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New New England Building Material:  SNOW!

Feb 9, 15 11:18 am  · 

that "social status gets you chicks" thread makes me nauseous. that troll needs to crawl back to his pua echo chamber. 

Feb 9, 15 11:21 am  · 

I thought quondam was banned ... looks like he's back as finger fantasy. 

Feb 9, 15 1:28 pm  · 

@snook - I'm going to be ripped after this winter - go out and shovel, go back inside and drink protein shake, do some push ups - eat slow-cooked meat... next meeting with GC I'll just walk in with tight fitting shirts and flex a lot when they try to pull shit with me.

seriously - my sports coats don't fit me anymore.

Feb 9, 15 3:41 pm  · 

toaster  just don't g ripping your shirt off at work....might get into trouble..... with the ladies.

Feb 9, 15 6:37 pm  · 

Miles, must be saving bmw drivers, who have never driven on a frozen lake before.

Feb 9, 15 6:40 pm  · 

Nah, I just smile as I go by.

There was another one (BMW again) right around the corner from my house. Genius tried to drive through an underpass that routinely floods. Water is incompressible, as demonstrated by internal combustion engines with flooded intakes.

Couple of weeks ago I watched some Master of the Universe completely bury his Range Rover near the water on the ocean beach at low tide and sunset. Got a little stuck, totally savable with even half a brain, but he jammed it back and forth repeatedly throwing rooster rails of sand until the chassis was grounded.

Feb 9, 15 8:44 pm  · 
"...some Masterof the Universe..." I love this term used this way. LOL
Feb 10, 15 6:50 am  · 

Sympathetic article on Palm Springs' mid-century modernism in today's Wall Street Journal

Feb 10, 15 8:04 am  · 

I was out yesterday cause I needed to do some banking.  I was driving on a snow packed road which still had not been completely plowed, so a two lane road  was really about a one and two thirds of a lane road.  Some SUV bugger comes flying up behind me with the intention of blowing by me because he has power, but I'm aware he has little traction and is scooting this way and that way.   I had a Skip Barber Racing School moment, thought to my self If I give him a little tap he is going to be sitting in the snow bank on the opposite side of the road.  Then I thought better of myself cause I know it is going to happen to him in good time with reckless driving on snow covered roads.  Back in Wyoming when I was a kid we always said,  "A four wheel drive is only good for one thing in the middle of the winter and that if for really getting stuck where you don't belong."  He was certainly a "Master of the Universe."

Feb 10, 15 8:45 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

You guys!  We've been lucky this winter.  We normally get ONE ice/snow day, and it's hell because we have those drivers that drive 50 mph until they get to a bridge/overpass, and then slam on their brakes so they aren't going 50 mph over the icy bridge, or the drivers that go a mere 25 mph and then can't make it up the next hill because they've carried no inertia.  I'm beginning to think Texas drivers don't understand physics.


Ironically, Dad gave me his POS Chrystler back in October because "it's going to be a really bad winter" and my 83 BMW was "safe" enough. Dads.

Feb 10, 15 9:55 am  · 
Non Sequitur

It's been snowing constantly for over a week here... but that's common every year. People still panic at the sight of those oh-so-fluffy white flakes while my little Toyota does just fine.

I might go skating over lunch tomorrow and I've known people to commute via ice-skate to work and school before.

Feb 10, 15 10:01 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Commuting by ice-skate seems so odd to me.  I can't separate figure skating and hockey from ice skating in general, and so I wonder if rocks and gravel would terribly throw off that triple lutz.  Toe-pic!


I'm procrastinating.  I should be grading 108 students' tutorial files and color pallets.  I sort of made up the grades for their Alber's Theory color studies.  Yep.  I'm a terrible teacher some times.

Feb 10, 15 10:08 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Sarah, my office looks over the Rideau Canal, the world's longest skating rink (~8km), which so happens to be in the downtown of Canada's capital. No gravel present on this sheet of ice.

Feb 10, 15 10:18 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Non Seq,  so do you work in the castle, or the building with the collapsing glass curtain?

Its funny, looking at all the pictures that came up for the canal, I realized that my first thought was "what mechanics are you using to create that skating surface?" and then I remembered its Canada, it's Effing cold.  Which brought me to question how that would go down here in Texas, and I just can't see it happening.  We like to hibernate in winter.  If it's under 38 degrees, we don't go outside.  The kids don't even get recess if it's under 42.  Outdoor winter festivals just wouldn't fly.  Different cultures.

Feb 10, 15 10:30 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Yes, the rink will form even if we would not want one. Damn planetary tilt getting in the way of perpetual boiling summers.

