasn’t until weeks later that it was clear the fetus had significant abnormalities.

The other half of the women had challenges finding a provider, getting necessary approvals from doctors in states that require them, or had financial constraints. All the women in the study traveled to other states to get the procedure done.

So, to bring this all full circle: These instances could be significantly reduced, or outright avoided, by de-stigmatizing the procedure and increasing access to care for more women (along with proper sex education, access to contraception, and universal affordable health care, which would reduce the rates of late term abortion by reducing the rates of unwanted pregnancy). 

May 16, 19 6:40 pm  · 
liberty bell

So jla-x are you saying the women who get abortions should die instead? How is that fair?

May 16, 19 6:43 pm  · 

Worth repeating that none of this statistical digression impacts the fact that Alabama (and Missouri!) passed a law that will kill women.

May 16, 19 6:47 pm  · 
liberty bell

But you keep asking us what constitutes personhood as if that matters. If a fetus isn’t a person then it’s part of my body and I’m allowed to abort it. If the fetus *is* a person then it’s occupying my body without my permission and I’m allowed to evict it. I don’t see how the personhood a argument even matters, But you’re focusing on the fetus’ personhood as if once it’s a person the woman whose body it’s occupying ceases to be a person an
d therefore should die even if the fetus is threatening her life. That makes no sense.

May 16, 19 7:08 pm  · 

My very first comment in this trainwreck: 

the simple reality on the ground is that restricting safe, legal access to abortion 1) does nothing to reduce the rates of abortion and 2) increases the rates of women dying from unsafe abortions and other related issues.

I'll dig up some info on this later, but feel free to look for yourself. I gotta go have family time now.

May 16, 19 7:20 pm  · 
liberty bell

I’m not talking about the doctor. Doctors provide healthcare. Sometimes the healthcare is an abortion. I’m talking about the person hood of the person who is pregnant. If someone enters my home, and then refuses to leave, even if I invited them in in the first place, when I want them to leave they ha
ve to. If they end up dead because that’s the only way I can get them out of my house that’s not murder. Yes someone is dead, but it’s not murder

May 16, 19 7:59 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

It's not fucking murder you twat. How hard is it to understand?

May 16, 19 8:27 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Sperm is the origin of life. Let's make male masterbation a felony. Then once all the men are in jail we can have a safe and peaceful society.

May 16, 19 8:29 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Welcome to the party Tintt. Hope you have a strong brew near by.

May 16, 19 8:30 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit


May 16, 19 8:32 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

^because it's not. You don't get to arbitrarily change the meaning of words to suit your particular point of view. Are you sure you should not be out there selling bibles or some shit like that? Same value in those books as what you're thrown up here in TC.

May 16, 19 8:42 pm  · 

So the law bans doctors from performing life-saving abortions on people who will die if they don't get one; the state is choosing that the personhood of the fetus is more valid than the personhood of the pregnant person, and jla-x *you* are saying it's ok if the pregnant person dies. Again: if the fetus is a person, then it has all the same rights that I have, but living uninvited in someone else's uterus isn't a right. I think the 3rd Amendment might even apply!

May 16, 19 8:55 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

If the fetus were breaking into your home to burglarize you, it would be legal to kill in most states.

May 16, 19 9:00 pm  · 

Oh and also the vast majority of abortions these days are medically induced, you don't even really need a doctor. You just take a pill, and again, if abortion wasn't so demonized by the right-wing Taliban it would be something people could just do routinely at home. There are literally millions of snake oil salesmen out there selling acupuncture and reiki and whatever-the-fuck woo bullshit. If Roe is overturned I see a new network of "spiritual health" clinics popping up that serve women who are suffering from cessation of menses. Which means, again, that abortion will only be unobtainable by people who are pregnant and there is a significant health risk for their own life or the life of the fetus, but they won't be able to get the life-saving medical treatment they need because it will be illegal. It happens already, google Savita Halappanavar: killed by the government of Ireland by denying her the abortion that would have saved her life.

May 16, 19 9:01 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I dont think anymore mics can be dropped to further establish the pounding Jla's points have taken.

Christopher Hitchens Meme: Your argument was just destroyed.

May 16, 19 9:04 pm  · 

well of course, the libertarian would be up for regulating what goes on inside a woman's uterus, of course.

May 16, 19 9:06 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

you clearly have no clue JLA.

May 16, 19 9:13 pm  · 

never mind, tduds and donna have this locked down.

