
New Year's Resolutions


Ok, it's time once again to make those resolutions that most of us will certainly not keep true. List them here, and down the road we can all laugh at how we still smoke and don't work out. We can have a chuckle at how we drive to our workplace that is 2.5 miles away while our bikes collect dust. Let's enjoy a ba ha ha over how we drink too much... over a drink.

Dec 22, 05 5:22 pm

I won't procrastinate in 2006!!

oh man am I setting myself up

Dec 22, 05 5:58 pm  · 

I need to work on my archinect addiction.

Dec 22, 05 5:58 pm  · 

Adapted from the top ten New Year's resolutions:

"While many people use the New Year as an incentive to finally stop (archinecting), most are not equipped to make such a drastic lifestyle change all at once. Many heavy (archinectors) fail to quit cold turkey but do much better when they taper gradually, or even learn to moderate their (archinecting). If you have decided that you want to stop (archinecting), there is (no such) world of help and support available."

Dec 22, 05 6:32 pm  · 

get license, fast.

Dec 22, 05 9:53 pm  · 
liberty bell

Good luck with that one betadinesutures! You will feel so good when it's done!

I'm gonna drop the five pounds I put on making Christmas cookies.

And be more patient with my son.

And track my billable hours better. Which will probably lead to less archinecting once the dirty truth of how I spend my day is revealed!

Dec 23, 05 10:12 am  · 
liberty bell

Oh and one thing I am definitely NOT resolving to do in 2006 is drink less!

Dec 23, 05 10:14 am  · 

indeed lb.

i will
work more,
play more,
and drink more.

more, more, more in 06.

Dec 23, 05 11:46 am  · 
Queen of England

I dont think I can drink more, or work more, or play more. The Queen has no resolutions for 2006!

Dec 23, 05 12:58 pm  · 

queenie, it sounds like you are drinking plenty already. keep up the good work.

Dec 23, 05 1:09 pm  · 

Well, I have already been losing weight so that's not something I need to decide to do. However I was wondering if I shouldn't drink less. I don't even drink that much to begin with but lately it's been occuring to me that everytime a friend gets me a gift, it's alcohol related....and everytime I'm invited to a dinner party, I'm the one that's supposed to bring the wine/beer/liquor. Does anyone else have this problem? I guess it's not even a problem but I feel like I'm quickly falling into some Bridget Jones stereotype.

Dec 23, 05 3:16 pm  · 
liberty bell

WonderK, it sounds like you're the life of the party - like if you aren't in attendance it's as boring as a party w/o alcohol anyway - so don't worry about it party girl!

Dec 23, 05 3:28 pm  · 

1. Join the fitness club in downtown, doing exercise during lunch time, loose weight from baby and back to shape.
2. Join toast master, practice speaking.
3. Find a good daycare for my son.
4. Fix my old house, which starts to have problems on different levels. My husband and I both busy working, and none is a handy man.
5. Organize a architect group to have lunch discussion every month.
6. Join a mom group to find playmates for the baby.
7. Learning microsoft project software.
8. Learning AutoACD 2006 ADT vis
.... .....
It's going to be a very busy year!!!!!!!!!

Dec 23, 05 3:47 pm  · 

drinking makes life worth living.
i'm raising my glass to u right now

Dec 23, 05 3:48 pm  · 

lb, no kidding, I like that perspective.....well, off to another wedding reception (yes, I know, today. It sucks).

Dec 23, 05 5:39 pm  · 

Lose weight
Spend less time on line
pass LEED test
start on licensing (at least one test by end of next year)
lose weight
enter a competition

Dec 23, 05 5:52 pm  · 

....focus on the great things a career in architecture can offer instead of constantly reminding myself that people half as smart with half the education make three times the money.

Dec 23, 05 6:03 pm  · 

I lost 35 lbs from January 2005 until a few months ago, so I don't need to do any more of that. I was surprised to find that I may actually have some will power. So what now that I have this power?

1. No more red meat? Or less red meat...
2. Less coffee
3. More bicycling/walking in place of car
4. More recording music in place of tv
5. Less talking about architects as a different species to gf. She hates that "us architects do this and prefer that" shit. No alienating talk.

