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vado retro

wolfson high? goooooooooooooooooo wolfmen!

Mar 31, 07 12:04 am  · 

Anonymous. I should try that.

Congrats, in any case.

Mar 31, 07 12:05 am  · 
Living in Gin

By the way, treekiller, questions have been raised about your desktop background on the relevant thread. We eagerly await your response.

Mar 31, 07 12:32 am  · 

former school historian gave a lecture on Vernacular in Architecture it was moving. But not in the best way. On a brighter note I've been asked to be a guest presenter for a MOMA symposium in December...should be fun.

Mar 31, 07 12:49 am  · 

oh heck vado, you forgot to add the alicante bouchet to your list. How are you going to impress the chicks without it?

Mar 31, 07 12:50 am  · 
vado retro

a rainy thundery morning with coffee and an everincreasingly annoying scott simon.

Mar 31, 07 8:39 am  · 

uhh.....garwondler, do we need to call for some professional help for you?

Mar 31, 07 10:09 am  · 

can anyone say Catholics Run amok?

Chocolate Jesus

Mar 31, 07 10:12 am  · 

i'm a devout roman catholic and i don't find it in the least offensive. in fact i like it. i like it a lot.

Mar 31, 07 10:31 am  · 

LIG- i'll check out the backgrounds chat- but those were found in the archinect image library...

AP- good luck in getting out of the south!

Mar 31, 07 10:33 am  · 
vado retro

hmmm i'm an atheist and i do find it offensive. first my sweet lord isnt even a song about jesus. second these kinds of artworks are one note "my sweet lord a jesus made of chocolate". how clever, for five minutes. unlike the serrano piss christ which dealt with catholicisms relation to the body and bodily fluids, which was genius. cant anyone respect anything?

Mar 31, 07 11:05 am  · 

because of an exposed package and a Jesus like reference? Silly its just chocolate...when they made a giant effigy using wax or plastic no one cared...worse that they are likely wearing them around their necks.

As a Roman Catholic it offends me that scenarios like that occur...its hypocritical at best, and bloody embarrassing for us art loving (shock of art) catholics

Mar 31, 07 11:55 am  · 

Wait, AP, why are you moving?? Are you going to grad school too? I'm kind of lost.

I get home too late to poke around on the internet before bed these days, so I feel very out of the loop archinectorally. I did, however, enjoy vado's large gratuity...

Mar 31, 07 12:06 pm  · 

AP, my daddy's a car mechanic too! I think that's partly why I love architectural detailling...

LiG, I gave over a month's notice at my last firm, because I was running projects. I think when you are PM and you need to make sure the project continues smoothly after you leave, then you need to give *more* notice than just 2 weeks. You don't have to, of course, but it's the nice thing to do. You know?

Mar 31, 07 12:09 pm  · 

Also, Todd English's food show annoys the fuck out of me.

Mar 31, 07 12:09 pm  · 

the roman catholic imagination is a bottomless pit of depravity

Mar 31, 07 12:15 pm  · 
Living in Gin

This has been a topic of discussion on another board I frequent. To me, the wails of outrage from the Catholic League (and the subsequent cancellation of the showing) are much more offensive than any piece of artwork. Maybe the thousands of innocent lives slashed to pieces in religious wars down the centuries could be considered more offensive to truly Christian sensibilities. Just maybe.

In other news, ex-roommate finally gave the keys back this morning. He was planning to quietly slip them under the front door and slither away like the rotten snake he is, but I just happened to be standing inside the front door, ready to pounce, when he arrived.

Me: "I don't suppose you're going to clean the bathroom and remove the rest of the shit from your bedroom, like you had promised?"

Snake: "No. It's your problem now, asshole."

He then literally ran out of the building.

FYI, this guy is starting his MBA degree this fall. Chances are he'll be some poor architect's client someday.

Mar 31, 07 12:18 pm  · 

ha, LiG, you're probably right. Man that sucks so hard about all your roommate madness.

Mar 31, 07 12:20 pm  · 

In roommate news, I finally moved into my new roommate-free apartment yesterday!!! I am SO excited about it. It's fantastic. It is the first place I'm living without a roommate. Anyone I know who wants to visit Chicago is quite welcome to stay. It's on a park! Where they have music festivals! We had a wine, cheese, and salad picnic out there on our first warm night a couple weeks ago... so lovely. Vado would have been proud.

