
Thread Central



well done sir!, you took the bait...again

May 10, 06 1:55 pm  · 

at the risk of playing the rookie card once again, i'm stunned by how many people come into chat forums like this just to stir up trouble.

seriously, didn't anyone ever teach you that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all?

i'm not saying that intelligent (and sometimes ridiculous) debate/discourse doesn't involve some level of disagreement (that's the whole point) and even the occasional potentially inflammatory comment, but the key ingredient should always be respect.

the common trend i'm noticing among those being rightfully derided here on Thread Central is a complete lack of respect...respect for others' opinions, respect for others' experience, respect for those of whom you're supposedly asking for the favor of insight...and often just common decency.

Maybe it's not so common anymore and that's the problem. Just because someone can't reach through your computer monitor and immediately wring your neck doesn't give you the right to be a jackass, and if knowing that it won't likely happen gives you the confidence boost you need to make up for whatever impotence you suffer from away from the computer, you need to truly re-examine how you spend your time.

[broccolijet: exit soapbox]

ps - parallel38, i'm pretty sure wonderk is a ma'am/miss

May 10, 06 2:15 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

as a early-twenty something i feel compelled to defend broccoli's assertions of the internet as a generational crutch. i had plenty of friends and classmates that were all hard-working and studious. we did our work. hit the books with aplomb and never resorted to cheap casts into the forum pond to fish for answers.

remember the kid in 6th grade that would just copy the encyclopedia articles for his papers? yeah. those same kids are still around. it's just they use the internet now instead.

and for the record from the internet i taught myself to play 2 instruments, learned how to use rhino. change my bicycle's tire properly (i kept pinching the tube), change my car's oil, and much much more. all w/o the help of any kind of forum. so it can be a valuable research tool.

May 10, 06 2:28 pm  · 

yes myriam, i'd love to hear the laugh too and i'm glad i put a smile on your face yesterday.

May 10, 06 2:29 pm  · 
liberty bell

Right, ACfA - I should have mentioned too that of course there are always hardworking people and there are always slackers. I didn't intend to brush off everyone under 25 as lazy. And I use the internet for information - especially product specs - constantly, I can't get my work done without it.

May 10, 06 2:39 pm  · 

well said acfa.

May 10, 06 2:45 pm  · 

ACfA -- noted...and completely agree. my assertion wasn't intended to imply people of a certain age group. i meant some people in our day and age...and not just with regards to the internet. i work with 50 yr olds who would rather waste 10 minutes of my time asking me a question about something instead of taking 5 minutes of their own to find it out themselves.

i too know plenty of "young" people (shit i'm 33 and i certainly don't feel old yet!) who are diligent self-starters. the internet is a wonderful and indespensable research tool that's made it easier for such diligent self-starters to do even better, more comprehensive work. unfortunately, it also enables lazy people (or those completely incapable of making a decision on their own) who expect everyone else to do their homework for them.

so really, i guess my problem is with lazy people who feel a sense of entitlement to all the information people like you have so assiduously gathered through plain old hard work and real world experience (ref: soulikeit et al). also sorta relates to my recent rant about respect.

sorry that you took offense.

May 10, 06 3:01 pm  · 


May 10, 06 4:16 pm  · 

myriam, there's an AA in our office with a laugh like the one you can hear it from anywhere in the office... it's pretty much impossible not to smile when you hear her boisterous eruptions.

I will now think of you when she laughs...

May 10, 06 4:29 pm  · 

ha ha! awesome! i didn't used to ever notice it but lately a few friends of mine have started congratulating each other when i bust out with one of my "special" laughs (as they call it). Then suddenly i started noticing that it really was rather startling!

Maybe some day you all will be treated to it. :) luckily it's not hard to make me laugh.

Also, by the by, I *might* be in LA around convention time, so I suppose I could meet some 'nectors then, if anyone would be down! If not for the convention I'll definitely be there this summer for a week or so. (Visiting der paterland.)

May 10, 06 5:08 pm  · 


what the? talk about out of the blue.
Your comment makes me look thoughtful

May 10, 06 5:12 pm  · 

wait- isn't NOW convention time?

May 10, 06 5:21 pm  · 

a little afternoon/evening laugh courtesy of a friend of mine:

**caution, it is somewhat offensive**

Do you have what it takes to be a serious artist?

