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looking forward to 403! here are my marching orders. It's nice to have

301L - MWF 800-1050
510L (2) WITH MILBURN - MW 1200-1620 (SCHEDULED)
402L - MWF 1500-1750
499 - F 1100-1250
403L - MWF 1500-1750
203L (WITH UESUGI) - MW 800-1050

Jul 14, 11 8:40 pm  · 

Oh my goodness, I never thought I'd enjoy marking up redlines so much!  I'm here with my coffee, listening to the exact same Badly Drawn Boy song on endless repeat, at a totally papered over table, amidst a completely wrecked apartment; my meeting with the GC is probably going to be at 6am but he's refusing to tell me because I think he not-so-secretly doesn't want me there, there's still something not quite right about the design; I'm totally unsure that the details are remotely adequate for construction; I'm noticeably rusty at the strange art of wording CYA notes; I will likely be pulling an all-nighter and then heading to my day job; and yet I'm on such a high to be back doing what I love to do!


It kind of feels like... breathing deeply at a mountain stream, or something.  I had no idea I missed this this much.  Ahhhh.

Jul 14, 11 11:05 pm  · 

OR that all could be the coffee talking, of course.

Jul 14, 11 11:05 pm  · 

If anyone's never heard the Avalanches remix of Badly Drawn Boy's "The Shining", you should.  You really should.  Well pretty much everything the Avalanches have done is pretty darn great.

Jul 14, 11 11:06 pm  · 

manta, your entire scenario and three consecutive posts is giving me a happy happy feeling.  Enjoy!


Jul 14, 11 11:26 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Manta, I'm happy for you.  You sound so giddy.  But maybe try decaf next time.


So I just checked the weather for Carmel next week.  It's nearly 50 degrees cooler than here.  Could just be that I've acclimated to my current climate, but 60F sounds cold.  Is 60F in Carmel the same as 60F in Dallas/other places?  Anybody know?  If so, I'll have to change my planned ensembles.

Jul 15, 11 7:57 am  · 

Was my last post on TC seriously flagged down? Lame. Lamer than the content of my post.

If whomever that took it down would apply such zeal on the rest of the site, this place wouldn't be overrun with spam on daily basis. 

Jul 15, 11 8:20 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, rusty, what did you say?  You've been pretty good lately, I thought.

Jul 15, 11 8:31 am  · 

you mean other people put one song on endless repeat while working?  thanks manta, i feel a little less crazy now.  i actually have 'project songs', so when i hear them years later, i imagine a 4-story parking structure, or an express elevator lobby...helps with the work but kind of ruins the song. have fun, sarah. is clint eastwood still the mayor of carmel?



Jul 15, 11 10:22 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Don't know, but my mother said to say hello if I saw him.  I think she wanted me to curtsy or something.  I figure I'll just leave him alone.

Jul 15, 11 10:29 am  · 

he's pretty sexy for an old dude...



Jul 15, 11 10:30 am  · 

@ Mantaray your comment reminded me of this - turn your speakers up and jam to the throw back. 

@ jump - I hope it is as easy as that too, but I'm a pessimist when it comes to anything administrative worse when you combine it with my passion for architecture. It always goes pear shaped. 

I went out for a drink/games night at a local pub with some past and present students. Sometime during the night an older lady approached me and commented that I must be a excellent teacher judging by the rapport I had with them. I was touched - though my students claimed no knowledge of such... arses! 

Jul 15, 11 11:07 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Elinor, he kinda scares me.  I mean, what if I stray onto his grass?  He'd be all "Git off my Lawwn."  Scary dude.


And nobody has answered my question about the temps yet.  Better go find Tumbles.

Jul 15, 11 11:41 am  · 

SH - If you are acclimated to 90+ degree temps then 60+ temps are probably going to feel cool to you no matter where you are.  You will also be along the coast which is typically a little windier anyway.  I would suggest you bring a light jacket or something that you can leave in the car or tie around your waist if it does in fact feel warm to you.

Jul 15, 11 1:04 pm  · 

What?  I am certain I giggled at what rusty posted though I can't remember what it was.

