
need new!


As some of you may have seen S+D Arch up in Santa Barbara is in dire need of new designers/ draftspeople immediately!! I thought I'd post something in the hopes of getting some cool people to come to work here. A good friend of mine who works at the office is leaving and it would be really great to get some energetic young people (or sarcastic a-holes, as long as you're funny) to spice up the office atmosphere. Requirements: drafting skills (obviously), rubber band shooting skills, a good sense of humor, and ability to put up with your normal office bullshit. It would also be great if you like alt. rock, emo, or anything non-snoozy so someone can stand beside me as I battle for music rights. I myself am a recent graduate and I've only been working here for a few months, but we have some pretty good projects and our office is about a block from the beach. Usually laidback office atmosphere, but currently we have some high-stress individuals infecting the scene and it would be great to counteract that with people that can make any situation fun and enjoyable. If this is you....apply now!!!! We need at least 2 new people so your chances are very good. If you need insider advice on how to apply or interview suggestions just ask! Afterthought: It would be great if you are a hard worker, self-motivated and all that junk (most of the people in the office are...and it's no fun to work with a slacker), but also know how to have a good time while you're working.
p.s. even though we are in S.B. we do modern buildings...check out the website for details.

Feb 1, 06 8:08 pm

... let's just all put our job postings here in the discussion section and totally ignore the "jobs" section of archinect

hell, i guess it's entirely okay to shoot for an unfair advantage over the other 350-400 firms who have placed legitimate job ads over in that other section of this site

but hey, i guess i'm just being totally unreasonable ... surely, my firm's the only firm (besides this clown above) using archinect to help find qualified people

Feb 1, 06 8:41 pm  · 

th job seems like too much pressure to be happy all the time...

Feb 1, 06 8:47 pm  · 

wow...someone is bitter...

You know what? The firm I work for has a posting...however, someone like me doesn't really have a say in that now do I? But really... I am trying to survive in this office and currently am anticipating needing help...and some people to make the day less of a burden.

Disclaimer: my office has a legit posting on this site, and I am acting on my own behalf. Thank you, and sorry to all those offended.

Feb 1, 06 8:47 pm  · 

wow...someone is bitter...

You know what? The firm I work for has a posting...however, someone like me doesn't really have a say in that now do I? But really... I am trying to survive in this office and currently am anticipating needing help...and some people to make the day less of a burden.

Disclaimer: my office has a legit posting on this site, and I am acting on my own behalf. Thank you, and sorry to all those offended.

Feb 1, 06 8:47 pm  · 
White T. Rash

I had a friend who had been huntin' with his buddy. well actually they's was out at midnight spotlightin deer. aftrn a couple of arrs of not seeing one stupidn deerr they decided to call itn quits. well mu buddy gets b ack in tha cab of his picker up and tries to fire up t he ignition but nothing happins. to make a long story short they discovered a fuse had blown. they didn't have any spares on account the truck was actually "borrowed" from my buds friend's ex-wifes brother. well sincen they was around thirty miles from the nearst tote n' haul they tried to figure out what to do. earlier in tha day they'd been out at the lake shootn turtles with a .22 so there was still a boxn live ammo in the glovie box. well my bud puttin two and two together noticed that the fuse and a .22 bullet were about the same size. he and his bud talked it over a fiew minutes and decided what they hell they only had a thiry mile drive what could happen. so they popped that ole .22 bullet in the fuse box n hauled ass. they had gotten about 15 miles down tha road when there was a lowd pop. my bud looked down to see himself bleedin' in the nether regions. apparently the .22 bullet had heated up enough to set off the primer and shot my poor buddys nuts clear off. in a fit of panic and not payin a bit of attention to where he was driving he drove that picker up right into a bridge girder and killed them both instantly.

Feb 1, 06 10:21 pm  · 

git r dun!!!

Feb 1, 06 11:00 pm  · 

I read that story in the darwin awards, at least a year ago, its probobly even older though. I think it was in the unproven section, which is esentially the urban legend section.

Feb 2, 06 12:17 pm  · 
"But really... I am trying to survive in this office and currently am anticipating needing help...and some people to make the day less of a burden."

your situation is not much different from 95% of the other people who visit here ... see How does your office deal with the spring rush? ... i agree with jabber 100%

Feb 2, 06 3:48 pm  · 

Why are you people so reactionary and indignant? If you didn't like a post, why not keep it to yourself and say something worthwhile someplace else? This sarcastic bullying thing that seems to be such a trend on this board is getting really tiresome.

