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i'm still sending a resume up there every now and then tintt.  had a couple interviews, but haven't been hired enough to move up there yet :( 

(btw, i'm not archanonymous, so not actually responding to the 'you should move back' comment directed towards him/her)

Mar 11, 16 2:04 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

curt, might be hard to get hired if you're not already here. I don't know though, I am not in that loop. I do know housing is tough to get so it is risky. I tried to hire from out of town twice but neither could find suitable housing, prices are kinda ridiculous. 

Mar 11, 16 2:31 pm  · 

well, hopefully the people i've talked to run out of options and have to bring in someone from outside soon :)

Mar 11, 16 2:44 pm  · 

One of the reasons I moved was no affordable housing... but if I would have buckled down and over-extended myself to buy a place I'd be selling for a 50 or 100k profit right now.

Moving back is tempting because I have support structure there and can always stay with friends and family while lining up a place to live, but it is still daunting.

Mar 11, 16 2:52 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

It is daunting, I've tried to help people find a place and it didn't happen. Having good support is almost necessary. I've heard of housing selling within minutes of going on the market. I'll sell you my house curt, I'll go live in an RV while I build a house. Hee hee. 

Mar 11, 16 3:15 pm  · 

i don't think housing is really that big of a deal for me.  i have family there too, and they'd really like to see me move up there if i can.  i know they'll do whatever they can (plus they actually have a second house...)

last time i was up there i went to dinner with a realtor that was a friend of theirs.  i think you're right that houses sell as soon as they go on the market, so it's not like i'll need any time to look around for a new house.  i wouldn't have any time even if i wanted it.  it's pretty much impulse buying now.  i don't need much anyway.  i'm not a very materialistic person, so a big house with a big lot isn't something i'm all that interested in.  i do have dogs though.

Mar 11, 16 3:40 pm  · 
awaiting_deletion accepting resumes for the drink and draft job? i will draft for drink.

Mar 11, 16 5:32 pm  · 

i left at afternoon break and bought a bottle of cognac for my desk. Drinking and drafting as we speak.

Mar 11, 16 5:44 pm  · 

damn you archanonymous! I still have to head out to Staten Italy for a potential legalization of a restaurant/bar job........i can not get the drink on until late night, unless my retainer is in coors draft........I will draft for a cold draft!

Mar 11, 16 5:49 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Olaf, you're hired, no resume needed. But I doubt I can pay you enough, so there's that. You can start up a Drinkin' N Drawin' where you live though, we can take it nation-wide!

Mar 11, 16 5:55 pm  · 

architects can drink quite a bit. I could see how that would get pricey. 


I miss living in denver because you can just get high instead.

Mar 11, 16 5:56 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Clients pay for the drinking/other. 70-80% of drawings are done on paper on site if not 100%. 

Mar 11, 16 5:59 pm  · 

Seems like everybody is either moving long distances or at least considering it. I've been to Denver a couple times and enjoyed it, and I've had a few people tell me I should consider moving there. I think some part of me really needs to be near the ocean, though, or at least some large body of water.

Today I made appointments with nine apartment complexes in Seattle (three each in downtown, First Hill, and Columbia City) and one in Portland to look at potential places to live. On top of the interviews I have lined up (five in Seattle and four in Portland), I'm going to have an incredibly hectic few days starting next week. But I think some of my biggest mistakes in life have involved jumping head-first into the first shitty situation that presents itself, rather than weighing my options and making a careful choice, so it's nice to at least have a few options to weigh.

Just on a whim, I took a look online at some apartment listings in Chicago that I'd presumably be able to afford if I were making a reasonable salary there... A few of those listings included one-bedroom apartments in some modern high-rises on the Near North Side and Gold Coast areas. There's one particular stretch of Dearborn Street just south of Division that I've always loved; it's about the closest thing Chicago has to a neighborhood that feels like Manhattan's Upper West Side, and I remember going to house parties in a few of those buildings while I was a destitute intern back in a former life, and desperately wanting a piece of that lifestyle. Not that I've ever had any regrets about leaving, but it makes me wonder how things would've worked out if I had stayed in Chicago and built my career there.

Mar 11, 16 10:54 pm  · 


Mar 11, 16 11:03 pm  · 

Yeah, you picked the right spot....Just don’t rent in a building with a metallic roof….

Mar 11, 16 11:23 pm  · 

I've already ruled out the older masonry buildings due to the seismic risk. Guess I'll have to rule out the metal-roofed buildings as well.

