
20 Hours Left


well that's about it. started a job about 4 and half weeks ago and i am bolting like a FEMA director standing in the path of a hurricane.

what did i learn? commuting sucks hard, an 1.5 hr commute in each direction is mind numbing. i like my sleep, 5 am alarms really bite. townhomes and custom homes are probably the worst things ever created - in conjunction with the likes of Toll Bros, Hovnanian, etc... - i nearly slit my wrists lengthwise the first day i stepped in here. being happy is more important than any amount of money. having more time to do the things that make you happy and following through with them is more important than any financial success. being free of the guilt of thinking you could beat down your ego and work for a firm like this, stupid me, stupid fucking me.

i am off anew at 5pm 092305.

btw anyone interested in doing designs or competitions together? you know collaborating on interesting work? drop me a line, lets see if we're compatible.

Sep 21, 05 11:44 am

congrats, beta. you're becoming wise. (you gotta make mistakes.)

Sep 21, 05 11:50 am  · 
el jeffe

good for you beta.
what's next?

Sep 21, 05 12:00 pm  · 

knowing to slit your wrists lengthwise already demonstates a deeper understanding of the core issues.

Sep 21, 05 12:01 pm  · 

i thought the same thing....

Sep 21, 05 12:06 pm  · 
liberty bell

So sorry for the rough path, betadinesutures, but you did learn something valuable it sounds like.

Good luck with the next act!

Sep 21, 05 12:11 pm  · 

1.5 hour commute? please tell me you haven't been driving that each day. how did they get you to do that?

Sep 21, 05 12:12 pm  · 

competitions beta? some friends and i recently formed a team for such an endeavor. I was already considering some long distance teammates, specifically, my good buddy +q. but he's busy with the whole grad school application process...

oh, and we're doing it as a welcome distraction from our own less than satisfying jobs...freakin' idealism

Sep 21, 05 12:18 pm  · 

Beta, where were you working? city, state, and company name, please.

K.Hov and Toll do pretty awful, unimaginative things. K.Hov seems slightly better than Toll, but still pretty bad.

Sep 21, 05 12:25 pm  · 

BOTS - that was funny as hell, and yeah i think that goes without saying.

momentum - driving that everyfreaking day, 1.5 here 1.5 back - how? my wife and i thought it would be temporary thing until she found work around here, it never really materialized and i awoke from my dead presidents coma...

mm - i can only say jersey, and feinberg.......

you people are pretty damn supportive, thanks.

ap - that sounds pretty cool...

Sep 21, 05 12:40 pm  · 

the recent gas prices must have been killing you up there with that drive. thats gotta be almost a full tank a day. it wouldn't suprise me if you spent $650-800 on gass this past month (basing this on you not driving a Hummer or Lamborgini).

hope you enjoy the last drive home when your.. what 19 hours now, is up. enjoy the new place man.

Sep 21, 05 1:36 pm  · 

16 hours

and 650 a month is about right.

Sep 21, 05 7:03 pm  · 

You have inspired me to follow suit mr beta

Sep 21, 05 7:53 pm  · 

Here's a little song I wrote
You might want to sing it note for note
Don't worry, be happy
In every life we have some trouble
But when you worry you make it double
Don't worry, be happy
Don't worry, be happy now

Don't worry, be happy Don't worry, be happy
Don't worry, be happy Don't worry, be happy

Ain't got no place to lay your head
Somebody came and took your bed
Don't worry, be happy
The landlord say your rent is late
He may have to litigate
Don't worry, be happy
Don't worry, be happy

Working four weeks at this lame ass job
It took me one whole day to say I was robbed
Don't worry, be happy
Don't worry, be happy

Don't worry, be happy, Don't worry, be happy
Don't worry, be happy, Don't worry, be happy

Sep 21, 05 8:21 pm  · 

good to hear you are giving up the commute. i used to commute an hour each way when i lived on the east coast. it sucked. when i moved to san francisco, i walked to every job i worked at. gawd, i loved it. life is too short to spend that much time traveling to and from a job. good luck beta.

Sep 21, 05 8:25 pm  · 

Good luck Beta. I have to travel approximate 3.6kms to work, and I would find that very difficult to give up. I put in 30L of petrol which lasts me approximately 3 weeks. I leave my house at 8.25am and get to work at 8.30pm. I can go home for lunch, and I can also work more, and still see my family becasue I have no commute time.

Sep 21, 05 8:31 pm  · 

thanks e and dia.

count it down with me people!

14.5 hours left

Sep 22, 05 9:25 am  · 

i'll count it down with you if you'll count it down with me
next week...

52.5 hrs left

Sep 22, 05 10:28 am  · 
liberty bell

Sounds like your countdown to leaving, beta, is the same clock as mine for moving into my new house. Sadly my new house is an utter disaster and near unlivable if those guys I hired don't show up to put in my kitchen in the next two hours!! I better get a door on the one working bathroom before they show up...

Sep 22, 05 10:39 am  · 

deal lars!

liberty your situation reminds me of those house flipping shows...that really sucks....

Sep 22, 05 10:42 am  · 
liberty bell

I lived in an under-renovation house for five years without a kitchen - I was really hoping to avoid that situation this time around, but I guess I can live w/o a kitchen for a week this time if I have to.

Just reminds me of what my clients always have to live through!

