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why is Jack sometimes short for John? Or Peggy short for Margaret?

Nov 20, 06 9:52 am  · 

I haven't seen this commercial. I feel left out. Wah.

Nov 20, 06 10:04 am  · 

no twin that I know of, architphil...
I was in my elementary school choir, though...

Nov 20, 06 10:25 am  · 

mmmm - basil hayden. my favorit bourbon since Deadwood made it a central plot point. LB, I bring a bottle if I ever make it to your town.

Nov 20, 06 12:28 pm  · 

Gosh, it's quiet here today. Has everyone already checked out for vacation mentally? I could sure use a mental health day myself....

Nov 20, 06 3:10 pm  · 
Chili Davis

I wish. Spending all days calculating floor areas so the tile contractors will sharpen their pencils a bit. 16 floors down, 6 to go!!!

Nov 20, 06 3:14 pm  · 
liberty bell

It IS quiet!! I was out in meetings all day, and there have only been like 15 posts since I last checked in!.

I came home today to find a 12 pound smoked turkey on my porch.

Nov 20, 06 6:08 pm  · 


Nov 20, 06 6:29 pm  · 

porch? what porch?

snooker- just drop by and I share a few rounds with you - or any other 'nectors... wait snookers is in ct. it's a long trip to mpls just for a drink!

guess the 'nect has some bar hopping to do.

Nov 20, 06 7:59 pm  · 
liberty bell

Also, I forgot to mention someone left two tons of #11 gravel and two tons of sand in my driveway. It's been a day of surprises!

Nov 20, 06 8:06 pm  · 

Liberty, hope mr liberty doesn't have a weekend project planned over Turkey Day!

Nov 20, 06 8:13 pm  · 

Treekiller funny you say that, I do have ties to someday I might be calling you from the Airport looking for a drink....I'm certain I will not have any problem finding you in the phone book....not that many "Tree Killers" well at least not like Andersons or Petersons.

Nov 20, 06 8:18 pm  · 

drop me a note if you ever head back this way :)

Nov 20, 06 8:26 pm  · 

so tk, how's the new job treating you?

Nov 20, 06 8:53 pm  · 

now I know how bob dillon felt growing up in the gentile north woods. the founder of the firm posted a mazzuzah to the entry few weeks ago to celebrate the firms 20th anniversery. somebody freaked out and thought it was a bomb or something because they had never seen one or recognized hebrew letters... so I had to dredge up my mostly forgotten lessons from tribal school and explain the meaning and symbolism of having a hand-written prayer on a peice of dead animal skin tightly rolled into a metal tube and stuck on the door frame means.

well, now I know who the other east coast transplants are and I read on the bus home today, about a deli that imports pastrami from NYC... [drool]

other then that drama last week, i'm having fun detailing those $,$$$,$$$ glass entry canopies- talked to W&W glass today for 90 minutes- learned the biggest peice of glass that they can make is 13'x6'3" and anything smaller then 3" on one side will explode in the annealing oven. this is fun.

now I get to start learning revit- any thoughts? should I? or should I play dumb and leave the modeling to the cad monkeys with community college degrees? can't be as bad as formZ or maya to learn...

Nov 20, 06 9:07 pm  · 

sorry to be missing all the of the fun (especially the guilty pleasures song thread), but i'm sitting by open windows listening to the ocean splash against the seawall outside of our house and watching the lights on the water in front of lana'i. will post pictures when we're back.

our little one enjoyed her second day of swimming in the ocean today. yesterday it was on the beach in front of the house and off the boat at a reef, today it was a 'baby' beach inside a breakwater off of lahaina.

still searching for the perfect site for my 'architecture sucks' tshirt shot.

looks like i'm going to have a lot of catching up to do...

Nov 20, 06 11:53 pm  · 
vado retro

we'll have to start callin you steve mcgarrett! well, maybe not...

Nov 21, 06 10:54 am  · 

I have another WWTCD:

There are two guys in my office who will fight about ANYTHING. One of them has been here 20 years and is a Senior Associate, the other on and off for around 10 years, and is slightly above CAD-Monkey status. Neither of them are at all pleasant to work with. Sr. Associate assumes his subordinates are phsycic, CADguy assumes that you want to know about his homelife, or that he is picked on for reasons outside of his control. CADguy is 'on probation', meaning his hours are monitored and there is reasonable probability of his being fired.