Mar 12, 16 12:19 am  · 

North Korea nuclear missile range..... maybe 5 miles lateral over the waters. Elevation change +1000 ft. above mapped contour of the earth profile. Exceed those, the missile is destroyed by top secret anti-ballistic missile platforms in space and we also have surface based, aerial platforms as well as floating systems. Any time the radioactive signature of nuclear missiles move around at excessive velocity without proper signatures. It is instantly shot down. The last time they attempted to launch, a space based system was used. It got to an altitude above terrain profile and it was shot down. 

You didn't see the beam because the beam only needed to reach a frequency and amplitude to detonate the fuel which all such rockets use is volatile. All this can be done without causing the atmosphere along the beam to light up like you would see with lightning. Calculated frequency and harmonics and the beam can cause the fuel to ignite without burning a hole on the outside.  We also have rail guns that can shoot a projectile at hypersonic speeds and with enough kinetic energy to destroy the missile.

We implemented part of it during Reagan's time, Bush Sr. time, and incremental enhancements ever since under classified project budgets.

We also have enough nuclear weapons to kill the planet 12 times over. All weapons that were decommissioned, we still have the warhead for it. We have new rockets to install them. The war heads have a shelf life of 250,000 years or so. Some of them, we repackaged into a new war head with better guidance systems. They can be simply popped in and ready to be installed at weapon silos within 24-48 hours if the 'panic' protocol is implemented. We still have enough to wipe out all life on Earth 3 times over. Equal to Russia and China combined and then some in active readiness. We have enough. In the 1960s, we had enough to wipe out all life on Earth 12 times over.

We still have enough in backup and ready to have the warhead attached to kill all life on Earth about 9x on top of the 2-3 times.

One tungstem rod (Thor) dropped right on top of Kim's palace in NK, he's pretty much toast.

Mar 12, 16 12:20 am  · 

hope you feel better rick

Mar 12, 16 12:29 am  · 

came for some information, leaving with some information...

Mar 12, 16 12:59 am  · 

Didn’t know we had a guy on here from the Space and Missile Defense Command…did you move to Colorado or do they have a forward position in Oregon?

David, I just figured out a major reason you need to reconsider….otherwise you better find a basement apartment with a hotline to Astoria.

Mar 12, 16 1:18 am  · 


I wouldn't want to describe how I would know this. 

The extent of our nuclear weapon capability in the 1960s had been declassified some time ago. You wouldn't think the U.S. or even U.S.S.R. would have neutered their nuclear response capability. All those decommissioning photos was all a publicity stunt.

Those missiles had to be decommissioned because the rocket itself reached its service life. They just move over the nuclear ordinance to new rockets.

That is besides the point.

David Cole has nothing to worry about. 

If we had nuclear war, no one is going to survive. I'd rather have front row seating than hide in a hole in the ground which would never have enough supply to last long enough.

The area would be lethal levels for 25,000 years or more.

Mar 12, 16 2:53 am  · 

Rick, you're an idiot. If thread central was a bar you would have been thrown out years ago. 

Go away, please. 

Mar 12, 16 9:57 am  · 
Going to see if I can get the zika virus for a couple weeks. And drink and draft.
Mar 12, 16 11:20 am  · 
PS: undisclosed location.
Mar 12, 16 11:21 am  · 


Rick, you're an idiot. If thread central was a bar you would have been thrown out years ago. 

Go away, please. 


Do you think we would really disarm our nuclear capabilities. Do you think Bush Sr., former CIA director during the Cold War would actually authorize disarming of nuclear weapon capabilities. Given the information he knows about U.S.S.R. and China's nuclear capability and North Korea as well as others.

Bush Sr. would personally know about the Cuban missile crisis and the times and the threat even years later. 

You think that China isn't a threat. There's a term used these days that is apply suitable. That term is FRENEMY.

Lets also remember, just because we decommissioned a bunch of old Atlas rockets, they had took the nuclear warhead and reimplemented a large number of them since then. We also have a network of anti nuclear missile defense on earth, sky, sea and space. 

You say I'm an idiot.

Let me put it like this, if there was a full out nuclear war, what is the point of hiding oneself in a bullshit 'nuclear' bunker. It wouldn't work anyway. Most of them wouldn't block the radiation. While it may extend your life for so long before you succumb to a slower progression of radiation sickness. It's ugly, painful and terminal. 