Sarah, the picture above is the start of the "ice rink". The business section (where I work) is off to the left outside of  the picture and the shopping area is on the right. Those two castles are the Parliament Buildings (left) and Chateaux Laurier Hotel (right). The folded glass wall is a new reno to a large conference centre.

38 to 42F? It's 14F today and sunny.  Perfect day to spend it all outside. It takes -10F or worse for the kiddies to stay inside here.

Feb 10, 15 10:42 am  · 

The capital of Canada is Ottowa. I learned this recently; it was one of those facts that never really took hold in my brain. The PM is Stephen Harper.

I'd love to ice skate commute, and I could totally do it on the canal that just happens to run between my neighborhood and my workplace - but it's not cold enough here.

<sigh> unpaid internships. They're like toenail fungus.

Feb 10, 15 11:01 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Donna, it's spelled Ottawa but your ignorance is forgiven. I once knew all the state capitals, but now I only remember the ones I've visited. The Rideau Canal joins a reasonable size population within the urban core, it's not uncommon to see suits carrying skates around.

I still don't get the unpaid internship thing. Those don't exist here and I'm not even sure stipends are legal either.

Feb 10, 15 11:16 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I know its going to sound terribly American of me, but Canada has a capital?  That's blowing my mind right now.  I know the provinces and their capitals, but having a national capital seems strange.  Obviously, I should get out more.

Feb 10, 15 11:21 am  · 

LOL sorry Non Sequitur! I'm generally a very good speller but when it comes to Canada I'm embarrassingly ignorant. I blame it on growing up in Arizona.

Feb 10, 15 11:23 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Donna, can you name the mexican states or put them on a map? I can only do a handful, seems we Americans should be able to do that. We suck. 

Feb 10, 15 11:32 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Sarah, what's Washington DC to you guys? Same idea.

Some Canadians even claim there to be 2 national capitals... if you want to side with Quebec separatist ideology.  There are not enough Guinness within my reach to entertain that idea.

Donna, I've not been to Arizona, or any of the neighbouring states. My wife would burn immediately once we would step of the plane.

Feb 10, 15 11:33 am  · 

Good question tint and yes we suck. I had to look at a map, but when I was high school I could have located Oaxaca and Yucatan (my sister studied there), Sonora, Jalisco, and Chihuahua, and of course Baja - but I've never known any of their capital cities.

Feb 10, 15 11:50 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I can place Sonora, Chihuahua, Baja, Yucatan and Durango on a map but that is it, I was a geography nut in school. I know Canada better, but just checked a map and would never be able to name the territory north and northwest of the Hudson Bay (Nunavut?) I feel I've never encountered that word before. 

Feb 10, 15 12:13 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I forgot that Mexico even HAD states.  What's that say?!


Hmmmm Canada...  Manitoba, Quebec (Quebec City), New Foundland, Yellow Knife is a city somewhere, Victoria, Sescatchuan (is that a place?).........Toronto goes in there somewhere, and a white horse?  That's all I have for now.  I think.

Feb 10, 15 12:48 pm  · 

You guys jla-x just posted some hilarious responses to the unpaid internship thread...

Feb 10, 15 12:52 pm  · 

Well, I took the real name plunge.  Let's see how this works out.  Maybe I'll be more consistently active now, rather than the sporadic spurts I tend to engage in. Hi TC

Feb 10, 15 2:56 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Don't you see license plates, Sarah? Mexican plates have state names on them. I'm going to Mexico this weekend, NEW Mexico, that is. 

Feb 10, 15 3:38 pm  · 
Hi Troy!
Feb 10, 15 5:16 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm too far north to see Mexican plates on cars.  Still, it's kind of amazing that we (Texans as a whole) know so little about Mexico, a country we used to be part of, and who's cultural heritage is so deeply intertwined with our own.

And in case you were all concerned, I finally got half of my grades in; enough to not get into trouble for now. Phwew...

Now off to check out that thread.

Feb 10, 15 5:47 pm  · 

What happens when you change to a real name? Does it reset your history or something?

Feb 10, 15 6:13 pm  · 

You can use your real name or whatever name you want. Both have separate histories under the same account. Think of it as a form of schizophrenia. 

Feb 10, 15 7:04 pm  · 

So does it allow folks to see what your nickname is on the account?

Feb 10, 15 7:23 pm  · 

I've noticed on some users the names get cross-linked and some posts by the other username show up on the history. It doesn't seem consistent. Also threads that got deleted are still readable through the user history, though it's tough to follow them that way.

