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Sep 18, 16 4:52 pm  · 

Well, that sucks

Sep 18, 16 5:06 pm  · 
Well, at least I'm leaving the country tomorrow.
Sep 18, 16 5:10 pm  · 

Well, at least I will be going back to radio silence until around October 3rd. Josh, have a safe trip. Enjoy your vacation and look forward to the pics. You won't be seeing me there.

Sep 18, 16 5:13 pm  · 
This is getting creepy. Rick, please refrain from any contact with me. Do not Email, reply to me, creep on my LinkedIn profile, etc... If you continue to do so, I'll look into legal action. I'm completely creeped out by you, and don't really feel safe posting here until you are banned.
Sep 18, 16 5:24 pm  · 
I'm not sure what you are seeing. Will the greenhead please check my version of the app, because people keep seeing things that I don't.
Sep 18, 16 5:34 pm  · 
You might be blocked from seeing Rick.

He reminds me of the girl that I had to tell three times on three separate occasions that we weren't dating anymore, and she still stalked me for a while after. I'm not THAT great of a catch.
Sep 18, 16 5:44 pm  · 

josh i am not seeing it either.

Sep 18, 16 5:49 pm  · 
Well, I'm still recovering from a wedding reception last night so it's not entirely impossible that I'm seeing things.
Sep 18, 16 5:54 pm  · 

josh you remind me of a kid we thought worked for the CIA back in college. white kid majoring in computer science and Chinese (interesting combo). some guys just have really bad luck. this kid broke up with the girl but she would not disappear until he threatened restraining order. the kid even admitted he wasn't good looking. kid was a trip when he reappeared mysteriously as he always did, have plenty of TP'ing and egging stories of sorority houses...

Sep 18, 16 6:26 pm  · 
Haha. I did get a number at the reception last night, so all my luck can't be bad (famous last words?)
Sep 18, 16 7:11 pm  · 
I was just kidding w my rick roll then he's back for real. WTF?!?
Sep 18, 16 7:39 pm  · 

WTF are you people seeing, this is pissing me off.

Sep 18, 16 7:45 pm  · 

He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named posted in this thread today at 4:52 and 5:13.  If you're not seeing it I guess he's been silenced for some, but not for others.  How do we get on the list that don't see him?

Sep 18, 16 8:22 pm  · 

Dancing In The Streets

Sep 18, 16 9:13 pm  · 

This is getting creepy. Rick, please refrain from any contact with me. Do not Email, reply to me, creep on my LinkedIn profile, etc... If you continue to do so, I'll look into legal action. I'm completely creeped out by you, and don't really feel safe posting here until you are banned.


Go ahead take legal action and you'll see how sick and stupid you are. Better off, just don't. Save your image. This whole 'creepy' feeling is you have stems from your own creepy imagination and that of absolutely baseless comments. 

I'll be very clear, I have absolutely zero interests in meeting you in person. As for your LinkedIn profile, everyone on earth can see it. It is a public profile. You don't even need to be logged into LinkedIn to see it. If you are going to have a public profile, then you subscribed by will to accept that anyone on earth is going to be able to see it. Damn, you failed to read that TOS agreement. You forfeit any real right to block the profile from being seen by anyone on earth. LinkedIn's customer service would tell you that.

This is a forum in which people communicate with each other. It is a publically accessed online social gathering platform for communicating ideas, points of views, etc. You joined this forum. In turn, you don't get to pick the people who responds to you on a forum.

For the most part, I don't email you. 

I'm simply being friendly to you despite you being a complete asshole. I do sincerely hope you do have a safe and enjoyable trip. I do look forward to the photos you have stated an interests in taking. Those statements do not mean I have some crazy creepy ulterior motive. 

Seriously, you're the wrong gender. I don't have those creepy feelings about you that your you have with your imagination.

b3tadine[sutures] is a sick individual who in my opinion is kind of creepy. 5839 made statements like :

"Yeah... that's what I meant about him not being quite the harmless buffoon that some imagine.  There's an angry psycho streak there.  Besides the shit about menacing university staff, stalking his computer-world-celebrity crush, etc. he's always trying to cause trouble for architects - he's reported people to boards all over the world, gotten architects he doesn't even know fined because their websites call them architects while their licenses are expired, things like that that are no threat to HSW - just an excuse for petty revenge on the profession as a whole.

