
Anyone here ever.....


...been to prison/jail/correctional facility/lock-up ?

for any period of time ,any offence ?

and No.. rehab doesnt count.

In India, the cops whack you with sugarcane sticks..It stings like hell and leaves no marks as evidence for you to report to human rights activitists.

how's it like over there wherever you are ? .....any special experiences..any fond memories ?

Jan 16, 06 2:10 am
sporadic supernova

Well never been to prison.. but came close to it a few times..

my worst one was when i was in Chennai (India) and was speeding on my motorbike during a new year's riot . one of the cops took out his baton ... ( you know... the six feet ones the riot cops use) and slamed it onto my chest. well i'll never know who the a**hole was .. but i had a fractured rib bone and elbow for memory !!!

Jan 16, 06 2:33 am  · 

Nope. Got teargassed at my college graduation and had a redneck Sheriff in Franklin County, Indiana put a gun in my face. Separate incidents. Both significantly diminished my eagerness to have further contact with law enforcement professionals.

Jan 16, 06 2:54 am  · 

Janosh..You got teargassed at your college graduation ?...whoa..wowie......Thats something ! !

thought i was the only architect who rioted over here!
Please tell me more.

Jan 16, 06 5:29 am  · 

what's this about rioting architects?... I've never heard of such a thing. (not sarcasm)

Jan 16, 06 6:25 am  · 

In the back of paddy wagon twice, the first time in handcuffs. And in a police station holding cell for about an hour until they figured out they got the wrong guy.

Jan 16, 06 11:11 am  · 

yes been. more than one less than a dozen times. from 8 hrs to 18 days. all for public drunkness, brawls, outstanding warrants on unpaid traffic tickets and first ever was for gambling @ the age of 16 in turkey. same jail, different countries. lancaster facility was the nicest with all time yard access and there was a ward cat, a homely touch. many home boys selling cigarettes. bbq chicken was served more than once. a lot of counting time. good chess and card players. all drugs were available for different prices. good waste of taxpayers money, feeding a guy for some time on unpaid j walking ticket. i do not miss it.

Jan 16, 06 1:39 pm  · 

i've been in a city jail twice...the longest period was 12 hours...they serve milk, burrito, and an apple like junior high school cafeteria food...there were about 12 people in the cell, all were asleep...I couldn't sleep because i did some methamphetamine the night i ended up watching football on the hallway t.v....and i don't watch football...

when i was in there i felt the need to ask for cigarettes...y'know, like in the movies...

the 6x6 holding cell (before they book you) I don't mind as much...because you have a pay phone there and all these passed out drunks sleeping on the floor in awkward positions are fun to watch...really fucked up looking people!

Jan 16, 06 2:46 pm  · 

36 hours in a jail in central queens for a 6 year-old speeding ticket. it was standing room only all night. but the highlight was the stainless steel toilet mounted directly in the middle of the 10x10 cell. some dude was hopped-up on something that caused him to loose proper bowel functions...

worst 36 hours ever.

Jan 16, 06 6:29 pm  · 
Ms Beary

yes, one night. For "Frequenting a Disorderly House" -- basically it means I was at a party and they felt like arresting everyone. Couldn't get me for any more, not even underage drinking as I had just arrived. They ran out of handcuffs so tied my hands together with twistie tie like things. Threw me in the back of the squad car with six other 19 year olds. I had my hair all done up fancy, curled with bobby pins and hairspray, and piled on top of my head. They took all the bobby pins out so my mug shot is quite funny. Perfectly sober. One of my friends that was smart enough to jump out the window came and bailed me out at like 7 am.

Jan 16, 06 7:02 pm  · 
Sean Taylor

Yes. . . Juvi for one night. DUI

Also was maced at a brawl between some of my friends and some other drunk guys. Sucks to be maced.

Jan 16, 06 7:25 pm  · 
Queen of England

Prison? We are the Queen!

Drugs in prison are 'whooped' in, anyone who knows what I'm talking about has likely done serious time.

Jan 16, 06 8:32 pm  · 

Wow! You guys are all naughty. I haven't been in a cop car since I was 15. And I've never been to jail.

Jan 16, 06 8:56 pm  · 

No, but I can run like the wind.

Jan 16, 06 9:02 pm  · 
le bossman

abracadabra you're probably the coolest personality on archinect. i can't believe i haven't been to jail. but i guess it's just my dumb luck.