May 10, 06 5:34 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

no worries. didn't take offense. i just wanted to make sure my generation got its due. :)

granted, none of you should give me too much credit. after all, i still feel like i'm pretending to do this architecture stuff.

but we will always have people of higher and lower calibers. i think i lurked around these forums for a few weeks before i even had the guts to say anything. i was terrified someone would find something horribly wrong with a comment i made and call me out as a fraud. i've mentioned it before but i'll say it again. seems like because the forum is quite casual people assume there are no rules of etiquette and anything goes.

May 10, 06 7:21 pm  · 

broccolijet...or yet another Yalie

Before you blindly follow someone who has good intentions, You should visit the sites/communities that Cameron has (like I have). AFH doesn't produce anything worthwhile....its a feel good pat-yourself-on-the-back fluff organization....and Cameron does the worst thing you can do within this profession....provide false hope.

May 10, 06 7:43 pm  · 


in reviewing your posts to seems you're more interested
in trying to insult the man/organization in as many fora as possible..
if you've had a private conversation and have spoken and agree to
disagree shouldn't things be left at that? it's one thing to disagree
with an organization and to state that disagreement...but when a
member of that organization is also a member of this seems
as though you're just trying to prove how much better you are than him
rather than promote any kind of meaningful discussion...

perhaps you'd be better served outlining what you think is the right
way to do things/ starting a discourse...or better yet starting your
own relief effort/organization based on your vision/principles.

and i didn't go to yale..and i don't know cameron...but i just can't
figure out what your motivation is.

how does one define 'worthwhile' anyway?

May 10, 06 8:00 pm  · 

wha? are these two following eachother from thread to thread?

man, thread central used to be a refuge from all the insanity

May 10, 06 8:08 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

shame! bringing such mudslinging in a sophisticated thread as this one.

tsk!! look what you've done! now the baby's upset!

May 10, 06 8:15 pm  · 

out of tgv11's 30 posts, how many would you say are insulting Cameron?

May 10, 06 8:18 pm  · 

holy moli tgv11! what crawled up your butt!?

You're "Colbert"ing Cameron again can you combat AIDS via architecture...hmmm

May 10, 06 8:30 pm  · 

rationalist....two so far...I'm getting my popcorn

May 10, 06 8:30 pm  · 

And A Center for Ants?

I'm happy to see you found a photo of sevensixfive (right after he read my Yale Blows posts) :-)

May 10, 06 8:37 pm  · 

Oh, from people's reactions, I'd kind have gotten the impression that twenty of his third posts were Cameron-bashing.

May 10, 06 8:43 pm  · 

Dissecting a Second-Rater

This is the post I was going to add to the Yale Blows thread but I don't wanna bump it: (please by all means)

Yes, you caught us, Yale is a New Urbanist school. We admit it.
(that's sad to hear :-( )

Yes, we all accept payoffs from the administration to act like there's nothing at all wrong with the school when really the ceiling's falling in, a piece hit me on the head while I was sitting at my desk just yesterday. (payoffs...working for Stern...same deal)

Yes, you're right, pmic is not really a prospective student, he's a stealth marketer that we've just added to the full time staff. He goes around to all of the forums and sneaks in little positive references to Yale. (pmic (an incoming student) made the biggest mistake of his life ;-) )

You caught us, he was "seen typing at YSOA". (I think that was odp1 dumbass)

tgv11 has discovered the truth by getting in touch with his vast network of contacts. Not even Smokety's desperate, last ditch attempt to write "a series of internal Yale emails" about parallel38 and the Yale Blows thread can stop us all from getting kicked off archinect and failing our NAAB accreditation.

(maybe not kicked-off....but you'll always be a second-rate school :-) )

The game is up, we admit everything. We blow.
(thats good to hear :-) )

Now will you two jackasses go find someplace else to to hang out and talk to yourselves? Your one word bumps for your thread are a lot less funny than your paranoid rantings from the thread's earlier phase. Or, better yet, grow a brain and add to the conversation on some of the other threads: ask abra for some advice on how to get some friends, post a funny picture on jpeg du jour, you guys are pretty good at ranting, you could make some real contributions to this thread! Lighten up, quit playing yourselves, and branch out a little, before everyone else at Harvard and the AA excommunicates you two for making them look bad.