First off, regarding the statement about the "computer world celebrity crush", I'm sure that person is referring to Jeri Ellsworth but she was not a 'crush' of mine. I see her as a friend with respectable background. The community that surrounds the Commodore 64 / 128 and other Commodore 8-bit and Amiga computers is a community that are friends and associates. In such a community, it is kind of like a family. That community comes together with regards to our common interests in the Commodore 64 and other Commodore computers including the Amiga line. Most of us have modern PCs and Mac computers and tablets but a number of us also have the Commodore and Amiga computers. Some of us also have computers from other companies. 

Same thing with game consoles. The "Commodore computers" community is like the communities that collect / restore and even use.... classic cars. These 'retro' computer communities are in ways similar to the classic cars communities. 

Maybe, this can shed a little bit of light on the topic:

Do you seriously think she was being stalked by Robert Bernardo or me? Come on. How can you call it stalking to post a website regarding the speech talk event at Stanford University.

Video of the speech talk event:

This talk involved subject matter of interest to the Commodore community. 

Sep 18, 16 9:19 pm  · 

Anyway how was the weekend for the rest of the TCers?
Sep 18, 16 9:31 pm  · 

Just go away, you douche.

Sep 18, 16 9:32 pm  · 


Straighten up. 

Sep 18, 16 9:34 pm  · 

i'm seriously thinking about starting a band.

Sep 18, 16 9:46 pm  · 

Balkachino is trying to sabotage people's careers by calling employers?

No. You idiots aren't even worth my time.

Sep 18, 16 9:48 pm  · 

I see all of Rick's posts as mentioned by Threesleeve.

I would be relieved if Rick would stop posting here.

Sep 18, 16 10:03 pm  · 

I can't figure out how to share it here... but I guess the aia put together a PDF basically arguing that interior designers arent s good as architects, a friend posted it on Facebook, now there are tons of angry interior designers whose basic argument with it is nothing factual, but that it's mean and makes them feel bad. If I can find the official I'll post it

Sep 18, 16 10:13 pm  · 


You are among the individuals that I respect here so I'll contemplate on it. As it is, I'll be taking another two weeks off the forum with regards to posting.

Sep 18, 16 10:17 pm  · 
Non Sequitur
Shue, that's hilarious.

Balchsruba, go back to your dark corner and stop reminding us of your unfortunate existence.
Sep 18, 16 10:18 pm  · 

N.S. so the same yourself. 

How about be civil, cease the  uncivil conduct. These immediate uncivil response is uncalled for and you know it. Discontinue it. If you can't conduct yourself in a civil manner to EVERYONE including me, in accordance with the standards that the forum admins expectation then you need to discontinue posting on this forum. 

If you can't exercise self control and general civility, you need to leave this forum UNTIL you can do so. The same goes with others on this forum.

If I am talking to you in a friendly tone, do like-wise or don't reply. I do that more so than not. 

Civility IS a two way road. 

REMEMBER, the forum's members do not get to say who can be on the forum and who can not. The decisions regarding banning is in the hands of the admins. 

This isn't a "Community gets to Vote who gets kicked off the island" kind of forum.

Sep 18, 16 10:25 pm  · 
Sheeet, nope, I thought I saw it, I hate the idea of disagreeing with the esteemed Donna Sink, but either my app is busted, or you people see things that don't exist.
Sep 18, 16 10:26 pm  · 
Non Sequitur
Ricky, let's just pretend I read your wall of nonsensical text because your not actually worth the effort.

If people actually have a way to hide balkini's posts, I'd like to add my name to that list too.
Sep 18, 16 10:35 pm  · 
Interior design is not the same as architecture. Why does the AIA need to say anything? Designing an interior is not the same as designing an entire building envelope. It's two different professions.
Sep 18, 16 11:14 pm  · 

Seriously, you're the wrong gender. I don't have those creepy feelings about you.