Jan 16, 06 9:11 pm  · 

my girlfriend came to visit. there was an quanset that was used as visiting area. not knowing the rules we kissed. boy the hell broke loose and we were seperated and my visiting priviliges were ended. news traveled to ward really fast and upon my return, i had a hero's welcome. man who kissed a girl.. big time jail fame.. all the homeboys were my friend from then on. i got out a week later. after finish reading '1984' by orwell, which made its way to county jail, ca. 1983.

Jan 16, 06 9:41 pm  · 

yes i have. in the 3rd grade we went on a field trip to the tarrant county (TX) jail. i saw for myself the unitoilet of which i had heard many rumors. i was scared shitless (pardon the pun). i remember once climbing my neighbor's fence to get my soccer ball and worrying that i would get caught trespassing and hafta go to county and i would have to shit where i washed my hands.

Jan 16, 06 9:47 pm  · 

Jail...Twice...One night each time.
First time was New Year's Eve 1990. Spent the night in a downtown Chicago Jail, formerly located on Chicago Avenue Between Clark + LaSalle. I was "in" with 3 of my buddies after a brawl in a Place Called Eddie Rockets on Division, shortly after midnight. When they let us out the next morning a guy was standing on the sidewalk selling hash - right in front of the Police Station. Since we had never spent a night in jail, nor smoked hash, not to mention ever having bought from a street dealer, it seemed like a great idea at the time. We inspected the drugs which were wrapped in a Dunkin' Donuts napkin (there was also a dunkin Donuts at that intersection at the time) looked like hash - as far as we knew - and we were on our way. 15 bucks seemed a small price to make our night in jail seem worthwhile. We smoked and smoked and smoked that shit all day, nugget after nugget. Later in the evening (we were back in the suburbs at this point) we went to another friends house to share the bounty, and story. After another few rounds of filling our lungs with this thick, nutty smoke, the new guy had brought to the table a handful of purina puppy kibble - it was an exact match....we were smoking dog food all day. Welcome to the city, suburban frat-boy morons!

Jan 16, 06 9:47 pm  · 

nope. Almost got handcuffed for shoplifting once as a teen though. Fortunately convinced the shop police to call my dad rather than cart me off. A series of very lucky events got me out of that one.

My best friend spent a summer in jail while I was in high school. He had the misfortune to be tried as an adult, so as a teen he was one of the easiest punching bags in the place. He was painful to look at for the first couple weeks after he got out.

Jan 16, 06 10:32 pm  · 

nope, but helped a few people out

Jan 17, 06 1:06 am  · 

way to go dudes and dudettes !

An anthology of few of my brushes with law enforcement officials.

( in no particular order , non-exhaustive list..forgotten quite a few)..


1) Drunk Driving a borrowed car without taking permission of owner.
( & driving without license)

2) Pillion to drunk biker who shoved the cop who pulled us over and asked for the license.
(That was the worst, cos where I live..its worse than murder to strike any cop in any which way )..they whacked me few times with sugarcane, nevermind what they did to my biker friend.
Luckily his uncle was the assistant comissioner of Police we got out without a 25-year non bailable Terrorist case stamped on us.

3) Arrested with friends by forest department for possession of weapons in part of forest protected by wildlife act.


5)Rioting with weapons

6) Transporting illegal amount of alcohol in trunk of car..

7) Caught while Vandalising public property.

8) Playing audio system too loud in restricted zone.

9) assaulting unspecified number of cab drivers over arguments of excess fare..

10) 2.30 am new year day 2006 ..inebriated ,driving without license and subsequently rammed into cop patrol car.

etc etc..

all the babes here... BUT im NOT a bad guy ok, just been at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Jan 17, 06 3:53 am  · 
vado retro

i shot a man in reno
just to watch him die...

Jan 17, 06 10:50 pm  · 

no. the closest i've been to a prison or jail is driving by that one on folsom. also been by quentin a few times. it's going to sell for a lot someday.
a long time ago a cop on drugs took me for an involuntary ride in the patrol car. his junior partner wasn't on drugs. eventually they took me home.

Jan 18, 06 5:43 am  · 

government: can't live with it, can't live without it. (i'm speaking for the rest of you :-) )

Jan 18, 06 5:49 am  · 

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