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vado retro

just a little sinking ship reference.

Jul 25, 13 6:05 pm  · 
I like how we all panic at the thought of vado leaving.
Jul 25, 13 6:07 pm  · 

Dang, I wish I was more cool, but I've never mastered that.

Jul 25, 13 6:37 pm  · 

Dang, I wish I was way more cool,  but I've never masturbated that....dang I have to get Wiener out of my mind.

Jul 25, 13 8:08 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, Snook.  Have you been drinking?


And.... I got Vado's reference!!! /sing-song taunting voice

Jul 25, 13 8:27 pm  · 

s-d-d:  some need to get Wiener out of their minds, while most need to get Weiner out of their minds.

Jul 25, 13 9:28 pm  · 

ya da  yada... the guy is a scumbag....... and it was a scumbag sorry...but reality sometimes creeps into our  life, by guys like  Wiener.... I wonder where his backing money is coming from....BiLL CLINTON....biting my cheek...shit it couldn't be....but he and Hillary have some much money to toss away.... and well. Please if anyone can be rational about this please step up to the plate.   If you can't  I may have to consider a retirement package as a political....somewhat.

Jul 25, 13 11:29 pm  · 

Everyone would be much happier if they cut the BS media out of their lives.

It's not news, it's not good, it's not important and for the most part it's not even true. And if it is there isn't a damn thing you can do about it except get upset. So why bother?

Better to be positive and responsible in your life, relationships and activities, and create the world you want to live in. I don't want anything to do with the other one. Better they they choke to death on their own bile in a vacuum that we create for them.

Jul 25, 13 11:38 pm  · 

Right on, Miles.

Years ago, when I was more religious than I am now and before the internet existed at every workstation, I gave up news media for Lent.  It was a calm lovely 6 weeks.  I read a novel instead of the newspaper during lunch, I listened to music instead of NPR in the mornings, I avoided TVs in public places.  Lovely.  And the world didn't fall apart while I didn't pay attention, hey!

I should do that again.

Jul 26, 13 10:22 am  · 

s-d-d:  I'll step up to the plate.  I dislike politics to the point that I abstain from voting at times.

Anthony Weiner:  is NOT going to be the mayor of NYC - his backing has dropped from 25% to 16% as a result of this.  He's a geek, too.  I guess that's why he needs to extracurricular stuff, to validate himself.

The Clintons: an odious pair, and I knew it from the first time I heard them speak and, as a Dem, I should have been enthused.  His nasal voice is irritating and he seemed more at home on a car lot in Little Rock with one foot up on the bumper.  Little would you know this guy was a Rhodes Scholar.  As for the wife, 3 words:  marriage of convenience.  She turned a blind eye to Monica Lewinsky and his philandering because she had her own agenda and being part of a power couple makes the going easier.

Jim McGreevey:  get this, he went to the seminary after leaving the governor's spot in NJ, but an Episcopal one, as all "displaced" Catholics do, like the Catholic Cuban priest who got caught snuggling with his girlfriend on Miami Beach.  McGreevey's bid for the priesthood was rejected.

Arnold Schwarzengger:  two in the oven ... concurrently, and I ain't talking twins.  Need I say more?

John Ensign:  clean cut veterinarian turned politician for the state of Nevada, brought down by an affair with his secretary, aide, or someone in his circle, thus eyewash over his nuclear family.

Sarah Palin:  where do I start?

Jul 26, 13 11:29 am  · 

sounds like you hate everyone observant.

Jul 26, 13 12:02 pm  · 

Not really Curt,  I like(d) Gerald Ford, Bush I, John McCain, Gov. Jerry Brown (even though he went to Berkeley AND was training to be a priest), ex-Gov. Mario Cuomo, and Obama (though his timing couldn't have been worse).

To those I dislike(d), I need to add Ronald Reagan, GWB, and Mitt Romney, especially the latter.

Jul 26, 13 12:26 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I don't watch any news, it's best that way. Actually watched some news yesterday, I can't believe people watch it everyday. It repeats itself and is all delivered in annoying little snippets. I especially can't handle when they have a ticker. My OCD and hyperlexia kick in and I just read and don't comprehend while watching (now subliminally delivered) clips from the latest airplane crash. NOT HEALTHY!.

Jul 26, 13 12:37 pm  · 

I get all my news from back issues of "teen beat."  Did you guys know the berlin wall came down?  didn't see that coming.

also - LA gear sneakers with double laces is apparently now a thing.  not sure I like the stone-wash ripped jean look, though.