They are prone to big blow-ups where they yell at each other about anything and nothing, and are terrible to work with. This morning they had one of their fights at my desk, standing over my chair, each on either side of me. Sr. Associate wanted me to back him up. I wouldn't. They were BOTH wrong, as usual. My instinct is to go to the principals and ask that I never be made to work with the two of them again. Separately, I will deal with, but not together. But I'm afraid that this will reflect so poorly on CADguy that it could get him fired, even though it is equally Sr. Associate's fault. Or would it be presumptuous and impertinent of me in the first place to demand such a thing? I CAN'T TAKE THEM ANYMORE!!!!!

What Would Thread Central Do?

Nov 21, 06 3:46 pm  · 

easy. either tell them stfu, and go duel somewhere else, or leave the area of their fight. probably your presence is shooting their testosteron levels higher. obviously there is subconcious sexual competetion going about you (presence of a female) that is not fair and bordering to a sexual harassment.

Nov 21, 06 4:20 pm  · 
vado retro

if you have an hr department go to them. tell them that the arguing between your two boyfriends is distracting and distressing and that you expect someone in charge to have a chat with the two regarding this. cuz they are trying to impress you like abra sez. they are puffing up their feathers to impress the chicky.

Nov 21, 06 4:48 pm  · 

flattering assessments, but also disgusting. You've never seen these guys. Please don't talk about it in that light again, as it truly grosses me out.

There is no HR department, we're too small for that. Which also unfortunately means that our office is too small for me to get away from it.

Nov 21, 06 5:49 pm  · 

gross to you, but not to them.

Nov 21, 06 6:30 pm  · 

you're just going to have to trust me that that's not what this is about at all. These two will find absolutely anything to argue about, they're just two personalities that have always clashed. Probably because they're so much alike, but they wouldn't like to hear that.

Nov 21, 06 6:48 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive

Nov 21, 06 6:49 pm  · 

okay then. you should print this pic with time and place attached and leave it on their desks in a black envelope. and be happy.

Nov 21, 06 7:48 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

1 day until turkey day... 1 crit and one construction wall section to get through... i have about 6 pages of TC to sift through and get caught up... and take a pic of me in my new Architecture Sucks shirt. it's already seen some serious studio time but is now buried somewhere in my hamper...

the garwondler sightings across archinect make me smile... i'm def. including one of them into my renderings... coming soon...

Nov 21, 06 8:13 pm  · 

Yay ACfA is back! Partially, anyway.

I cannot wait to see the rendering. A good chunk of us did an autocad drawing of our professor in profile and put it in our sections (Niland, for those of you paying attention). He looked like a wee Budda.

Nov 21, 06 9:21 pm  · 
vado retro

thats a good idea abra. rationalist you should sabotage their desks, spread rumors etc, so each one will think the other is doing it and then their will be a duel. there hasnt been a duel in an architecture office since 1825 in prussia.

Nov 21, 06 9:32 pm  · 
liberty bell

rationalist: You need to talk to a higher-up. If you preface the conversation with "I'm not trying to cause trouble, I'm not trying to get anyone else in trouble, but I need help managing this situation", then you shouldn't be viewed as presumptuous or whatever.

Honestly, trying to deal with people yelling at each other is not something anyone should have to deal with in the workplace (I hear the sound of rolling eyes coming from every intern on Archinect right now, as I know a lot of you deal with manic personalities a la the famed Zaha temperament from your bosses, but that really should NOT be the way a professional business is run!).

I'd suggest not requesting to not work with these guys, as that might come across as some kind of personal preference. Let the boss come to that idea him/herself. Just be honest and non-confrontational in saying you don't like dealing with people at each other yelling near you as it saps your efficiency. You know, a lot of people with autism or other attention disorders really can't be around loud noises as it scrambles their brains.

Also, if it happens again before you can talk to anyone about it, get up and walk out. Just leave the vicinity, and when they stop yelling or come look for you say "You done yelling yet? Can we speak like professionals now?".

What babies.

Nov 21, 06 9:43 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hey, did you guys know there's a naked male butt on this thread?! Jeepers creepers, that made my day!

Nov 21, 06 9:45 pm  · 

to go along with smoke's photos of the biblioteque in montreal...

Nov 21, 06 9:49 pm  · 

rationalist, it all depends how the principal/s value you. if you're an asset they can't do without, then force their hand, if on the other hand they could do with out you then it's time to move on. fuck 2 weeks notice, get another job, and drop it like it's hot. then tell them you are going to infoarch and reporting on the fantastic experience you had while working at romper room.

Nov 21, 06 9:58 pm  · 

Hahaha, I'm all over that....well not really, er.....yes, you get my point...

PS. I love it when you say "jeepers"! It makes me smile.

