
The SOM "Freedom Tower" embarrassment


Looking back, I agree at least Foster's design looked like something with some thought. My only concern with it then and now is the sheer scale of it. I still have my fingers crossed this debate will continue to heat up, and with so many calling it crap, that the powers-that-be will decide it's not going to be a good part of history and elongate the deal until Silverstein gives up or goes backrupt.

May 6, 06 11:11 pm  · 

To be honest I think anything getting built there at this stage is good enough for me. I actually hope this does not heat up anymore, and that they just build the the thing already. The last things we want are more delays and all the other bullcrap. At this stage I don't care what's built there as long as they start building something now!

May 7, 06 7:38 am  · 

albob - do you work at SOM?

"At this stage I don't care what's built there as long as they start building something now"

Uh, ok, we'll only have to look at the damn thing for the next 100 years...!! Sad, very sad. Building sh*t just to get something done, especially when there is no proof there is even a need for the office space (all evidence suggests it will not get leased) is just stupid.

May 7, 06 8:58 am  · 

Well, it's better than a hole in the ground for the next 100 years. I actually don't care whether it's a skyscraper or a park that gets built there, the quicker the hole goes, the happier I will be.

May 7, 06 9:40 am  · 

" " "At this stage I don't care what's built there as long as they start building something now" " "

Well it seem architects just want a new spetacular Innovative design ,Anything with a twisted apearance struttling to transform a Bold attitude acting with words as they was building frames, manifest the sad truth that architecture is more concerned with media than delivering cheap safe houses and just trying to use the computer to do that.
------ Just wait there will be plenty more gloss pictures of the emporors clotches , but as ever, there are no structure underneath no visions no new jobs, no new architecture --- still there proberly be room for a few more museums then when they are done, architecture proven what's it about.

May 7, 06 10:39 am  · 

I'll take the holes and memorial and wait until the dust clears and something worthwhile can be built.

May 7, 06 3:09 pm  · 

it's an obelisk.

May 7, 06 5:40 pm  · 

Its Horrible.

It Showcases America's Ignorance and Naivety Perfectly

2006 and Bin Laden is still out there..until he's captured.... there's no need to build a "freedom tower"

May 7, 06 8:35 pm  · 

There are plenty of other things besides towers that show "ignorance" and "naivete" ... the whole LMDC process reads like something from a Kafka novel ...

May 7, 06 9:03 pm  · 

I kinda agree, parallel38.

However, capturing Saddam was pretty sweet. On top of that, Arafat has gone bye bye.

And the greatest revival is happening with the Kurds in the middle east.

The USA has triumphed to an extent. Why not have a building symbolizes and reflectes that. I don't mean a big shiny obelisk.

May 7, 06 10:20 pm  · 

the obelisk refrence certainly interesting, allthough it tends to remind me of the transplanted obellisks of london and paris, which were also erected as memorials to a 'triumph'. dunno if i'd be all that happy with the 'freedom' tower referencing the forms of 18th/19th century colonial least this ones home made i guess.

May 7, 06 11:23 pm  · 

comparing with this one done by Ramus of OMA @Louisville:

The museum plaza have more integrated connection between different parts of the whole complex comparing to the several towers in the Ground zero site. In ground zero, Each tower will be designed by different architects, but they will echo each other or all bow to the freedom tower in order to be connected together ethics?

The museumplaza cost $305 million. What is the budget for the freedom tower?

May 8, 06 3:04 pm  · 

Well, since the freedom tower IS a symbol, then I see nothing wrong with Child's phallus, as its aesthetics do reflect american politics and relentless capitalistic progression. a sad piece of "architecture" for a degrading country.

May 25, 06 3:50 am  · 

the freedom tower is undeniably a symbol... it cannot be avoided... the question is: what kind of symbol could it be? it shouldn't just be more of the same... nothing new says nothing... it wouldn't even make a t-shirt, nobody would care... it has to have an equal positive weight to 9/11's negative weight. which in my opinion means change-- changing how we do things in some way, how people use the building maybe, the urban fabric surrounding it... i think it should be safe, but a safe public space... the memorial of course is good... how do you make it a "living memorial"?