May 16, 19 9:14 pm  · 

If you're talking about the Alabama ban, yes there are exceptions to save the life of the pregnant person. But don't *you* be dumb, either: the overarching goal here is to make abortion completely inaccessible. To overturn Roe so states can force people to give birth. As a self-proclaimed libertarian I really, really don't understand how you can't oppose this. Also, the governor who signed the Alabama bill into law said she did it because God gives us sacred life. Not only is she using her own religion to justify taking away healthcare from millions of women, as a libertarian I'd think you'd be opposed to that intermixing of religion and governance.

May 16, 19 9:14 pm  · 

"Also abortions to save life is incredibly rare. " Again, jla-x, citation please. I had an abortion at 17. It didn't threaten my biological life at the moment I aborted, though no one can say how the pregnancy might have developed; it wouldn't have been uncommon for it to have killed me. But the pregnancy *did* threaten my life, my livelihood, my ability to live as a self-determining human, and my health. I'd go so far as to say that *every* abortion saves a life.

May 16, 19 9:17 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I was about to edit my previous reply to add something very close to what Donna says above, so I won't because she said far more than I can.

May 16, 19 9:17 pm  · 

And jesus jla-x: how many examples do you need of how many ways there are that someone ends up dead but it's not murder? You're being obtuse. As Non said, you can't just decide words mean what you want them to mean.

May 16, 19 9:19 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

It's about religion eroding well established social progress while clouding up definitions of terms and statistics in order to confuse under-educated folks. Nothing you've stated is debatable because it is utterly void of sustenance. Also, it's fucking Alabama, are you saying they, who hold a solid hold at the bottom of the education ladder, are now ahead of everyone else in the civilized world? Fuck that shit, but please, continue to dig that hole.

May 16, 19 9:34 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Personhood is just nonesense religious goobly-gook speak. Keep on digging, you're doing great!

May 16, 19 9:45 pm  · 

jla-x, I don't know how to lay this out more clearly to you that the personhood question doesn't matter. If a fetus isn't a person, then it's a part of my body and I can abort it. If it *is* a person, that means *it is subject* to the same rights as any person is, and those rights do not include being able to take up residence in another person's body. If the fetus-person dies as a result of being removed from the not-fetus-person's body, BFD. Doesn't matter.

May 16, 19 9:56 pm  · 

If the fetus-person is occupying my body against my wishes it isn't "innocent". You're using the word "innocent", as tduds noted you above, to evoke an emotional response. It's a parasite. Also, if we're talking bout the Georgia ban we're not just talking about doctors being prohibited from performing abortions; the Georgia ban allows a pregnant person who obtains an abortion in another state and returns to Georgia to be charged with conspiracy to commit murder. Updated to add: so yes, a ban like Georgia's infringes on a person's bodily autonomy by not even allowing them to get treated *elsewhere* for their health care needs.

May 16, 19 10:15 pm  · 

I think a pregnant person should be able to make that decision in connection with their doctor.

May 16, 19 11:12 pm  · 

And if you're offended by the word parasite: how exactly do you think a baby grows? It leeches off the body of its host. When I was pregnant with my son, that 'lil parasite was loved from day one! When I was pregnant at 17, that thing inside me was a malevolent parasite. *THAT* is why it's the choice of the pregnant person to decide: the only context that matters is the context of the person who is affected.

May 16, 19 11:14 pm  · 

I know I’m stepping in this but ... jla-x, you’ve already answered your question of when to grant a fetus personhood. By your own statement when the fetus becomes autonomous, it can be considered a person. “If personhood is granted at 9mos, or 2weeks, etc...that fetus becomes an autonomous person and also has the right to not be killed.” Where you seen to be misunderstanding your own argument is that autonomy isn’t something that you can define at 2 weeks or 9 months arbitrarily. Medically speaking, at what age would a healthcare professional define a fetus as autonomous?

May 17, 19 2:04 am  · 
Non Sequitur

jla, stop. You have no idea what delivery at 20 weeks is, for all parties involved. Survival is not a good metric since it may technically be possible to survive at 20weeks, long term survival (could be measured in days) is very unlikely.. and 100% impossible without round-the-clock intensive care.

source: I'm the father of a premature child and have seen the back-of-house having stayed nearly a month in intensive care hospitals.  You have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

and yes, life is absolutely debatable.  I say it's when I can register the child for a social security number and for that, I require a birth certificate.  That's a reasonable metric... not some arbitrary feel-good religious shit you're supporting.