Jul 15, 11 1:11 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Jump, will you be first in line to ride this?

Jul 15, 11 2:48 pm  · 

I'm so tired I'm falling asleep at the computer guess I will call it a Week....well really not a week as I have a whole weekend of work ahead of me, reviewing, red lining, and then making corrections. First thing Monday morning these babies are being zipped to Detroit via pdf.

Jul 15, 11 4:26 pm  · 

I'm so tired I'm falling asleep at the computer guess I will call it a Week....well really not a week as I have a whole weekend of work ahead of me, reviewing, red lining, and then making corrections. First thing Monday morning these babies are being zipped to Detroit via pdf.

Jul 15, 11 4:26 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Snook, you'll have to find a song to put on endless repeat.

Jul 15, 11 4:46 pm  · 

lately i bin listening to them crooked vultures to stay up and energised.  very recommend.  even on loop


@ sarah, not a bloody chance.  we drove past that park once.  that was as close as i need to be to anything like that.  unless i am actually heading out into space as a result of the crazy tumbling and extra gees and whatnot i am not so interested.  i mean really if there isn't a space station or a moon orbit or something at the end of all that gyration, why bother?

Jul 15, 11 7:01 pm  · 

rusty: Was my last post on TC seriously flagged down? Lame. Lamer than the content of my post.

What post are you referring to? You do not have any recent closed comments or posts.

Jul 15, 11 9:06 pm  · 

There was that comment about a theoretical future president being assassinated, but it was on another thread.

New client today with really good taste albeit very different from what we usually do.  Exciting.

Jul 15, 11 9:23 pm  · 

so, we're out of testing on the archinect profiles?

Jul 16, 11 8:22 am  · 

I need to update my profile - just started with minimal work to get things rolling.  Plus I have all the Google+ friends already and I haven't done ANYTHING with that profile either!  Modern social media is exhausting!  I wish I could hire someone to take care of it for me, like Penn Jillette does!

Jul 16, 11 9:35 am  · 

Hahaha. I know the feeling. I'm completely incapable of filling out the G+ profile even though it will probably take 10 minutes.

I do like the feeling of having only like 12 friends so far though. It's much more interactive and chatty. And it seems strangers are once again back to adding people. I missed that about "pre-modern social networking."

Jul 16, 11 10:25 am  · 

Ok, the GC did manage to prevent me from attending the kick-off / beginning of demo meeting, but I went the next morning & distributed my updated drawings directly to the concrete crew, and saw that they had only poured the footing so could still follow the new dimesions.  Success!  The GC will be pissed but I had told him I had updated drawings and he will no longer be able to justify going off the old drawings to the rest of the team.  Hooray!  That's a big monkey off my back. 

Jul 16, 11 5:44 pm  · 


It was best day to drive in LA, carmageddon had a lot of heaven in it... We should have mandatory carmageddon days built into license plates. And the drama of it is priceless..

Jul 17, 11 12:28 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

So what happened? Did everyone stay in for Carmageddon?

Jul 17, 11 9:23 am  · 

Re: Carmaggedon i would have just rode my bike around all day. without all the cars probably quite nice. seems like they could have timed it with one of those no cars, sunday stroll, blvd things like they do in various cities.

It sure is nice having a real 2 day weekend. shopping, yoga, sleeping and walking around. delightful....

Jul 17, 11 1:17 pm  · 

The streets of LA have never been so quiet as they have been this weekend. It's been so nice.

Jul 17, 11 1:31 pm  · 

Morning all-

It's hot here.  Got in a 30 mile ride yesterday morning before the worst of the heat and air quality comes later this week.  Also saw Harry Potter.  Sad to see the end of the era. 

OK off to finishing up my equipment schedules.

Jul 18, 11 8:34 am  · 

Off to a planned four-hour structural meeting to figure out how to build the completely wacky project I'm working on (as AoR only) that may be in the NYTimes this weekend.  Happy Monday!