Dec 23, 05 7:07 pm  · 
badass japanese cookie

ginko biloba

Dec 23, 05 7:34 pm  · 

happiness, health, and prosperity

Dec 24, 05 8:40 am  · 
le bossman

running both new york and chicago marathons this year

Dec 24, 05 7:28 pm  · 

i am quitting cigarettes. it has been 5 days so far. i would have smoked 150-200 cigs in that many days. if i succeed, i will exercise in golds gym on tina's card. it is all lined up..

Dec 24, 05 10:02 pm  · 
badass japanese cookie

i resolve to have more patience.

i resolve to start smoking again. and drinking.

Dec 25, 05 3:53 pm  · 

-do some massive weight reduction by starting racquet ball
-get serious about starting my green card process (i know saying this sounds sucky, but i have to get it out of my way)
-start saving some dough
-start doing competitons/some actual creative work on the side

not in any particular order

Dec 25, 05 6:02 pm  · 

cut the sweets in half... and save some dough...

Dec 25, 05 11:44 pm  · 

i'm really bad with resolutions, so i don't bother anymore. i usually can't remember what they were by march anyway.

Dec 27, 05 8:27 am  · 

pray three times a day

Dec 27, 05 12:20 pm  · 
liberty bell

I resolve to stop highjacking threads, especially to talk about "it".

Starting Monday...

Dec 27, 05 3:38 pm  · 

8 th day and still no cigarettes for me.
my mom is 87 and she smokes pack a day. but, she swims in the agean sea everyday for 6 mounths out of a year. thats her secret. and, a lots of organic tomatoes..

Dec 27, 05 4:20 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yay abra! Keep it up and be proud of yourself!!

Dec 27, 05 4:31 pm  · 

thanks lb. so far so good..

Dec 27, 05 4:35 pm  · 

Promise to keep my Big toe nails cut short so that I'm not accused of carrying lethal weapons by the the lady of the house.

Dec 27, 05 6:47 pm  · 

1. get "it" and/or the GF to go along with "it" (here's your threadjacking setup, LB)
2. get a job somewhere that I don't have to drive to work daily
3. learn to do a perfect track stand on my fixie
4. make stuff
5. complete a competition entry

Dec 28, 05 8:48 am  · 

Promise to add some bright colors to my wardrobe.

Dec 28, 05 9:02 am  · 

Quit being a whore and buy more blue tarps.

Dec 28, 05 1:15 pm  · 

get through that pile of books next to my bed
sell all my tv's and start draawing again.
update my portfolio
stop wearing mesh shirts...i dont really wear mesh shirts

Dec 28, 05 2:23 pm  · 
liberty bell

JohnProlly, that response is fascinatingly opaque. I'm not sure if I want you to explain it or not.

Dec 28, 05 2:33 pm  · 

Maybe he just isn't cut out for whoring and has some sort of need for a lot of blue tarps?

Dec 28, 05 3:37 pm  · 

quitting archinect? is there an online support group or forum for those trying to kick?

Dec 28, 05 3:55 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm wondering if the tarps and whoring are related or not? Does he perform favors for guys at construction sites in exchange for their blue tarps, so from now on he's just going to go buy them?

Good luck getting it in the new year, Pixel-who-apparently-IS-cut-out-for-whore-ing!

Dec 28, 05 3:55 pm  · 
Dec 28, 05 4:00 pm  · 

Naw - I use the tarps to keep stains off my furniture.

and yes, I need to quit being a whore.

on a serious note:
I was kidding. I'm happily married with 3 kids.

Dec 28, 05 4:02 pm  · 

Maybe I'm not married and maybe I dont have kids.

But I was kidding.

::braces for internet backlash::

Dec 28, 05 4:04 pm  · 

lb you are making me blush "perform favors"....

Dec 28, 05 4:06 pm  · 

If only I could work my magic on the ladies like I do on the pixels, then I'd be all set!

Dec 28, 05 4:32 pm  · 

Pixel, what you meant to say was:

If only I could work the ladies like I work JohnProlly
Dec 28, 05 5:34 pm  · 

my resolution is to move away from boise.

Dec 29, 05 10:52 am  · 

Sounds like that could be nice

Dec 29, 05 11:31 am  · 

to learn how to speak comprehensibly when I'm drunk

Dec 29, 05 11:59 am  · 

Time to bump the old thread. I'll start.

Resolution #1:
I won't getting duped by the immature ex.

BTW, were any of the above kept?

Dec 4, 06 10:33 pm  · 

To get into Grad School.

This thread REALLY had me confused until I looked carefully at the dates...

Dec 4, 06 10:43 pm  · 

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