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Orhan- nope, for others in the office. I was last month, so my mother got the joy of being on a plane on new years, being extremely sick, and nobody helping her because they thought she was drunk, since one month preggers doesn't show!

ACfA- if you like sleep more than you thought, you'll become more organized.

Sep 26, 06 7:29 pm  · 
some person

ACfA, I often got sickly nervous (nervously sick?) before my first day of classes every year. Everything always turned out okay, though.

a) Don't worry about creativity. Your professors know how to draw it out of you, if you'll let them.

b) The school experience, for me, actually enhanced my love of architecture (I had almost given up on wanting to be a designer and only saw my master's degree as a vehicle for getting registered. Grad school changed my outlook for the best; now I think design is great.)

c) Sleep? That sounds like something the competition does.

Sep 26, 06 9:43 pm  · 
vado retro

fall is here. today some reps from a leather company came in and brought punkin pie and taffy apples!

Sep 26, 06 9:46 pm  · 

Man vado you get the BEST rep visits.

and for gaterboard:

no durr. what did you think the entire point of this website was?

Sep 26, 06 11:10 pm  · 

uh dude, no way--prez. musharraf is on the daily show!!!! DAMN. And I was amazed when Jon Stewart got Bob Clinton. Amazing.

Sep 26, 06 11:15 pm  · 

I guess it's not really fake news anymore.

Sep 26, 06 11:15 pm  · 
vado retro

speaking of politix. i just watched "the candidate", michael ritchies excellent film from zee stoneage that was the 70's. about a environmentalist type lawyer who gets pegged to run for senator in kalifornia. well, every single "issue" that is talked about in the movie are the same freakin issues talked about today. just substitute one war with another.

Sep 26, 06 11:18 pm  · 

vado how is the vindpust rock opera coming?

Sep 26, 06 11:25 pm  · 

franz kafka rock opera!!!

**brownies in the mail to whomever gets the reference w/o googling.

Sep 26, 06 11:35 pm  · 
franz kafka
Sep 26, 06 11:40 pm  · 

myriam: brownies in the mail to you for saying 'whomever' rather than 'whoever'

Sep 26, 06 11:59 pm  · 

Christ almighty, I go to Orlando for one day and I'm out of the loop (I was there and in Tampa for work).

soupisgood, thank you for the kitten picture. It reminded me of how much I like my own kitty in spite of her peeing on my bed with a fair amount of regularity these days. Damn cute cats.

I also saw President Musharraf of Pakistan on the Daily Show. I just can't say enough about that show. I also can't say enough about how frustrating it is to me that the people on Fox News make more money than I do.

I'm in Pittsburgh next week. Anyone have any suggestions for good dinner or anything interesting to see?

Sep 27, 06 12:20 am  · 

actually come to think of it it should probably be "whoever" since the person is doing the action of "getting" something... argh. that's a wierd one.

katze did you know that off the top of your head?

Sep 27, 06 12:26 am  · 

Na, I cheated, so brownies are not in order. Well, I didn't cheat totally – I recall seeing this video on youtube a while back (which cracked me up when I read your post). But all things aside, I youtubed, not googled:)

Sep 27, 06 12:35 am  · 

not to get pedantic, but isn't "whomever" and "whom" the object of the preposition "to". You wd use "whoever" if it was the subject of the sentence. Yes, that is definitely pedantic. forget it. i just want chocolate.

Sep 27, 06 12:36 am  · 

yeah no i was wondering the same thing... it usually is, but then again, in this case suddenly the "whom" seemed like a subject to me, because it was doing the action... i don't know, i just had a moment of self-doubt because i am sleepy. surely, surely i am right as usual. brownies for me! night night.

Sep 27, 06 1:24 am  · 

wK- bring that kitty to the vet! if she's peeing so much on things like the bed, she may be sick.

Sep 27, 06 9:59 am  · 

tk - I took her to the vet. She has a bladder infection. We are giving her the medicine but she peed again yesterday.....there's no telling if it was because she is still recovering or if she was pissed because I went away.

Pittsburgh? Anyone?

Sep 27, 06 12:33 pm  · 

I love Pittsburgh. There's too much to tell you. Damn. Look in the Chris Daniel thread, I think I gave some tips there... there's also been a couple pittsburgh threads, I think?

You could always stop by CMU and peek in the arch. studios. It's a pretty campus w/ beautiful studio spaces and might kind of charge you a bit.

Sep 27, 06 12:50 pm  · 


coffee: Beehive (pre-Starbucks explosion coffeehouse nostalgia) or Strip Club (great espresso) Behhive on Carson St, Southside or Forbes Ave, Oakland. Strip club on Forbes in the Strip.


grocery- the Strip. go see the cheese guy at Pennsylvania Macaroni Co. fish from Wholey's.
-Mad Mex in/near Oakland.
-Mallorca on Carson, good paella

other stuff:

-go to Pgh. Filmmakers Institute, see photos in gallery
- look for Orgone Cinema flyers
-enter town off of 279 through the tunnel, insta-downtown!
-Warhol museum on Northside
-sneak into an abandoned million square foot building and explore
- good steep singletrack in Frick Park

all info off the top of my head and circa 1995, so do what you will with it.