Lets say you make a suitable nuclear bunker.... NORAD grade.  You will have a problem. 

Many parts of the earth will likely be habitable after a short while but radiation problems will likely pose a problem if you are down wind and the radioactive material is blown around and funneled down. 

A nuclear attack on Portland would be a problem for Astoria for awhile because of the funnel effect of the winds from the east blowing the dust westward during certain times of the year. Willamette valley would possibly have problems with winds driving the dust southward. Once the radioactive dust is in the ocean waters, its going to get caught up into the beach sand and churned in while being dilluted. In other cases, it would just go across onto the ocean and eventually find its way to the bottom of the ocean.

The currents will likely A) dillute concentration and disperse it over a wide area. B) Portion of it gets buried into earth material become more natural so to speak. 

However, being remote and away from the big cities is no guarantee of not being at a direct target of nuclear weapons as there are target locations in the midwest.

My point about being in front row seating is it makes no point trying to make a bunker or hiding in a bunker that doesn't even remotely have the supplies necessary to last long enough for human survival. I rather die from a nuclear blast than suffer a slow agonizing radiation based death.

Mar 12, 16 4:21 pm  · 

You should really chill out on the Ritalin Richard, both you and Kim Un

Mar 12, 16 4:27 pm  · 

Short answer:

If there was a full blown global nuclear war, there is no sense in trying to hide in a hole.

North Korea weapons would more than likely never make it to the U.S. main line because there is several systems in place to take out the missile.

The last several attempts to launch a nuclear missile failed. We can tell if a missile has a nuclear warhead or possible nuclear warhead as it would have to have a lead lined radiation shielding. The satellites in the sky can determine if such exist in the missile. We have several ways to do so. We monitor them and that region at all times. Their neighbor for one reason.

Mar 12, 16 4:42 pm  · 

Rick - What part of you're an idiot, please go away didn't you understand?

Do you have any idea how many people you piss off or leave here because they can't stand your stupid bullshit and the discord you cause? Do you really think that you're adding value to these forums?

PS The last two are rhetorical questions, not meant for you to respond to in any way. Please don't consider it an invitation to continue drooling your dribble all over these forums.

PPS I didn't read any of your gibberish beyond your addressing me with my own quote.

PPPS Do you know the different between ignorance and stupidity? Ignorance can be fixed.

PPPPS There must be a survivalist forum where you would be welcomed with open arms. At least for a while. Why don't you see if you can find it and leave us the hell alone.

PPPPPS ^ That was not a question.

Mar 12, 16 4:45 pm  · 


I'm pointing out the scale of our nuclear weapon systems, the anti-ballistic missile defense initiatives and the technology that is behind those defense initiative and pointing out how ridiculous it would be for Kim of NK to attempt a nuclear war with the U.S.

While a real full fledge nuclear could occur with China or Russia. That would be nightmarish and if that occured, I'd say I rather take front row seating than to try to live through such a horrific nuclear holocaust. 

That is why that initiative term was apply named..... MAD (which stood for MUTUALLY ASSURED DESTRUCTION).

The reason we (U.S., Russia and China) had built up such a huge nuclear arsenal was literally to deter nuclear war because it would be profoundly clear that no one wins. Everyone loses.

That's the "Why" for the Arms race.

Mar 12, 16 4:50 pm  · 


I'll continue talking on this forum as long as I damn well feel like it. You can go FUCK yourself, suck a dick, or whatever.... I don't care. It's called freedom of speech, bitch.

I told you military and classified information and some that is declassified public available information.

We had the nuclear power to kill everyone on Earth 12 times over. There would be 12 times the entire lethal levels of Earth all over the entire planet. The more people just simply means more would die in a nuclear war because of higher concentration.

You don't like this kind of topic that refers to death of people. I'm sure we can talk about more topics that isn't about guns, bombs, nuclear holocaust or mass death.

Lets talk about that. I didn't bring up nuclear weapons into this thread topic.

I do know what you are saying but I don't take orders from you or anyone.

Mar 12, 16 4:57 pm  · 

OMG Richard!!! U blow hard...

Did you find where your mother keeps your Ritalin?

Mar 12, 16 5:04 pm  · 


I get Miles doesn't like topics about weapons of mass destruction, gun topics and topics of the sort that is about death and destruction. It is kind of antithesis of being a designer or architect or any of the CREATIVE fields. A field that is about creation or life as it may compared to destruction... or death.