(Change your'll be less cranky)

May 10, 06 8:44 pm  · 

mm hmm.

i have been busy with work lately so only skimming now and then but things seem a bit disturbed here lately. strange kids asking good dumb questions that get a lot of attention but then turn angry, vapid responses to other good dumb questions that make the questioner looking a fool for daring to ask a dumb question, and then this bit with cameron and his hate-friend. wow.

all i can say is thank the small gods for oana and the school bloggers.

as for kids being lazy. i think they are just being young, and liberty bell has, as usual, given us the perfect reponse. such kids are lucky to have as generous an answer as that.

it is not an obligation to teach kids how to be adults, but some of the comments by older folks here sound a bit like "in my day we din talk that way to our betters ya dang whipper-snapper", or worse. so it is nice to hear a bit of content from lady liberty.


May 10, 06 8:53 pm  · 

wow could be my shrink

It all started when....

May 10, 06 8:58 pm  · 


Really, where are the others?

May 10, 06 8:59 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

with threads that have been popping up I am reminded of MacBeth

... it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

May 10, 06 9:02 pm  · 

We're not asking for your life story ACFA

May 10, 06 9:04 pm  · 

parallel38- You obviously did not read my post, or do not have the brain cells to comprehend it. I said that judging FROM PEOPLE'S REACTIONS, I'd kind have gotten the impression that twenty of his thirty posts were Cameron-bashing. Not that that was a fact, but that was the impression that those reactions were giving me. I was suprised to find that only two of your posts were Cameron-bashing, and think that everybody else reading this thread got that. Learn to read, and get off the case of people who are (well, at least were) not attacking you. There seem to be plenty of them without additional provocation.

I cry 'TROLL'. Do I get a prize for being the first to see it? Cause this guy's nothing but a common troll, no other explanation.

May 10, 06 9:31 pm  · 

oh, and we're not asking for you to type, parallel38. But you just keep going, anyway.

May 10, 06 9:32 pm  · 

actually tgv just had a go twice and actually not too harsh, it just came across that way. His response here shows his true colo(u)rs.

We will always have detractors, as will any organization. I've already explained to you what AFH 'does' and you still seem not to understand. fine. I'm sure you take great glee in trying to piss me off for wasting 10 years of my life on this 'fluff' organization. well good for you.

The fact is that over 2005 we have funded, managed and implemented 2 dozen buildings in 5 countries and are on course for another 30 or so this year. 60% are not on the website or in print. A number have lead to developing locally based economic stability and allowed a range of designers to be apart of real projects on the ground. Occationally, through skills training, communities we work with have taken designs and adapted them and continued to build long after we've left.

The truth is you don't want to do this sort of work. So don't. As noted before it's quite easy to email me directly but you don't and I'm sure you will continue to hide behind your screen name. Note how many people here use their real name... very few and most of those, like myself, are archinect editors.

ps. when you mentioned in the last thread 'I just didn't want to leave you with the impression that I was looking for a job. There's nothing else to discuss.' you were lying right? or was that a passive-agressive answer so I won't think that you were just being petty?


The difference is Colbert is actually funny and honest enough to stick his neck out in public. Also he's been around for a number of years, TVP showed up last month with his rapier wit.

as for the comment regarding combatting AIDS through architecture - the answer is fairly simple - lack of a highly distributed healthcare network is limited the potential for the medical profession to combat the pandemic. get it. we (architects/designers) have an opportunity to develop innovative buildings (hospitals/mobile clinics) to allow the medical world (doctors) to best opportunity to combat the AIDS pandemic... sorry that is a little soundbite-esque but I'm not going to spend all evening writing and explaining why.


Are we going to get a thread explaining that 2 too and soilikeit are one and the same person? no hard feelings.

May 10, 06 9:36 pm  · 
liberty bell

jump, thanks for your support, I try to be helpful when I can.

ACfA: I've been "doing" architecture (school+practice) for 21 years and still every day feel like I'm "pretending to do this architecture stuff". I think Steven once pointed out that that aspect of practice is part of what makes it so interesting - every day is a new problem, something new to research and learn about. It is hard to get bored as an architect.