Feb 10, 15 9:03 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

After our long conversation yesterday, this photo seemed appropriate...

Feb 11, 15 4:09 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, that came out longer than expected...

Feb 11, 15 4:09 pm  · 
Non Sequitur


I think that land % is a little off... at times of the year, about 98% is inhabitable and there is a poutine festival literally 10 meters from my office door for 2 weeks in July.

Feb 11, 15 4:18 pm  · 

I enjoyed that to no end....  I can only add:   Boating to Women in Canada is get in a canoe and paddling for miles thru the wilderness, for me it is jumping into  a bass boat    and  race across the  lakes with a Case of Beer on board for consumption.

Feb 11, 15 4:22 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Funny thing, is that I thought I invented french fries with gravy.  Its what i always do with left over fries.  It was a bit of a let-down when I found out about Poutine.

Feb 11, 15 4:24 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Sarah, it's not about just gravy.  You can't forget about the St-Albert cheese curds.

Feb 11, 15 4:34 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, I've never had that part.  Down here, we get knock-off poutine.  Its fries, gravy, and mozzarella, I think.  Feel like sending me some of the real thing?  It's cold out, so the post MUST be like a refrigerator, right? 

Feb 11, 15 4:58 pm  · 

Sarah....There is a place in Montreal that makes the best Hot Pastrami Sandwich I have ever had.  It is a typical hole in the wall place my Canadian friends took me for lunch one day.   Yummy, now I'm really hungry for a trip back to  Montreal  fantastic food and get places to visit and wonderful people.

Feb 11, 15 5:43 pm  · 

You know you're from Canada when

  • You think sexy lingerie is tube-socks and a flannel nightie with only 8 buttons.
  • Your snow blower gets stuck on the roof.
  • You know which leaves make good toilet paper.
Feb 11, 15 6:35 pm  · 

Hi TC, loving all the new/real faces around!

Love the idea of commuting to work on skates.

I barely know all the US capitals what to speak of Canada or Mexico. And I am part Canadian.

Also, what is general consensus re: Stewart stepping down from Daily Show? Anyone been getting to to Wilmore's new thing?

Feb 11, 15 9:16 pm  · 

yet another major storm set for this weekend - that makes 4 weeks of storms where we get more than 18 inches.  our transportation system has completely broken down (cars in gridlock, public transit seriously delayed or canceled service, bikes aren't as bad but challenging, walking is difficult) - the head of public transit resigned yesterday - people have lost over a week of work/school - there's a school district here still shut down over concerns of roofs collapsing...  my entire family has a cold - our furnace died yesterday and the service guy couldn't make it until 1am...  I'm tired.  We're all tired...

Feb 12, 15 8:03 am  · 
Non Sequitur

I woke up at 5:30am today to shovel 6" so that my wife could go to work. Toast, where is this where fear of roof collapse will close schools?

Feb 12, 15 8:28 am  · 

Oh, toast, I'm sorry!  This sounds more like our winter last year, so many snow days and the ice was treacherous. We've been spared this year so far. Hang in there.

Feb 12, 15 9:01 am  · 

you had a service guy show up at 1am?  that's dedication.  certainly it sucks to have your heater go out, and you need that heat to keep pipes from bursting and such, but for that guy to leave his own warm bed and go out in the cold to help you out is pretty incredible.  kudos to the service man!  good luck.  hope things warm up, and i hope some of your 6' of snow come down here!

Feb 12, 15 9:44 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Where are all the comments that use this winter to debunk global warming?

It was 80 degrees here on Monday.  This coming monday it's supposed to be 18.  WTF weather.


Completely different question:  I have caught at least 6 students cheating in class.  In order to teach Photoshop, I use a book with tutorials.  I personally teach design, and the art behind it all.  These 6 students divvied up the tutorials, each doing a part, and then emailed the finished files to each other.  Obviously, policy states this is cheating, and should be punished. Part of me is impressed with their teamwork.  Part of me says they've really just hurt themselves.  They won't be able to use Photoshop for their creative assignments if they don't know how to use the software.  Still, I have to do SOMETHING.  I'm just really not sure what.

Thoughts?  And going easy on them isn't really an option.  Better to learn ethics now, then when law and money get involved.

Feb 12, 15 10:38 am  · 

Fail them. Tell them they would likely be in worse trouble if you reported them to the administration. Tell them to come back when they are ready to do the work themselves and all will be forgiven.


Unless the parents get involved in which case you'll likely be given the short end of the stick.

Feb 12, 15 12:22 pm  · 

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