Sep 27, 06 12:55 pm  · 

fwiw- I hated Pittsburgh when I lived there, but miss parts of it now. Especially that cheese guy, like a 5'-0" italian guy who could cut within .01 of a pound of any of maybe 40 cheeses (think of the variations in density!!) off of a bigass (20#+ ?) wheel.

Sep 27, 06 1:00 pm  · 

my cat (the esteemed 24 pounds of snaggle-toothed Dr. Seuss) had a bladder infection and an abscessed tooth removed before we shoved him onto an airplane- so that was why he was realy cranky and peeing on his bed. typically behaviour like that in a cat is the sign that something is wrong. it takes about one week of meds to recover. also try feeding her food for urinary tract health...

Sep 27, 06 1:03 pm  · 
vado retro

it just got nighttime dark outside and it aint five yet. major storm rolling in. liberty put your top up!!!

Sep 27, 06 4:46 pm  · 

aww, FRO, the beehive closed in like '99. Shame. There are better coffee joints now though anyway.

61C café in Squirrel Hill, Quiet Storm Café in Bloomfield...

WonderK: go to the Mattress Factory or the Warhol Museum over on the North Side. Stroll around the Mexican War Streets while you're there, and get a great view of downtown across the river. Go over to the South Side and head up Mount Washington on the funicular train--best view of the city from the top of it!! Definitely worth a trip.

As for food, the list of good eats is endless. Depends on what you're into. Some local hometown faves are Tessoro's in Bloomfield for burgers, Primante Bros for true pittsburgh sandwiches (with things like fries inside them), Dave & Andy's for the best homemade ice cream EVER, etc.

Sep 27, 06 5:40 pm  · 
liberty bell

Just remember whatever you order in a Pittsburgh restauarant, you'll get fries on top of it.

I love construction, I love construction, I love construction. I am so fortunate and thankful that I get to spend a significant part of my working hours on jobsites, because I love construction.

Sep 27, 06 6:06 pm  · 

I might get to puppy-sit this weekend! Yay! My boyfriend's boss is going out of town, and doesn't want to leave his beagle-baby alone by its lonesome. And it's probably quite a nice house, considering the work the guy's done for other people. So it'd be like a little mini-vacation with a puppy.

Sep 27, 06 6:06 pm  · 

Thanks myriam, FRO and tk for the Pittsburgh/cat tips. They will all be useful in the next week or so. Is there anyone actually in Pittsburgh that I can hang out with next Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday evening?

Hmmm. vado says that there is a storm rolling in to Indy. Which means it will show up here in a few hours or overnight. I had better enjoy the beautiful sunny 70-degree weather while I have it!


PS. In case you missed it, I've been laughing about this for about 10 minutes.

Sep 27, 06 6:06 pm  · 
vado retro

go to mount oliver its where i got my first real kiss. and i didnt even have to pay!!!

Sep 27, 06 6:20 pm  · 

oh yeah! Dave & Andy's ROCKS!!!!!

Sep 27, 06 6:27 pm  · 

Hmm, I might know someone really cool you could hang with. He's the best stuff there is. Email me.

Sep 27, 06 11:13 pm  · 

OK, I had to post because Thread Central was slipping too low on the front page.

Wierdness- I met Daniel of USC School blog fame last saturday at a tailgate party, and didn't realize that it was him until yesterday! Is anyone here (maybe AP?) on facebook, or am I the only one who was an undergrad student when that was big? Anyway, I kept getting these annoying notifications of people wanting to be my 'friend' and inviting me to parties, so I log in to shut them off, and there's this news feed thing where is says who in your network has updated their profile, uploaded photos, etc. and one of them is like, "Daniel has joined (some architecture group)", and it sparked my interest. And lo and behold, it turns out to be him, and I recognized the photo.

Sep 28, 06 12:10 pm  · 

no, I'm not on facebook (or myspace, or any of those sites)...
...although, facebook was popular while I was in undergrad too.

speaking of schoolblog fame, Chili Davis of Lawrence Technological University is on his 2nd consecutive 20+ comment blog...

Sep 28, 06 12:52 pm  · 

had to pull a vado for this one!

man, this feels like such an empty accomplishment...
so what is next goal? 1000 posts?

Sep 28, 06 1:02 pm  · 

so, my neighbor car mechanic g-man's partner rodnick prasad walk into my office trying to sell his kid's magazine subscription school project. he said there were some architectural ones but turns out to be they were archeology magazines.
well rodnick hired me last year to do a design for his house remodeling one block away. at the end, his relatives (big indian family) talked him out of using an architect because architects were from another class and they are expensive, which is not true because i gave rod a really good deal. and, did schematic design for 2.5 K. for his 150K budget.
anyway, i knew he hired a contractor after me and today when he was here trying to sell subsciriptions for his son, i asked him how is the construction going. he said everything was fine and told me that contractor didn't charge him for 'plans'.
thats right, free plans.
this is how architects are bypassed by free design providing contractors.
rodnick is made believe architects are unnecessary and plans are supplied free with constraction contract.
he asked me to go check his construction site. i don't think i want to.

