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liberty bell

SO much exciting news. Ike Reilly has a new digital release coming out 2 May, yay!

But this is more architectural: I'm not sure where else to post it, so here it is. There is going to be a re-issue of the Eames childrens LCW chair!!!

Here is the website - UK only perhaps? twentytwentyone

and here is the totally adorable, utterly irresistable chair:

An original of this chair was displayed in the Eames exhibit I did in Philly last summer. The original of course was a prototype only, it was never produced, and was natural plywood with a gorgeous patina. We displayed it next to a regular full-size adult LCW, as you can see in this pre-show image:

This pic gives a sense of the scale of the tiny adorable thing. I dreamt of it being reissued when I saw it, yay!

Now I dream of owning two original modern icons (not the reissue though this one is sooo cute): this chair and the Eames plywood screen. Will never happen but I can dream.

Apr 20, 06 12:31 am  · 

Gosh you guys have been busy tonight. I need some sort of text message that alerts me when an interesting conversation is going on. And, as per usual, liberty bell brings it full circle.....thanks, dear.

The cowbell cracks me up. And what's with all the "hating" going on was mentioned on the [url=]current
CD obsessions[/url] thread, "don't hate, pontificate".....

Apr 20, 06 12:52 am  · 

damn why didn't that link work. Hmmm.

current CD obsessions[/url]

Apr 20, 06 12:54 am  · 

why isn't that working? Very strange. Seriously I've done this before I swear.

whatever, it's late, I'm going to bed. catch you guys tomorrow, er, later today....

Apr 20, 06 12:55 am  · 
liberty bell

WonderK, myriam, you guys are up late! I'm going to bed now.

myriam, you rocked the floor plans thread, especially with that "so are you gonna help others now, you little suntanned brat?" comment.

Apr 20, 06 1:00 am  · 

ha ha ha, i totally thought she was kidding about working on her tan, but i guess not!

the funny thing is that she didn't start off annoying me at all, she was just kind of amusing.

Apr 20, 06 1:14 am  · 
sporadic supernova

egad !! .. is vado back on the cheerleaders !!...

first thing in the morning .. i had to see a bunch of male cheerleaders !!

Apr 20, 06 1:44 am  · 
sporadic supernova

here you go wonderk

current CD obsessions


Apr 20, 06 1:49 am  · 

Myriam- I might be a suntan brat, but I get my work done.
Hard work is no good unless pointed in the right direction maybe you guys are working too hard in the wrong direction and therefore don’t have the time to tan

Apr 20, 06 1:59 am  · 
FOG Lite

OK enough of this sheri24 person, Heather Ring is really starting to piss me off. She is apparently stuck in the same cultural vortex as I. McSweeney's, The Onion, Harper's, NYTs, This American Life, The Daily Show, and now, linking to the New Yorker before I have received my copy in the mail! Bah!

I once sent an email to This American Life asking why I had seen/ heard several of the same things in Harper's as well as their program, apparently they share interns. I can't seem to get any information outside my loop! Is the world really this small? I'm going to go watch Fox news now. (Who am I kidding? I'm listening to archived This American Life shows.)

Apr 20, 06 3:33 am  · 

This sheri24 person cannot be real, your right myriam. The picture is well chosen though. She's hot. As I said before, not the hottest architect (since the crown is already taken) but hot still. I should have come back to this thread before...
So FOG Lite, maybe youguys should try to get together somehow? Maybe we should revive the archinect crushes thread? What do you say?

Apr 20, 06 5:18 am  · 

"you ARE right myriam"

Apr 20, 06 5:23 am  · 

I hate UCLA and I dont go there. OMG, I had no idea I was so interesting to you guys. Get over it, there are a few people here who actually have answers and they are helpful, the rest of you just SUCK.

As the FOG lady said enough of Sheri24

Apr 20, 06 6:14 am  · 
sporadic supernova

oh .. oh ...

there's a fight brewing up over here ..


Apr 20, 06 6:21 am  · 

You guys are hilarious specially this myriam girl and aml,
I think you guys would have been better of working as detectives.
Don’t be so bitter, someday you guys will make it.

