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I've had a different experience on Boston than Myriam has had, so feel free to drop a line.

Nov 6, 06 1:38 pm  · 

done. thanks to you both.

Nov 6, 06 3:04 pm  · 

Poop. Bad news: I got in a wreck today. :o( Car is drivable and everyone is fine, it just sucks. Also my insurance is making the whole thing almost totally painless (go Progressive!).

Good news: I got my t-shirt today. It's making me feel better, although what's up with the sizes? I'm afraid to wash it, it barely fits right now, it might cut off my circulation if I send it through the dryer.....

Nov 6, 06 6:32 pm  · 

American Apparell shirts always run small. I had a tank top with a rhinestone kitty on it from them before, and what started out as a sleek, pretty kitty turned into a fat bulgy thing the first time it had to stretch over my boobs. I'm just sad that I had to order the guys t since none of the good colors came in the girls style.

Nov 6, 06 6:55 pm  · 

yep, AAs do run small. one trick is to put the shirt on, ball your hands into fists, put them under your shirt, and push out while pulling downward. do this a few times and it should stretch the fibers of the shirt out a bit.

Nov 6, 06 7:07 pm  · 
Ms Beary

or wash the t-shirt with conditioner, the kind you use on your hair.

e, does that motion simulate boobs under a t-shirt?

Nov 6, 06 7:54 pm  · 

well the form could be simulated at the beginning of the motion. i guess at the end of the motion, it might be the boob of an 85 year old large breasted woman without a bra. yikes. i was more thinking of doing one fist at a time oscillating back and forth, side to side.

Nov 6, 06 8:36 pm  · 

mine arrived today as well...the lime green is more of a mint green...

Nov 6, 06 8:37 pm  · 
vado retro

not a good image, e. \m/

Nov 6, 06 10:20 pm  · 

got my eggplant tee yesterday! and, yep, i'm wearing it under my dress shirt today waiting for the proper moment to pull a superman, yanking my shirt out of my waistband, pulling open the buttons, and yelling 'ARCHITECTURE SUCKS'! should be about 8:45.

oh, no, i'm voting first. 9:45.

Nov 7, 06 7:36 am  · 
liberty bell

You are Superman, Steven. I should give you my belt buckle.

If they run small I'm glad I ordered a bit bigger than I originally intended. But mine's not here yet?! hmmmmm...

DubK, I'm sorry to hear about your wreck, and I'm glad you are OK. I drove in terror yesterday as I was driving my husband's precious baby Ranchero while my Miata gets fixed ($1,000 this time - buy a $2,500 car and you'll end up in a few months with a $5,000 car - isn't there a Son Volt song about this? Or was it Bottle Rockets?) Anyway, driving an unfamiliar car reminded me how big a deal driving is - it really is serious business, we could all be hurt or maimed or killed at any moment, so do be careful everyone. DubK, again, I'm glad you're OK and I hope your baby will be fixed up good as new without problems.

Nov 7, 06 9:43 am  · 
Chili Davis

I'm glad I went with the extra large "ARCHITECTURE SUCKS" t-shirt instead of the large. I have a few issues with weight. I'm reverse aneorexic and half-bulemic. I look in the mirror and think I'm too skinny, and I binge but don't purge. I blame this on the media, and the Quizno's right next door. I can't wait for my shirt to get here, although the tracking link says it hasn't even been shipped yet!!! First, I had to wait 2 weeks to order it, now I have to wait again. What the hell is this, the DMV?

Anyway, I notice my latest school blog entry is off of the main page, but I would still appreciate any input you would be willing to give on my project. The clock is ticking. Only 6 weeks to go, ahhhhh!!! Check it out here.

Chili D

Nov 7, 06 12:23 pm  · 
brian buchalski

excellent point liberty bell, driving is a very under-rated danger in my opinion. keep in mind that the human body was designed with a top speed of about 22 mph as the limit. taken in that context even a small accident in a vehicle traveling at 30 mph can be very traumatic for your tissue & bones. highways in particular spook me out because drivers seem to be so flip about careening along at 60, 70, 80 mph.

i used to spend a lot of time on the road but after seeing daily examples of careless and inconsiderate driving i actually became a bit paranoid about being on the road...i'm still somewhat convinced that if i spent enough time in a car i'd eventually die in a car accident. seems like a very painful way to die too...having your body crushed between pieces of steel & lascerated by broken glass...ouch. i guess that's why i don't have a car these days.

also, i've never delved into this, but i've always been curious about doing a statistical comparison on the likely hood of death via suburban freeway traffic accidents vs. inner-city random violence. people often cite "safety" as a factor for choosing to live in the suburbs but my hunch is that it's more likely you'll die in a car accident that as the result of a random attack from a gang-bang hoodlum.

oh, yeah...i also just got my new "architecture sucks" shirt. red one this time so there's no where to hide.