I think it best just not to respond to people who continue a fight from another thread here on Thread Central. Thread Central isn't the place for fighting over topics from another thread. Take the fight back there, or let it drop.

May 10, 06 9:37 pm  · 

Hey rationalist (dumbass)

Those aren't my posts you moron, those are tgv11's
I'm not Cameron bashing, I don't give a crap really

May 10, 06 9:37 pm  · 


I'm not looking for a fight.

May 10, 06 9:41 pm  · 

durrr, yeah, I lumped you two together. I am actually, truly sorry about that and hope you'll accept my apologies. Your, "really, where are the others?" sounded so offended/defensive. I really just meant that everyone's reactions had been sooo strong to his popping in here that that's the impression that was given.

For all others reading, please act as if those posts were directed at tgv11 and not at parallel38, and excuse an occasional dumbass move.

May 10, 06 9:41 pm  · 
liberty bell

Nice response, Cameron. It leads me to this decision: I'm going to take a page from Planned Parenthood's "Sponsor a Protestor" program, wherein supporters sign up to donate a certain amount of money to PP if a certain anti-choice protestor shows up at the clinic that day. In honor of the detractor of whom you speak, I'm surfing over to the AFH website right now to make a(nother) donation.

May 10, 06 9:42 pm  · 

ok, re-reading, let's pretend those two posts weren't made at all, k? They don't even make sense for tgv11. They would only make sense if tgv11 and parallel38 were the same person, which seems to not be the case.

May 10, 06 9:43 pm  · 

Screw a donation. Come down to the gulf coast. We have a ton of opportunities for design/build in the fall.

May 10, 06 9:44 pm  · 

thanks rationalist.

I'll just stick to my Yale bashing. I really don't care about Cameron/AFH

May 10, 06 9:46 pm  · 
liberty bell

Sorry Cameron too late. I'll keep design build for fall in mind, though since I'm taking off three weeks for the Kentucky GSA program I'm not sure I can disappear from my office any more of this year.

May 10, 06 9:49 pm  · 

and sevensixfive

in response to your email, if you stop attacking me, I'll stop attacking you. You sound like a good individual, and I don't have any beef with the Yale students....just the admin in charge and anyone who follows them blindly. I'll tone things down in the coming days

May 10, 06 9:51 pm  · 

not sure if this is worth even commenting, but wtf...

tvg11 -- i have no opinion whatsoever about yale...not sure where you made that connection.

regarding cameron sinclair and AFH, i have no opinion there either, i just thought your comments to him were a rude, immature, passive-aggressive toss-off (of which there seems to be far too much here as of late) and i respect him for handling it professionally.

nothing more, nothing less.

May 10, 06 11:54 pm  · 
Heather Ring

On the topic of Try Google ... one of the funniest phenomenons on the internet, ever, happened a few years ago: the question answerer. I just love that kids would search for a "question-answerer" rather than an answer to their question.

May 11, 06 12:27 am  · 

" again can you combat AIDS via architecture...hmmm"

parallel38, If you don't care about AFH why ask a question about it?

anyway my earlier comment was a post response joke.. you know, wouldn't it be funny that the 3 most recent people on archinect are the same person?

What I'm finding more amusing is that the number of responses to tvg11s comments outway the offers of pro-bono help to do 4 hours of cad work for post-tsunami by 25:0

May 11, 06 12:28 am  · 

Heather, I maybe dating my time on archinect but what ever happened to the 'noodling' thread --this reminded me of it

somewhere up there an archinector is no longer noodling.

May 11, 06 12:31 am  · 
sporadic supernova

Wow .. all that hate ... never expected to see the "Yale blows" hate coming on to thread central ... keep off !!..

I was gonna report a fight brewing up here .. but looks like we have plenty to deal with already ...

May 11, 06 3:47 am  · 
sporadic supernova

tvg11 and parallel38, ..

you guys must be a joy to be with .. ( and in case you want to respond to this .. please send me an email rather than flood the thread with your unnecessary rants)

and for the record .. I respect what AFH does ...

May 11, 06 3:50 am  · 

->) -- (<-

lalalalalalalalalalalala (not hearing all of this).

good morning everyone!

May 11, 06 7:19 am  · 
vado retro

somebody email me when some good threads start showing up. later...

May 11, 06 7:28 am  · 

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