Apr 20, 06 6:29 am  · 

sorry FOG I didn't know you were a lady. And sheri, I was just kiddin'. Just to catch back with the flow of the conversation Y'know. You can go back to your hard work in peace now...

Apr 20, 06 6:33 am  · 
sporadic supernova

gee sheri ... thanks :) ..

someday I will make it...

Apr 20, 06 6:50 am  · 

sheri24 is a 14 year old with a myspace profile as her website?


this is too surreal, even for my allnighter strained brain.

the future is here, already.

Apr 20, 06 6:53 am  · 

no, really. read all her posts in sequence.


Apr 20, 06 6:58 am  · 
sporadic supernova

lol .. "40 winks" is the key bigness .. hahaha .

in anycase .. cant see any of those pages.. (myspace is also a banned website in the UAE ... dont ask why .. coz i dont know)

Apr 20, 06 7:01 am  · 
sporadic supernova

well weekend's here !! .. two days of bliss.
it's gonna be lazy this time. Robbie Williams concert tommorow.
nothing else... maybe i'll catch a movie later .
been dying to see crash

Apr 20, 06 7:05 am  · 

spo, if you are coming to london and the aa, you have to kick the robbie williams habit. unless you're a girl. but i on't think u are.

check these guys out.

Apr 20, 06 7:08 am  · 

SS- I’m referring to all these bitter people on this site, so what if I ask something that you might have more knowledge about, will that make me dumb, because I’m asking, and I don’t know?
You guys are just so rude, as the doc said - most of you will be stuck in your stupid idiosyncrasies for the rest of your lives making $12 an hour

Apr 20, 06 7:12 am  · 

look sheri, the issue here is that u came up saying u were a student and this was your thesis project (your words)
this means, in general therms, that you are a 25 year old person who has been studying Architecture for at least 5 years.
which u are not. you are a teenager with an highschool project. there is nothing wrong with that. but people judged your questions as if they were coming from an almost qualified professional, and therefore they sounded a little, well, unqualified. someone with that experience could probably look a few pics of the house and draw a pretty accurate plan.
if you had been honest about who you were and what you were doing, people would have been al lot more simpathetic and helpful. you came across as an adult acting as a 14 year old, which is annoying. if you had come across like a 14 yo acting AS a 14 yo, it would have been different.

yes, most of us will be stuck discussing useless philosophical musings for the rest of our lives, but we love our jobs, so fuck it!

Apr 20, 06 7:22 am  · 
sporadic supernova

lol .. concert's a concert here mate ... not personally into it .. but all my friends are going for it .. so i'm left with nothing to do .. and all the rock bands here suck.. big time !!
besides .. its either Robbie .. or J-Lo ... soooo .. Robbie it is

Apr 20, 06 7:22 am  · 

yeah, i would have picked robbie too. at least he does drugs.
anyway, seriously, check that band out, their buddies from back home, i think their good...

Apr 20, 06 7:24 am  · 
sporadic supernova

really ?.. you're buddies .. ? 40winks?.. thats neat ..
k .. i'll check them out .. but I hope they're rock and not some techno stuff ....

Apr 20, 06 7:31 am  · 
sporadic supernova

what ?? sheri's 14 ? .. really ?? .

then, what's with the sheri"24" .. oh well ...

Apr 20, 06 7:34 am  · 
yes, most of us will be stuck discussing useless philosophical musings for the rest of our lives, but we love our jobs, so fuck it!

too true, but luckily it's at a hell of a lot more than $12/hour!

and, oddly enough, I do indeed find time to work on my tan. Ahhh, life is good...

Apr 20, 06 7:55 am  · 

my god, even the thread central is invaded by teenagers aliens. This site is getting helpless.

Apr 20, 06 8:12 am  · 

so now I have to check archinect before I go to bed and when I wake to make sure I don't miss anything? hot damn...

Apr 20, 06 8:52 am  · 

this too shall pass.