Jul 26, 13 2:10 pm  · 

I wish all this bad news about the Boeing 787 Dreamliner would STOP.  I want this plane to be a success and I'm looking forward to crossing the pond in one sooner than later.

Jul 26, 13 2:24 pm  · 

The bad news will only stop if you stop paying attention to it. Even then it won't stop, but it will be reduced significantly. 

Jul 26, 13 2:32 pm  · 

Good  News, is I'm going to the Ballet this evening. Looking forward to seeing a mix of Classical Ballet and  Modern  Dance.    Hope you all have  Good News!

Jul 26, 13 6:43 pm  · 

double laces is pretty cool.  so is matching bright socks with bright shirts.  if you can coordinate your laces with that, you're cooler than i am

Jul 26, 13 7:44 pm  · 

my news used to be filtered through japanese media, which is to say it was mostly about pop stars and sumo.  now we have bbc which has a bit less sumo.

rachel maddow tells me everything i need to know about america.

anyway, back to worrying about abe-nomics...

Jul 27, 13 12:45 am  · 
We're going to see Steve Martin and his banjo tonight.
Jul 27, 13 9:05 am  · 

s-d-d AND the media got me thinking about Anthony Weiner.  Typically, that last name is almost always pronounced WHY-NEHR, but in his case, it's pronounced WEE-NEHR.  Interesting.

I could use some free Lisa Lampanelli tickets.  I don't think I'd plunk out major bucks to see her.  I wonder if she has new material by now.  She may pick on everybody, but she's got her "favorites."

Carry on ...

Jul 27, 13 11:31 am  · 
Steve Martin w/ Edie Brickell? I love what they've been doing.
Jul 27, 13 6:42 pm  · 

Great need to have him invite you over to preview his art collection....or have him over to buy a work by the Mr. Liberty.....Mr. Donna....just does not sound right.  Anyhow enjoy a great evening of music and humor.

Jul 27, 13 7:31 pm  · 

observant I'm over him....still twisted about his wife.  Seems like such a smart lady to have her life in the news because of a jerk husband...Oh well they will work out what ever they need to and it is none of my business.

Jul 27, 13 7:37 pm  · 


I know.  But if she's so smart, why did she marry such a geek?  These kinds of issues go way back, most likely.  They don't just surface because of phones with picture taking capabilities and social media.

Jul 27, 13 8:30 pm  · 
Steve Martin and Edie Brickell and the Steep Canyon Rangers were awesome. I'm not a big bluegrass fan, but I love the banjo so much. Edie's voice is still amazing! And Steve Martin just emanates funny.
Jul 27, 13 11:15 pm  · 

Anyone else catch this?  Driving Sideways


basically the argument is that a focus on driverless cars is a step backwards.

Jul 29, 13 9:26 am  · 

Any focus on cars is a step backwards. But hey, there's no private profit or raping limited resources (more private profit) or wars for strategic resources (more private profit) in public transportation. U$A, we're #1!

Think the NSA is monitoring this thread?

Jul 29, 13 9:39 am  · 

See this thread, where I linked to this opinion:

The thing that must be done urgently in our times is to reverse the systematic coding of bike lanes, health food, density, urban agriculture, pedestrian culture as white and upper/educated class. If this is not done, the old and unsustainable order of cars, homes, and motored lawn mowers will continue to retreat deeper and deeper into a cave that provides democratic safety and legitimacy in the image of the common American. The danger of us becoming an upside down society that registers individual car ownership as more democratic than public forms of transportation is very real.

Cars need to become obsolete.

Jul 29, 13 9:49 am  · 

isn't there a study, just out, or did someone cite it here, that fewer young people are buying cars?

i think the point of the Times piece, IS, that focusing on the automobile is a dated concept.

however, if i can't buy my Hemi-Cuda 1970, with a Shaker hood, and 4 speed, in the next ten years, i'm going to hunt all you environmentalists down.

Jul 29, 13 9:53 am  · 

i think everyone would agree that a '70 cuda is excluded from all environmental regulation.

except those that disagree.

same with noise ordinance for motorcycles done right.  those ordinances are for the crappy motorcycles - not the good ones.

Jul 29, 13 10:05 am  · 

beta - for me it's not so much an environmental issue, but primarily a social justice (through mobility) issue.  we've all but eliminated the few means of mobility available to children, the elderly, and the poor - making it downright dangerous to walk (or bike) anywhere.  The future I hope for is that you can still buy your Barracuda, you just won't be able to drive it in the city.