May 25, 06 10:54 am  · 

The gov should really buy the land from Silverstein, then take some time to figure out what is best - an office building, a memorial, or whatever. I am optimistic that there is actually a chance of this happening.

May 25, 06 11:11 am  · 

The gov should really buy the land from Silverstein, then take some time to figure out what is best - an office building, a memorial, or whatever. I am optimistic that there is actually a chance of this happening.

May 25, 06 11:12 am  · 

Mr. Childs has many years of experience in highrise office buildings with a very good track record of providing his clients with economical buildings and the greatest monetary returns for both client and architect. He has learned, as we all should, the benefit of knowing IBC, ADAAG, and BOMA forwards and backwards. This is the development of the architect.
We all should take notice and use Mr. Childs process as the standard of architectural practice. The architectural field is leading the community to a brighter tomorrow with the stellar leadership of one Mr. Childs. If we all can follow his example, who knows what possibilities lay in store for all our professional development. It is indeed a magnificent time to be practicing Architecture. So let's work together and shoulder the load, we can do it!

May 25, 06 11:45 am  · 

childs knows adaag? hehe. yeah.

May 25, 06 12:35 pm  · 
vado retro

the freedom tower should be 1680 ft high to represent the year 1680 which was when the pueblo indians kicked the spanish and their inquisition(nobody expects the blah blah blah) back to mexico. and it should be built out of adobe which was a technology that the spanish brought over. wouldn't that be a kick in the head. oh and it should have a kiva shape...

May 25, 06 12:59 pm  · 

The current design is still a complete joke. The world is being robbed of the oppertunity for innovatively-creative Architecture. I am personally sick of the plain, industrial, that's good enough-we'll just use that, mentality.
After 9/11 people have been focusing to much on the negitive---debt, death, destruction, loss, etc.
Why not focus on the positive, there is plenty to be excited about---progress, new technology, promise, victory----and what's wrong with a little bit of FAITH! Dream, get inspirerd for God sake.
Quit being sarcastic and be critical.

May 25, 06 1:57 pm  · 
vado retro

victory? now who's being sarcastic. unseating a despot who was supported by us for years is hardly a victory. afganistan is still controlled by warlords and the taliban yes remember them? outside of kabul. we have one nothing not even the pr, which was supposed to be our greatest strength.

May 25, 06 2:10 pm  · 

wait. i thought we had victory?

May 25, 06 2:18 pm  · 
vado retro

mission accomplished! i was able to tie my tie!!!

May 25, 06 2:21 pm  · 

mission accomplished! i spoke while walking!!!

May 25, 06 2:33 pm  · 
i still feel like they need to get away from the idea of a tower altogether.

buld an airport?

"freedom tower" sounds hokey. makes you imagine a building covered with paintings of chairman Mao's visage

2.6 million square feet/60 floors of office space is way too much. who in the hell is going to want to be a sitting duck on a site the has a history of being attacked?

not quite lightning striking twice. but seems unlikely. but,but, i wonder how people (new yorkers?) will feel if the new project is significant sabotaged?

especially as we keep insisiting on arousing anti-american sentiment with our actions overseas.

i suppose that the good thing, if you could call it that, is that the Freedom Tower will probably only last a few years before somebody decides to blow it up again.

yeah, the archinect gang.

May 26, 06 4:27 am  · 

who said the palace of the soviets would never get built

May 26, 06 5:11 am  · 

Freedom!!!!!!! tower.

May 26, 06 11:51 am  · 

it must be built

May 26, 06 12:03 pm  · 


Whoever thinks I'm being sarcastic is despondent.

I repeat "what's wrong with a little bit of FAITH!"

If your not the least bit optimistic or hopeful your perfidious.

Do you have no pride or dignity???

Iraq has 18 districts, 15 are defined--by Iraqi Gov't and US military as peacefully settled. Women and girls are getting an education, there is free running water, 24/7 electricity when before there only had it 8 hrs. a day. We've helped rebuild hospital, clinics and homes. Religiuos bias is dying. Besides, the news won't tell you that over half of the population is happy with US military pesents and how much they appeciate the US and President Bush. There plenty to be positive to think on. Oh, and Afganistan, the media will only tell you the majority of man power we have there is intelligence. WRONG! Do you know where those warlords are........hiding in caves, IN CAVES. Cowards!
A country is thanking you and all you can do is point the fingure and say '' Your being sarcastic".