Sep 22, 05 10:52 am  · 

lb, did i tell you the one about hosting a derby party with 50 people when we had no kitchen? seriously: no counters, cabs, appliances, etc because we had just sanded the floors. it was an empty room.

over the time without the kitchen, our favorite indian restaurant got to know us really well.

good luck this weekend.

and good luck to you, too, beta and lars. hope you're taking some time out before starting at new jobs.

Sep 22, 05 10:53 am  · 
Ms Beary

yes, take a vacation like me. I'm loving it. Quitting was the best thing that ever happened to me. Stop and smell the air.

Sep 22, 05 10:58 am  · 

yeah steven...
i'm quittin without a job to go to...plan to take my time and
find the job i want... i'm thinking probably a month or two
off...plan on painting (art) a few hours a day and working on the
portfolio and a couple furniture designs...maybe a consulting
job here and there..but it's time for me to get back into capital
A architecture.

and beta...if i did the math right...13/51 left.

Sep 22, 05 11:00 am  · 


Good thing that you're leaving but what were you thinking?

You took a job with a company that produces a newsletter called "Markitect" and positions itself as producing "Market-based Ideas and Designs for Today's Builders and Developers."

How is that worth commutting for? Ugh!

Sep 22, 05 11:13 am  · 

this goes back about two months ago i wanted to increase my bank in order to pay off debt, student loans and shiite like that and while i was working crap i would do the things that kept my mind sane. it was all about the bank - my dead presidents coma. mea culpa and all that.....i was in a bad place in my head, when i think about it now all i needed was a vacation...

Sep 22, 05 11:25 am  · 

enjoy the new places. (beta and lars)

Sep 22, 05 11:33 am  · 

mm i forgot to ask; do you want a copy? we have them on rolls in the mens toilet...

Sep 22, 05 11:58 am  · 

11.5 hours

Sep 22, 05 1:36 pm  · 

larslarson - 8 and 46

Sep 22, 05 4:51 pm  · 

it's gonna be a good friday beta - enjoy the feeling of quiting a shite situation!
congrats and good luck - lose your car keys for a week if you can.

Sep 22, 05 5:07 pm  · 
liberty bell

rayray's right - happy happy happy friday beta!

Sep 22, 05 10:32 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still amazed that people engage in 1.5 hour commutes. i don't drive now, but i used to have a car and i had a 20 minute commute on the freeway. actually not too bad, but even so, i actually found my self screaming in my car for entertainment. i couldn't stand the radio anymore, and the car was sooo isolating. so i just made a habit of screaming as much as possible. nobody could hear me. nobody cared is i was in distress or anything. i'd just let loose as much as possible, kinda like


wow, that felt good...i guess that its been a while

of course, if i could have surfed archinect while driving, i might have kept the commute.

Sep 23, 05 2:10 am  · 

puddles, i feel you on the commute thing. used to drive to my high school, then drive to work, then drive home each day. with about 1.5 hours in the car each day, i felt like i was losing any life i had. i have never been able to just listen to radio since then. (i have to have earphones at work, or i get pissed from having to listen to shitty dj's all day.)

Sep 23, 05 8:52 am  · 

used to ride my bike to work 45 minutes one way when i lived in a small city, now i sit on the train for about 40 minutes and walk for 20 more to get most places in the centre. But it is still MUCH faster than driving. This is a BIG city.

sitting on the subway is a good time for me though. can't take phone calls and nothing to do but listen to music and work things out in my sketchbook.

glad to hear you is quittin an awful job. good luck with the next...

Sep 23, 05 9:15 am  · 

not including lunch;

4 hours

Sep 23, 05 11:48 am  · 
A Center for Ants?

wait for it...

Sep 23, 05 11:59 am  · 

beta, go have a three drink lunch, come back, clear your desk, and say good day.

Sep 23, 05 12:03 pm  · 

e, i'd love to, really i would, but this day is worth $250 and i can use the bread...

Sep 23, 05 12:11 pm  · 

oh, i just got my mailbox today...with my schedule for next week......

Sep 23, 05 12:13 pm  · 

what's next week look like? pure bliss?

Sep 23, 05 12:24 pm  · 

beta, an hourly worker huh? well maybe you should head out for a 5 drink lunch then, roll back in 30 minutes before the end of the day, pack up, clock out, and collect your money.

Sep 23, 05 12:47 pm  · 

i quit a job where i was with students most of the time... the last 5 hours they made a party hat and it had post-its with msgs that would change hourly.

i think the last one was "get me the hell outta here!"

unfortunately i kept working past 5 and so i ended up with "what am i still doing here?"

Sep 23, 05 1:07 pm  · 


Sep 23, 05 2:50 pm  · 

hell yeah beta! good for you, soul is crumbling because of the job i have...i gotta jet soon...

are you doing this blindly or do you have some cash saved up?

Sep 23, 05 2:58 pm  · 


thanks for taking this ride with moi

til then.

Sep 23, 05 3:48 pm  · 

t-minus thirty minutes?

Sep 23, 05 4:29 pm  · 

11 MIN

Sep 23, 05 4:51 pm  · 

8 minutes!

Sep 23, 05 4:54 pm  · 

and now, bet's making that last long drive home.

Sep 23, 05 6:13 pm  · 


you're safe, safe, safe....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sep 23, 05 6:15 pm  · 

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