
racist remarks from the bossman


i am wondering what other people would do (especially people of the brown persuasion). i have found my boss to be a loudmouth hothead who is stubborn and condescending all at once. this is, however, the least of my problems. in fact, if it were just this, i would definitely not think too much of the work situation. he seems to make a slurry of borderline racist remarks all the time, which make me pause but don't make me think too much ("my son needs to be black to make in the basketball team" - "black people have rhythm"-ish comments). but he has ventured into really quick and genuinely racist territory under his breathe. this irks me becasue i have only been here for one month after being unemployed for many. is a confrontation in order? will that really solve anything, or just make him quiet? is it time to bail?

(i am not white by the way and really, really don't appreciate this)

Jun 29, 04 12:55 am

tell your boss hes the reason why we're still using affirmative action, ask him to pack the saddles in the sack and head on over to iraq

Jun 29, 04 1:26 am  · 

ararch - wha?

simian - dude, speak your mind and bring this up w/ your boss, if anything else, it's a resposibility that you have to try to keep racist asshole bosses from spewing their yap. the 'black' comments need to go. period.

Jun 29, 04 1:55 am  · 
David Cuthbert

I have had similar problems, but it is always something difficult to prove. I have shown disatisfaction with the comments but they were taken serious until I put it in writing. I have gotten a few deathly stares since but otherwise its been cool...just tense.

Jun 29, 04 8:15 am  · 
Sam Ovar

Racism at this level is truely insideous. Your boss is probably an intelligent, educated person who may even have had racial awaremess training in the past. The problem with this is it teaches them exactly how far they can push it without falling foul of the law.

In the UK there is a defence known as the "Bastard Defense" ie. I'm not picking on you because I'm racist, I'm picking on you because I'm a bastard. As long as they steer clear of overtly racist language they're off the hook.

My advice: start looking for a new job - somewhere you'll be appreciated and rewarded for your talent and effort, not scapegoated at the first opportunity.

Jun 29, 04 10:46 am  · 
Doug Johnston

I agree about looking for a new job. If it really bothers you (it would really bother me too) then its going to make working there very frustrating, which will make you less productive in all areas of your life including your job. I worked in an office that pumped extreme conservative radio all day, which was full of (in my opinion) racist and religious slander. Everyday i would leave work completely pissed off. The work was fine i guess, but i couldn't stand the people or the environment. I didn't realize how much it was affecting me until i got out of there.

Jun 29, 04 11:00 am  · 

yeah man, lose the job. even if you speak with him and he shuts up, do you think you will really change his dumb ass opinions? the question will loom. life is too short to surround yourself with dumb asses or to have a dumb ass boss telling you what to do and being rascist while doing it. most people work more than they do anything else in their lives. i work more than i see my wife. so, i couldn't accept the fact that most of my time/days were being spent the presence and under the thumb of such a prick.

Jun 29, 04 12:45 pm  · 

The best thing you can do is the best job possible while looking for another job. Then quit. If you become defensive and/or counter-productive, your performance will only reinforce/validate the ideas he has in his head - as distorted as they may be. Crack a whitey joke if you need to let him know you don't like his racist humor, but don't be lazy or change your positive attitude just to share his misery, or it'll be a "told you so" situation....

Jun 29, 04 2:10 pm  · 

P.S. Never heard an African-American refer to themself as "of the Brown Persuasion" Is this a loaded thread?

Jun 29, 04 2:12 pm  · 

if you are living in los angeles or anyother city with a black neighborhood;
tell your boss that you don't mind to drive him to the job site and get off the freeway at the hood. say you got a flat tire and get out the car with your boss to inspect the tire. quickly return to the car and takeoff. leaving the fucker in the middle of it..

Jun 29, 04 2:28 pm  · 

ArchAngel: I partially disagree. Simian should make the best of his current job while searching for a new job, but cracking whitey jokes does not send the message that you disagree with his racist humor. In fact, firing back with any form racist comment will only send the message that this form of joking is appropriate in Simian and his boss's relationship. Different relationships call for different forms of behavior. There are other ways Simian can show his disapproval of the boss's comments. If the boss does not notice Simian's disapproval then it is obvious he dosen't care. Simian should take extra care to be extremely pollitically correct when speaking of any race. If this is truly a misunderstanding as to what type of language is appropriate in this relationship the boss will refrain from making such comments. However, it is most likely that the boss simply does not care what others think and thus it would be in Simian's best intrest to find another job. There plenty of firms that offer a supportive and much more enjoyable working environment then this.

Jun 29, 04 3:23 pm  · 

oa- hilarious....

better yet do it in s. central and leave a black "crips" bandana in has possession.

but seriously,
before you do ANYTHING, make sure you have proof that this is happening and that you have substantial backup on that proof. a witness. a recording. whatever.