So you do admit to having creepy feelings about women. 

Sep 19, 16 12:02 am  · 


No. You are composing both sentences to make your logical fallacy. 

This talk about creepy feelings with clear context to sexual feelings is inherently uncomfortable and creepy in itself however, I'll brave through it. I would appreciate it if you and others on this forum conduct themselves in a mature level instead of this adolescent nonsense. 

I don't have sexual attraction to men. What the people are talking about by creepy feelings are about sexual feelings. That is what it being talked about, is it not? In that sense, Josh Mings is clearly the wrong gender. 

Even if I find a woman attractive, it doesn't mean I would stalk her. There is a line between having attraction to a person of the opposite gender and stalking them in that creepy sense.  

When a person on this forum claims I had a crush on Jeri Ellsworth (if you paid attention to the referenced context.), they really don't understand what they are talking about. 

Sure, I did find Jeri Ellsworth to be attractive more in her qualities of her accomplishments and interests than her physical looks. Sure, she has a certain degree of physical attractiveness to her. However, finding her attractive doesn't mean having a crush. Having a crush is more an over statement. Statements like that are like jumping from finding a person attractive to trying to jump to home base with the person. Sorry, I don't agree. 

When I hosted the website about her speech at Stanford University, I found her presentation interesting and I felt it was of general interest to the Commodore community with regards to the CommodoreOne and the C64DTV. She was already a prominent and respected member of the Commodore community at the time and an accomplished computer & electronic hardware engineer. In which case, I would have hosted whether the person was a man or woman. 

I decided to hosted that web page/site based on non-sexual reasons. 

My general friendship/acquaintance relationship with Jeri Ellsworth is based on general respect. I respect her accomplishments professionally. 

What I said here is clear if you have the mature sophistication that I hope you have.

Now, I'm going to start beginning the about two week radio silence.

Sep 19, 16 1:13 am  · 
So if a person's Username no longer shows up but the post remains, is he banned?
Sep 19, 16 1:18 am  · 

hmm... Someone is monkeying around in the database. 

Sep 19, 16 1:19 am  · 

Praise ye gods.

Sep 19, 16 1:27 am  · 



- Signed by RickB-OR

Sep 19, 16 1:35 am  · 
Sep 19, 16 1:43 am  · 
Oh, no emojis. Well, that made my last post worthless. Must be bedtime.
Sep 19, 16 1:43 am  · 
Non Sequitur
Ricky, why don't you take another hiatus, perhaps of several years and use that time to build up a career and learn something useful. Maybe you'll be able to move out on your own and your parents can finally claim back their basement... Or is this part of some house arrest arrangement generated by your creepiness and stalking habits?
Sep 19, 16 6:16 am  · 

ita funny to see responses to posts you do not see.

Sep 19, 16 7:07 am  · 
Non Sequitur
I've been up too earlier today to make sense of this.
Sep 19, 16 7:34 am  · 

Olaf I be all Shaggy:

Sep 19, 16 7:47 am  · 

^ i like me some knee socks.

Sep 19, 16 7:49 am  · 

i guess I will sport the ascot

Sep 19, 16 7:57 am  · 

hey, we'll always have waffles.

Sep 19, 16 8:01 am  · 

do you like waffles? do you like pancakes? doodooododo

Sep 19, 16 8:04 am  · 
That Thelma Tho....
Sep 19, 16 8:05 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

no form, agreed. Another reason the AIA should slip into non-existence.

Sep 19, 16 8:06 am  · 
Pro tip in studying for AREs: think of the most backwards car-centric suburban schlop and what decisions led to that crap. That's usually your answer.
Sep 19, 16 8:23 am  · 
shuellmi I'd like to see that AIA pdf if you can find it.

Olaf: Do you like French toast?
Sep 19, 16 8:52 am  · 
Non Sequitur

What about savory crepes?

Sep 19, 16 9:12 am  · 

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