Feb 2, 06 3:54 pm  · 
White T. Rash

i had heard that ole bert had won some sort of post mortem award. at least that is what tha newspaper said anyway.. it's been a few years since the accident. ole barbie (that's her real name not the doll) is still really up set when someone brings it up. just the other day we was outside chewin' us some tabaky at the pitstop and my friend horis was repeatin tha story when barbie comes walkin up. boy was she pissed wonce she realize what ole horis was tellin. she slapped him so hard one of his teeth came out. i only tell the story here because i know barbie don't have no internets at her trailer.

Feb 2, 06 4:10 pm  · 

i agree wonder k. redline is just trying to help some people here get a job and help his office. maybe he shouldn't have posted it here along with his office posting it in the jobs sections, but man... ruthless.

Feb 2, 06 4:13 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm totally in agreement with WonderK. You tell 'em, girlfriend!

Now everyone go have a drink on vado's thread and let's settle down.

Feb 2, 06 4:57 pm  · 

post by "WonderK" on 1-23-06 at How dysfunctional is your office? "I will say that my last job was way screwed up, like the ones you guys were talking about. It was one guy's fault though, and he got fired, 6 months after I left....ha ha. Love that."

post by "e" on 1-13-06 at AIA members: how much do you pay? " ...what a scam. a couple of fee mags and a few pennies off their events?"

post by "Liberty Bell" on 1-31-06 at The "UGLIEST" skyscraper I have ever seen !! "As a building it's really ugly: ungainly, stumpy, squat, and gold. Ugh. It is also sort of an anti-phallus, no?"
Why are you people so reactionary and indignant? If you didn't like a post, why not keep it to yourself and say something worthwhile someplace else? This sarcastic bullying thing that seems to be such a trend on this board is getting really tiresome.

Feb 2, 06 7:23 pm  · 

wow. look jabber, i try to be respectful to people. am i always? probably not. none of us are perfect. we all have bad days. futher down in that same thread you use to point the finger at me with, my words to abra illustrate that point when he apologized to quizzical:

"abra, from time to time we all say things we shouldn't, but to admit fault takes the character of a wise and decent person."

i apologize to citizen for my comments. they were in not very help to him/her. and if i offended him/her, i am sorry.

lastly, i stand by my comment above. i think redline was only trying to help.

Feb 2, 06 7:53 pm  · 
liberty bell

Wow, jabber, you put me in such great company!! Thank you!!!

PS We all make nasty comments on occasion - but directing them at an individual is very different from directing them at a topic.

Feb 2, 06 7:57 pm  · 

jabber, i agree with lib and WunderK, so please, let loose on lil ole moi...

Feb 2, 06 8:05 pm  · 

wow, first everyone hates santi C., then everyine is taking a playful jab at self-pity or ( shiver ) accusing buildings of not being phallic. my god, where is this world going?

damn reactionaries! romans!

Feb 2, 06 8:10 pm  · 

I am always happy to be placed in the company of lovely lady liberty.....

I wish I had that kind of time on my hands, going and researching other people's posts and what not. Oh well. Happy to be a roman.

BTW, I'm still happy that guy got fired. If any of you had worked for him, you would have been too. So that wasn't actually sarcasm or bullying. It was sheer glee. But I digress....

Feb 3, 06 12:39 am  · 
liberty bell

WonderK you and I gotta stop working so late!

Feb 3, 06 12:40 am  · 
liberty bell

oh BTW jump your post made me giggle.

Feb 3, 06 12:41 am  · 
job job

i dunno, seems Kmart was happy enough ripping into the individual that just discovered the work of ridley scott.....

just saying......

there's no way people get along anywhere - i'm not a social 'scientist' (btw, where's the science in that) but i'm know that in any given situation where you have divergent people, culture and situations, there will be disagreements. The idea of utopia died early last century, about the same time as hilberseimer, and there's no need to feel righteous about it.

i have a suggestion. we CAN be respectful in our disagreements, and we often are, but sometimes it's just funnier to read posts laced with sarcasm and caustic ripostes. especially when it's well crafted - the english language is perfect for this form. french satirists can't compare

this took me 4.3 min during a scheduled coffee break and i don't drink coffee

Feb 3, 06 5:21 am  · 

just for fun, take a moment to distance yourself from the anger you direct toward me in the posts above ... imagine yourself waiting in line for an hour or so to purchase tickets to a popular movie, or standing on-line overnight to buy tickets to hear the Stones, or slowly making your way down a crowded on-ramp during rush hour --- suddenly, out of nowhere, somebody - acting in his own selfish self-interests - shoves himself in front of you in the queue. i'm pretty sure you'd be annoyed and i'm pretty sure that you'd say something caustic ... "line jumping" is not normally condoned