Jul 29, 13 10:18 am  · 

Curt, that's for people who like Mopar.  I don't.

I grew up on GM.  I once even had a Camaro.  It was the only used car I've ever bought, so it had some problems.  The first 2 new cars were hand-me downs, and the last 2 were new purchases for myself.  All of them were great.

If a city doesn't have good transit, then cars are going to stay.  We just need better car options.  I'm seeing more Chevy Volts here and there.  They cost a small fortune.

Jul 29, 13 10:36 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

abracadabra (and other wisdom providers...), does this sound right? So my old mortgage provider sold my loan and my new mortgage provider has raised the monthly amount I owe by $70 a month because they want a bigger cushion on my escrow account (which by the way has a positive balance, always has, and will continue to, in fact I get checks back every year, and yes there is still enough to cover the increases in my insurance and taxes, I checked.) I called them and told them that was not acceptable and they said it is totally within their rights. They are increasing the amount I pay into escrow every month by 50%, for perpetuity. You know, because they can. Am I dealing with professional rip off artists?

Jul 29, 13 10:47 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Argh Monday. The day where I try to uncoil my insane troubles. And I just found out that when I was in the hospital last year that all of the billing was run through the wrong insurance company, therefore my claims denied. I have been trying to figure out what happened for months. Hopefully this means some serious refunds. Like I could go to Europe for a month refund.

Jul 29, 13 10:58 am  · 


Europe for a month sounds good.  I did 6 weeks when I passed the ARE.  Never went during college.  Then I got addicted.  Trips are now down to 2 or 3 weeks.

If you get such a refund, Europe is in order.  The Euro is weakening against the dollar, so it's even easier.  At the Euro's peak, it was a disaster.

Jul 29, 13 11:19 am  · 

If a city doesn't have good transit, then cars are going to stay.  We just need better car options.


uh... no... we need better policy - which leads to better designed cities.  And this is where we get to come in...  unless you'd rather our profession to be continually marginalized.


I'm also getting really tired of working on projects where we have a f-ing sea of parking "designed" by civil engineers dwarfing the building.  these lots are never full, which means we could be using this space for something else.  It's always this battle of trying to balance nice common outdoor amenities with absurd parking requirements.  I've worked on a few urban projects on tight lots where underground parking was too expensive/difficult so all the parking ends up on the first floor and everything is lifted up - which ends up killing the street.  it sucks - there's finally some push-back from local developers, but it's going to be a long hard slog trying to convince the public that vibrant street life is far more desirable than being able to roll out of bed into your car.  This is a big reason why I left Detroit, btw...

Jul 29, 13 12:17 pm  · 


Unless it's Manhattan or San Francisco, where heavy rail (and Muni) will get you where you need to go, most people aren't going to navigate a labyrinthine bus system to get to where they want to go, meaning seeing a client, consultant, or a building official.  In the spread out cities of the West, like L.A. or Phoenix, it's simply not an option.  A lot of it comes down to personal choice and even the most environmentally minded people won't do it.  They'll just drive a Prius and justify their choice.  Better transit is not a way to revitalize decaying cities and inserting it into cities that have already bloomed is not an option either.  Only one of L.A.'s Metro rail lines, which finally arrived, is dedicated heavy rail, under the ground.  That's kind of pathetic for America's second largest city.  The question is then what transportation policy does one implement for a city that is built out and in which a lot of the infrastructure is in place?  There's no right answer.

Jul 29, 13 12:34 pm  · 

The Hamptons are the epitome of car culture. Traffic jams consisting entirely of $100,000+ vehicles are not unknown. Parking non-existent at public beaches and private stores. Public transportation is a county bus utilized exclusively by migrant labor and the near bottom out-of-sight poor who comute here to work. Rail service maybe 3 times a day with extra train or two on weekends. 

Jul 29, 13 12:52 pm  · 

there is no there, i'm pretty sure the mortgage company can do anything they want.  it's easier to be the one who makes the rules.  look on the bright side though, at least it's not your student loan.  you can refi your mortgage with another bank if it you have really deep moral reservations for the company that bought out your loan without your permission.  that's not an option with student loans.  i have no idea how to fix insurance problems though. i quit going to the doctor.  they only have bad news.  hopefully obamacare will fix it all.

i had a '79 camaro, a socket set, and a repair manual back in the day.  someone who always buys new cars wouldn't understand why "i don't like mopar" makes no sense at all.