Nov 21, 06 10:02 pm  · 

is the Rose having some fun with a crafty fable, or is he being serious? either way, pretty funny.

Nov 21, 06 10:49 pm  · 

AP, I wasn't aware of that thread, but I am still laughing. I haven't laughed like this in weeks.....

While I am sitting here trying not to pee myself, let's do some more WWTCD:

What do you guys do about people who always act like they know more than you do, even when it's clear that they do not? Similar to Strawbeary's scary girl, but this is a personal acquaintance that I can't get rid of, not a coworker. You know the type I'm talking about....this is that person who starts conversations on a particular subject just so they can point out how much they know about it, and how much you don't....

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Pranks would be even better.

Nov 21, 06 11:35 pm  · 

Responding with a sarcastic "I guess so" is effective because you are not affirming or validating their comments - they take offense and will hopefully find another victim! I used this method on a co-worker once and I noticed a drop in "B.S. conversations".

Nov 22, 06 12:25 am  · 

Or look around hopelessly when the person is talking to you and say something like, "I'm being punked by Aston Kutcher, right?"

Nov 22, 06 12:26 am  · 
vado retro

wonderK just come right out and say don't have to drop a building on my head...

Nov 22, 06 9:35 am  · 

yeah, sure, whatever...

Nov 22, 06 9:49 am  · 

Page Number:

Nov 22, 06 10:00 am  · 

So anyway, Katze, I like the "I guess so" reaction. I think this will work really well, I'll try it later, because this will occur again sometime today, without a doubt. And no, it's not vado.

Happy Fri-Wednesday everyone!

Nov 22, 06 10:05 am  · 

I'm not willing to quit until I find out the results of my grad school applications, because as much as this office sucks in certain ways, they're GREAT about keeping in contact, providing references for, and even some christmas-break work for people who have moved on. If I AM going to grad school next year, I won't want to blow that. However, you can be sure that if I don't make it in anywhere, or get the shittiest financial aid package ever, I will be lining up interviews the moment I know that. But for now, leaving is out of the question.

So I talked to the 'business' side principal, and she said that my problem is mute because these two will never be working together again. The only reason they are now is because this (steel shop drawing HELL) is a left-over from an older project that they were both on before the management came to that decision. So basically if I can make it through today, there hopefully will be no more of this.

WonderK- just don't be around her. Don't invite her anywhere, and if you're getting together with mutual friends to go somewhere, make sure there is only enough room in the car for the number of people you invite. If she shows up, just be like, "oh, I thought there were only going to be four of us...." Once this happens a few times, she should get the hint.

Nov 22, 06 10:56 am  · 

rationalist, it's a him, and he's my roommate, which is why I can't get rid of him. He's been acting like a complete d-bag lately. Luckily he is without a car for while so your plan should work well, lol.

On a side note, I really really hate it when new people show up and act like they own the place:

we already talked about this, jackass

Nov 22, 06 3:27 pm  · 

This was about to go on the second page, which would be unprecedented, so I had to do something.

Also as a continuation of my post above, this dude really needs some therapy or something. Clearly I was just making a joke on the other thread. How does one even respond to this, if at all?

new thread

Nov 24, 06 11:00 am  · 

JD & Choral, two happy dogs full from late night thanksgiving snack...

JD, 5 yr. old doberman

Choral, 3 yr old weimaraner

Nov 24, 06 11:35 am  · 
vado retro

cute puppies...

Nov 24, 06 7:50 pm  · 

didn't we have a canine thread once?

AP- I'm highly impressed by the decorative potential of doggy claw induced scratches on untreated wood. This could be the next big thing in faux finishing!

Nov 25, 06 10:35 am  · 

tree killer we have some of those distressed doors in our house.

Nov 25, 06 10:39 am  · 
vado retro

so i was readin up on this old friend of mine who i have lost touch with. when i knew him he and his very attractive girlfriend were living in albucrackee just hanging out living off of her savings. he was workin on a novel. well they moved back to northern cali his native stomping grounds, to open a coffee shop. well i dont know if the coffeeshop still exists, but i do know they split up. the last time i talked to him, probably in 2000 he was livin in a flop house somewhere in oakland and still writing. well, his book was published by harpercollins etc and i got a copy and am even acknowledged in the preface. well, i know he got married but i just found out that his wife is the daughter of a founder of a goddamned huge software company and that they have a 13,000 square foot house somewherez. the lesson, it pays to stay in touch because today's struggling flophouse writer may be tomorrow's wealthy patron.

Nov 25, 06 11:00 am  · 

Never would have guessed that one.

Nov 25, 06 12:51 pm  · 

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