Apr 20, 06 8:56 am  · 

Special shout out to sporadic, who not only fixed my link (what the hell was that about anyway), but then cracked me up by linking to Thread Central (like the neverending mirrors...), and who lives in a MySpace-free world. Enjoy your concert as much as possible, sporadic. I would suggest lots of alcohol. Also, as I am the official spokesperson for "Crash", I highly recommend it. Some people said that it was too preachy but for the full cinematic experience, it doesn't get much better than this movie, IMO.

Apr 20, 06 9:01 am  · 

^(for French)

Apr 20, 06 9:03 am  · 

ya, circular linking just plain confused's early here...still on first cup of coffee.

Apr 20, 06 9:05 am  · 
liberty bell

Speaking of coffee, where has farmer been lately?

Apr 20, 06 9:07 am  · 

Barbie (sheri), thinks the whole world is her accessory...

She will get the plans to her barbie house, go visit on her barbie mobile, and she will barbie-fy Archinect!!!

sameolddoc wants to become her ken.

Its fabulous to be live in a barbie world.

The worst thing is that Im sure this gril will shoot up on the architecture world and she will go on to be someone's very annoying boss... but thats what a barbie world is all about.

Apr 20, 06 11:23 am  · 

nah. i doubt it.

Apr 20, 06 11:51 am  · 

rationalist, i take it back. i'm more annoyed that she will represent californians now than that she will represent architects. actually it's kind of a double whammy to my being.

Apr 20, 06 12:44 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

Um... how did the fighting somehow roll into this thread? It's like the barfight that moves from the bar next door into your bar.

Were we all just called pasty white and low-paid? How strange.

Apr 20, 06 1:07 pm  · 
brian buchalski

oh...i'm sooooo hungover today

"tuesday may be the new friday" but wednesday sure as hell isn't saturday...and my tongue hurts...yuck

Apr 20, 06 1:16 pm  · 
liberty bell

At least you're still alive puddles. Glad to hear it.

Apr 20, 06 1:29 pm  · 

lb: farmer's still alive, too. kind of you to ask.

Apr 20, 06 1:59 pm  · 
brian buchalski

it's not too long as i keep my eyes shut and don't move my head...good thing i'm at the office right now (and not wasting my own time)

Apr 20, 06 2:04 pm  · 

puddles... copied... thanks for being alive.

back to city of lakewood for those who have been following the story;

this morning i got a call from head planning boss who is also in the review board and he apologized for my experience and they are prepared to approve my plans as submitted and he even likes the lexan cover in the front and he understood my design intend and he told me they have also catagorized my project as a creative approach sample, bla bla bla.

one letter solves many problems and architects role in the community is reminded to them. i feel accomplished.
1 city official, 1 person at a time. speak up for your profession...

Apr 20, 06 2:17 pm  · 

that's great orhan. fabulous news. complaining without action goes no where. if you want to be part of any solution, you must speak up and act. bravo orhan, bravo.

Apr 20, 06 2:22 pm  · 

congrats orhan, good for you! and good for the profession, too.

Apr 20, 06 2:24 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yay, Orhan. Action indeed. And now you are an example of "a creative approach" in the annals of Lakewood history!

Apr 20, 06 2:26 pm  · 
Auguste Perret

Wait a second, if sheri24 is 14 and I've been communicating with her online, am I in trouble with the law? I hope I'm not turning into one of those guys that gets caught on ABC's Newsline.

Apr 20, 06 2:41 pm  · 

woohoo Orhan! Where in lakewood will the project be?

Auguste- that depends on what it is you've been 'communicating' ;) Ground rules.... 1)no arranging a meeting for any purpose, esp. not sex, 2)do not mention sex around sheri, 3)even if you get really mad, never say, "fuck you", or "fuck off", or "go fuck yourself", because it could be misconstrued.

I actually knew one of those guys. Apparently, he'd asked the 'girl' (who turned out to be a 40 year old detective) whether she had braces, so he could be sure his equipment would be safe, before arranging a meeting with her within two hours of meeting her online. Wierd thing was, I always saw him as a very solid/together sort of guy, no hint of instability whatsoever. Though I could see where he might have trouble getting laid, being short and having prematurely receding hairline. But still. Jesus Christ was that a shock to open the paper to that and go, "wait, is that?....."

Apr 20, 06 2:55 pm  · 

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