May 17, 19 12:20 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

It is certainly up for debate you fool.. This is just semantics to push religious doctrine. Look beyond the cliff notes.

May 17, 19 1:17 pm  · 

jla-x: Let me try to understand: you are arguing that life begins at conception, and therefore ending a pregnancy is ending a life, right?

May 17, 19 1:23 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

JLA, that's an obvious pro-life group. do you even read the sources you post? Fuck man... you're so far gone.

May 17, 19 1:23 pm  · 

jla, your religious right wing propaganda is not science.

May 17, 19 1:41 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Curt, you're like 14hrs late to the party. We told JLA this 200 replies earlier. 

 JLA, just admit it that you've been defeated in a subject you barely understand. No shame in that and hopefully you'll get yourself some big-boy pants and learn a thing or two... or not, and then get frustrated when people point and laugh at your opinions.

May 17, 19 1:46 pm  · 

I mean: I'm not saying I disagree that life begins at conception. Maybe it does. It doesn't matter, unless you apply a religious "sanctity of life everything to god's plan" view to it. *Viability* definitely doesn't begin at conception, so until viability the little bundle of cells is a parasite dependent on another human's body - not their will, their body - for survival. So if bodily autonomy is a right, that right supersedes the right of the parasitic body's right.

May 17, 19 1:53 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

JLA, that examiner opinion piece, and the Contend Projects behind its author, is insultingly stupid. This is answers in genesis, 911 trutthers, anti-vax level stupid.

May 17, 19 1:56 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Donna, do yourself a favour and don't chase down the dumb-as-fuck rabbit hole in JLA's last link... you'll only come out very angry... and sad that people are so fucking dumb... 

Also worth noting that parents who follow this nonesense will pass it on to their kids.  Talk about terrible education standards.

May 17, 19 2:00 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

keep it up, you're doing great.

May 17, 19 2:23 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Jla, I told you earlier that your position is not worthy of debate. This has been made obvious to everyone but you. Not my problem you don't get it and you never had a chance as your sources are intellectually flawed.

May 17, 19 2:37 pm  · 

That's actually a good long post, jla-x, and there's lots to agree on. But it still all goes back to what tduds has been saying: laws that make abortion - a legal and necessary healthcare procedure - impossible to obtain *will* result in women dying. So if some legislator's concern is "life" they can't only be concerned about the entity inside another human's body. When I was 17, if I had not been able to get a judge's approval to have an abortion without parental notification, I would have thrown myself down some stairs, or intentionally crashed my bike really hard, or tried to O.D. on drugs (OMG there were so many drugs available at my public high school) to make my body abort, or asked one of my stoner friends to punch me hard in the stomach. Anything, I would have done *anything* to get the thing out of my body that had taken over my body. PREGNANT HUMANS WILL DO THIS and have been doing it since the beginning of time and if people have interest in protecting life, in humanity, they need to recognize this reality. When it comes to my life or the life of a parasite inside me - even if it is "a person" - I, and millions of humans, will always choose our own lives. Other humans won't, they will choose to continue the pregnancy, and that's fine it's their choice. But the choice of what to do with one's own body - in life and after death, too - ONLY rests with the owner of that body.

May 17, 19 2:41 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

JLA, defining that term is not important. It's a religious-based distraction to avid dealing with the real issues (as Donna clearly states out).

May 17, 19 2:46 pm  · 

"...needing only the proper environment in order to grow and develop" The proper environment being the body of another human who has rights to not share their body. Again: if it *is* a human, it's subject to the same laws as every other human, which include not having the right to use another human's body against their will and express permission. So the personhood question doesn't matter.

May 17, 19 3:05 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

JLA... I don't even know where to start piecing that piece of bullshit apart so I'll just treat it like the rest of the garbage you've posted. 

Typical religious argument: discuss semantics ad-nausea and the, now suddenly important, implications of using these carefully chosen words (with pre-loaded meanings) in order to appeal to the less educated and make discussion appear intelligent. I should have started a logical fallacy bingo yesterday... I'd have won thrice over by now.

*edited because apparently I'm terrible at grammar this afternoon.