Nov 7, 06 12:55 pm  · 
it's more likely you'll die in a car accident

commuting to your work in the city

Nov 7, 06 1:15 pm  · 
brian buchalski

oddly enough, i do typically do a reverse commute myself but i employ a multi-modal strategy in which sometimes i walk (about 35 minutes) sometimes bus (about 30 minutes) or bike (about 15 minutes)...haven't tired the skateboard or canoe yet.

Nov 7, 06 2:54 pm  · 


there was an article/interview with "public health advocate" dr. richard jackson in october's METROPOLIS... apparently he has done the statistical study and if you add crime and car crashes together you are up to 20% more likely to die as a suburbanite...

here's the link to the story

Nov 7, 06 4:17 pm  · 

ha ha- i like that 'safe' suburbia turns out to be evil! if you add that fat people who choose to live in sedentary mc-cul-de-sacs, then suburban mortality may be 50% higher then what us cool urbanista can expect. thanks architphil!

puddles, for your multimodal commute: \m/

Nov 7, 06 4:25 pm  · 
Josh Emig

There were worms in my almonds today.

Nov 7, 06 4:28 pm  · 

The Public, there will be moths in your cupboards tomorrow. Throw away all natural grains or seeds, check inside the corners of every cardboard box in your kitchen, and be happy you didn't discover worms in your sweater drawer!

Nov 7, 06 4:39 pm  · 

or thow every kernel of truth into the freezer for a week- this will kill those maggots and not your wallet.

Nov 7, 06 6:34 pm  · 

Public, just hope there not alien worms.

Nov 7, 06 6:41 pm  · 

Big Day. Big times.

Just got back from an official urban design meeting presenting 2 projects - each with 60 dwellings. One single building, one 4 buildings on 5 acres. Both projects were unanimously supported. Relief.

Now the hard work begins - consent process.

Also, my partner and I are expecting a new baby boy any day now. And my house and grounds are being torn up to add new services and infrastructure. I cant keep my car or my shoes clean. The weather is shithouse, but life is good.

Now, back to work...

Nov 7, 06 6:53 pm  · 
Josh Emig

Luckily for my sweaters, they were almonds that I bought at lunch today while at work. Not so luckily, I ate a bunch of them before discovering the worms.

Nov 7, 06 7:12 pm  · 

good luck Public... it was nice knowin' ya as an archinector...

Nov 8, 06 9:03 am  · 
Ms Beary

yeah diabase on the baby on the way! can we help name him?

can anyone tell me what is going on with garpike and Katze? They are pretty chatty. Did i miss something?

Nov 8, 06 9:18 am  · 
vado retro

dont mind the maggots shattered shattered

Nov 8, 06 9:24 am  · 
liberty bell

diabase, that is WONDERFUL news!!!! Another boy for you, two girls apiece for French and Steven, it's an archinect baby-o-rama. I think I'm still holding at one, but the more I hear baby news the more I want another.

So will you go with Angus this time? I know you had considered it. Charlie and Angus sounds good. Or perhaps Charlie and Owen? Anyway, congrats and I hope no one is suffering from pregnancy sickness issues.

The Public, I had a friend recently give her son a little box of raisins that was filled with maggots. Honest to god maggots, I can't think of much more disgusting. It seems to me despite improvements in packaging and, one would hope, sanitary conditions at food processing locations I am finding more and more food going bad or being spoiled already when I buy it.

Nov 8, 06 12:20 pm  · 

well do you remember the who concert thingy we were down for?
here it is.

Nov 8, 06 10:31 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Diabase, have you concidered Emilio?

Nov 9, 06 10:11 am  · 

what about Emile, after the young hero in the disney classic 'Emile and the Detectives'?

Nov 9, 06 12:51 pm  · 

We have a name - but I cant divulge. It would be breaking the code.

Chili, Emilio reminds me of Emilio Estevez. Enough said.

Liberty, Angus and Owen were contenders but they slipped away early in the race. I liked Axel, but she wasnt gonna have that...

With baby/child names, I like the name to mean something within our family, or have a 'noble' etymology. Axel means centre of the world, which is nice in reference to your child. Cooper for example, means barrel maker and while it sounds nice, it's meaning is not so auspicious. That's just me though - I have a thing for etymology.