Sep 28, 06 5:04 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm on the verge of giving up and stories like that Orhan make me want to all the more. Suddenly I'm with Steven and myriam: being a parking lot attendant or brick stacker would maybe just barely pay the bills and not be so stressful. Right now I'm barely paying the bills and I'm under crushing stress - why bother?

So did you buy a subscription? I dread the whole school fundraising thing that is bound to happen soon. We just bought a ton of garbage bags from the kids three doors down. I thought we were getting the special leaf collection bags that mulch right up with the leaves, but they appear to be plastic.

I need a hot Brad Pitt pic to brighten my mood - but ya know, even that wouldn't help right now because it would make me think about how rich he is and how he can play at "being an architect" with all his millions. Crap.

Sep 28, 06 5:47 pm  · 

LB- here's some Brad for you, but from the 'Thelma & Louise' era, before he starting playing architect.

Sep 28, 06 5:51 pm  · 

lbelle, think about that lovely meal you had in chicago.

Sep 28, 06 5:59 pm  · 

sweet yummy abs. Was that on the menu in Chicago, lb? :o)

TC is about to pass 30,000 views and 4300 posts. Woo hoo.

Sep 28, 06 6:03 pm  · 
vado retro

well, anyone ever have sexy dreams about coworkers. i mean this dream was hot. and then i was at work all day and everytime i saw my coworker i was sent back to dreamland. i could concentrate less than usual. and yes it was a female coworker.

yeah thats a builder thing they won't charge you for their fabulous houseplans if you hire them to do the job.

orhan use one of the magazines as a fuse for a molotov cocktail.

Sep 28, 06 6:41 pm  · 

no i didn't buy any mags. i lied to him saying, "we already bought bunch from neighbor's kids".

only mag enters our house is national enquirer. a gift subscription from tina's friend mary ann.
i see real paparazzi's all the time when i go to hairsalon job everyother day which is about to be finished.
bunch of mexican guys with various cameras in their hands staking out restaurants, shops and street and valet parkings. they are like a mob and has nothing to do with journalism even though they ask questions to get their subjects react. stupid questions like are you getting married hillery? hilery hilery smile... stuff like that.
i don't know who hillary is. (i assume thats the correct spelling)

Sep 28, 06 6:46 pm  · 
vado retro

4300 hey thats me????

Sep 28, 06 6:49 pm  · 
vado retro

anyway abra you could be like marcello in la dolce vita. he was a pappaarazzi.

Sep 28, 06 6:51 pm  · 
Sep 28, 06 8:09 pm  · 

So what's the deal with the new adverts at the top of the discussion page????

Does archinect make $$$ everytime we click on the link?

who is and what is delineation?

Sep 29, 06 12:50 pm  · 

if I recall correctly, Javier was one of the jurors for this competition last year. I took a quick look at the site and Mason White will be one of the jurors this year...

someone should submit that Reggie Jackson collage^...

Sep 29, 06 2:16 pm  · 
Ms Beary

e - looks like I'm gong to the beer festival tonight so we'll miss each other.
But I do have poker on Saturday night at a friend's house, so if you are up for beating some Denverites at poker after the fest, drop me a line.

Sep 29, 06 2:18 pm  · 

strawbeary, i never made it out. i've been ill for some time and had to cancel my plane ticket the day before. damn it sucks. i would have loved to play some poker too. :+(

Sep 29, 06 4:17 pm  · 

Somebody please hurry up and get rid of those multiple "cool new web site" posts. Maybe leave one so we can comment on them (read: hurl insults about spamming), but I assure you, the t-shirts are not even interesting.

Sep 29, 06 4:19 pm  · 

ya, right up there with the "Hi ayfgl" t-shirts...

Sep 29, 06 4:21 pm  · 

Ok wise guys, advice needed.

I did a little project for this lady last year--she knocked out all the walls on her first floor and we reconfigured the space--and I really need to get pics of the place before I move away in a month. She lives outside of town so it's not like I can just drop by casually. Project should be nearing completion of construction which is perfect for my purposes (no furnishings, still some unfinished stuff to make cool photos). I emailed her about coming by to take pics and this was her response:

Nice to hear from you. I'm still in the process of doing things. We are in the painting stage. The plan is for the floor to be installed next week. It is probably going to take at least another month or so and I still don't think everything will be completely done. Why don't you send me an e-mail just before you head out and maybe things will be a little more completed. I can always send you some pictures via e-mail if you head out before the jobscompleted. I'm sorry to hear that you are dealing with an illness in the family. I hope things work out for you.

Take care,

...Now I am unsure how to respond. I don't want to be a brat about it, but I really need these pictures, and I'd rather be able to pose them myself. She's really nice and I feel bad bugging her. Advice?

Sep 29, 06 4:25 pm  · 

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