now, reconsider the post above that started this whole debate ... i do all of the hiring for my firm ... i post job ads in every legitimate location where i think i can reach qualified candidates ... i work really hard to find the people our firm needs ... i've got a lot of hard-working, experienced professionals in the studio who already are having to work painfully long hours because there's a shortage of qualified candidates available in our area ... i'm deeply concerned about providing them some help right away and i'm frustrated by the scarcity ... but, i play "by the rules"

in this context, "redlines_suck" is a line-jumper ... his post annoyed me and it still does ... acting out of selfish self-interest, he tried to subvert this discussion forum to jump straight to the front of the line ... i called him on it and i don't apologize for doing that

now, i don't really have a problem with "liberty bell" or "WonderK" or "e" ... or even "betadinesutures" ... i've read a lot of your posts since i discovered this place and you all make valuable contributions to many threads ... i enjoy reading what you write and i've learned from each of you ... but "WonderK" jumped me for being "sarcastic" and you all decided to pile on ... since i've seen each of you be "sarcastic" at various times on other posts, i saw your criticism as hypocritical ... and, i decided to call you on that too ... and i don't apologize for doing that

but, i am prepared to let this go now ... i've said what i want to say and if i offended anybody (as i surely have) i apologize ... let's move on to something more productive

Feb 3, 06 11:13 am  · 
liberty bell

jabber, in all seriousness: your post above is very well-considered and thoughtful and you make good points. Thank you for that.

Often on these forums I find that I want to praise someone for stating what might be an unpopular idea, which is what I did above with WonderK, who is my friend. I still regret not showing this kind of support for le bossman on the thread re: looking for other Christian architects to hang out with, when he took a similar stance as e did above: "back off a little, guys". So take my post above more as support for a friend than a slam on you, if that matters.

And yes now I have to move onto something much more productive i.e. getting ready for the meeting I was up til 2AM last night working on. Damn I'm tired.

Feb 3, 06 11:30 am  · 

lb ... good luck with your meeting ... i'm sure the adrenelin will kick in when it starts

Feb 3, 06 11:34 am  · 

i appreciate your thoughts too jabber. lb is right. my comments were offered more in support of redline who i thought was doing no harm, but just trying to be helpful. peace.

Feb 3, 06 11:38 am  · 
liberty bell

Oh and yeah I also agree with snowi - often the sarcastic off-the-cuff comments are the most fun to read.... I don't want them all to go away!

Feb 3, 06 11:42 am  · 

as long as i'm here, i'm pretty sure sarcasim will remain

Feb 3, 06 11:55 am  · 

i think the thing to consider is this; my only beef with the original post is that it was the persons first?? post and that the job sounds like horror. what i do like about the post is that assuming it was not this individual's first post and they might be a regular, i do appreciate that i might "know" someone at a particular office that has an attractive opening. i think it gives you a little bit of "inside" shot at the position, if we know each other, something that the typical job listing does not offer. i think the general tone of jabber was something not warranted, but hey we've all been known to blow off...

Feb 3, 06 12:26 pm  · 

I think that sometimes when I get to a thread and I see a post by a person, whether right or not, and whether they are new or not, I just like to take a neighborly approach. Especially if they are new and this board might be a valuable resource to them, I hate to see someone chased off because they get made fun of or what not. If you don't know us from this board and you don't know that some of us are tight or have goofy inside jokes from way back, it can be intimidating.

Also I am a female and I can represent the super-sensitive crowd.

But I do like the funny as much as the next person.

Feb 3, 06 1:10 pm  · 


i don't have a problem with the job post in this section... I think this is an open forum and things should be discussed freely.

Away with the boundaries of convention! Yours was not the typical job ad posted by some hr, I find that its ok to find it elsewhere...

Thanks for the job tip. As someone in search of a new job, I appreciate your insiders link.


Feb 3, 06 3:02 pm  · 
job job

and nobody likes emo kids, unless they're real cute, but then you have to drag their pale butts behind you as they most likely don't wake up til noon, and eat all the yoghurt

sorry redlines - this thread really isn't about you anynevermore... plus i'm taken so don't send me any poetry it would never work out because every time you'd annoy me with your whining i'd play 'holes' by mercury rev to put you to sleep, and then watch lost in translation.

lip them, lip them?! -----that bill murray is such a funny guy

but he's, like, really old

Feb 3, 06 3:14 pm  · 

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