May 17, 19 3:14 pm  · 

Also, jla-x, out of curiosity and it's a serious question: you mentioned above that prohibiting a doctor from performing an abortion isn't the same as regulating a woman's right to abortion. People have floated this idea that we outlaw bullets: keep the 2nd Amendment in place, but make the production and sale of bullets illegal, take them out of stores, make them unobtainable. So folks will still *have* the right to bear arms, but they won't be able to *access that right* because they won't be able to get bullets. Is that an overstep by government? Is making guns unusable the same as taking them away?

May 17, 19 3:17 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Donna, are you suggesting we resort to pistol whipping when the British come back for their land? Because I think that's a great idea.

May 17, 19 3:20 pm  · 

please stop using the word 'science.' you don't know what that means, and it doesn't lend legitimacy to your opinion.

May 17, 19 3:22 pm  · 

L O friggin L

May 17, 19 6:04 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Digging even lower. new record?

May 18, 19 2:47 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Beyond rock bottom. that's where you've set your goal, so keep it up. You clearly can't be educated on this subject anyways.

May 18, 19 2:54 pm  · 
liberty bell

Jesus jla-x! “Protecting the minority” is our responsibility as members of society. Full stop. That’s what the US is *founded* on. And we’re not a Christian nation officially, but protecting the minority IS the bedrock of Christianity. If anyone is twisting that definition it’s the forced birthers who argue for the humanity of a microscopic clump of DNA while conveniently ignoring the actual human person standing in front of them ready commit suicide instead of be pregnant. I don’t expect you to understand this; you’re a libertarian and thus subscribe to a philosophy of “I got mine fuck you”.

May 19, 19 7:55 am  · 
Non Sequitur

So many fucking delusions.

May 19, 19 1:15 pm  · 

As usual, Chris Hedges has a good take on the issue.

May 20, 19 11:04 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I wish people would get as excited about affordable, quality childcare and how it's women's jobs to clean up everyone else's damn messes all the time (for free) then perhaps women wouldn't feel so strongly about needing to make decisions to protect themselves from motherhood. It's interesting to note too that many conservative men need mothering their whole lives, basically that they need someone around full-time making them sandwiches, picking up their dirty socks, making their doc's appointments, etc.

May 20, 19 12:08 pm  · 

It's telling that jla's justifications are made entirely of hypothetical questions while the counterpoints he chooses to ignore are largely real, actual events that have occurred. 

Anyway I've given up on this trash fire and probably going to block jla for my own sanity. Thanks everyone, it's been utterly obnoxious.

May 20, 19 1:21 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

The real question is what is the government's role in the situation then.

May 20, 19 1:41 pm  · 

I hope you're only this exhausting online, because otherwise it would make for a lonely sad existence. Later.

May 20, 19 1:47 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

JLA, based on your previous answers, I don't think you understand the meaning of "logic"... that is, unless you're also re-branded that word to suite your pre-existing position. There is no debate here since you lost gloriously from your first post. Too bad you're too stubborn to notice.

May 20, 19 1:50 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Correct. Glad we've come to a compromise.

edit. today is a canadian holiday too.  Not relevant, but felt the need to brag...

May 20, 19 1:59 pm  · 

This is a great thing for sanity:

May 20, 19 2:33 pm  · 

I highly doubt you read the essay.

May 20, 19 2:40 pm  · 

Not attacking logic, merely the weaponization of the term to suggest an objective truth where none exists, which is what you do in almost every thread that finds you in a contrarian position.

May 20, 19 2:43 pm  · 
 · too many to get into

May 20, 19 4:02 pm  · 

Conspicuously absent in "Legal Issues" is the fact that Alabama and several other states have passed bills that restrict access to abortion far beyond your own concluded "best compromise". Conspicuous because that's what this thread is about and your continued presence in this thread is muddying this very simple fact in order to score rhetorical points about larger issues that no one was interested in hashing out until you forced our hands.

May 20, 19 4:26 pm  · 

Again what's got me aggrivated is less about our disagreements and more about your tactics and personality in this thread (&also this forum overall)

May 20, 19 4:27 pm  · 

Just gonna drop this back into the mix in case you forgot...

May 20, 19 4:32 pm  · 

You'll be waiting a while. I see no reason to get into it with you at this time based on what has already been discussed. While you wait, you might as well look at the website I linked and do some reading.

May 20, 19 4:33 pm  · 

If you're tired of reading that, and still feel like waiting, you could check this one out as well ...

May 20, 19 4:36 pm  · 

BTW, this could really go for everyone involved. There have been plenty of fallacies and biases all around on this one.