Ok, Ok, sorry for venting but its all true.

May 26, 06 11:09 pm  · 
vado retro

rummi: have faith saddam we'll get you that gas to use on the iranians.
saddam: oh i do have faith rummi and thanks for that thesaurus. i never knew that perfidious meant lacking in faith. wow. and hey tell your president raygun not to be despondent. we are killing those iranians left and right thanks to your nerve gas and weapons technologies.
rummi: wow you guys sure have a lot of clinics and hospitals. with women doctors too. now that is unique for this region.
saddam: well you got to be optimistic rummi. there's some nut named osama who wants me dead.

May 27, 06 12:26 am  · 
vado retro

one definition of faith: belief that is not based in facts or evidence.

do't get despondent but, according to patrick cockburn the independent's iraq correspondant since 1979, only three of the 18 provinces are "safe" and those areas that are safe are under the control of whichever militia that holds the area. these militias have taken over local services and get tribute money to keep folks safe from the kidnappers, gangsters and rival militia death squads.

perhaps you have faith that the government of iraq which is rife with corruption and divided by ethnic and sectarian differences would be able to function for a week without the presence of an occupying army.

perhaps its perfidious of me to site that in basra a person is assinated every hour on the hour or that 50 people get murdered everyday.

have confidence afganistan's economy is turning around as the warlords have purchased some nice mercedes suv's with their opium and heroin profits.

the beauty and the truth of nation building...

May 27, 06 11:07 am  · 

Yes, but faith is strengthed by the evidence of things, hoped for, succeding.

May 27, 06 2:41 pm  · 

listen, my picture was a rather light-hearted attempt at mocking those who conflate this "war on terror" with our military actions in iraq. it's cliche at this point, but seriously, how are so many of us supporting our troops? the support our troops ribbon has become such an empty symbol, much like a tower that is 1776 feet tall.

does anyone remember early proposals to leave the memorial, to leave the site empty, or leave the slurry wall excavated slurry wall exposed? what's left is soulless, commercial and undignified.

May 28, 06 9:07 pm  · 
vado retro

thank god we live in a country that allows us to create soulless and undigfied work that is generated by the all mighty price point. you rock amerika!

May 28, 06 11:48 pm  · 

Oh, please can-it vado. You can thank yourself for living in your own envrionment of verbose dissonance and putrid standardization.

I agree colcol, unfortunately the ribbon only means something to those who are missing someone or has already lost someone to this war. Your pic just hit me hard, a little. The design of the Freedom Tower means more than a symbol to me. I lost to many friends the to 9/11 and I have friends in Iraq and Afganistan. Thank God, half of have come back with nothing more than broken bones.

The number ''1776'' stands for a diffrent type of freedom---- independence. We need a memorial that stands for another type of freedom----freedom from fear. That's why the site can't be left empty and we can't build it the way it was. That would be saying we can't move-onward or it didn't even happen. The design needs heart and soul or it is dead.

Let's quit sobbing the blues and start swinging to jazz. SO FAR, WE HAVE WON!

May 29, 06 12:59 am  · 

Oh, please can-it vado. You can thank yourself for living in your own envrionment of verbose dissonance and putrid standardization.

I agree colcol, unfortunately the ribbon only means something to those who are missing someone or has already lost someone to this war. Your pic just hit me hard, a little. The design of the Freedom Tower means more than a symbol to me. I lost to many friends the to 9/11 and I have friends in Iraq and Afganistan. Thank God, half of have come back with nothing more than broken bones.

The number ''1776'' stands for a diffrent type of freedom---- independence. We need a memorial that stands for another type of freedom----freedom from fear. That's why the site can't be left empty and we can't build it the way it was. That would be saying we can't move-onward or it didn't even happen. The design needs heart and soul or it is dead.