THEn and only then- make your move

Jun 29, 04 3:25 pm  · 

thanks for your input. I am not black by the way - but am offended nonetheless by racism. other comments have been directed towards asians - which is what i am. so, yeah.

Jun 29, 04 4:29 pm  · 


Always be professional and well spoken. I would contact the right authorities, who ever that may be. But for sure look for a better working environment. Just my opinion.

Jun 29, 04 4:45 pm  · 
R.A. Rudolph

Am I incorrect in assuming that this is illegal? It seems like it constitutes some kind of harassment, or creation of a discriminatory working environment. I worked for a few years in an office where the boss made "borderline" sexist "jokes"/comments about women all the time. It very much bothered me, but once again the guy was just a prick and an old conservative whitey - somehow I just ignored it and did my job. I wish however that I had had the nerve to either say something to him, or to complain via the established channels that were set up in the employee handbook. The problem was that I felt that all of the superiors more or less had the same opinions and that it wouldn't make any difference. I personally was not often the target of the comments, but my project manager was and it really made me angry. One thing I realized after I left the office was how much it bothered me, though I did not want to think about it when I was there. I have even considered filing a harrassment claim, and spoken to a few attorneys that said I would probably have a good case because there are so many people who witnessed it or were the target of it while I was there. In the end I think it would be too stressfull, but I really regret not saying anything at the time. My advice would be to speak to someone else with authority in the office if you can, giving them a written complaint that details the time of comments, frequency, etc. Real examples are best. Depending on the size of your office, this may or may not help. At the very least it would establish that you were aware of it and complained in a correct fashion - you will want to be protected if you are ever let go for complaining about it, or reacting in a way that is undignified (yelling and running out the door?), or just for being yourself (if they really are that racist, who knows). You may also have some recourse if you quit because you felt the environment was to difficult to work in (if you want to claim unemployment or initiate a lawsuit).

Jun 29, 04 4:55 pm  · 

Rudolph, I agree that Simian shouldnt react in a way that is undignified but why wouldnt you file a harrasment claim even if it "would be too stressful", you're sending the wrong message to your boss that this kinda behavior is acceptable.

If you can't beat your boss at his own game then my best advice is to gather all kinda evidence to support your case against his racism.

Jun 29, 04 7:17 pm  · 

The problem is, I'm not so sure Simian has anything to claim according to his examples, "my son needs to be black to make in the basketball team" - "black people have rhythm"-ish comments" He's going to have to prove some type of damages. These comments were not even directed toward him so I'm not sure they can be considered. I guess there is a possibility that you could claim some type of uncomfortable work environment.. but harassment... not with these examples. One the other hand, from the sound of the boss's character he might slip up one day and direct a comment to you Simian. That's where lugging around a tape recorder in your pocket everyday for a year will benefit you. Unless there is more to the story than what has been told, Simian's best bet is to find another job or start building a stronger case before he blows the whistle.

Jun 29, 04 7:28 pm  · 


Why not write a letter to a higher-up (if there is one?). If you're afraid of losing your job, submit the letter anonymously. I doubt they'd figure out figure out who the little birdy is.

Jun 29, 04 7:54 pm  · 

One problem is that this is a tiny firm as well. so, there really isn't any other higher up. it is a 3 person firm. I appreciate all the input though.
it's funny how this stuff works. i wouldn't tolerate anyone on the street saying some of this stuff, let alone my own boss. but these office dynamics make for difficult situations

Jun 29, 04 8:47 pm  · 

You should not be a part of a 3 person firm where behavior like this is a regular occurance. Such a small firm needs very open communication, and you need to be working towards the same goals as the boss. I can't see a way out of this situation - partly because some of the previous advice given might not work in a small firm - other than to call him on it very calmly and confidently. Then, find your new job.

Jun 29, 04 11:40 pm  · 

Ddot's right. i work in a place of that size. in mid to large size firms, you might be able to apply pressure to the situation in one way or another, but in a firm of that size, it just takes one to ruin the vibe and working relations of the office, and unfortunately it's the ass who owns the place. be gone.

Jun 30, 04 12:15 am  · 

i wonder why so few people have suggested to go to the boss and just talk it over calmly, that since you are also a 'minority' it would be a bit appreciated if he could go easy on the racist comments. At that point you should have a pocket recorder, just to catch any crap he might spew on you...
if not, then im sure he will get the message quickly and not screw around with these types of comments anymore.
but important thing before venturing into our litigation-happy mode of society is to talk to him - if he does not listen, then you could exercise the tougher option.
if you are valuable enough, he will not fire you, and if he does, you have the tape recorder all set up!!!

Jun 30, 04 6:48 pm  · 

very cunning, sameolddoctor, i agree! :)

Jul 1, 04 12:40 am  · 

yes. that is something to be taken into consideration. it just irks me that the net result of a confrontation will mean he will just be supressing his true sentiments. which is better than nothing i suppose but it is a good thing to be open about.

Jul 1, 04 4:36 am  · 

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