May 20, 19 4:36 pm  · 

"Mainly, I was knocking down the contempt that the pro-abortion left has for the other side of the debate."

Well that certainly backfired, didn't it.

May 20, 19 4:54 pm  · 

"I said that 8 weeks (per Alabama law)" 

The law makes no provisions for pregnancies fewer than 8 weeks.

From the text of the bill: "(7) UNBORN CHILD, CHILD or PERSON. A human being, specifically including an unborn child in utero at any stage of development, regardless of viability."

May 21, 19 2:33 pm  · 

We've both been wrong on a bunch of fronts in this thread. But I'm pretty sure nothing about it has lessened "the contempt that the pro-abortion left has for the other side of the debate." 

Nevermind the unnecessarily disingenuous labeling of your opposition as "pro-abortion."

May 21, 19 2:54 pm  · 
liberty bell

I’m fine with pro-abortion as a label; you can also call me pro-chemotherapy, pro-appendectomy, pro-quadruple-bypass, pro-lumpectomy, etc etc. and I’ll continue to call people who oppose abortion forced-birthers.

May 21, 19 10:28 pm  · 

Ever notice that pro-lifers are also pro capital punishment?

George Carlin: Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked.

Conservatives don't give a shit about you until you reach "military age". Then they think you are just fine. Just what they've been looking for. 

Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers. Pro-life... pro-life... These people aren't pro-life, they're killing doctors! What kind of pro-life is that? What, they'll do anything they can to save a fetus but if it grows up to be a doctor they just might have to kill it? They're not pro-life. You know what they are? They're anti-woman. Simple as it gets, anti-woman. They don't like them. They don't like women.They believe a woman's primary role is to function as a brood mare for the state.

May 16, 19 3:03 pm  · 

I agree. But... can we keep this to a minimum in TC?

May 16, 19 3:17 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Classic. Too bad this falls of deaf ears because you're all killing babies by the thousands you evil Jaausus hating terrorist.

May 16, 19 3:23 pm  · 

tuds, I agree completely and I started to comment to that effect. But then I thought it better to invoke the master of sanity and put this idiocy to rest (although idiots will persist, no doubt).

May 16, 19 4:50 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I think the real problem is not so much the subject context, which given its outdated nature is easy to poke holes, it’s that stories like the Alabama one give less than intelligent people a false crutch to prop their already terrible point of views. Just like dropping a partial Jordan Peterson quote on Facebook or whatever. Dude, there is more to this than you’re capable of understanding.

May 16, 19 5:28 pm  · 

I need to block Archinect from my work computer before 4PM.

I've got too much work to do and not enough self control to get it done.

May 16, 19 3:42 pm  · 

just push the "ignore this user" button, life gets so much nicer when you don't know about these assholes.

May 16, 19 3:54 pm  · 

But if I don't fight the assholes they might recruit new assholes. That reasoning is an alarming proportion of my online presence. 

Okay maybe you're right

May 16, 19 3:57 pm  · 

Assholes represent an alarming proportion of society in general.

May 16, 19 4:54 pm  · 

before the internet we didn't know how many they were, now we know.

May 16, 19 4:59 pm  · 

I.M. PEI died

May 16, 19 4:59 pm  · 


May 16, 19 5:14 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

What? Google tells me you’re a liar.

May 16, 19 5:17 pm  · 

I'm only seeing posts on Twitter. No press announcements yet...

May 16, 19 5:35 pm  · 

Joke I just saw on twitter: He's changed his name to I. Was Pei. I laughed, yep. Cuz I'm a monster.

May 16, 19 5:35 pm  · 

That seems like the type of joke that Pei himself would find hilarious.

May 16, 19 5:39 pm  · 

Paul Goldberger twitted

May 16, 19 5:45 pm  · 


May 16, 19 5:52 pm  · 

Hey NON, seems like you're not really the fastest googler around.

May 16, 19 6:28 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Yeah, well, I’m not happy that I was wrong. Boo.

May 16, 19 6:30 pm  · 

bump, and I hadn't seen this piece of crap; I would fail a student if they come up with something like this

May 17, 19 10:54 am  · 

^ This is what happens when, instead of drinking a couple of beers in studio, you slam some meth. Just say 'no,' kids!

May 17, 19 1:03 pm  · 

lol. Seriously where are the program spaces in that building? it's one big stair. The lecture halls are glass.