Jul 29, 13 2:14 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

thanks for the sympathy, curtkram. I found the law around real estate escrow accounts, it is called RESPA and after reading it I am pretty sure that they are NOT acting within the law. I have a call into the attorney general's office. Oh, and I don't see doctors anymore either for the same reason. Dentists either. I don't think obamacare will fix it either, it may get worse because obamacare supports the middle man insurance route.

Jul 29, 13 2:36 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

and curt, maybe you don't know it costs a lot of money to refinance, not something you can do for free.

Jul 29, 13 2:45 pm  · 

tint, if they can't produce an original signed mortgage you don't owe them a penny. Lots of people got screwed over with mortgage resale, lots of the sales were not properly recorded as required by law. You'll need a good attorney to help you sort it out. If you don't know what a good attorney is, it's one that puts your interests first. Not a common breed.

As for Obamacare, the only thing it insures is corporate insurance profits at the expenses of people who can't afford it. 

Jul 29, 13 3:03 pm  · 

i had a '79 camaro, a socket set, and a repair manual back in the day.  someone who always buys new cars wouldn't understand why "i don't like mopar" makes no sense at all.

Too weird.  I had the same, but it was a Berlinetta  with a 5.0 (305 cu. in.) V8.  It was a second toy car in addition to my daily driver.  It had funky valve seals (read: small belch of blue smoke at start-up) and a difficult to diagnose drone in the diff.  In those years, the Camaros came with an in-line 6 cyl. as base equipment.  Mopar made bad cars back in the day and, even if they are better today, their styling is obnoxious, with the Charger leading the pack in nastiness.  Our family bought one Ford and one Chrysler, both bad, and the rest GM, all good.

As for Obamacare, the only thing it insures is corporate insurance profits at the expenses of people who can't afford it.

Let's wait until Oct 1 until the premiums are on-line.  One thing, though, is that Obamacare, or at least some state exchanges, do ensure is the elimination of preexisting conditions ... and you'd be surprised at the minutia the insurance companies consider preexisting conditions or "risk" that they don't want to insure.  It's not like the punk kid who has too many tickets who can still get high-risk insurance despite his being a douche bag while driving.  In the medical insurance scenario, it's not the insured's fault, in most cases.

Jul 29, 13 3:44 pm  · 

mine was a berlinetta too.  it had been in a couple wrecks, so not the original engine.  i had a 350 and i did some work to improve it.  i've never had a 'toy' car.  cars are what take me to work.  that car took me to work fast.

of course a refi is only worthwhile if you can get your interest cut by a lot.  my house is owned by a credit union.  they turned around and sold it the next day, same as anyone would, so it's actually split across however many mortgage backed securities and/or collateral debt obligations or whatever they do with every mortgage in america.  the credit union said they would service the loan for the life of it though, so i won't ever know who has it, and i won't ever have to write a check to someone else.  that was a deal breaker for me when i was shopping financing.

is that thing about not owing if they can't produce the original mortgage true?  are there examples of that working for people, even outside of those that were foreclosed on?  from what i've seen, banks can pretty easily foreclose on a house that's been 100% paid off.  not only that, but they've evicted and emptied houses they have no claim to. 

here's an example

i just don't see government or law enforcement helping the person in debt.  good for them if they do though.

Jul 29, 13 4:06 pm  · 

I know a case where the second or third bank down the line foreclosed and had it thrown out because they couldn't produce the original mortgage document.  Which hasn't prevented them from suing to collect, but there is no foreclosure action.  This is NY, every state has different laws. 

My favorite is the guy who foreclosed on the bank and won a summary judgement. The bank finally paid him off when he showed up with a sheriff and a moving van. 

Jul 29, 13 4:21 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
I'm the secretary of the my local BMWCCA chapter. I own an automotive shop, and even spent last Friday and Saturday pulling headliners and replacing sunroof cassettes, but I can't stand mopar. Dodge just doesn't have a good sense of style.

I don't like the Pantera, either. Shoot me.
Jul 29, 13 5:01 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

My previous mortgage servicer tried to foreclose on me because they wouldn't accrpt payments from me and determined my account delinquent. Good thing I had good records if what happened (I learned how to CYA from being an architect!) and we didn't have to go to court but it took a year of phone calls and faxes to get straightened out.

Jul 29, 13 5:17 pm  · 

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