You know I didn't bring up North Korea. I referenced Nuclear missiles but Carrera brought up North Korea missile range but it was clear what kind of missiles that the picture was about.

I'm not going to discuss methods or how one would get information about classified projects. It isn't something you would detail out on some online forum or over the phone lines.

One reason I am not dead already if plausible deniability.

Mar 12, 16 5:26 pm  · 

Rick every single word you write makes you look less intelligent, and expands the likelihood that every potential client, employer, or even people in charge of evaluating your mental stability will find you incompetent.  You're just hastening your trip to destitute and homelss, and then ward of the state.

Mar 12, 16 5:32 pm  · 


Right now, you are just shit talking. Everyone knows that.

If we had a global wide nuclear war, I'd wager that there would also be a global wide biological and chemical warfare going on.

All of which is bad.

Mar 12, 16 6:27 pm  · 


You seem to be questioning my sanity. As you know, no one is charged with the task of evaluating my mental stability or discerning whether or not I am insane. They..... You.... need to ask yourselves, what is insane?  

Here's a good line or point to think about. 

"What if I told you insane was working fifty hours a week in some office for fifty years at the end of which they tell you to piss off; ending up in some retirement village hoping to die before suffering the indignity of trying to make it to the toilet on time? Wouldn't you consider that to be insane?" - ( source: Con Air )

Consider that for a moment.

Mar 12, 16 6:55 pm  · 

Oh God, Rick needs help someone call SWAT.

Mar 12, 16 6:56 pm  · 

Maple syrup season is upon us, but more important- so is ice cream season. A little no churn,  maple syrup (or my current favorite, lemon bitters), and chill.


Mar 12, 16 6:57 pm  · 

I have no desire or intent or aspiration for mass killing of people. Might make a plot for a video game but not something you would want to really have happening in the world.


Now the ice cream is much better conversation.

Mar 12, 16 7:00 pm  · 

Swarm! Swarm!

Mar 12, 16 7:06 pm  · 

"^ thanks for the info Rick...I didn't know biological war would be bad...Can you please write a 2000 word essay on why it's bad.  Thanks. 

Maybe if we encourage him to post more he will go into overdrive and get carpal tunnel....that may stop him from posting..."

Once the ritalin wears off he'll be out for a day or two

Mar 12, 16 7:14 pm  · 

I have no fear of death. Death is perfectly natural and part of life.

I do fear a life without ice cream, though. Marc, one of my neighbors has the trees in his/her front yard tapped, they're getting a lot of sap every day!

Mar 12, 16 7:30 pm  · 

^ Plenty of "sap" here too.

Richard, you’ve made Miles mad, now none of us can be happy.

David, stay with me on this, worried, keep thinking of things…what about tin foil? Do you tend to keep large supplies of tin foil? It’s OK in Ohio, but once out there…switch to wax paper…nothing metallic in the house. Also, don’t think you’re going to like this one, but a place with no windows would be best, you can always call Richard for a weather report, but for God sake don’t use the hotline.

Mar 12, 16 7:38 pm  · 

Rick is a classic demonstration of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

Cleese puts it a bit more succinctly

Adios, Archinect. You are what you eat.

Mar 12, 16 7:45 pm  · 

I'm worried that the winter was just mild enough that there will be less sap in the trees. A few years back I went to a maple syrup "festival" that followed a very warm winter. It was so warm they had water in the boilers and were adding syrup from a bottle for the smell. 

Mar 12, 16 7:48 pm  · 

I better stop, maybe it will too…but it’s the weekend for God sake, at least I think it is….could somebody check?

Mar 12, 16 7:53 pm  · 

Looks like Richard rittled-out.....that or he is amassing a large essay on how biochemical warfare can be devastating.

Mar 12, 16 8:04 pm  · 


Miles can grow up a little bit instead of being such a drama queen. He can find my sympathy in the dictionary between 'shit' and 'syphilis'. Actually that is where any people will find it in the dictionary.

Miles needs a little humor. 

I am not worried about death, either. Life without ice cream would just suck horribly.

You should recall that computer and data security were not like they are today.

Mar 12, 16 8:11 pm  · 

"You should recall that computer and data security were not like they are today."

Did Ricky just admit to hacking the DOD or DARPA or whoever in order to read classified documents on Project Excalibur and the Strategic Defense Initiative?

Mar 12, 16 8:31 pm  · 

That would be actually doing something.  Rick doesn't do things.

Mar 12, 16 9:20 pm  · 

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