May 17, 19 7:24 pm  · 

DS+R did the "The floor is the wall is the roof!" bit pretty well with Boston's ICA and they've been re-hashing it to worse effect ever since.

I can't think of a firm that has earned and then lost my admiration as much as them.

May 20, 19 2:35 pm  · 

why do you all keep answering him? hope?

May 17, 19 3:25 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

It's been a while since the last good dumpster fire... still cold here so the heat is nice. 8-)

May 17, 19 3:46 pm  · 
liberty bell

JLC-1, i’ve said here before that I frequently comment being mindful of the many, many other eyeballs that are reading these threads, not just whoever I’m responding to directly. These conversations really are not just between us regulars, other people who never make comments themselves read them, and I frequently feel like that’s my audience. Just this week, in fact, I had a phone call with a recent graduate who read one of my comments and was looking for some professional advice. I see my time on Archinect very much been about mentoring, not just talking.

May 18, 19 7:45 am  · 

mentoring jla? it would be more productive talking to a door. pretty much two people each having a one-way conversation. the guy is literally incapable of learning.

May 18, 19 10:55 am  · 

The point is valid. You are a role model for someone, somewhere, whether you know it or not. And in many cases whether they know it or not. A common teaching technique is to make an example of someone, thus proving the term “useful idiot”.

Self-reflection is critically important.

“There but for the grace of doG go I ... “

May 18, 19 11:40 am  · 

Dems won the midterms

May 18, 19 12:34 pm  · 

Useful idiots provide a steady stream of easily debunked nonsense. It helps to think of this as a kind of public service, setting an example for no one to follow. Except other idiots, of course.

May 18, 19 12:56 pm  · 

curt, I'm saying I feel like I can mentor *other* people, not the person I'm directly responding to.

May 18, 19 1:06 pm  · 

sort of like seneca's letters to lucilius? no idea if they were ever intended to actually be delivered to lucilius, it's more of a public diary of sorts.

May 18, 19 2:54 pm  · 

What do you think the origin is?

May 18, 19 5:03 pm  · 

Donna, I understand your point, hopefully you understand how useless is to try it with this particular idiot.

May 20, 19 11:52 am  · 

I hear you JLC-1, I mean anyone who stamps their foot and says "I won't vote for a Democrat unless they are *perfect*" is beyond logical discussion (and, frankly, has already had their vote suppressed by the Republicans when they take this tack).

May 20, 19 12:09 pm  · 

I have not seen anything he's posted in the last 2 weeks, and don't need to.

May 20, 19 12:22 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

So, how about that GoT finale?

May 20, 19 12:44 pm  · 

Haven't seen it yet! comes too late to this side of the continental divide.

May 20, 19 1:23 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

You didn't miss much. I'd say it's a tad bit more entertaining than watching (reading) JLAx's descent into madness.

May 20, 19 1:48 pm  · 

he can descend all he wants, I'm not buying...

May 20, 19 3:19 pm  · 

i leave for a bit...

need more whisky in here...gets the gullet warm at least

May 17, 19 4:16 pm  · 

Now for something completely different.

Aside from that PoMo shit in the middle, really nice.

May 20, 19 2:10 pm  · 

WHat is this?

May 20, 19 2:18 pm  · 

waaayback machine in full effect. Ambaz in Japan.

May 20, 19 2:23 pm  · 

Thank you, Miles, for the diversion. And, be optimistic... eventually the green growies will take over the neo-Egyptian pylon.

May 20, 19 2:51 pm  · 

emilio ambasz! we loved to see his new inventions in magazines way back then....

May 20, 19 3:17 pm  · 

Here is a view from on the terraces looking down.

May 20, 19 3:46 pm  · 

it should be a standard to improve or at least replace all the biomass being impacted by your buildings, this was a great deal for ambasz, who tried his work to blend with nature

May 20, 19 4:33 pm  · 

the modern update of Corb's "Piloti and roof garden"

May 22, 19 9:17 am  · 

There's also 'Turf Town' by Glen Small.

May 22, 19 10:44 am  · 

^ Good article.

May 22, 19 11:40 am  · 


May 22, 19 11:49 am  · 

If you ever met Glen Small, you'd get the all-caps choice.

May 22, 19 1:10 pm  · 

Interesting. I pasted it into a case converting website to read it. There were quite a few typos I didn't notice as I was struggling through the all-caps version, but the content was worth the effort.

May 22, 19 1:47 pm  · 
atelier nobody


May 20, 19 3:49 pm  · 

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