Gin, roommate-free is def. the way to go. You will love it. Not so long, now!

Mar 31, 07 12:26 pm  · 

Also, I got all my stuff out of storage, finally! For the first time in six months I will actually have my real posessions around me. I can't wait!!

Mar 31, 07 12:27 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Congrats... We'll have to have another Chicago archinect get-together sometime in the near future.

Mar 31, 07 12:29 pm  · 

maybe i should start a catholic ban on the catholics league...


Mar 31, 07 12:32 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Oh, and I forgot to mention the most unforgivable of sins this roommie might have committed. I have no proof, but I strongly suspect he dipped into my $60 bottle of 10-year-old Ardbeg single-malt scotch. I enjoy my liquor, but there's no way I could have finished off that bottle in less than 2 weeks by myself. What a prick.

Oh well, another lesson learned the hard way.

Mar 31, 07 12:34 pm  · 

Gin.. bad rooommate = ARGH. Top of the list of annoying nagging things that sound like trifles when you complain about them, but are actually huge in terms of stress.

So is strep throat. Which I have right now. Ew :(

Mar 31, 07 12:43 pm  · 

karma comes back for those people, LiG.

ya, i live in Jacksonville now (Riverside, next to downtown), but only since january 06...the gf lived here for a while growing up. she graduated from Nease. I think it's my favorite place to live in Florida, having grown up in Miami and lived in 5-6 other FL cities.

but, time to move out for a while. myriam, we're going to nyc to work for a year or so before going back to grad school (who knows where, Aug08).

myriam and LiG, my PM also gave 1 month when he left, although it was part of his contract 'cause he was an "associate." still, it makes sense if you're running a project to give more than the minimum. you guys would know better than I...

Mar 31, 07 12:49 pm  · 

hope you feel better namby.

Mar 31, 07 12:49 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Namby: Bummer about the strep throat. If you haven't already done so, be sure to see a doctor to make sure it doesn't develop into something more serious.

I agree that roommate-free is the way to go. I should easily be able to afford a modest one-bedroom apartment in NYC while I'm working full-time over the next year, but I have concerns that I may not be able to maintain that standard of living once I start grad school in 2008, assuming I stay in NYC for that. But I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

Mar 31, 07 12:52 pm  · 

doing a little retail therapy today...any suggestions?

Mar 31, 07 1:10 pm  · 

doing a little retail therapy today...any suggestions?

Mar 31, 07 1:15 pm  · 

shoes. always shoes.

Mar 31, 07 1:37 pm  · 

on sale.

Mar 31, 07 1:41 pm  · 

books, always books.

Mar 31, 07 1:45 pm  · 

ya, books too. good call. just made my monthly amazon purchase yesterday, including Atlas of Novel Tectonics...

Mar 31, 07 1:47 pm  · 

Thank you. I have been to a doctor but I am cranky about spending this nice day inside. It's so nice out!!! Maybe I will go sit on the bench across the street anyway. Sitting outside can't be any worse than sitting in my room right?

AP - funny, my dear friend graduated from Nease. I've been there. Well, we drove by it on the way to St. Augustine.

Mar 31, 07 2:15 pm  · 

It is very grey here in Chicago. I just some tomato soup and grilled cheese. vado would be proud. now i am watching soul train and thinking about music development. i love saturdays!

Mar 31, 07 2:18 pm  · 

Oh my dear. I love love love tomato soup and grilled cheese (2nd place: tomato soup and saltines.) I had it twice this week, back when I could eat solids.