Let's quit sobbing the blues and start swinging to jazz. SO FAR, WE HAVE WON!

May 29, 06 12:59 am  · 
vado retro

"No money for ornamentation" was the message Root received from Brooks. And thus the modern skyscraper was born. Oh the putrid reality of the speculative office building.

Perhaps the opening track of Kind of Blue...

If there's anyone experiencing any cognitive dissonance here, its definitely not me.

May 29, 06 8:19 am  · 

You wish and you would, vado.

Thank you architorturealist!!!!!!! I love you, well you know what I mean.
Believe me, it takes balls to point out the reality of-lack-there-of in American Architecture. Especially in the Freedom Tower design.

It ''falls terribly short of anything that we can have an emotional attachment to...''

I most definitely agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We need a tribute not adulterated impertinence to honorable sacrifice.

May 29, 06 10:41 pm  · 

Sorry, I'm venting again.

May 29, 06 10:42 pm  · 
vado retro
May 29, 06 11:11 pm  · 

I actually think the original design was quite good, except for the bird cage on top though. I remember seeing a photoshoped rendering that showed the original but with floors up to the top. It looked great and that's what should have been built.

May 30, 06 9:09 am  · 

I'm not even hot for the original, and you're right, I can't tolerate the bird cage.

May 30, 06 10:01 am  · 

I may have missed this being mentioned here, but the 7 WTC just opened, and it cant fill even 1/5 of its rental capacity.

story, images

And even the memorial, which I thought was at least very decent, is having trouble getting (into) the ground.


Im beginning to think there really is just no need (and perhaps never was one) for giant office building down there. I mean obviously, we were just entirely misled as to the actual demand for that space or the total debacle thats marked every part of this process has driven all the investors away.

May 30, 06 10:23 am  · 

It seems to me the opportunity to build a suitable monument to the victims of 9/11 and at the same time set a dignified and thought leadership role in defining american architecture has been missed. In fact you could say this building epitomises the difficulty in designing a building that is part memorial and part commercial.

My personal opinon is the entire space should have been given to the people of New York with a giant skyborne park at least 100 storeys high being built instead of another skyscraper. Mies Van Der Rohe is turning in his grave....

May 30, 06 11:21 am  · 

yeah, if they can't fill that building how will they ever fill the 'freedom' tower?

May 30, 06 11:21 am  · 

my prediction (noted elsewhere), and I am not alone:

No demand, banks pull out funding, Silverstein goes bankrupt (or, rather, this project does)

Building put on indefinite hold

Manhattan realestate market cools, further lessening the demand

5-10 years from now there will be a competition for something (an 'idea' competition)

Someday it'll be part park, part tourist attraction, part museum, part retail

May 30, 06 12:22 pm  · 
vado retro

trace have some faith man. fight the perfidy!!!

why people see a freakin skyscraper as a symbol of anything other than a phallic power statement by either the company or the developer or both that builds it is beyond me. that's what they are and what they have always been. its only since two were destroyed that the idea of the skyscraper as a symbol of freedom has been suggested. seems to me that the statue of liberty works well enough in representing this idea(l).

May 30, 06 12:59 pm  · 

I do have faith. I am optimistic my prediction will be true and everyone will be able to evaluate things objectively once Silverstein is out of the picture (and SOM).

I dont' care what is built, really, as long as it's a great piece of architecture. But I think a park and cultural attractions would better serve NY than an office tower. They'll build more office towers on other sites, anyway (there are plenty going up in NY now anyhow).

May 30, 06 7:04 pm  · 

"building put on indefinite hold" sound really scary to me. Here's my ideal (although unrealistic scenario):

-Freedom tower gets ditched within the next month.
-A new competition is set up, by december this year a new design is chosen. Something pleasing to the eye, and pleasing to be around.
- Construction starts as quickly as possible, maximum a year from now.

If we have to wait 10 years before even another competition is considered then I suggest we give up now. Many of us won't even exist anymore when this thing is complete if that's the case

May 30, 06 8:30 pm  · 

real new yorkers use to hate the twin towers. i am not kidding.

May 30, 06 8:34 pm  · 

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