Jul 18, 11 9:43 am  · 

carmageddon sounded awesome when i read about it...kind of like memorial day weekend here in nyc, when all the high-maintenance locals got to the hamptons and the rest of us don't have to wait on line for last week was crazy and the weekend was a needed favorite clients were rejected for a loan to finance their renovation






Jul 18, 11 11:59 am  · 

oops...they're trying again, but i panicked and decided to go on a bunch of interviews just in case.  man, interviewing these days is like agreeing to get punched in the face repeatedly for hours on end...anyway, the first two went great, one even led to an almost 2-hr. discussion with the principals of the firm.  very serious and professional...people i would like to keep in touch with even if the job doesn't work out.  but the third...the THIRD...oh man.  first they made me fill out a form, then looked completely bored for all of 10 min.  while they looked at my work (mostly large-scale corporate) then the guy told me it's great that i like to design, but they're looking for someone who can DO things, and by things he means BUILT things, not theoretical projects. (??)  I was blown away, since my portfolio has quite a few of the said built things, along with in-progress work for private clients that is far from 'theoretical'.  i guess it was one of these things where he had some sort of prejudice against my particular educational background, or something..

Jul 18, 11 12:18 pm  · 

Congrats Donna!  I to will be in the NYT's one of these days, but it will not be as positive an article as yours, I'm sure of it.  I can't tell you when, but it will be happening sooner or later.


Jul 18, 11 1:00 pm  · 

 but they're looking for someone who can DO things


it's code for:

we aren't looking for someone who has ideas or opinions - just a production/management monkey who can bang shit out and won't question how we do things.

Jul 18, 11 3:26 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow.  Seems like some people are having awesome days, and others are returning with entertaining stories.

My great news?  I posted my little laundryroom redo in the comments section of a favorite blog, and more than 200 people stopped by to check it out today.  It's insane!  And 60 of those lookie-loos stayed to check out the homepage.  I hope they all come back!  Better keep this week interesting.


Jul 18, 11 4:47 pm  · 

hey all

so..first off...carmageddon used to be a video game that i played in was basically grand theft auto if you took out the missions...the main thrust of the game was to basically run over people with a car...or at least as far as i remember.. so all of these carmageddon references make me sort of nostalgic.

also, i sold six scratchboards and a painting on saturday...with potential to sell other paintings in the very near's days like that where i make a weeks salary in one day where i wonder if i could make it as an artist.

in addition i made a ton of furniture with pixelwhore two weeks ago..including a chair that i've been meaning to make for 7 years or so.. for those of you that may be interested i'll probably post it to my flickr later.

nice to see things moving..but it's been a busy summer so far.

Jul 18, 11 5:26 pm  · 

eh, Sarah, if you want to feel good about your days, consider that my accomplishments this weekend consist of sleeping more like a normal adult and being down to taking only 2 codeines a day. A really good day will be when I can use my peripheral vision without feeling like my left eye's about to pop out of my skull. So, accomplishments are relative :/

But Lars, that really is awesome! Although, does it make me a downer if I remind you that you only sold those in a day, and ask how much time it actually took you to make them? 

Jul 18, 11 5:49 pm  · 

Erin I'm so sorry about your bike/health issues.  hope you mend well and quickly!


Jul 18, 11 6:10 pm  · 

haha it doesn't really make you a downer i don't think.. i'm well aware of how much effort it takes to make things (a scratchboard takes about 2-4 hours though and the paintings about not too too bad...)  and then how much longer it takes to find buyers.  that's the reason i don't actually quit my job...cause even though i made a week's worth of money..that's only one week.  but part of me wonders how much i would actually make if i did it full time.

i did also get my first illustration published as well..i'm in the latest issue of 76 or's a painting of Tyrese.

Erin..hope you feel better..i think i missed what happened..but donna's comment kinda clues me in..

shameless's the chair:

Jul 18, 11 6:49 pm  · 

erin, damm sounds like a bad bike wreck....

Lars, all that furniture for you, or any for sale? and the Vibe thing, is cool.

Jul 18, 11 6:53 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Lars, that is a sweet chair, but I would pretty silly after sitting in it if I wore shorts.  Definitely a 'pants only' chair.  Are you going to finish it somehow, or leave it raw?