Nov 9, 06 3:19 pm  · 

So if you have an "architecture sucks" t-shirt, and wouldn't mind posting a picture of yourself in it, I would appreciate your support on the [url=
"post]]"post a pic "[/url]thread. You could even put your babies in it and take their picture. I'm afraid that it is going to be taken over by the Garwondler. As funny as this would be.....yeah, I'd rather see more pics of you guys :o)

Nov 9, 06 6:22 pm  · 

Well, crap. I hate it when that happens.

post a picture of yourself in your brand new "architecture sucks" tee

Nov 9, 06 6:24 pm  · 

my friends recently had twins. one boy and one girl. they named girl grace and the boy maximus. max for short. their last name is johnson.

Nov 9, 06 8:08 pm  · 

what's wrong with Garwondler?

it is an appropriate post for most of the current discussions... let's see, for Generative and Algorithmic vs. Traditional? it is an example of algorithmic architecture. For all those political threads, the GWDler represents the state of the democratic party. For all those 'wannabe arch student' threads, it can morph between theory, practice, location, or lots of other salient points worth discussing. For 'shopping', it represents the impact of retail-entertainment destinations on main street and mom&pop establishments...

So here's to the GARWONDLER!!!!

Nov 9, 06 8:16 pm  · 
liberty bell

DubK, I will, I will....I'm just not feeling very pretty today, as I had two fillings replaced this afternoon and the right side of my face feels swollen. I was talking to a client shortly after the procedure and I swear I started drooling, god how embarrassing.

You know what my evening work-related task is? We are doing a house in a historic district, and have to notify the neighborhood groups and the neighbors that we are presenting the proposed house to the local historic commission in December. So tonihgt I will be stuffing 45 envelopes with a letter explaining our project and a rendering of the front elevation. Makes me yearn for the good old days of internship, when i could spend entire days doing mindless tasks with my headphones on and not have to actually worry about anything...and I did that during the workday, not on my own time late at night!

The Garwondler is my favorite occurrence ever on Archinect. Long live the Garwondler!!

Nov 9, 06 9:06 pm  · 

i saw an ad stapled to telephone pole saying, i can too make $$$$ stuffing envelopes from my house. i am thinking, it is much better to stuff 45 envelopes for an architectural project than 3000 envelopes for phen phen type of racket.
take some codein and have fun lb.
i would really tax my dentist and stock up the med cab for stuff like that. but knock on aluminum, i don't have a filling after all these abusive years...
The Garwondler is the new starchitect. it is like all the possible design ideas in one.

Nov 9, 06 9:57 pm  · 

Garwondler I wanna hear about your flowers.

Nov 9, 06 10:17 pm  · 

I'm sorry I couldn't resist.

Nov 9, 06 10:19 pm  · 

well played.

Nov 9, 06 10:22 pm  · 
liberty bell

Very well-played indeed, MS. K.

Thanks Orhan - I actually stuffed envelopes while watching "Happy Endings" (no, vado, not a porn flick), which was lovely and sweet and very California, lots of great house interiors. One funny bit was the text-over on the first image of one of the main characters, a gay British So-Cal resident, that said "Gil is an architect, sort of". What did that mean?!?! HAahahaha

Nov 9, 06 11:55 pm  · 

WonderK you own 1/3 of those gardenlias.

Nov 10, 06 3:08 am  · 

very nice page transition, dubk.

i think i'm an architect "sort of". maybe we should just go ahead an acknowledge that design architecture and architecture as a service profession are two different things and change the name of what i do.

The Mother comes in town today. hoo boy. but next week: hawaii!

Nov 10, 06 7:59 am  · 
liberty bell

What?!? You're going to Hawaii next weekend, while I'm going to Lexington Kentucky to teach an artshop?!? Damn. :-)

Nov 10, 06 8:25 am  · 
vado retro

the garwondler is native to hawaii. you all ought to read what shopenhauer says about architecture and building. he's a dead german guy. (to provide counterpoint to ms. l.b.s comment) oh by the way l.b. yesterday when we were talking on the phone about milkduds and fillings my boss was right next to me eavesdropping and cracking up.

Nov 10, 06 8:40 am  · 
liberty bell

You mean when I said we adults should just drink our dessert? What's funny about that? ;-)

Nov 10, 06 9:28 am  · 


chaperoning my father-in-law's granddaughter: the only reason my wife and i actually get to go. once she'd old enough to fly on her own, our hawaii trips are all gone.

Nov 10, 06 9:40 am  · 

wonderK, I have an old one (tee shirt). And I sort of customized it...
Does that count for your contest? I'll try to take a picture next week and post it!

Nov 10, 06 10:07 am  · 

I know this has been talked about before, but I feel sort of weird wearing a shirt that says "architecture sucks". :( Am I the only one with reservations? I think i'm gonna get the less is more shirt.

Nov 10, 06 10:14 am  · 

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