Oh, I missed the concentration at the top of this page wherein childhoods were discussed. My parents both valued college education highly, despite the fact that neither of them have/had one. It was always expected I'd go. I grew up with a high-pressure for academic excellence environment. Asian mom. Well enough because I seem to be hardwired with the type of brain that does well in contemporary American educational structure. I was originally mother-overscheduled as a child, and then progressed into self-overscheduling a la rationalist, but it made me happy so I think it's fine. For undergrad, I applied to many schools. I think maybe 15-ish. Schools I wanted to attend (several joint degree programs involving 2 schools), schools my mother wanted me to attend, and schools that my science teachers (as I went to a science-focused high school program) wanted me to attend. Plus one backup which was also one of the joint degrees - USF, which offers automatic acceptance and 3/4 tuition scholarship to all early-action applicants who hold a 3.5+ GPA at a Jesuit high school (done, and done.) Therefore I had no worries that I would go to college. Turns out, I got in where I wanted to go, and convinced my family it was best, despite an intial battle royale about this topic. I've been much more anxious about grad school, because I didn't have a guaranteed fallback. Thankfully I got in where I wanted to go again for grad school, and got enough of a scholarship. The choice was crystalline and I have had none of those "X vs Y" thoughts. Also I will be able to live alone. Very important! I still haven't told my family that, or where, I am going (both because I wanted it to be a surprise, and because I now know well enough to prevent any attempted interference about whether I go or where I go. She'll know soon enough. I've ordered a "Yale Mom" sweatshirt and had it shipped to her house. Should arrive next week. Glad April Fool's is a Sunday, no delivery, so she won't think she's been punk'd!

Mar 31, 07 2:48 pm  · 

ha ha, namby, that's awesome! congrats! that's a school that really impresses me.

i actually am revising my thoughts on the grad school anxiety thing... i think really it's just that none of us worried about these things before because no one knew they were *supposed* to worry. Or that there was anything to worry about. So really I just think the internet is facilitating some intense anxiety flourescence where there was only potential before. Or something like that.

Mar 31, 07 2:59 pm  · 

ha! i love the sweatshirt surprise. ...quick story-in-response: my dad has always been anti-motorcycles, skydiving and other "pointless" and dangerous things. well, i went sky-diving my first year or two after moving out (for college). rather than call to tell him, i sent him the video.

my relationship to nease is the same, dear friend graduated (the GF) and I drove by once or twice on the way to St. Aug.

i love grilled cheese and tomato soup, but not campbells.

happy saturday everyone...time for me to get out of the house...

Mar 31, 07 3:03 pm  · 
Mar 31, 07 6:16 pm  · 

here's a funny one, be sure to read all of the directions, it will pop out at you if you pay close attention...damn funny,+IL&daddr=London,+UK&sll=48.458352,-37.792969&sspn=55.705336,119.53125&ie=UTF8&z=3&ll=46.437857,-42.890625&spn=57.543604,119.53125&om=1&layer=t

Mar 31, 07 6:20 pm  · 
Starland Vocal Band

The Catholic Church offends me more than any piece of chocolate ever could.

Mar 31, 07 6:37 pm  · 

the catholic church is too large an organism to be evoke any such emotion, its made up of different individuals that shape and mould it with relatively little change over the centuries...its about consistency.

I liken it very much to saying I hate architecture...its a statement that seems foolish if not possible after little thought; unless of course you hated the original argument...then that would be a different conversation

Mar 31, 07 7:08 pm  · 
brian buchalski

does anyone know if puddles is still alive?

Mar 31, 07 10:34 pm  · 


Mar 31, 07 10:49 pm  · 
liberty bell

Just watched "The Girl in the Cafe", a British love story taking place against the backdrop of the G8 Summit in Reykjavik (sp?). Great movie, very beautiful.

Now I'm going to bed. Goodnight all.

Mar 31, 07 11:05 pm  · 
vado retro

i watched that movie last week!!!

Mar 31, 07 11:16 pm  · 

'night lb.

puddles is alive and well in michigan. according to my sources.

Mar 31, 07 11:17 pm  · 

namby- I'm stuck indoors today, too. I've been sick for days, was feeling better this morning so I went to class and out to lunch with friends. By the time we got to lunch, I was dizzy, so I've spent the afternoon/evening napping intermittently.

Good for you for not telling your family about grad school until now. I wish I would've done. They know where I applied, every time I talk to my mom she bugs me about it, my dad expresses his concerns about my finances, they both want me to go to the east coast to be nearer to my grandma who supposedly misses me (though her way of showing it is bothering me about my weight). Suprising them after having made my decision would be really nice, but I've missed my chance to do so.

Mar 31, 07 11:39 pm  · 

myriam - I think we should start a "I hate Todd English" fan club. "Roommate-free" apartment living - its the way to go. Have a blast.

gin - Sorry to hear about your nasty roomate experience:( That guy needs his butt kicked.

Mar 31, 07 11:49 pm  · 

AP? I figured that BWI was in reference to me

Apr 1, 07 12:27 am  · 

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