Jul 18, 11 6:54 pm  · 

lets start a thread about music, whats your favorite band

Jul 18, 11 7:03 pm  · 

good to hear good news all. not good to hear about bike accidents.  hope get better very soon.


we just had lightning strike in front of our flat.  actually heard the zzzzt as the lightning came down and then a MASSIVE wall of sound that was apparently thunder.  no time lag of course.  apparently we are in a typhoon.


@ lars, that feeling about making money quick is very nice one.  mentioned here before my wee little bro is street performer and he can easily make a thousand or more dollars a day (ie, after an hour and a half of shows, the jerk).  he talks about quitting the job so he can save some part of his tired body as he ages but he can't think of any job where he would be paid anything like he is now.  even if its only a few days a week that psychic shock of making all that cash in an afternoon totally trains a person to expect different things than the salaried men and women of the world.    except for bankers of course.

Jul 18, 11 7:11 pm  · 

That does look pretty sweet lars.

What happened was I was on the road (actually on my way to work after a doctors appointment), and a truck was going way too fast and overall driving a little scary, so I had to swerve to the right pretty suddenly as he passed me closer than I was comfortable with. The spot I ended up in was where a gutter joined up with the main part of the roadway in a poorly constructed way, and my front wheel got wedged in there. The last thing I remember is thinking "oh damn, this isn't going to be good," and then I woke up in an ambulance vomiting on paramedics. They say I went over the handlbars and landed on my head, and the front wheel of my bike being unfixable combined with the large (but receding) bump on my head says that sounds like a pretty solid story. So they kept me in the hospital overnight while I slept on and off, I really only remember individual moments of that day, and let me go home to keep sleeping. It took almost a week (3 days of recover off plus the weekend) for me to come back to work, and my memory was still a little shaky. Fortunately a local shop owner kept my bike in her store until I could come get it and put a note in my purse while I was out so that I'd know that, which was a solid decision because otherwise I never would've remembered such a thing. So overall, scary, and I'm healing up slowly but surely. No broken bones, just scraped and bruised and the head bump/memory loss/disorientation/overall fuzzy feelings is the worst of it.

Jul 18, 11 7:41 pm  · 


the question i gotta ask..were you wearing a helmet?  i never do personally..but riding around nyc makes that seem like an unwise choice.  the head and memory is nothing to mess with...i know from personal experience with a family member...i hope it all works out well for you..and have empathy for what happened..waking up in an ambulance is a scary experience in and of itself.


regarding the chair... the final version is supposed to be baltic birch or bamboo for the individual pieces..the eventual 'cushion' is going to be felt strips that fit in between the wood and protrude out a bit... the chair is designed to be used in three different ways..a rocking chair, lounge chair and stool..although stool doesn't quite work yet... the felt will also act as armrests while also protecting floors from the wood is the idea...felt comes tomorrow so we'll see.


some of the furniture could be for sale.. were you looking at the eames stuff in the background?  i also made some bookshelves and such... eventually i'd like to have a small furniture company that sells this chair and similar pieces..i'll let you all know if anything develops on that front... but let me know what you're interested in and we can talk...hung out with AP and Miss AP last night btw.  hope all's good.

Jul 18, 11 7:54 pm  · 

Love the inset strips as cushion idea, lars.

Jul 18, 11 9:49 pm  · 

Woh Erin that is horrible. Three months ago I did similar. Head over ass I woke up with bike bent in half and literally wrapped around my body. Had to crawl out from under it after checking no broken bones. Half conscious trip carrying bike home then washing blood and pieces of stone out if cuts. No helmet but had presence of mind to cover up as I fell. Freaking lucky. Can't imagine the waking up in ambulance experience. Did the truck driver stop when you tumbled or just run away ?

Jul 18, 11 10:59 pm  · 

Morning all....

lars, I was actually specifically curious about whether the furniture you made with pixel was just a personal project for you or was the stuff for sale like your art?

Things are pretty good here. Work has slowed down a bit and next week i officially move in with the missus.....

Jul 19, 11 8:29 am  · 

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